raistlinthewiz changed the topic of #coiniumserv to: v0.2.3 beta | Documentation: http://bit.ly/1plFgvp | FAQ: http://bit.ly/1xOHH0m | Project page: http://bit.ly/V1ycNw | Official site: CoiniumServ.com | Live demo: Coinium.org | Logs: http://bitly.com/1rtN140
feeleep has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
feeleep has joined #coiniumserv
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Caberhagen|afk is now known as Caberhagen
<Caberhagen> morning
feeleep has joined #coiniumserv
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feeleep has joined #coiniumserv
djKyno has joined #coiniumserv
<djKyno> Yox
<djKyno> who can tell me how do you add new coins ?
<djKyno> anyone ?
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raistlinthewiz has joined #coiniumserv
<The_Cashier> Hi all
feeleep has joined #coiniumserv
<The_Cashier> raistlinthewiz did you have some time to check the issue 541 with orphaned blocks ? would be really nice to have it fix, unfortunatly i don't have the skills to debug it :(
<raistlinthewiz> working on that but I'm not sure if it's a bug yet - will need to write a tool that can debug the issue
<raistlinthewiz> and compare the blocks in daemon against coiniumserv
<raistlinthewiz> it baically means that we send a blockhash to coin daemon
<raistlinthewiz> and then coin daemon doesn't like it
<Caberhagen> hi all
<raistlinthewiz> hey
<Caberhagen> see you make a lot of work at moment...
Caberhagen is now known as Caberhagen|afk
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fragar10 has joined #coiniumserv
<fragar10> I am having a lot of trouble setting up my server. I downloaded the binary file for windows and can not get it setup.
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