_whitelogger has joined #imx6-dongle
<rz2k> whitequark: nothing serious around here, just ton of guys with different timezones
<rz2k> :p
<whitequark> welcome your new logging overlord, http://irclog.whitequark.org/imx6-dongle/2013-03-18
<whitequark> please do add the link to the topic, per freenode policy.
<rz2k> thanks whitequark
<rz2k> whitequark: ok, I will pass this to channel founder
<whitequark> the generic link is http://irclog.whitequark.org/imx6-dongle/ (without date)
<whitequark> have fun.
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<jas-hacks> hste: How did installing oneiric from scratch go?
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<hste> jas-hacks: ok, but the freescale stuff is hard to get ok. problem installing the debs
<hste> got strange result on x
<jas-hacks> Do you know the x server version you have installed?
<hste> xserver-xorg-video-imx-viv_1.1.0-1_armel.deb
<hste> hope to hear abrasives result from arch and the compiling of x
<jas-hacks> So your X is not accelerated?
<hste> jas-hacks: says it is but the output is just a black screen
<jas-hacks> can you pastebin xorg log
<jas-hacks> hste: That looks all ok. Need to go through the steps I took as I think I has a similar problem.
<hste> and the glmark2 results are crazy high
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<jas-hacks> hste: I think glmark2 is writing directly to fb like its using the android fb driver.
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<jas-hacks> hste: what size is /usr/lib/dri/vivante_dri.so
<hste> jas-hacks: 1 115 136
<rz2k> jas-hacks: do you have access to channel control?
<jas-hacks> rz2k: what is it?
<rz2k> [22:46:19] <whitequark> welcome your new logging overlord, http://irclog.whitequark.org/imx6-dongle/2013-03-18
<rz2k> [22:46:29] <rz2k> thanks whitequark
<rz2k> [22:48:00] <rz2k> whitequark: ok, I will pass this to channel founder
<rz2k> [22:46:29] <whitequark> please do add the link to the topic, per freenode policy.
<rz2k> [22:48:30] <whitequark> the generic link is http://irclog.whitequark.org/imx6-dongle/ (without date)
<rz2k> please add last link to topic
<rz2k> its in freenode rules to provide links for public logging
<jas-hacks> rz2k: cool
<rz2k> unfortunately for me [22:47:14] ChanServ [ChanServ@services.]: You have no special access to #imx6-dongle.
<rz2k> so I cant do that
<jas-hacks> rz2k: Useful to have the long term history!
<jas-hacks> rz2k: and its color coded ;)
<rz2k> yeah
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<GasVesa> hello, got my gk802 today, i'm trying the mksdcard.sh script... Change the variable MMC_DEV to the right device... already edited to /dev/mmcblk0
<GasVesa> what i'm doin wrong?
<rz2k> MMC_DEV=/dev/sdb #change if mmc-card mounts on different dev like /dev/sdb
<rz2k> mmcblk0 is usually on your target
<rz2k> on PC it is usually /dev/sdX, for my case, sdc since I have two HDDs
<GasVesa> let me try
<rz2k> check with dmesg
<rz2k> before running
<rz2k> you can ruin your hdd if you will point mmc_dev to your real hdd and not an sdcard reader
<GasVesa> mmcblk0: mmc1:e624 SU16G 14.8 GiB
<rz2k> interesting
<GasVesa> ubuntu 12.10 here
<rz2k> what cardreader do you use?
<GasVesa> my vaio got one
<rz2k> oh
<rz2k> thats why you have it in mmcblk, okay then.
<rz2k> script should work
<rz2k> dont forget to run it with sudo
<GasVesa> edited like this: http://pastebin.com/eCukQ16b