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<kanzure> azonenberg: would you be willing to decap the nintendo 3ds chip?
<azonenberg> kanzure: i'd have to talk to my friend john, he does most of my wet work these days
<azonenberg> we have a backlog of chips but i might be able to push a few through ahead
<kanzure> azonenberg: would you need any resources to help with that?
<azonenberg> do you know the process tech / layer count?
<kanzure> i assume you would want me to mail you the actual device
<azonenberg> what kind of package is it?
<kanzure> nope i have no clue
<azonenberg> and how old is it
<azonenberg> something easy like a CERDIP or are we talking a modern bga?
<azonenberg> not that it makes a big difference, just curious
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<Sanky> hello
<kanzure> Sanky: 08:49 < azonenberg> something easy like a CERDIP or are we talking a modern bga?
<Sanky> er okay those are questions I probably won't be able to answer
<azonenberg> in either case i'm about to head up to campus for a class but we can talk later today
<azonenberg> we haven't yet met a chip we can't open
<Sanky> I haven't actually read much about what the 3ds looks like
<kanzure> can you at least read the words on the die packaging?
<azonenberg> the only question is how hard it is t oget open in one piece
<Sanky> there's been a guy who hacked it to record video, but not much else
<azonenberg> So we're interested in which chip, the applications processor?
<Sanky> probably
<azonenberg> looks like a wire-bonded bga at quick glance
<azonenberg> what do you want to know about it?
<kanzure> he wants to do ssl interception and needs to replace the cert, so i suggested emulation
<kanzure> so the goal would be to know enough to write an emulator
<azonenberg> Judging by the look of it, that's gonna be tricky
<Sync> yeah
<Sanky> like that is my goal, this is the entire ds homebrew community's dream
<azonenberg> released 2011, dual core arm11
<kanzure> oh it's arm? arm is fairly standard.
<Sanky> I just had a quick glance at the networking to see if I could crack something through it (even if improbable)
<azonenberg> according to wiki, yes
<Sanky> yeah nintendo's done arm since the gba
<Sanky> this is really the most somebody has done with it
<kanzure> if it's arm i'm not sure why an emulator doesn't already exist?
<Sanky> but it has nothing to do with the chip
<Sanky> there are no roms either
<kanzure> i don't see what decapping would help with in this case
<Sanky> signed with a key we don't have
<kanzure> i mean, the instruction set is probably known
<kanzure> and with no roms there's no way to test whether or not the emulation actually works
<azonenberg> anyway, judging by those specs you're probably looking at 65nm or smaller
<azonenberg> Which is not a trivial project
<Sanky> shrug, I'm not actually involved in the project I linked
<azonenberg> for starters that means SEM time
<kanzure> yes i imagine an SEM would be involved
<azonenberg> and while i know how to use them, and have access to several, they're not exactly cheap
<Sync> I guess there are cheaper attack vectors
<azonenberg> the low-end one, which probably doesn't have sufficient resolution for 65nm stuff, is $45/hr for academic users
<kanzure> i might have someone with access to a SEM but does it need to be on-site of the decapping?
<azonenberg> the nice Zeiss in the cleanroom is $188.50/hr
<azonenberg> and is the one you'd likely need to get this kind of resolution
<azonenberg> The depackaging is trivial
<kanzure> ok cool that's pretty cheap
<kanzure> so what, 10 hours?
<azonenberg> Would be hard to say
<azonenberg> the other thing is you'd need to delayer
<azonenberg> and analysis of the images would take a long time
<kanzure> i assume analysis would be "upload the images to the interwebs, write some software, hope someone else is interested enough to figure this out too"
<azonenberg> 'the images' is a LOT of data
<kanzure> a few terabytes?
