
<Anarchos> zozozo i tried to do it better, but i suffer from some circularities in the module : parser needs formulas and formulas need parser...
<Anarchos> zozozo it suffers its technical debt and lack of refactoring


<simpson> companion_cube: Oh. Yeah, opinion incoming: I'm not on the FP side of things. I'm suggesting that *all* formal provers suffer from a mismatch between what is expressible in their proof languages vs. what we imagine when we are in the process of cognitively understanding the proof.


<ebb> Everyone's package downloads would have suffered otherwise :)


<tobiasBora> Ok I see, thanks. Not sure why haskell does not suffer from this problem then, but thanks. Also, the bind syntax is quite annoying, and I'm not sure how to use a let-based syntax here. Should I replace the "bind" with a let* as defined here? https://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/bindingops.html


<m_oss> XML is suffering


<dmbaturin> Well, even then you can proofread it... which it needs badly as it suffers from artifacts of late night writing. :)


<xvilka> dmbaturin: Debian (and Ubuntu) is the worst. We (radare2) suffer from their policies too


<Drup> (although, I see where he comes from with this, since floating points can be locally unboxed, and thus suffer no penalty, while tagged integers will always have a penalty)


<discord> <Perry> "Its development began in 2003, after Davis suffered from a series of manic episodes that left him briefly hospitalized for mental health issues.1 Davis is a former atheist who proclaimed that he had "communications" with God, and that God told him the operating system he built was for God's third temple. According to Davis, TempleOS is of "divine" intellect due to the inspired nature of the code, and that God said


<Leonidas> it seems to suffer from hidden complexity. not as bad as YAML but still


<orbifx> I think Discord wants everyone onit to suffer.. to see Discord written everywhere...


<rgrinberg> companion_cube: well you said that gmp doesn't provide .a on your distro, with a container you can select a base image that doesn't suffer such a problem


<Drup> barcabuona: except there are plenty of ways to write the same function, almost as conveniently and that don't suffer the same problem


<octachron> companion_cube, true, a "suffering ahead" label is also clearly missing


<companion_cube> anyone willing to suffer and help me write a jupyter kernel library?


<digiorgi> Hi! i new o the ocaml world. I need to write a web applicationvery integrated to paypal and the aws api. Is ocaml ok for this? will i suffer for the lack of threads and libraries?


<aantron> i often just do -warn-error +A and then add -4, -whatever, etc., for the ones that i am willing to suffer :)


<toolslive> just saw that ocisgen.org suffers partial failure.


<osa1> I'm suffering already
<Bluddy[m]> osa1: ocaml is bottom to top. If you don't get used to that, you'll really suffer


<companion_cube> unrelated, but I feel like I'm going to suffer a lot to compile sth on windows :s


<pierpa> "The thing is that experienced users won't see the benefits of the new syntax and will actually suffer from it"


<flux> mrvn, no. resource management in GC finalizer leads to suffering.


<Bluddy[m]> begin is a pain. Why suffer an pay begin in some places where a constant amortized 'end' will solve all problems?


<gasche> there is some relief in letting others get their hands dirty with this thorny problem, but also slight anxiety at suffering the consequences down the road


<hcarty> rgrinberg: I had to write some code for Windows and wanted to write it in OCaml. So it's by choice, but I am/was a suffering OCaml programmer targeting Windows
<rgrinberg> where are all of these suffering ocaml prorammers on windows I sometimes wonder


<zozozo> zarith probably suffers from function call where there are simple instructions for ints (maybe flambda inlining would help ?)


<toolslive> @Algebr : I also suffered from lwt daemonization. We first had the idea to do daemonization as late as possible, but you need to do it before you do anything else that's lwt related.


<ggole> That should both clarify your understanding of GADTs and make clear what I meant when I talked about suffering and type hackery.
<ggole> Kakadu: GADTs are mostly about inflicting suffering on yourself


<Drup> companion_cube: it suffers a lot from over-parens


<Drup> (reactiveData is a project that suffered a lot from you removing hhugo from the world :D)


<ggole> Of course Obj.magic doesn't give you any guarantees, only suffering and death. Still, I was surprised.


