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<mjgardes> the hard part is learning how semiconductors work
<mjgardes> after that, it's just a matter of buying stuff and putting it together
<Sync> learning how semiconductors work is the easy part imho
<mjgardes> I mean at a sufficently advanced level to be able to explain why an impurity has a certain effect
<SpeedEvil> And then enough chemistry to learn why impurities may occur
<bofh_> often it's tricky to be able to conclusively say why a given impurity has a given effect, especially at low impurity concentrations
<mjgardes> and not just impurities, but crystallographic defects as well
<mjgardes> right, that's the hard stuff
<Sync> bofh_: not really, as with semi conductors *any* is too much basically :D
<Sync> look at the metal ion concentrations in puranal chemicals
<Sync> and then look at dopant concentrations, it does not take much
<bofh_> Fair, I keep forgetting how low the dopant concentrations are in semiconductors
<bofh_> (I work with superconductors, where "lightly doped" is like 10% of concentration)
<mjgardes> ha
<mjgardes> thin film semiconductors is yet another different world.
<mjgardes> It's surprising how much dirt is tolerated.
<mjgardes> yet the required amount of dopant is so low that it is really hard to measure even with the correct tools
<SpeedEvil> One case where homeopathy works
<mjgardes> yup
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<Sync> well, not if the homeopathy is too strong
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<Sync> (apparently if you dilute to C10 there is statistically not a single atom left of the original stuff)
<Bike> that just means you have to buy more, to up your chances of an atom being in it
<Noxz> I was looking more into photoresist chemistry today
<Noxz> found a CRC book regarding photochemical reactions on ebay for like $5 that normally goes for $500
<Noxz> nabbed it
<mjgardes> nice
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<SpeedEvil> yay
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<berndj> Noxz, please let us know how to make DNQ from kitchen chemicals k thx
<Noxz> hrrrrmmm
<Noxz> 'kitchen' is far from what I am doing though
<Noxz> I'm actually nearing the end of my fumehood build
<Noxz> sure, I am not getting chemicals from suppliers
<berndj> i mean i've got citric acid, sugar, and sodium bicarbonate, can't be too hard amirite
<Noxz> not many atleast
<Noxz> heh
<berndj> oh and i do have mothballs
<berndj> which IIRC actually has sorta something to do with DNQ synthesis
<Noxz> I think I read that ortho-nitro benzaldehyde is a common photochemical
<Noxz> which is partly easier to amke?
<berndj> i've always wondered, isn't there a way to do something with olive oil or something? or linseed oil, something that cross-links slightly faster in sunlight
<berndj> (i don't care if it's slow)
<Noxz> hrrrmm
<Noxz> orange oils have some photochemical compounds
<Noxz> that upon exposure to UV cause rashing if on your skin
<Noxz> or similar
<berndj> oh wow i didn't know they did that
<berndj> orange oils as in oils found in oranges?
<Noxz> the zest/peel
<berndj> interesting. *disappears into the intertubes*
<Sync> I just buy SU8, way simpler than trying to make my own
<Sync> and it works well every time
<Noxz> who sells it?
<Noxz> to individuals
<Sync> I think I bought it through spi the last time
<Noxz> link? ;)
<Sync> they have more than their online store