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<headius[m]> Good morning!
<headius[m]> enebo: going to do a round of jnr releases today to get on latest asm and pull latest features
<enebo[m]1> cool
<headius[m]> trying to whittle away at 9.3 items
<enebo[m]1> yeah I am going to try and stop on block stuff as I have made some progress but I could spend weeks on this
<enebo[m]1> I have simplified the paths this round so it has been useful
<enebo[m]1> Some minor reduction of work but definitely spreading of array to n-arity proc/normal stuff is consolidated a little more
<enebo[m]1> probably by this afternoon I will look at **kwargs with no uses on caller side bug
<headius[m]> yeah we can continue iterating on block dispatch paths, perhaps get closer to easy inlining and direct calls with indy
<enebo[m]1> (which is related a little bit to that work although I suspect it will be nasty)
<headius[m]> I got a few 9.3 issues closed late last week and then stumbled into the full modularization and wanted to see where we stand
<enebo[m]1> for me I just want to be able to decompose all rules of binding from site to block params
<enebo[m]1> it is getting much closer for me to the point I can probably be able to emit those as IR for inliner once we reconnect it
<headius[m]> most libraries we depend on are now modular except dirgra... I added modularity to two of mine on Friday
<headius[m]> yeah that would be excellent... too many call-outs and call-through paths that break inlining
<enebo[m]1> At this point common yield vs specific yields are a little different. all calls are the same
<enebo[m]1> the common yield has slightly inverted logic of the specific ones
<enebo[m]1> specific ones are simpler than common since common can be anything at all
<enebo[m]1> I would love to redo enumerable block stuff one day
<enebo[m]1> It keeps getting rewritten but written on top of block logic which makes sense in the notion it is dispatching to a block but we contort so much to make it dispatch through our yield/call stuff in block. Like stuff in Enumerable where we have to impl yield and a doYield but then directly call it.
<headius[m]> I would love to get rid of Java enumerable altogether
<headius[m]> like today
<enebo[m]1> I believe those are very specific because something else could call a different yield signature
<enebo[m]1> I think though regardless of enumerable we internally do what enumerable does in several other classes and those may never be destined for Ruby impl
<headius[m]> yeah fair enough
<headius[m]> and we know from other impls that you can't actually implement Enumerable entirely correctly with standard Ruby semantics
<headius[m]> both rbx and TR have to have special primitives for some parameter passing structures
<headius[m]> feels like that should have been raised as a bug in CRuby years ago
<enebo[m]1> yeah
<headius[m]> enebo: this guy almost sounds like he would be on board with us unifying build and deploy for jnr-* and can help make that happen
<headius[m]> I will monitor this and maybe we can push toward a single build deploy for all this stuff
<enebo[m]1> sounds great
<headius[m]> enebo: the jnr projects seem to get a lot of "question" issues so I am enabling GH discussions across all of them
<headius[m]> I also enabled it for JRuby... dunno if we want to promote that as a way to communicate but we have no other "forum" anywhere
<headius[m]> live chat is too big a leap for some folks
<enebo[m]1> headius: ok. I guess we shall see how easy it will be to notice discussions as I feel GH is pretty bad and notifications
<headius[m]> enebo: yeah ditto, I have that concern too
<headius[m]> I have had to craft some search links I fire up every day to find updates
<headius[m]> FYI only jnr-ffi, posix, enxio, unixsocket, and process need releases... just libs that depend on jnr-ffi
<headius[m]> one thing we could chat about again is modularity and the jruby-dist
<headius[m]> we have jruby-base now that will not shade anything but in order to be a good module citizen in the dist we should also not shade there
<headius[m]> the jars should be copied to lib and added to classpath (8) or module-path (9)
<headius[m]> there's no such thing as modules and shading at the same time as far as I can tell
<headius[m]> or if we still want an uberjar then it needs to be relocating all those libs and rewriting the module dependency to point at our shaded packages
<headius[m]> more complicated to be sure
<headius[m]> will be an issue with -complete going forward too
<enebo[m]1> hmm
<enebo[m]1> For our main dist it is not really a huge deal to make a larger commandline from our launchers
<enebo[m]1> So in that sense I think non-shaded is probably ok other than maybe us running into module conflicts but I assume that is the price of living in a proper module world
<enebo[m]1> jruby-complete is ????
