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<thesheff17> anyone know what I'm doing wrong? nand-part /dev/nand 'boot 8192' 'root 0'
<thesheff17> usage: nand-part nand-device 'name2 len2 [usertype2]' ['name3 len3 [usertype3]'] ...
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<tekkharibo> hi all
<tekkharibo> I test xbmc on android cubieboard2 and it's an horror
<tekkharibo> do u know an alternative to use xbmc om cubieboard2
<tekkharibo> ?
<tekkharibo> i test openelec and don't start
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<Jrwkti> !ls
<Jrwkti> !ls forum
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<qermit> o/
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<Tenkawa> so... anyone running slackware arm on a cubieboard2?
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<buZz> probably :)
<Tenkawa> heheh
<Tenkawa> i assume reading the specs the c2 is quite a bit faster than say a beaglebone black yes?
<buZz> 1 core more, yes
<buZz> but drivers for all this allwinner stuff is a bit vague
<buZz> TI puts in _way_ more effort to support us linux ppl
<Tenkawa> ahhh
<Tenkawa> hmmm
<Tenkawa> was trying to figure out my next arm purchase of something with a fair bit more horsepower
<Tenkawa> my usage is a general headless server too though so some of the drivers wont matter
<rz2k> only odroid-xu can beat that
<Tenkawa> thats still preorder though
<rz2k> am335x can be faster in some operations than a20, for more details, compare cortex-a8 and a7, they have huge differences in cache handling, neon and vfp and many more.
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<buZz> i am waiting for the 5120 exynos 5
<buZz> the 5110 (is that number even right?) on the odroid-xu only allows 4 cores to be used :(
<Tenkawa> the exynos5 does look like its going to be nice
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<thesheff17> can anyone help me with nand-part command?.... I run ./nand-part /dev/nand 'boot 8192' 'root 0' but it doesn't like this...this is for the cubieboard2
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<FergusL> hm, 7z can't extract the cubian image...
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<JohnDoe_71Rus> where i can find script to sun71 CB2
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<wickwire> Hi guys, for GPIO control on Cubieboard A10,
<wickwire> which module is best > sunxi-gpio or sun4i-gpio?
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