<companion_cube> it's not finished yet, and I'm already suffering too much


<t4nk333> I was wondering b/c heard Erlang dictionaries used to implement a set suffer from a practical upper limit...about 1000, due to explosion of comparisons that must be made on every insert.


<dsheets> whirm, performance suffers across the call boundary so you can multiplex a library like that and still win if you don't cross the boundary a lot
<whirm> Yeah, I was thinking that maybe you could have a bunch of instances of the same process-library if it doesn't support mutithreading to increase performance, but if the performance suffers...
<dsheets> performance suffers quite a bit so it depends on your application's needs


<SomeDamnBody> holy cow my code is suffering huuge performance issues


<ggole> Their real application is inducing suffering.


<ggole> Ever had that feeling like your machine hates you and wants you to suffer?
<lewis1711> I wouldn't say it "Suffers"... ocaml was/is popular among the numerical programming community.
<apache2_> unsafe_int_of_float or no_fucks_given_int_of_float would be a better name for a function that suffers from this 'everything is 0' syndrome


<ggole> Poly variants do suffer from strange error messages


<bernardofpc> for example, I had to suffer a lot to discover that I needed a POST service in a button and could not put a POST in a link, even if a link would be more practical
<struktured> so far haven't suffered from that yet


<Drup> "hurdur, I suffer hence everyone should do too" <- that.
<whitequark> so, suffer.
<whitequark> if I suffered, everyone else should suffer as well, and become mad at ocp and their crappy build system


<whitequark> mrvn: bullshit. an implementation without GIL would not suffer from that, for example


<MercurialAlchemi> Tekk_: what if you suffer from paren blindness?


<pippijn> suffers from NIH


<artagnon> It's exposed via the C++ bindings; why should OCaml suffer?


<rgrinberg> "suffer the consequences" might be a little exaggerating
<whitequark> so even if you don't have any connection to haskell or its community whatsoever, you still suffer the consequences


<MercurialAlchemi> well, I'm not under impression that OCaml suffers from the bot problem


<whitequark> your life is suffering. accept it and embrace it


<ggole> I worked a bit on that new destruct feature (which is really neat, btw), and it suffers a bit from this problem too.


<marvin-hh> And, yet, when there is a lack of technical knowledge when someone is doing something related to technology, the business does suffer.


<MercurialAlchemi> but it suffers from slow startups and give-me-all-your-RAM syndrom


<mcc> "the suffering of javascript developers" appears quite high in that search
* ggole mumbles something about build systems and suffering


<ggole> It's an immutable law that build systems spread confusion and suffering.


<flux> adrien, I do think it's impossible. there are tons of subreddits, and probably many won't suffer from the deficiencies as much as you may think..


<Drup> (and don't suffer the whole "just use a tight loop that do not yield to make the whole thing block")
<whitequark> you know the collective noun thing, right? "the suffering of JavaScript developers"
<ggole> Did you suffer?
<whitequark> you will suffer


<def`> whitequark: did you suffer having to learn the 26 characters of ascii alphabet? :|


<arboris> tautologico, ok I'm watching those issues now. At least I'm not the only one that is suffering


<_obad_> BTW do you know if debian has a similar feature? or is everyone suffering through patch lists?


<whitequark> a moderate amount of suffering is appropriate for this situation


<whitequark> also, I believe LLVM will not suffer from the issue that >10 arguments forbid TCO


<ggole> gasche: presumably polymorphic recursion suffers the same problem


<ggole> (CDR-coding suffers from having to admit mutation of the list structure, which an ML can dispense with.)


<gasche> elfring: I think you suffer from a grave case of premature optimization


<pippijn> (which doesn't suffer from separation of knowledge and the consequent redundancy of it)


<ggole> My experience is that GADTs mostly involve pain and suffering.


<dramas> whreas i am using whitespace at the moment and suffering for the lack of editor indicating my scopes


<dramas> i have suffered abuse at the hands of languages that consider whitespace significant


<BitPuffin> Drup: but I read that ocaml doesn't suffer from a stop the world gc like haskell


<pippijn> ok, the stress test does suffer from compare, it's 0.249 with -


<wmeyer> adrien: I'm suffering already :S :S
<adrien> wmeyer: you're going to suffer soon :D


<ggole> Although the data structure I was thinking of would probably suffer the same drawback.


