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<headius[m]> Field org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope.staticScope is not present on type java.lang.Object. Error encountered while analysing org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope.getStaticScope()
<headius[m]> weird error compiling with graalvm native-image
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<headius[m]> lopex: hey couple questions
<headius[m]> what was the resolution for jcodings on graal native-image? Did you add a class that touches everything to be pre-initialized?
<headius[m]> second question: Docker?
<headius[m]> if you won't have time to take on the docker image that's fine, we just need to get it done
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<lopex> headius[m]: yeah, I'm on vacations till end of the week
<lopex> headius[m]: jcodings has generated switch for encodings and transcoders, so no reflections is used there
<lopex> headius[m]: what the deadline ?
<headius[m]> lopex: yeah I'm trying to iterate all encoding objects and call getClass to make sure they've initialized
<headius[m]> deadline for docker...well I was hoping it would be done whenever he got back from his vacation, which would be a month ago
<headius[m]> I'm fine taking it over or handing it to someone else, just need to know
<lopex> headius[m]: truffleruby doesnt have problem with it I guess
<headius[m]> they just worked around it too
<headius[m]> by eagerly loading everything
<headius[m]> seems like an Encoding.loadAll or similar would be simple enough to add
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<lopex> headius[m]: by generating the getClass code or iterating via encoding map ?
<lopex> doesnt matter right ?
<lopex> btw static final fields are not eager by default right ?
<lopex> from what I recall instanceof doesnt trigger class loads etc
<headius[m]> lopex: probably iterating
<headius[m]> yeah I think static final still is lazy until accessed
<headius[m]> hmm seems close to running native-image jruby now
<lopex> native still equals substrate ?
<lopex> if so, all calls are mega etc ?
<lopex> I guess I forgot some things
<headius[m]> yes = substrate
<headius[m]> I'm just attempting to get it to run with IR interpreters
<headius[m]> there's no JIT on substrate unless we backend on Graal or Truffle
<lopex> er, I mean the callsite optz are statically resolved on substrate right ?
<lopex> er
<lopex> so graal can runtime opt that native image ?
<lopex> I'm lost
<headius[m]> oh well the Java calls sure
<headius[m]> only things that can be statically determined at build time
<lopex> yeah
<lopex> so not that much
<lopex> well mostly the core jdk libs it applies to I think
<lopex> maybe some intrinsics as well ?
<headius[m]> yeah all of JRuby + deps + JDK stuff we touch
<headius[m]> any intrinsics it would just inline at build time
<lopex> intrinsic changes it's meaning a bit here right ?
<lopex> ok
<headius[m]> substrate does a very aggressive closed-world optimization, so nothing is left but native code
<headius[m]> so yeah, intrinsics have no meaning...they'd be inlined during that build process
<lopex> but lots of poly calls remain
<headius[m]> it makes an effort to prove all targets up to some threshold
<headius[m]> I assume it can't handle mega sites
<lopex> why ?
<headius[m]> so those must have some other mechanism like a vtable
<lopex> once jcodings are loaded all calls are mega
<headius[m]> well in any system there has to be a few methods that have hundreds of impls, like a toString
<lopex> jcodings methods have many impls though
<lopex> I think aot is a big looser here
<headius[m]> could be
<headius[m]> the limitations of this environment seem likely to restrict it to mostly the smallest Java apps
<headius[m]> I almost have JRuby compiling but had to disable lots of stuff
<lopex> that's why jcodings loading is lazy so hotspot can use devirt and bimorphic as most as possible
<lopex> actually I'm not sure how does C2 handle loaded classes and visited callstites
<lopex> but the less the better ?
<headius[m]> yeah I'm not sure how it impacts substrate because ideally it should see only the ones you actually use
<lopex> how ?
<lopex> it has pic ?
<headius[m]> it walks everything
<lopex> but it cant devirtualize callsites once you load lots of impls right ?
<headius[m]> it can if a given site is proven to only call one impl
<lopex> and in case of jcodins it really cant :P
<lopex> or am I missing something big
<lopex> most calls in jruby string core are not visible that far
<headius[m]> well where wouldn't it be able to?
<headius[m]> some places will be polymorphic sure
<headius[m]> since we use more than one or two encodings at runtime typically
<lopex> dunno, length ?
<lopex> it's used all over the place
<lopex> I would expact that from JIT yes
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<lopex> but you mentioned graal can jit substrate native code yes ?
<headius[m]> if a given site calls length against several impls then yeah I assume there's some sort of cache or jump table
<headius[m]> many sites will only ever actually see one impl
<lopex> so, there more that three impls loaded anyways
<lopex> like ascii, utf, ascii8bit etc ?
<lopex> so like 3 candidates already
<headius[m]> doesn't matter what's loaded, it matters what's actually called where
<lopex> oh
<headius[m]> but this is the same for C2
<lopex> well
<headius[m]> if C2 has a call site for length and you only call one encoding impl at that site, it will inline that one
<lopex> so at runtime most you can get is bimorphic right ?
<lopex> but assuming we have 3 encodings loaded and all 3 have common callsites in our core lib, what are the chances ?
<lopex> I can only see a mega one
<headius[m]> yeah it shouldn't be too common
<lopex> unless you have code splitting vm
<headius[m]> well substrate does some of that too but I don't know to what extent
<lopex> does C2 do splitting ?
<headius[m]> I don't think so
<lopex> it was advertized in graal afaik
<headius[m]> yes, probably not in the crippleware version though
<headius[m]> enebo: I am finding some minor bugs in JRuby through this process
<headius[m]> things we initialize for no reason, things we don't initialize at the right times
<headius[m]> I'll commit fixes that don't impact JVM execution
<enebo[m]> headius: nice
<lopex> enebo[m]!!
<lopex> I think I should switch to riot
<lopex> something keeps me in though
<headius[m]> IT WORKS
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<lopex> yeah keeping it on a tab at work
<headius[m]> enebo: it works
<headius[m]> trying to enable more of core now
<enebo[m]> headius: oh yeah
<headius[m]> magic sauce was getting graal to generate a list of everything we reflect
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<lopex> numbers ?
<headius[m]> numbers!
<headius[m]> how's that