Those functions mainly exist to create bindings for bigint. Probably noone has seen the need to let them be mutable.
didactic-drunk: since github doesn't let me comment atm... i'd be +1 for just changing the behavior of #hexdigest (rather than introducing hexfinal)
that saves 99% of users from having to change their code, double-calls should be easy enough to spot, and hexfinal just feels kludgy to me as a name
if we want to be super nice perhaps #hexdigest could memoize the value (so repeat calls still work) and print a warning on such calls for a few crystal versions...
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<Daniel-Worrall> Do crystal release builds contain any meta data about where the file came from?
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<wyhaines> Are there any Crystal oriented (virtual) meetups happening anywhere in the world?
<kingsleyh> @oprypin what is the best way to make a cursor in crsfml - let's say I have an image I want to use - can it be done with the SF::Cursor or you have to disable the cursor and code up a sprite that moves where the cursor goes?
<wontruefree> I really hope you enjoy these I feel like we are hitting a good stride
<wontruefree> This is @lbarasti for those in the channel who do not know
<RespiteSage> I need to catch up on the most recent few of those. I really enjoyed the episode with Ari, but I've not listened to any of the others yet...
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<wontruefree> well I think they are good but I am bias
<wontruefree> @paulcsmith is in episode 2
<RespiteSage> :P I think my only nitpick with the first episode is that I forgot your name by the end of the episode, and I didn't see it listed anywhere, and then I had to piece together what your handle was based on context.
<RespiteSage> That is, I wanted to connect the host to the handle that I'd seen in the community and was having trouble doing so.
<wontruefree> that is some great feedback. We have a few episodes already recorded but I will fix that for the next recording
<ImAHopelessDev_gitlab> it's nice i've bneen listening to it
<Blacksmoke16> i mean you *could* just redefine that method
<j8r> sorry, the above one
<j8r> ho
<j8r> I *think*, it may hang infinitely - have to try
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<j8r> hum, I don't quite understand how all this works...
<j8r> I thought the purpose of a web socket connection is to keep it open
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<j8r> according to `#close`
<j8r> > Gracefully terminates the server. It will process currently accepted requests, but it won't accept new connections.
<j8r> This means it should not close existing WS connections, right?
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<Blacksmoke16> well do remember WS connections are handled via the handler
<j8r> yep
<Blacksmoke16> so not sure how that fits into the actual implementation
<j8r> ha ok I see, it is on the tcp level.
<j8r> So if no packets is being processed, it closes
<j8r> Ha ok I fully understand now, sorry
<j8r> So for each connection, whats inside the `HTTP::WebSocketHandler.new` block is called. Then, depending on event, the procs defined inside are called
<Blacksmoke16> ye
<scriptmaster> Hi Crystal Community, I am new to crystal and very excited about this.. (only a couple of hours I stumbled upon crystal-lang) https://github.com/crystal-lang/crystal/issues/9477
<scriptmaster> crystal server.cr works fine on ubuntu but not on my mac: throws openssl error. I tried all the recommendations on site/doc. See the link above for more details. What are your suggestions? Should I try a previous version? if so brew install crystal@what-version ?
<dscottboggs_gitlab> there are a lot of issues with running OpenSSL dependent libs designed for linux on macos, regardless of whether it's in Crystal or another language (even C++). My recommendation would be to build statically in the official alpine docker image.
<scriptmaster> After adding require "gzip seeing error with Flat::Writer
<scriptmaster> checking kemal issues
<dscottboggs_gitlab> There were many breaking changes from 0.34 to 0.35, this is probably one of those
<dscottboggs_gitlab> Crystal is rapidly trying to establish source-level stability and move to 1.0
<scriptmaster> ok, thanks for acknowledging. seems fair, in the meantime, I am about to try brew install crystal@0.34 (just asking if brew can install 0.34) ?
<dscottboggs_gitlab> I'm not sure, i'm sorry. I'm not familiar with Brew and it has been some time since I've used macos. There are probably others here who could answer your question better in time.
<scriptmaster> or apt-get install - I would give your suggestion of alpine docker if it didn't work
<scriptmaster> a try
<dscottboggs_gitlab> I would give asdf a try if you're trying to jump versions of crystal
scriptmaster: fwiw, would suggest 'asdf' to manage crystal versions locally (it can also manage ruby, js and everything else under the sun - saves a lot of headache)