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<sputterguy> what's up all
<sputterguy> i got an ion beam sputtering system that has dielectric targets
<sputterguy> do i need to do anything special to get them loaded in the system? i am only used to sputtering metals
<azonenberg> Are you using DC or RF?
<azonenberg> I know you get all kinds of charging if you try to DC sputter a dielectric but afaik it's fine if you are using RF since you charge and discharge every half-cycle
<sputterguy> azonenberg: i believe it's dc only, but this is dc ion beam sputtering
<azonenberg> I'm not familiar with ion beam sputtering as opposed to normal magnetron sputtering
<azonenberg> If the current is only running in one direction you can expect the target to build up a charge and not sputter anymore
<azonenberg> Pulsing may help to work around that
<sputterguy> ion beam sputtering involves using a stream of ions to hit the target to dislodge material that is then accelerated using an electric field towards the sample
<sputterguy> are there more channels like this?
<sputterguy> this isn't exactly home or cmos
<sputterguy> is there like a promatsci or something?
<azonenberg> Not that i know of, this is the de facto microfab channel on freenode
<sputterguy> well i'm getting sleepy here in lab
<sputterguy> goodnight
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