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<FromGitter> <kolyaio> :-)
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> How can I decide the order of posts ?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> like on a blog?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> prob order by date created in db
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<FromGitter> <kolyaio> @Blacksmoke16 is there a function to do it in amber ? Or crystal ?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> how are you getting your posts atm?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> using granite? like `Post.all`?
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> in my view i have a loop running though the posts
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> yeah `Post.all` in my constroller
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> controller
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> I think i found it `posts = Post.all("ORDER BY created_at DESC”)` in the docs by mistake :O
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> yea
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> :p
<FromGitter> <kolyaio> Thanks !! :-)