I could run a simple "build-exe" and "build-obj" and read/parse the options from zig's output
Or if there was a way I could pull the libc options from zig
And then I can provide any clang options I want, along with the options for libc
but it seems to me that the simplest way to support all the options would be to have a way to invoke zig's clang with libc
right now yes
marler8997: so trying to map `gcc -E` invocations?
right, I'm at the preprocessor point right now
marler8997: note that your "c compiler" like gcc/clang is several tools in one: it's a preprocessor, compiler, linker and more: it's probably useful to break down the operations as such.
I've looked at what the compiler does when C files are added to the command-line. I assume it's the same result
marler8997: have you looked at the implementation of std/build's addCSource?
I wrote a small tool that will translate basic options to zig...but now I need to be able to inoke the preprocess (-E)
The end goal is to be able to call zig like it's a normal C compiler
I've got a bunch of different ideas to get this to work but I'm just not sure the right path at this point
marler8997: zig libc is more like a couple of select pieces of `gcc -dumpspecs`
looks like there is a "zig libc" command, but it doesn't seem to print the same paths that I see when compiling C code with --verbose-cc
"except after libc is built and with the arguments that are required to include it"
marler8997: like via `zig cc`?
I think in general, I'm going to need the ability to invoke clang, except after libc is built and with the arguments that are required to include it
next step is to be able to invoke the C preprocessor
any idea if there is an equivalent for -g?
marler8997: --strip is more the equivalent of -Wl,--strip-debug
I'm just trying to translate GCC command-line to the equivalent zig command-line
marler8997: I think zig always emits debug info; and then removes it from the linker.
so, is "--strip" the opposite of "-g" in gcc?
marler8997: Are you including `--strip` & using `strip` after on the executable?
Looks like an empty zig file built with "zig build-obj" comes out to 518K? touch foo.zig && zig build-obj foo.zig
how would I do a "zig build-obj --c-source foo.c"? It can't find the C header files unless I add --library c, but then if I add that then it tries to link libc into the object file
hmmmm, looks like it's more complex, zig is building libc dynamically
it looks like, in order to get zig to behave like a normal C compiler, we just have to add the arguments for libc....does that sound right?
thanks marler8997
to "draw one"?
If that was supported, we could even use zig to build llvm :)
sure thing
I could create a translation program, but wondering if any work/design exists for this already
I'm trying to use zig as the c-compiler to build other C projects using their build system
marler8997, that doesn't exist currently. `zig cc` has no system awareness. it's unclear whether that will ever exist
so other build tools don't know how to use it
I can't just do "zig cc hello.c"
but it doesn't work like a normal C compiler
marler8997, zig cc does that....
I'm trying to use zig like a regular C compiler where it recognizes C-command-line arguments and other build tools can use it like a c-compiler.
ok, back to the vacation for now
I'm on vacation on the Oregon coast so not as available as I would be normally
andrewrk: got on irc for a bit in case you wanted to chat about the PR
marler8997, yes it will follow the system guidelines
shouldn't we support the basic well-defined officially supported interface first?
marler8997_: yes and no...
Sounds like an interesting project, but in the immediate, providing a socket library that supports the BSD style socket API also makes sense in my opinion
oh, very interesting
windows is quite odd, it provides a userspace C ABI rather than exposing the kernel interfaces
marler8997_: [*c] should only be generated from translate-c, not written by hand
So is [*c]u8 supposed to be the latest version of [*]null u8?
I think the discussion is fine, but I don't like seeing people get so riled up. I don't know why but us humans can get very passionate about things that really don't matter. Wish I knew why.
well that was an interesting 15 minutest reading through the whitespace discussion. It surprises me how passionate people get about such trivial things
just ran my "downloadlatest" script and noticed there was a new update....are updates to ziglan.org/download automatically pushed once a day or are they manual or both?
