
<hcarty> thelema: Done. That clears up one of the warnings on the admin page.
<hcarty> _andre: Thanks - I'll test and then push it up the version chain.
<_andre> hcarty: done
<thelema> hcarty: I don't mind at all.
<hcarty> _andre: Thank you very much. Would you like to upload it to oasis-db? Otherwise I can do so.
<hcarty> thelema: Do you mind if I remove the ocamlgsl packages from oasis-db? Markus Mottl's official packages are pre-oasis'd and probably a safer thing to keep around at this point.
<hcarty> _andre: Thanks! One more step on the way to getting the oasis-db's packages all OCaml 4.x installable :-)
<hcarty> _andre: Would you mind making an updated uint release? Or would you mind if I uploaded a git snapshot to oasis-db?
<thelema> hcarty: zip has been pushed to upstream, I think the godi community will be able to keep compatibility with both names
<hcarty> thelema: Agreed
<hcarty> thelema: I will once I get either of them properly/somewhat into Batteries :-)
<thelema> hcarty: also, we should probably have a general in_range function, maybe in Ord
<hcarty> thelema: On the zip/camlzip front - I think both zip and camlzip have similar lengths of history.
<thelema> hcarty: send pull requests
<hcarty> thelema: Incubator is my plan for both, unless one or both modules get enough testing and feedback from others before release.
<thelema> hcarty: as for 2.0, very easy to get in as Incubator, without guarantees of stability.
<hcarty> thelema: Bounded is good, thanks
<thelema> hcarty: how about 'Bounded'?
<thelema> hcarty: adding code is much easier than changing/removing anything.
<hcarty> Suggestions for a module/functor for representing values of a limited range (ex. integers from 1 to 10) are welcome from anyone :-)
<hcarty> thelema: I'd also like to get Umatrix ported to Batteries and submitted as well (http://0ok.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/ulib/tree/umatrix.mli)
<hcarty> thelema: I had asked about adding this to Batteries before. I'd like to try to get it in before 2.0, but I don't know if I'll have time.
<hcarty> thelema: Any suggestions for a module name for limited range values? See here for some sample code: https://raw.github.com/gist/3388696/52d29fc5fc918e14f565150be7465b2e06f5ce10/limited.ml


<fasta> hcarty: is there some way to let GODI + odb + ocamlbrew cooperate?


<thelema> hcarty: ah, interesting. I guess oasis didn't have support for that before.
<hcarty> thelema: That's what I gather from the diff
<hcarty> thelema: I think the Object support is for building .cmx and .cmo output.
<thelema> hcarty: you're welcome
<hcarty> adrien: It's the Mantis RSS, which makes sense.
<hcarty> adrien: You're welcome. At some point I subscribed to an RSS with lots of OCaml mantis activity. I don't remember which feed it is, but the results are certainly interesting.
<adrien> hcarty: thanks :-)
<hcarty> thelema: Also, thank you for being a voice of calm and reason yesterday.
<hcarty> thelema: I was wondering the same re:oasis and Object sections.
<hcarty> adrien: On Mantis. I think that there is a patch.