<azonenberg> also consider the time it takes to do each exposure
<azonenberg> 2048x1536 frame at slow scan is likely to be close to a minute per image
<azonenberg> maybe more
<azonenberg> let's say you want your smallest features to be 10 pixels so 65nm =10px comes out to 6.5nm/pix or about a 13 micron field of view, cut that down to about 10 microns of unique image per field since you need some overlap
<azonenberg> so 10x5 just to be simple for estimates
<azonenberg> that's 50 square microns of unique content per image, one minute per image
<azonenberg> typical OMAP is about 60mm^2
<azonenberg> 60 million square microns for the whole die
<azonenberg> that's around a million images
<Sync> that is not viable
<azonenberg> and that's for one layer of the chip
<azonenberg> it'd come out to around 2.9TB of data per layer
<azonenberg> about two months of SEM time if you use an optimistic ~6 second per frame exposure time, its likely to be al ot more
<azonenberg> so yes, full chip imaging is nontrivial
<azonenberg> Normally you're interested in a tiny fraction, say security bits
<Sync> and then someone would have to reverseengineer it
<azonenberg> so you can get a firmware dump
<azonenberg> or you want to study the process technology in use
<azonenberg> or look at the SRAM cell design
<azonenberg> cloning an entire chip to netlist is nontrivial
<Sync> yeah huge fun
<azonenberg> now, the numbers i gave are probably off by a bit compared to what a nice profesisonal shop like chipworks could do
<Sync> especially with newer chips that are designed with security in mind
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<azonenberg> they do get full-chip images at transistor resolution
<azonenberg> my guess is they have modified SEMs that can do automatic step-and-repeat with continuous scan
<azonenberg> kind of like e-beam litho in reverse
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<azonenberg> with one of those you could probably cover a full die at 1;1 resolution in the same time it'd take to e-beam a mask
<azonenberg> so maybe a day or so per layer
<azonenberg> Then you have to polish down and repeat
<azonenberg> luckily the top layers are bigger feature sizes so you can do those faster
<azonenberg> But then you have to register all of the images and analyze them which is nontrivial
<azonenberg> to give you an idea of scale, me and my friend are working on two chips now to practice - the RSA SecurID and a 24C EEPROM made by ST
<Sync> azonenberg: yes they have such SEMs
<kanzure> i would probably spin up some ec2 servers to do the image analysis and dumping to netlist
<azonenberg> both are maybe 10mm^2 and giant ~1 micron process technology
<Sync> if you have multiple chips you just polish to all layers you need and pop them into the revolver
<azonenberg> we have full chip images at full resolution of each
<azonenberg> (optically)
<azonenberg> optical imaging of a chip of that size takes us most of a day per layer
<azonenberg> using automated step-and-repeat
<azonenberg> and once you have the resulting gigapixel-sized image you need to crunch it, we're still working on automated tools for that
<azonenberg> degate isnt reliable enough in our experience
<Sync> degate worked pretty good for me
<kanzure> oh i didn't expect something like that to exist
<azonenberg> it's segfaulted a lot for me
<Sync> but I only tried it on some sample images I found
<azonenberg> when working on real data from the SecurID
<kanzure> is not loading for me
<azonenberg> also, we need to work on registration
<Sync> yeah it does crash sometimes
<azonenberg> i had a 100% reproducible segfault as soon as i tried adding inter-layer connections
<azonenberg> which made it useless
<azonenberg> i was trying to trace out M2 and M1 of the securid cpu
<azonenberg> in one small corner
<azonenberg> we had all of the cells IDed but couldn't connect them
<azonenberg> i forget what version i've used, not sure if its any more robust now
<Sync> ha my pu tubing arrived
<azonenberg> plutonium? do i want to know?
<azonenberg> this is not #homenukes
<Sync> polyurethane :P
<azonenberg> ...oh
<azonenberg> :p
* azonenberg is a tiny bit less scared now :P
<Sync> where the fuck would one get _tubes_ out of plutonium
<azonenberg> i have no idea, i thought you meant like round bar stock or something
<azonenberg> or reactor fuel pellets
<Sync> they'd compliment my neutron counter nicely
<soul-d> im celebrating with some fresh old coffee that my fpga vga code works :)
<azonenberg> soul-d: lucky you
<azonenberg> i'm staring down a deadlock :p
<azonenberg> its sort of a race condition i guess, two clock domains are each running state machines and using handshake-based synchronizers to exchange data
<azonenberg> if one tries to transmit and the other wants to receive, and the two operations overlap
<azonenberg> they get stuck each waiting for the other to ACK
<azonenberg> i need to split them into two state machines so i can do full duplex
<azonenberg> (two per clock domain)
<soul-d> yeah was some nasty things like clock being actualy a bus so it warned just somewhere about pin not having exact location
<azonenberg> o_O
<soul-d> but since it's a dev kit with loaded pin assignments im used to 400 warnings :P
<azonenberg> in other news i have CMake working nicely with the Xilinx toolchain
<soul-d> and ignoring them
<azonenberg> so i can compile firmware, PC-side software, RTL simulations, and FPGA bitstreams with one "make" command :D
<Sync> pneumatic quick connects ftw :)
<soul-d> im using altera since i own 3 dev kits now and had orded some chips to
<azonenberg> yeah, i have one xilinx dev board plus several that i made myself with xilinx chips
<azonenberg> in any case i should probably get going since it's almost 12:30 and i want to grab lunch before my 14:00 class
<azonenberg> (and i'm not even on campus yet)
<soul-d> k, have a nice one :)
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<azonenberg> So i just found some obsolete masks someone here had made at laserlab
<azonenberg> going to pop them under the microscope and look at mask quality
<soul-d> fried my brain trying to think about how to do char rom / display memory
<soul-d> i made it synthesyze somthing now lets see what ;) a line :P ah wel still displays somthing from some mem so can't complain much
<azonenberg> lol