<dsheets> right now, you will suffer a performance hit like 10x but that margin should drop to near 1x with new improvements coming in ctypes 0.2 and ctypes 0.3


<pippijn> MarcWeber: it still suffers from the same old "needs to look at *every* file in the tree to check up-to-dateness"


<wmeyer> I see, no good, it's always bad thing to get a cold, I suffered from that last week, that prevented me in general of doing anything useful


<whitequark> in fact where it isn't, it often suffers from perl ancestrance :p


<ggole> But they don't suffer the same problems


<ggole> Presumably our work will suffer the same fate


<bernardofpc> and I have another example from my own sufferings


<ggole> Deallocated ones can be reallocated as part of the caml heap, confusing the GC and leading to suffering.


<jonafan> i have yet to suffer tk


<ousado> the c++ target suffers from "Dynamic" which basically forces the runtime to expect boxed, untyped values everywhere


<mk270> wmeyer: that essay is superb. to what extent do you think ocaml suffers from a similar curse?


<nicoo> Though it seems stuff like OCaml-LLVM suffers from lack of documentation
<wmeyer> tac: agreed, and there a lot of other non-state related issues - but the origin is how efficient problem can be solved - the stateless programming is just implementation detail - itself it raises barier a lot, but pure functional programming languages suffer from the same disease as imperative ones - just maybe somewhat smaller and in different (better) way


<Qrntz> f[x], thanks, I ended up just keeping const char * and copying it into a string when requested (don't think performance will suffer noticeably with the current call graph)


<hcarty> adrien: You can download ocamlbrew and run it locally without suffering any ill effects :-)


<fasta_> ocamlfind etc. manages everything, but it suffers from amnesia.


<jonafan> ocaml suffers a lot from a lack of centralized authority


<Drakken> hcarty that's what I want to know: which applications really suffer from a lack of multi-core GC, and how do deal with the ones that aren't too much of a problem.


<gildor> thelema_: so I will suffer in silence ;-)


<ssbr> OK, so, I'm suffering from a linker error: shell session is here: http://bpaste.net/show/xfx0qkIp5mXVIgqU8LiW/


<flux> obviously I'm not going to release any locks now and suffer the small cost of not interleaving C code with ocaml threads


<ssbr_> so in particular, it suffers the same problem of "well, what if the format string doesn't match the types of the passed parameters?"


<adrien> I'm very annoyed because in most of my programs, I have to suffer the consequences of a big fat and ugly mutable object: the user ='(


<hcarty> I doubt List.map suffers terribly. But <, >, =, compare, etc. all dig into the dirty underbelly of OCaml to do what they do


<kaustuv> orbitz: Some people consider shit gold. I am talking about sensible definitions of "functional", not what delusions Joe Reddituser suffers from


<mfp> sqlexpr suffers from the same pb as PG'OCaml regarding queries built at runtime --- you end up having to build SQL strings by hand


<gildor> mfp: do you know if pgocaml suffer from the same limitation ?


<adrien> damn, my nm-fu has suffered severely


<thelema> modules don't help - we could write everything in terms of the given funtions (mainly fold), but the performance would suffer so...


<Camarade_Tux> I haven't either, two concerns however: they're young and not complete yet (although almost) and it looks like they're suffering from some NIH syndrome (or maybe they want to provide the most consistent interfaces possible)


<palomer> let g = f () ;; <--g is an application, though suffers from the value restriction


<thelema> ocamlfind suffers from the same problem - putting the information on dependencies outside the file. ocamlbuild tags should be able to be part of the file


<flux> well, code written for lists but used with arrays would likely suffer extreme performance problems


<bogen> heh, hopefully no one who runs x11perf -all suffers from epilepsy


<Camarade_Tux> and my writing is also starting to suffer badly, night ;)


<bluestorm> and you will certainly suffer from "missing libraries" issues if you choose OCaml to develop your game


<rbancroft> don't allocations also suffer from the similar problems? concurrent access to a heap


<Spiwack> Though of course, all the unpackaged libs would suffer.