<hcarty> thelema: Cool. I have a note for myself to do the same for ocamlbrew.
<thelema> hcarty: I'm documenting all the environment variables that odb uses
<hcarty> thelema: Those should be documented. Another item for the TODO list.
<hcarty> s/possible/feasible/
<hcarty> thelema deserves lots of thanks for making all of this remotely possible.
<hcarty> thelema: Thank you
<hcarty> Or perhaps:
<hcarty> fasta_: You're welcome!
<fasta_> hcarty: that's certainly worth a thank you.
<hcarty> fasta_, thelema: For what it's worth, ocamlbrew invoked as thelema described works fine for OCaml 3.12.1.
<hcarty> Not the friendliest version string I've seen.
<hcarty> thelema: Yes :-)
<thelema> hcarty: that was part of the version string?!
<hcarty> Although it could be any of those
<hcarty> thelema: I think it's the ( and )
<hcarty> fasta_: It's something in the OCaml source code. It could be patched out, although I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
<hcarty> thelema: Thanks, beat me to it
<hcarty> fasta_: If you specify an OCaml version rather than telling ocamlbrew to pull from Subversion it will do that
<fasta_> hcarty: oh
<hcarty> fasta_: Pulling from an arbitrary svn version an expected use case
<fasta_> hcarty: why doesn't the script simply fetch a release tarball or doesn't svn support that?
<fasta_> hcarty: as such, by using a non-released version, you introduced a problem.
<hcarty> fasta_: Correct
<fasta_> hcarty: but the OCaml release doesn't have that version string.
<hcarty> thelema: The Objective Caml compiler, version 3.12.2+closed (2012-03-08)
<hcarty> thelema: It looks like camomile's build system can't handle the version string that version of OCaml spits out.
<hcarty> The problem comes up when camomile starts to install. I'm not sure why it happens.
<hcarty> fasta_: version/3.12 in Subversion <> the ocaml-3.12.1.tar.gz release tarball.
<thelema> fasta_: hcarty's ocamlbrew code seems quite reasonably written
<fasta_> hcarty: I have installed 3.12 from source myself.
<hcarty> fasta_: ocamlbrew doesn't magically fix compiler bugs or incompatibilities with libraries.
<fasta_> hcarty: so, you are saying that your perlbrew intended functionality is nothing more but a glorified 4.00 installer?
<hcarty> fasta_: I don't know. Perhaps a bug or other incompatibility in version/3.12's commits.
<hcarty> fasta_: The same Makefile:38 issue happens with a clean, ocamlbrew-less environment.
<fasta_> hcarty: then what is?
<hcarty> fasta_: As I said earlier, the environment is not the issue.
<fasta_> hcarty: that was clear for you, wasn't it?
<fasta_> hcarty: I communicated one problem.
<hcarty> Good. Then we're done. Nice work everyone.
<fasta_> hcarty: neither am I.
<hcarty> fasta_: I'm not the one trying to communicate a problem...
<fasta_> hcarty: otherwise you break the abstraction.
<fasta_> hcarty: it seems obvious that every invocation should get a new scratch space.
<hcarty> fasta_: The build directory is a scratch space.
<hcarty> fasta_: That's not relevant here
<hcarty> fasta_: I do.
<fasta_> hcarty: other than that.
<fasta_> hcarty: I don't see any use case.
<hcarty> fasta_: That's up to them. It shouldn't cause an issue.
<fasta_> hcarty: do you want people reusing such directories?
<hcarty> fasta_: I don't see a perfect answer, or even a better answer than the one that exists.
<fasta_> hcarty: I think I already told you a solution for that.
<hcarty> fasta_: I was stating that I don't know how to address the ODB_BUILD_DIR issue.
<hcarty> fasta_: I have. But to repeat myself: "patches are welcome"
<hcarty> Well, ocamlbrew DOES have rocketry in its core. That was intended to be a secret.
<fasta_> hcarty: I am not sure to who I am talking here, but this is really, really basic stuff.
<fasta_> hcarty: in all cases, this is not rocket science.
<fasta_> hcarty: if it is, scream loudly how to get rid of it, but continue.
<hcarty> fasta_: One may wish to separate the build directory from the base directory. Particularly odb's build base since it would generally be used after the ocamlbrew process.
<fasta_> hcarty: if not scream very loudly.
<fasta_> hcarty: otherwise just go to the user specified dir and check whether it is empty.
<hcarty> The same issue comes up with a clean build in a clean environment.
<fasta_> hcarty: the *BASE* directory.
<hcarty> But it looks like that was a red herring.
<fasta_> hcarty: unlikely, because you already have a top-level directory for that.
<hcarty> fasta_: Because someone may want to change that location.
<hcarty> So the issue could be another environment variable that is causing a conflict or some change in version/3.12 that is causing trouble. Or something else.
<hcarty> fasta_: It's set by ocamlbrew's bashrc file.
<fasta_> hcarty: I am not even using ODB_BUILD_DIR myself.
<hcarty> fasta_: As far as I know at this point at least. It's perfectly acceptable to point ODB_BUILD_DIR to another location.
<hcarty> fasta_: It is properly defined.
<hcarty> fasta_: I'm testing "./ocamlbrew -a -s version/3.12" now in a clean environment.
<fasta_> hcarty: the right way to solve this would be to have ocamlbrew refuse to do any work, until its environment is properly defined.
<hcarty> fasta_: Clearing the environment of ocamlbrew and odb environment variables is the way to go here.
<hcarty> fasta_: ocamlbrew doesn't need an existing OCaml installation
<fasta_> hcarty: using the system ocaml?
<fasta_> hcarty: what does work then?
