my bot tried to whois "ncultures" for some reason.
Not sure who that was, since they don't appear in whowas.
and of course it spouted errors related to my admin helper/plugin, not sure why.
(I don't think I had problems before.)
I'm sure your bot had its reason :P
Come to think of it, almost every time I do check up on my bots, I see those nasty unsync warnings.
And I'm *guessing* that it's probably one of my plugins, but most of my bots takes up large amounts of memory after being on for nearly a month
do you use a lot of timers?
For timeban and antispam, yeah.
Although they only get used if a timed ban is set (and people do have a tendency to set really big ranges for some reason, need to fix), and antispam uses timers for individuals who send prefixed messages..
I think that there's a lot that could be done there to improve performance.
well, I think there's actually a memory leak related to timers in Cinch
Oh my.
cinch (2.0.4, 2.0.3)
I've had two bots that were running 2.0.3 and two on *.4. (since I didn't restart two of them until recently.)
doesn't make a lot of a difference
rikai has quit [Remote host closed the connection]