<Alpounet> When doing some tests for my JSSP application, I suffered (even physically :-p) from that.


<thelema> extlib's fold_right really suffers for some reason...


* Yoric[DT] has suffered from a nasty fever since Thursday morning.


<kaustuv> (which I do suffer from, greatly)


<palomer> oh my, extlib doesn't suffer from this problem


<thelema_> My personal pet wish is array bounds-check elimination, but it suffers from the same 3 problems. (mostly 1&2)


<Camarade_Tux> several ocaml benchmarks of the shootout suffer from an incomplete library set or different names


<bluestorm> and possibly suffering from the post-summer project death malediction


<rwmjones> gildor, I do ... my mail server is suffering from old age and spam and takes its fair time delivering email


<alexyk_> much safer for not suffering braindamage and having regrets


<det> Camarade_Tux, but you're performance will suffer if you dont use them


<palomer> yes, but it runs a hundred times slower, suffers from memory leaks and takes 10 gigs of ram just to start up


<olegfink> for example, I suffer from the fact that my suspension thing is essentially a unit -> (unit -> unit) type map and I can't express this in camlp4


<thelema> each time I've tried to use an external package, I've been met with lots of pain and suffering. maybe that's why I avoid them, and why I think this project should get stuck in the compiler.


<Palace_Chan> ah i remember back when i had feisty on another machine i suffered from a lot of root ownership on my home dir


<gildor> you need to have one that don't suffer ssh vulnerability problem


<bluestorm> depends on the level of pain you've suffered and how much farther you want to go
<Yoric[DT]> (it works but it's going to suffer one large optimization before I release a pre-version)


<Camarade_Tux> also, I've tried a rope library, performance was worse (but the real one which suffered is Map, 700% slower)


* Yoric[DT] suffers from deadline headache.


<xevz> Anotheng thing, which both PHP and Perl suffers from, is old, bad, easily findable guides and articles. :P
<batcoder-7> But ocaml could be considered a scripting language and it doesnt suffer those problems


<vixey> I've never suffered mercury or arch


* Yoric[DT] has suffered enough of ref-counting in C++.


<delamarche> i thought the ocaml runtime suffered from GIL-like problems, though, doesn't it? Like only one thread can run at a time?


* Yoric[DT] suffers from having to teach that in C.


<hcarty> git does suffer from a lot of older tutorials now being very out-dated


* palomer thinks that the ocaml gods wanted me to suffer when they decided they didn't like mutually recursive modules


<Smerdyakov> From my perspective, it suffers from a web front page that is an empty square.
<RobertFischer> There was an interesting start-up here in the Twin Cities that is suffering for lack of a good business model, too: www.carol.com


<mwc> most of the functionality of matlab without the pain and suffering of matlab.


<thelema> the git branch suffers one problem from the conversion, and some configure files (magically copied from an upstream branch) didn't make it into the needed branches. Non-INRIA branches have the needed files checked in, the INRIA branches I'm afraid to do so with, for fear of breaking synchronization


<thelema> C programmers don't seem to suffer much harm having types declared in .h files, upon which their .c files depend.


<Yorick> I actually suffer more from brackets than semicolons


<madroach> pango_: hey, that's nice! Just the accuracy could suffer a bit...


<Ober> so if you write say a tcp service in ocaml is it not going to suffer from silly programmer mistakes that allow the remote buffer overflows/offby1/input validation issues of say C?


<pango> the whole extlib suffers from this problem


* LeCamarade is suffering with his snail, dog-slow conn. :o(


<jacobian> I'm willing to suffer quite a lot to jettison PHP though


<twobitsprite> haskell suffers from this the most


<dark_light> whatsup103, gui and network programming seems to be two things ocaml isn't sooo good. i am suffering to make a "easy-to-understand" network code (and i want it far way of my actual processing code)


<jigga_what> dark_light: but cuba is not a stable government and suffers from much supression .......... i lived in MIAMI ........its like 60 percent cuban .................i have heard all the sotries about cuba


<pango> and I find the chapter like "I never used Caml, but I know enough about it to compare" hardly professional for a researcher. Must suffer from some kind of NIH syndrome


<Smerdyakov> I think you already observed yourself that OCaml suffers from being maintained by researchers.