<hcarty> Until those changes are made I should put something in the README and runtime notice/documentation saying that you should not try to do a fresh ocamlbrew from within an existing ocamlbrew environment.
<hcarty> I'm not sure how to address that without significant additions to ocamlbrew. Additions that I would like to make, but haven't yet.
<hcarty> ("it" being ocamlbrew in this case)
<hcarty> So if ODB_BUILD_DIR is set it won't set it to something else.
<hcarty> : ${ODB_BUILD_DIR="$BUILD_DIR"/odb}
<hcarty> Ah
<hcarty> The prefix is set properly but the build directory is not
<hcarty> But it looks like the build directory isn't set correctly
<fasta_> hcarty: so, AFAIK, the issue is that it uses the wrong version.
<fasta_> hcarty: indeed
<hcarty> ocamlbrew/ocaml-svn/version/3.12/bin/odb.ml
<hcarty> fasta_: odb.ml should be in bin/
<hcarty> fasta_: Very interesting
<fasta_> hcarty: because otherwise it will find the 4.00 one.
<fasta_> hcarty: no, from the one containing 3.12
<hcarty> fasta_: From the root ocamlbrew directory?
<fasta_> hcarty: find . -name odb => empty
<hcarty> thelema: And oops, yes you're correct.
<hcarty> thelema: Depends on what options you pass. That's the default.
<thelema> hcarty: really? oops
<hcarty> fasta_: ocamlbrew/ocaml-svn/version/3.12/build/odb/install-${package}/Makefile most likely
<hcarty> Starting over with --debug. Man, it would be nice if ocamlbrew supported picking an installation back up part way through :-)
<hcarty> thelema: Yes
<thelema> hcarty: makefile:38 for you too?
<hcarty> Same error. Interesting.
<thelema> hcarty: that's what I would expect too.
<hcarty> fasta_: It's currently going through utop's build and installation... and just failed.
<hcarty> fasta_: Yes
<hcarty> thelema: They should be the same...
<fasta_> hcarty: for version/3.12?
<hcarty> FWIW, "./ocamlbrew -a" is working properly for me while under an brew'd 4.00.0 environment.
<thelema> hcarty: ah, true.
<hcarty> Or for gildor since it sounds like fasta_ is talking about oasis's output.
<thelema> fasta_: if it's important to you, you should make it sufficiently easy so that `(benefit_of_patch - added_complexity) > work_to_apply` for hcarty
<hcarty> fasta_: I'm trying it here
<hcarty> fasta_: All of the open bugs are more in the feature request category. They are perhaps nice to have but do not affect (my?) use of ocamlbrew.
<hcarty> thelema: A fair point. And I shouldn't feed the trolls. Bug reporting now...
<thelema> hcarty: I admit I'm less inclined to go out of my way for pushy, self-righteous people like fasta, but fwiw, he seems to have calmed down today.
<hcarty> thelema: Indeed. I could spend my time here or there.
<thelema> fasta_, hcarty: if either of you were less lazy, that person would spend 30 seconds typing "continue an incomplete build" into the issues for ocamlbrew on github
<hcarty> fasta_: When it's something I do in my spare time, not as much.
<hcarty> fasta_: If I were spending my workday maintaining ocamlbrew, perhaps.
<hcarty> fasta_: I don't know what that means.
<fasta_> hcarty: bureaucracy
<hcarty> fasta_: ???
<fasta_> hcarty: forgive me, but I get associations of French government workers.
<fasta_> hcarty: so, copy paste the above in a file called BUGS.
<hcarty> fasta_: I don't memorize my conversations with you
<hcarty> fasta_: Because I will forget
<fasta_> hcarty: it's clear what the problem is, no?
<fasta_> hcarty: why doesn't this count as a bug report?
<hcarty> fasta_: Patches are welcome :-) Or a bug report.
<hcarty> fasta_: I agree
<fasta_> hcarty: it's also a problem that it cannot continue a build.
<thelema> hcarty: n/m; Aliases are not expanded when the shell is not interactive, unless the
<thelema> hcarty: reading...
<hcarty> thelema: Do you know if that unaliasing will carry over outside of ocamlbrew's execution?
<thelema> hcarty: maybe ocamlbrew should unalias 'ocaml' before running 'ocaml odb.ml'
<hcarty> fasta_: If you do have trouble with ocamlbrew please let me know. I don't have a lot of time to spend on it but I try to fix bugs when they come up.
<fasta_> hcarty: I think it happens during Installing camomile.
<fasta_> hcarty: ocamlbrew dies with Exception: Failure "_oasis file not found in package, cannot bootstrap." for 3.12, btw.
<fasta_> hcarty: one can also argue that this is an OCaml upstream problem.
<fasta_> hcarty: because if that is the case, OCaml builds will always fail.
<fasta_> hcarty: for ocamlbrew, can you add some logic which tests whether a partial build has already been done?
<fasta_> hcarty: e.g. you could steal the PostgreSQL tree implementation.
<fasta_> hcarty: having a number of different processes with some parallel concurrent tree for the mapping should work fine.
<hcarty> I need to do some tests to find out how long each step takes (creating the file descriptor; mapping the file as a bigarray; reading a value from the bigarray)
<hcarty> The goal is to be able to have a large number of files mapped and ready for random access.
<hcarty> That isn't ideal, but it may be my only option.
<hcarty> diml: I thought that might be the case. Could I use separate processes and pass around file descriptors between them?
<hcarty> diml: Thank you, I'll take a look
<diml> hcarty: you can use Lwt_bytes.wait_mincore to wait for data to be fetched to the cache
<diml> hcarty: access to a mapped bigarray will be blocking
<hcarty> diml: Are you aware of any potential pitfalls when mixing Lwt and Bigarrays mapped to files?