So in that case, head-const and non-head-const parameters would have different semantic meaning, thus not redundant in that case either
still thinking on this...if we look at the function parameter case, head-const could be used to make parameters mutable/const without needing copy the parameter into a local variable. The compiler would essentially generate the "var fooVar = fooParam" when the parameter is declared as mutable
but of course, there could be other ways, just saying that this is a case where having it in the type would not be redundant
however, in the case of struct members, since there's not way currently to declare a member as head-const, the type could be used in this case to declare whether or not it's head const
from what I'm gathering at the moment, whether or not a type is head-const can usually be inferred from it's location, so including it in the type would be redundant
I've read that making things "const" reduces strain on the developer and the argument has been used for other features
any research/discussion on that?
is there a way in zig to declare a struct member as head-const?
I'm thinking about the consequences of not including head-const in the type, one use case that comes up is struct members
I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad choice, just trying to understand the reasoning
it looks like in Zig, head-const is determine by the variables location, and tail-const is stored in the type
andrew doesn't think that makes sense and I'd like to understand why that is
but we weren't saying it would include it's location, just that it's location could modify the type
yeah that would be the extreme side of it, that each value has it's own type
you could have the type know it's location, who owns it, whether it's a pointer that ends with a null value, etc
if you think about it, you can put any information you want into a type, of course whether or not you should is another question
why not?
sure, but the type could reflect the mutability of it's location as well
can you elaborate on that one andrew?
that example was in D, not Zig
in zig, it doesn't modify the type
const foo = 0; (typeof foo is (const int))
well D has that too, but it modifies the type
I should say "head const" is handled differently
D handles const completely differenty. It's always a type modifier. Whereas in zig, it's a type-modifier when you're talking about pointers and arrays, but it's also associated with other things such as whether it's a parameter/loop variable
so you can't even do what I'm proposing anyway
hmmmm, I'm still learning these new semantics, you can't specify (const u8) in a function parameter
not making the parameter mutable
that's irrelevant to my point, I'm talking about putting const on the parameter type now
it doesn't have an explicit type like a function does
that one doesn't have a type
marler8997_, it's consistent with all the other capture variables
sure, but what about the use case I talked about. It's still const even if you don't include const
what if you required the function to declare it as const?
one thing that's confusing is that the type of the parameter looks mutable even though it's const
since it would be fairly rare
but probably not a big deal
hmmm, I think ideally those would be treated differently
are extern C function parameters also forced const?
marler8997_, you can use e.g. "{*}" and `&tpInMain` and it will print pointer format
I'm just use to C, so this is very different
it sounds like the reason is because parameters aren't necessarily a copy
not complaining about optimization, I'm asking why parameters are alwayas immutable
marler8997_'s example shows pointer addresses to show whether or not copies occur and it's notable whether they happen in debug builds
because I'm taking the address of the data?
marler8997_, do you have a godbolt paste to show?
if the parameter is able to be mutable, then wouldn't you have one less copy?
yet it's still doing 2 copies
but it says "no performance cost"
marler8997_, also if it is only 16 bytes its probably getting passed in registers in which case the copy is quite cheap
that's what I'm not understanding
but isn't the parameter already a copy?
but I don't want to modify the caller's copy
I need to be able to modify it
I am using an aggregate type
marler8997_, LLVM is SSA
why force the user to have to move the data twice?
depends on the ABI, but the question still applies
one MOV from the caller to the function frame, and one MOV from the function frame to a local variable
does that result in 2 copies? one copy from the caller and one copy inside the call?
is that an LLVM-ism?
no performance cost?
> If you need a mutable parameter, var foo = param; is an easy, reasonable way to get it, that comes at no performance cost.
marler8997_: I asked that once in an issue and got a good response, let me find the link for you
Why are function parameters always const?
since zig is already getting anonymous structs, maybe that could already be leveraged?
basically lowers to creating an anonymous struct and passing all the variables to the lambda/function
something like c++ closures might be a good proposal
this doesn't seem to bad `while (y.next()) |x| { ...}`
pretty much the same thing in D, but I think andrewrk will respond with zig's idea of no hidden code/allocations
yeah its only applicable from inside the compiler marler8997_
marler8997_, ?
scientes: not sure what you're talking about, can you provide an example function?
marler8997_, hmm, it might be time to reel in memory usage of stage1
marler8997_ it may be an infinite import loop. I've encountered something similar before. The solution at the time was to cd into std and run the test from there.