<youknow365> zvrba: im not going ot get into any IRC flame war .........but you know how some of these ops on IRC are .........some are very nice and will ehlp you ........and the others will degrate you and ban you for their own enjoyment, those people usually suffer from no social enviroment / depression and use IRC as a tool for their pleasure , and obitz is one of those kind of people


<zvrba> the only thing you suffer from are serious illusions ...
<youknow365> well iw ould like to get it done fast but also the best way so i dont suffer from anything later on


<Smerdyakov> I can certainly understand hesitation to use a slipshod abomination like OCaml in a classroom, but SML doesn't suffer from the same ad-hoc design.


<metaperl> i'm the one suffering :)


<ulfdoz> That would be perfect. Unfortunately fink seems to suffer from debian's package update intervals.


<dylan> Eh. Adding this channel was just an exercise. I generate stats for another channel, and I was using make. Now I'm using my make replacement, and it's flexible enough for me to not suffer pain when adding new channels.


<vincenz> meaning that it'll suffer starvation
<Smerdyakov> vincenz, you seem to be suffering from GNU disease, where the quality of a toolset is judged by how many fanboys are yammering about it per unit time.


<schlick> Strings suffer from similar problems.


<mrvn> I tend to not have not exhausitve matches in the first place. The few times I do I suffer the extra typing.


* Nutssh suffers from too many interests. "I had to pick one thing and stick with it."


<zaza^^> my leet english skills are suffering :)


<wolfman8k> The compiler would then produce code which would call out to a library which would have to be linked in (rather like you have to add -lm to your command line to use sin() in C). So programs which don't use matricies don't have to suffer the "code bloat" associated with them.


<Banana> but ... your reputation may suffer though...


<indigo> you believe a better solution is to make those who have tastes different than yours suffer by forcing your personal preferences upon them?


<Eglin> Adobe wants to protect their content, so you suffer


<Riastradh> CALL/CC has nothing to do with FFIs. (well, it can make the external language suffer much pain, I guess)


<Xcalibor> also suffered mac os 7, 8 and 9
<Xcalibor> and only suffered windows as an obligation


<thomas_> yes but a game that simple won't suffer from redrawing all blocks i think


<Smerdyakov> I'm on the SML side of the fence, and I wholeheartedly agree that OCaml suffers from excessive closedness of community and development.


<mrvn> What C suffers from is all the old garbage that was neccessary at first due to cpu limitations and compiler complexity.
<lus|wazze> i think there are only very few people who would suffer from the delusion that C is high level


<Riastradh> What -YOU- consider to be suffering.
<Riastradh> Unnecessary suffering?
<taw> i'm merely trying to protect him from unnecessary suffering


<emu> .NET bytecode suffers all the same problems because MS ripped off Java without even bothering to improve


<mrvn> mellum: One can suffer from that?
<mellum> Riastradh: Oh, I'm just suffering a Buffy the Vampire Slayer overdose.


<systems> i thought about it, there is a lot of books for beginners and the expert needs only the man pages and the docs... the intermediate level or post beginners suffer the most


<jameson> It would certainly be preferrable to see an OS kernel, liniker, loader etc. being written in a solid, pure, statically typechecked language. The problem is that existing tools and programs (written mostly in C and C++, for historical reasons) would suffer badly from this.


<Systems> emacs suffers from an identity syndrome


<asqui> No im suffering from "wow i got this bitch to work but i cant be bothered to write it up so ill just dance like im selling nails on irc"
<SoreEel> Good, you're suffering from anti-sleep intoxication.


<mrvn> There is no limit to what people make themself suffer.


<MegaWatS> what I mean is this quote: "* The programmer that suffers from this disease carefully avoids to use arrays and assigment. In the most severe forms, one observe a complete denial of writting any imperative construction, even in case it is evidently the most elegant way to solve the problem" to which I agree fully


<Submarine> I'm not using GMP to do fancy computations. I'm just using them to compute sound bounds that don't suffer from overflow or wrap-around modulo 2^n.