I'll be happy to make it for $500/kg ~L
do you _need_ to use SU-8, won't DNQ work?
azonenberg (hey where is he btw) did some MEMS experiments with DNQ AFAIK, and had some issues with flaking / delamination / etchand seeping through the cracks in the resist
depends on what you want to do with it
su-8 is very common with lots of recommendations on how to cure it
but it's really nothing special as a photopolymer
i thought the problem su-8 presents is how to get the cured bits *off* again
(without also removing what it's cured onto)
thats really not that complicated
there are lots of water soluble or organic solvent soluble components
I wasn't aware of its price
I wonder if there is a process patent that blocks competition
wouldn't that have expired already, unless it's an improved process that came a good bit later than SU-8 itself?
yeah, I think it's been around for quite some time
I've never used SU-8, just seen it referenced often in literature