had one that's about 3 years old and still going). The creator Walter is pretty set in his ways, he's very poor at maintaining a positive community and almost impossible to discuss language ideas with. He knows alot, but seems to only value features in the language that help his style of programming, which is very archaic. Zig has some really cool ideas that solve alot of the issues D has. It's currently not as "nice" to read and
gonz_: I've written hundreds of thousands of lines of D code at this point. It's got some really cool features but also has a fair amount of issues. I've written my own standard library in D to combat some of those issues https://github.com/marler8997/mar but there are also issues in the language. It's also very static now, any changes to the language must go through a multi-year proposal process, a process which is broken (I've
zig's varargs (currently used with the format function) is more like a tuple
oh sure, I'm talking about zig's varargs
marler8997_: I'm not sure where it is on the issue tracker. but varargs can't be removed: they're part of the C ABI and hence required for interoperation with C.
I andrew say "No Tuples". I'm looking for the information on why that decision was made. I would love to see a place where we could see decisions made in the language and the reasons for them.
at first glance it looks like a nice alternative to tuples
that's pretty cool
I see one advantage is it allows multiple varargs
well thanks for the info, since the plan is to remove varargs I won't push a PR
but maybe it would look fine with some "getting use to"
it would be warn("hello {} you are {} years old", .{name, arg})
instead of warn("hello {} you are {} years old", name, args)
the syntax looks weird though
it looks like the current plan is to remove varargs based on what I'm reading
remove varargs meaning no more varargs?
I'll make a PR so it can be discussed
but I would think having a function to convert varags to an array would still be supported no matter what
but I don't know for sure since I don't know where it's going
yeah I figured, I was thinking that in any case this functionality would still be supported though
maybe this is a candidate for inclusion in the standard library?
the function allocVarargs returns an array of the given variadic args
I've got a solution but want to see if anyone has a better one
here's the challenge, can you implemet this function? pub fn allocVarargs(comptime T: type, allocator: *std.mem.Allocator, args: ...) ![]T;
my solution could use some improvement though
then I just do an inline for loop through that "index array" of comptime_int
I made a function that given a comptime_int, returns an array of comptime_int where each entry is it's own index
found a way to loop through varargs
k, I'll revert my change
oh...so it could depend on zlib?
but it still confuses me
of course I can un-remove it
oh I already removed it. I removed as it was confusing for me. I was trying to figure out what libraries LLVM was looking for
marler8997_, please just leave it in - it's simpler to pass the argument for everything that is part of this "local root" path
you need to locate llvm when you're building llvm?
marler8997_: you probably have llvm-config in your default path. but not all OS (like macOS) have that and need a way to locate LLVM
I just build LLVM without the -DCMAKE_PREFX_PATH option... I think it's only necessary for clang/zig but not for LLVM. I'll remove it from the wiki so long as no one has any objections?
I would think you would only need that argument when building clang, so clang could find LLVM, but why does llvm include it?
why does the example include -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/local in the LLVM example?
I'm guessing that however `zig run` creates the command-line, it's adding the exe path to the "args" parameter as well, like you should for execve
but CreateProcess doesn't
execve passes the program to the first arg, and the array
Well, I know that CreateProcess and execve work differently
yeah definitely happening
marler8997, are you sure it's a problem? that's how execve works
is this one known?
looks like `zig run` is passing the executable twice to the generated exe...
might not want to look at that kernel code too much...GPL issues
I'm using a few dozen windows functions that aren't in std, I'll probably make a PR to submit them at some point
Thanks Andrew, zig seems to be in a much better place than it was a few years ago. I've been testing the waters by porting my audio synthesizer to it...very impressed by it
hey welcome back marler8997
cool stuff
have you gotten it working as a library yet?
so these would be comptim strings only?
like, indexing a table from the length or...how does switch make it fast?
very performant?
right, because strings support opEquals
bringing us back to your switch feature, I suppose that's reason not to do it the same way as D does, by supporting it on any type that as a specific function
the point is, you want those powerful features to be in a small subset that everyone can understand
the language constructs themselves break the rules of zig
you have to start somewhere
and I definitely see the reason for that
so I guess your point was, you don't want language constructs to implicitly call functions on types
right...meaning the control flow has to be apart of the language
again, which operator is being overloaded?
and which operator is being overloaded here?
well I'm not proposing it in zig, just explaining what D does
foreach (foo; bar) gets rewritten to for(; !bar.empty; bar.popFront) { auto foo = bar.front; ... }
any type that has the 'empty'/'front'/'popFront' methods, can be used to foreach
similar to how D does foreach
the equivalent would probably just be, any type that has an "equals" method
but you obviously wouldn't want to do that in zig
in D, the '=' operator reduces to opEquals
it's not necessarily operator overloading
I believe D can switch on any type that supports "opEquals"
Looks like you've got prebuilt windows binaries now. Very nice. I've got a project to port to zig and it's been going very well. The port has alot of benefits of the D version I've been noticing
Hey Andrew, it's been a couple years but I think I'm coming back
It's been a couple years but it looks like Zig is alot further along now. I'm converting my Audio Synthesis program to Zig and it's been going well.