<hcarty> Some do. thelema's work on odb got something usable in place; gildor added oasis-db support on the server side; ocamlbrew shows that you can go from no OCaml to OCaml + a basic suite of libraries without a lot of fuss
<hcarty> We aren't done yet, but odb provided a simple and usable tool that was sorely missed up to its release.
<hcarty> jonafan: odb.ml makes installing Batteries quite simple, under GODI or otherwise. Between odb/oasis-db and opam we are gradually winding toward something we can point to and say, "Here. All OCaml things should be placed here by developers and installable from here by users"
<hcarty> Drakken: Very cool.
<Drakken> hcarty I take back everything I said yesterday about filter_map.
<paolooo> hcarty: yeah :) thanks.
<hcarty> It's a wonderful tool for experimenting and the lessons are helpful too.
<hcarty> paolooo: Ah yes, sorry! I should have pointed that one out too :-)
<paolooo> hcarty: companion_cube: I just found this one. I think this is a good start as well : http://try.ocamlpro.com/
<paolooo> hcarty: I see. Thanks for the nice info.
<hcarty> While it's getting better slowly, OCaml doesn't have the friendly outward face that any of Perl/Ruby/Python have.
<hcarty> paolooo: Marketing and to a lesser extent perceived ease of getting something out quickly
<hcarty> Type inference in a language with static types has spoiled me vs languages like Ruby/Python/Perl.
<paolooo> hcarty: companion_cube I see... what about ruby vs Ocaml? Ruby is really popular nowadays. Why is it OCaml isn't popular as other language?
<hcarty> companion_cube: Well said
<hcarty> I was primarily using Perl and C before OCaml. I still use both Perl and C a fair amount, but these days OCaml tends to be what I reach for first.
<hcarty> paolooo: Safety (vs C and somewhat Java), speed, expressiveness
<hcarty> thelema: I'll leave it alone and address |? again when -ppx is available and supported/stable.
<paolooo> hcarty: ah I see... why did you use OCaml instead of other languages like C or Java?
<hcarty> thelema: I agree regarding |?
<hcarty> paolooo: I have some libraries publicly released. Most of the applications I've written are internal, for my job.
<paolooo> hcarty: awesome... can you show me one? :)
<hcarty> paolooo: Yes, several
<paolooo> hcarty: have you created an application from ocaml?
<paolooo> hcarty: Thank you :)
<hcarty> paolooo: Those should at least help you get started :-)
<hcarty> paolooo: You're welcome. For a quick overview, this page is nice as well - http://www.ffconsultancy.com/products/ocaml_for_scientists/chapter1.html
<paolooo> hcarty: Thanks
<hcarty> paolooo: There are a few. The first chapter of the official manual provides a nice introduction. Jason Hickey's book is useful as well: www.cs.caltech.edu/courses/cs134/cs134b/book.pdf


