<kristianpaul> lol
<nathan7> azonenberg: o.o
<nathan7> azonenberg: pics
<azonenberg_work> nathan7: I paste it a while ago, h/o
<nathan7> azonenberg_work: to where?
<nathan7> I mean, where'd you upload it
<nathan7> so I know what to grep my logs for
<azonenberg_work> imgur probably, but it might also be on my server
<azonenberg_work> I give you... nyanotech :P
<nathan7> azonenberg_work: how many nm is that?
<nathan7> (nyanometers, of course)
<azonenberg_work> The thickness of the copper layer is 200nm
<nathan7> aha
<azonenberg_work> x/y scale is around 600,000 x 200,000
<azonenberg_work> iow 600 x 200 microns
<azonenberg_work> I only thought of the pun after making it lol
<azonenberg_work> The companion cube was getting old and i wanted another meme as a test pattern
<azonenberg_work> My fab has proven unsuccessful at making working MEMS to date but it can make MEMES fine :P
<R0b0t1> I can haz microcosm?