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chrisseaton: hey I'm confused about your deopt and safe have something "special"?
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I'm looking at doing a better job of detecting Fixnum/Float overrides, which will mean more safepoints
we re-use normal VM safe points to deopt
well, more switchpoints
Switch points do as well I think
<headius> does hotspot + indy
but what's the special part?
Not sure what you mean - are you aware that it doesn't matter how many switch points you have in a method, you don't get any more safe points? The safe points are only ever in the same places, whether you have a switch point near there or not
yes, I'm aware
safe points can also get added if you put guards in the middle of side-effect-free code though
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in a place where none would have existed before
are you sure? that's not how I believe they work, but I'm not an expert in that area
because the thread causing the pause in safe points can just wait until all threads reach them, so within reason it doesn't matter how long it takes
but if there's a boolean condition you've optimized, for example
straight-line code, I'm not sure where the VM would put safe points in it if it were not optimized
right, but that doesn't matter
why not?
you'll have code go down the wrong branch because it hasn't reached the next safepoint to invalidate yet
Because the thread triggering the safe point waits until all threads stop
and they stop at safepoints
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which would be after the optimized guard in question if there weren't a safepoint there
But you stop all threads *before* you cause the side effect that invalidated what they assumed
Stop everyone, tell them things have changed, not the other way around
Sorry, stop everyone and tell them things are going to change, not change it and then stop everyone
I remember being confused about this
right ok, that matches my understanding better
but if you have a = b + c; if SOME_OPTIMIZED GUARD; blah; else foo; end
if that were jitted simply without optimizing that guard it would not have a safepoint there
if you optimize with a guard, it would have to
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no, but how could you tell the difference
so what you're saying is that it wiill proceed with the wrong value until it hits a safepoint, and then allow the right value to be published
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no - if someone wants to change SOME_OPTIMISED_GUARD, and you're asking what happens if it happens where you first semicolon is?
if it doesn't insert a safepoint there it won't stop and wait for the guard to deopt at the id
the if
right, so it doesn't stop and wait - the person who wants to invalidate the guard has to wait until a safe point is reached
you'd be able to tell the difference because temporally you have requested the guard be invalidated at time A, and code executing after time A won't see it for a bit
the guard doesn't get invalidated until everyone's in a safepoint
so nothing's happened until everyone's in a safepoint
but our processor architectures don't have any kind of ordering guarantees like that anyway - there's no such thing as 'time A', only side effects being ordered
and as I say, the side effect doesn't happen until everyone's in a safepoint
there absolutely is such a thing as 'time A' if we're assuming volatile guards
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thread A only sees that the guard is invalidated when it is in a safepoint
therefore, thread B doesn't invalidate the guard until thread A is in a safepoint
nothing changes until A is safely paused
thread B has to wait, but until A and B are ready, the $DEBUG = true or whatever hasn't happened yet - the program is pausing until it can make that change
this makes sense to me across threads
<headius> it isn't considered published until all threads get to a safepoint
thread A keeps running happily assuming the guard is valid, because it is, until thread A pauses and accepts the invalidation
and within a thread it's different - the thread itself can immediately pause and invalidate if it's triggering it on itself
but in b + c if that invalidates the guard then what?
I suspect I am missing something really ismple there :)
if thread A invalidates itself that's easy isn't it - it just throws away its own code
'I'm going to change $DEBUG to true, oh wait I assumed it was false, so I'll jump back to the interpreter and carry on there with full checks'
but if as charlie says it is optimized and has no safdepoint how would it?
so invalidating a guard forces a safepoint then
even for current thread
because the code for $DEBUG = ... causes it to pause - it emits code to say to do that
it does even for the current thread, because it's a VM global operation
so then if you do $DEBUG = true in code, it *will* force a safepoint
it forces everyone to pause inside their safe points (the terminology overlaps, safe point as the check, safe point as the state etc)
so using the safe point is not cheap
so if you keep changing $DEBUG many many times we'll stop making any assumptions
right, we do the same
chrisseaton: do you use this for more than globals?
safepoint around the guarded value with some bailout if it changes too much
enebo: yeah this is fundamentally how we cache method calls
or at least...we used to...not sure if that part of our indy code made it to 9k
chrisseaton: ok I was wondering about that :)
headius: there 2 cases, either the currently running thread is invalidating something, then it is a conditional jmp into deopt routine
so it sounds like it's the same behavior regardless of hotspot or truffle
we use it for all sorts of other stuff as well - it's very powerful and easy to use - you can just disable whole parts of the language semantics until they're actually needed, like overflow etc
yeah, switchpoint
chrisseaton: the b+c calling code which defines a method is a common pattern for invdaliting a callsite
yes our assumptions are exactly the same as your switch points - I think our paper says that
if a different thread is invalidating something it requests hotspot to safepoint all threads, and the proceeds to invalidate
well maybe not common
then I'm not confused anymore
I thought you were doing something different
thedarkone2: right, that makes sense now...I was not clear on the temporal details
there seems to be very little literature about safe points - the GC handbook says almost nothing - there was a paper at ISMM a couple of years ago about one tiny aspect - I think our ICOOLPS paper may be the best written description of them at the moment
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headius: admittedly, working with switchpoints, you have it much worse than Truffle's assumptions, because in Truffle you can do/rely on arbitrarily complex abstractions (DRY-up your code) without having to worry about inlining budgets etc., addionally you are able to litter "assert this is a const" everywhere… so you're worry about the cost of supposedly free switchpoints is imho warranted (don't know if hostpost's newish incrementa
inlining helps with that)
incremental inlining helps a great deal
but we can also run on graal of course
I don't see what inlining budgets have to do with switchpoint though
and it's not quite fair to say truffle escapes inlining budgets when it just inlines everything :-)
if the method in question has 50 switchpoints in itself?
so what?
each one will boil down to appropriate safepoint nearby
of course, but switchpoint checks are method calls
no they're not
they inline to a safepoint
I meant to inliner
well ok, they would be a single invokedynamic
in our simplest case invokedynamic instr with no arguments and a constant pool reference, so a couple bytes
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so then yes, incremental inlining definitely helps
and running on graal helps
is Graal also incrementally inlining though? :)
Graal doesn't have inlining budgets
I believe it only goes against the complexity of the optimized nodes after inlining etc
incremental inlining is supposed to do that but you still have to have enough room left to inline before you optimize
so it can do it but coarser chunks
I am not an expert here though :-)
what I meant with hotspot, consider that you have a method that has 50 ruby method calls in it, so it weights at X bytecodes, but if each of those method calls has associated switchpoint checks (lets say 5 per method), then they carry additional bytecode weight, right?
additional switchpoint checks?
oh well there's one detail missing here: most of java.lang.invoke has JVM-internal annotations like @ForceInline
so they get a free pass
several methods are intrinsics
so most of the pipeline of method handles attached to an indy call site will forcibly inline
that includes switchpoint
ok, @ForceInline probably solves that
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I wish we could use it :-)
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you're a filthy user, you wouldn't know what to do with it!
yeah I bet having access to @Stable and @ForceInline would go a long way for JRuby :)
planning to get around it by just emitting more code
re-JIT hot methods that take blocks so they can inline each block, etc
we can do anything, it's just more cumbersome
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you're not using ExactMath yet are you? I always thought that would be a low hanging fruit for you
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