I just rebooted, ran it again and now it's completely hung again
whoa....running ./bin/zig test ../std/meta.zig seems to be completely locking up my linux box
ok thanks for confiming
marler8997_ Only memory locations can be 'const'. This means declarations and pointers.
why doesn't the Array TypeInfo have an "is_const" field?
is there a way to pass a "const type" to a function? i.e. "const usize"?
logging is a very hard problem in general
seems like a good start
I see it now :)
oh woops
seems like the info/warn/err/fatal functions should call a common function, which could also be configured by root
I haven't, I'll look it up
ah yes marler8997 did you see my log proposal?
this is something I've wanted to have in other languages but never have, excited to explore it
allowing root to declare logging mechanisms may also be another one
if (@hasDecl(@import("root"), "defaultAllocator")) ...?
@import("root") could open up some interesting semantics
that was my first thought
marler8997: new module 'std.iterator'?
I don't see the `Chain` and `OneItemIterator` types anywhere in zig standard library. Should I add them? and if so, where would they go?
SamTebbs33: sounds like an interesting question...I'd have to think about that one. Do you have a use case in mind, might help provide some insight
oh nice, now there's one global directallocator
looks like that just aligns a pointer
looks like @intToPtr(*Foo, @ptrToInt(ptr)) works, but I'm sure there's a better way
getting a pointer from a windows function callback, but zig won't let me ptrCast it "cast increases pointer alignment"...any suggestions?
the json format is a bit weird though
using the json format is much nice, removed like 20 lines of python parse code
my script is getting further now, looks like it's disabled now
marler8997, I believe that setting is disabled now
the server is denying download access from the python urllib downloader because it hasn't enabled cookies :)
why does the ziglang.org site redirect all http requests to https?
andrewrk: no, thanks for the info, I'll update my tool to use that
marler8997, are you aware of the json version of the download page?
Yeah I'm pretty sure -I allows both types of includes
having the zig compiler binary and standard library as separate files doesn't really bother me, but maybe it would make distribution easier for others
marler8997: something I've suggested for windows in particular is a fully-self-contained zig binary
maybe there's a way to ask choco/scoop to install the latest master, but haven't seen a way
yeah, sounds like chocelatey and scoop are a different use case than what my script does, which is just to download the latest bleeding edge compiler from ziglang.org/download
it probably doesn't make since to push every build of zig to a package manager's metadata
I downloaded chocoloatey but not able to figure out how to download the latest compiler from master
you can download the latest zig compiler with these? from master?
does it let you download the latest zig compiler?
after running this tool, you should be able to execute the latest zig compiler, you don't even need to update your PATH
currently requires curl, but planning on adding support for more http download clients
oh you know what, I'm an idiot....the sha is right there in the filename
Is there a way to know which commit the packages were generated from on the download page?
also no tabs
Have you tried nix?
weird, but cool :)
sounds similar to adding support to be able to run android apps on linux or something
interesting, I know very little when it comes to apple's development tools/environment
what's macabi?
And Zig's solution: while (range.next()) |value| { // code }
Input Ranges in D: for (; !range.empty; range.popFront) { auto value = range.front; // code }
looking through some zig code, I just realized that D's input range interface (empty/front/popFront) can be emulated in zig with one function (next)
marler8997_: Now that C#/.NET is becoming open source, does that place C# as a competitor to D?
marler8997_: Wow a heavy D user, nice! Many eons ago I was writing an application that needed to load and unload DLLs at runtime. I considered D but it had no ability to handle this simple task, at least without leaking memory. It struck me as a really weird thing to not have figured out for a language that seemed back then to be focused on systems programming. I've never grokked what D is trying to be.
I think the differences are.
is missing some features, but the core of the language seems to be going in the right direction, and it's still young enough to make breaking changes and move in a new direction if it's deemed a better one (i.e. varargs vs tuples vs anonymous structs). I have alot more to say on the subject but I have to go for now. I was thinking of making a post about my experience porting a couple of my projects from D to Zig and explaining what