<thelema_> hcarty: the operator |? thing is a weakness of ocaml; without having if/then/else hoisted through function definition (i.e. syntactic substitution), lazy arguments are a poor hack. Maybe with the -ppx extension in 4.00, this can be done properly
<hcarty> flux: Enjoy the break! And you're welcome - I'm glad it's useful.
<hcarty> flux: Agreed.
<flux> hcarty, it's just that I'm always doing odb.ml | tr ' ' '\n' | grep .. - I guess an option would do but.. I suppose the flipside is that when there will be lots of packages, the default output of odb.ml will be long, but perhaps it should have a separate command for listing available packages and default to usage
<hcarty> flux: And that sounds like csv needs to have its oasis version updated too :-)
<hcarty> flux: (and the updated uint doesn't rely on ospec since it is only needed for testing... still good to have, but not 100% required for a build)
<hcarty> flux: Regarding \n for package separation in odb - I've considered that as well. Given a patch, I would guess thelema_ may agree, or at least be willing to add ' ' vs '\n' as different options for printing packages.
<hcarty> flux: I (or someone else) "just" need(s) to make new .tar.gz archives of the updated code and upload uint and zmq to oasis-db
<hcarty> flux: I have a bug in for ospec and made pull requests on github for ocaml-uint and zmq which were both accepted.
<flux> hcarty, would it be a good feature for odb to list 'available package' separated by newlines instead of spaces? so I can do odb.ml | grep ..
<hcarty> Drakken: Thank you for the comments
<hcarty> I should probably take this to the Batteries mailing list if I'm going to seriously consider it.
<hcarty> I don't know which evaluation form is better. I tend to think less typing is better if no clarity is lost.
<hcarty> Lazy.t would prevent repeated evaluation of the RHS if it is a named value. A thunk requires a bit more typing and forces repeated evaluation of the RHS.
<hcarty> s/and it use/and I use/
<hcarty> My use of |? is sometimes I/O related, but not always.
<hcarty> I don't think I've ever used filter_map for I/O, and it use it often - at least the List version.
<hcarty> A large number of Enum.* values are exposed in BatPervasives.
<hcarty> I've been bitten by the fact that the operator doesn't short-circuit like || and &&. That's primarily where my interest in a lazy form comes from.
<hcarty> More so than the one that isn't lazy?
<hcarty> Drakken: The lazy version of the operator?
<hcarty> Drakken: In some cases, yes. Not always.
<Drakken> hcarty do you expect the rhs expression to be evaluated more than once?
<hcarty> To be more specific - I am curious to hear opinions on whether a |? operator as described above should be lazy or eager when evaluating its fallback argument.
<hcarty> thelema_ or anyone else - Opinions?
<hcarty> This could be helpful for cases like: let do_stuff configuration = let configuration = configuration |? lazy (load_default_config ()) in ...
<hcarty> So the lazy version would be: let ( |? ) a b = match a with Some x -> x | None -> Lazy.force b
<hcarty> A recent question on stackoverflow is making me wonder if making the second argument lazy would be a good idea. That would help avoid unexpected execution if the expressions on the right hand side of |? involves side effects.
<hcarty> I submitted a ( |? ) operator to Batteries which acts like Option.default ("None |? 1" returns 1, "Some 2 |? 1" returns 2). Unfortunately the operator does not short-circuit, so the right side always evaluates.
<hcarty> adrien: True :-)
<hcarty> adrien: You have "LablGtk2 Tutorial" listed twice, each linking to a different tutorial.
<hcarty> adrien: Perhaps, but I think it still looks better than the f.o.o version.
<hcarty> madroach: Lwt provides something as well.


<hcarty> gnuvince: I doubt it. Debian unstable still has 3.12.1.
<gnuvince> hcarty: not even 12.10?
<hcarty> Anarchos: :-) You could always test ocamlbrew on haikuOS if it has bash...
<Anarchos> hcarty i often compile ocaml myself cause there are no packages manager on haikuOS :)
<hcarty> gnuvince: You can compile OCaml 4.00.0 with ocamlbrew if you want to test it. But I expect that it will be Ubuntu 13.04 before OCaml 4.00.x makes it in.
<companion_cube> hcarty: I use functional udpates, but then you need to put the initializers in val
<hcarty> companion_cube: http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/manual005.html#toc20 -- references to self
<hcarty> companion_cube: http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/manual005.html#toc30 -- for the functional update part
<hcarty> companion_cube: Functional updates may do what you want. If not, you can have a "self" value and use it how you described.


<hcarty> s/up and running/compiled and installed/
<hcarty> fasta: If you package ocsigen in a way that is compatible with oasis-db then you can have ocsigen up and running in three commands.
<hcarty> fasta: Then contribute to the build system
<hcarty> jonafan: That's my new guess.
<hcarty> jonafan: fasta is performing a social experiment on reactions to the absurd.
<thelema> hcarty: ack on camlzip META
<hcarty> thelema: You may want to remove the META file in the camlzip repository (trunk/META) if you're going to move to oasis.
<hcarty> Fedora/RHEL uses 'zip' as the findlib name.
<hcarty> adrien: Thankfully (caml)zip is one of the few libraries without an official findlib name, at least up until now.
<hcarty> IIRC, Debian used 'zip' first, but the time difference wasn't that large.
<hcarty> thelema: I had asked both the GODI and Debian folks about the difference a few years ago.
<hcarty> thelema: I saw that email. I think Debian and Fedora use zip.
<hcarty> thelema: That too. Firefox's history completion gets most of the credit there.
<thelema> hcarty: unfortunately, I just got an email from ashish that godi uses camlzip as the findlib name
<adrien> hcarty, thelema: thanks; saved it
<hcarty> adrien: I think that zip is more common than camlzip as a findlib name
<hcarty> thelema: I can open terminals super-fast!
<thelema> hcarty: you beat me to it.
<hcarty> adrien: That's odb
<hcarty> adrien: http://vpaste.net/lHafA
<hcarty> I should add a regex quotation to xstrp4...
<hcarty> madroach: You could use some camlp4 magic to get around the double quoting. Depending on your approach it may not save many characters, but it could make the regexs more readable.


<thelema> hcarty: hmm, it should have been ready; I tried merging the ocaml4.00 branch into master
<ftrvxmtrx> hcarty, there's a branch called ocaml4.00
<hcarty> thelema: I guess OCaml 4.x breaks a lot for Batteries-master. I thought that it was 4.x ready, but that appears to not be true.
<hcarty> thelema: It looks like OCaml 4.00.0 breaks Digest for Batteries?
<hcarty> thelema: This came up while getting ready to test a Float.is_finite patch
<hcarty> thelema: from_hex and compare are said to be missing from batteries.ml line 112
<hcarty> thelema: I get a signature mismatch error when trying to build Batteries-master from github


<hcarty> thelema: Sounds good :-)
<thelema> hcarty: send a pull request with documentation (doesn't have to be long) and some tests; bonus points for testing is_special if it's not tested)
<hcarty> thelema: The question comes because I have found myself writing "Module.filter (Float.is_special |- not) floaty_collection" more often than I would like.
<hcarty> thelema: Would you be opposed to Float.is_finite in Batteries 2.0? The opposite of Float.is_special I suppose.


<wmeyer`> hcarty: So I managed to install OCaml on AC100. However, there were some problems, and I could not fully utilize ocamlbrew. First thing, lack of memory made it swap heavily - until actually I ran in pure text console. Second, gcc had a bug that caused hang during compilation of one file. So for this issues, I think ocamlbrew could have a --continue option, or option of installing everything apart from OCaml. The installation
<hcarty> gildor: When you're around the #ocaml topic could use a refresh for the 4.00.0 release.


<wmeyer`> hcarty: Cheers!
<hcarty> wmeyer`: Have fun!
<wmeyer`> hcarty: Thanks, first I need to get emacs git and my WM, and the browser...
<wmeyer`> hcarty: I don't expect any huge problems in fact