<headius[m]> yeah I have not looked into what other libs are doing for their "complete" versions
<headius[m]> this restriction of one module to one jar pretty much makes that impossible to do without breaking modularity
<enebo[m]1> At one level they are two separate problems and we need not really consider them together unless we kill two birds with one stone
<headius[m]> the jar inside dist right now is sort of halfway complete... all java stuff but none of the ruby stuff
<headius[m]> it may be that complete really should relocate all APIs because otherwise I don't think it can ever live in the presence of those same libraries
<headius[m]> which is a recipe for conflict right now anyway but it will run if they match
<headius[m]> with modules it will hard error if the same package is in two modularized jars
<enebo[m]1> yeah and even that idea to relocate all will be quite a challenge
<enebo[m]1> if they depend on reflection etc...
<headius[m]> shading does a decent job of detecting that but it is nowhere near perfect
<enebo[m]1> ok another thing to consider for later javas is dumping joda?
<headius[m]> yeah that could/should have happened in 9.3 but we need to cross that bridge soon
<headius[m]> probably deprecate any public APIs right now that accept or return joda classes
<headius[m]> and replace with versions that return new Java time
<headius[m]> even if not using that internally
<headius[m]> that really should be a 9.3 thing and it is not huge
<enebo[m]1> ok one less dep is good
<headius[m]> I did try to make the conversion once and there are enough API diffs that it will be a bit of work
<headius[m]> it is a much more "designed" API so there are not as many convenience methods
<headius[m]> TFW you push all the releases to staging and then remember you didn't actually update any dependencies
<headius[m]> Mondays amirite
<headius[m]> enebo: hey if you want to crib off my modularity stuff look at headius/backport9
<headius[m]> I have just been accepting that these have to build with 9 (for module-info) but the config I use ensures the actual library is compiled with 8 support
<headius[m]> we will need dirgra modularized
<headius[m]> I do wonder what potato they have the oss server running on at Sonatype
<headius[m]> or if Nexus is just this slow
<enebo[m]1> headius: yeah I will look at updating dirgra
<headius[m]> it is frustrating that there are no good guides on directly converting between joda time and java time and back
<headius[m]> enebo: how do you feel about adding a dep for 9.3 before we drop it and joda for 9.4
<headius[m]> alternative is just copying the relevant code
<headius[m]> oh ugh scala
<headius[m]> core maybe would not be a problem though
<headius[m]> looks like this is MIT license so I think we could just take it
<headius[m]> or fully shade it
<headius[m]> options
<headius[m]> it is only two classes
<enebo[m]1> well it is already compiled right?
<enebo[m]1> So long as it is callable from Java we can just add it as a dep and maybe shade if we do not fully explode for dist and for compilete I guess we do shade
<headius[m]> ah maybe I will job copy this... these are almost all one-liners
<enebo[m]1> Ok well another thought is to just convert the methods we need
<headius[m]> yeah
<enebo[m]1> it is only 300 lines and 1/2 is boilerplate
<enebo[m]1> we probably are only using 5-6 methods
<headius[m]> I only need this now to provide non-deprecated versions of methods that use joda now
<headius[m]> so in and out but still joda internally for all our stuff until we fully convert
<headius[m]> nevermind everything about shading and deps... this has no maven coords
<headius[m]> copy it is
<headius[m]> enebo: that is a start
<headius[m]> there are other APIs that reference other Joda types but I have not tackled them yet
<headius[m]> some I am not sure how to convert, like Chronology
<headius[m]> I have been using this guide to know what maps to what but it is super thin on exactly how to convert anything:
<enebo[m]1> so ZonedDateTime vs compat a concern?
<headius[m]> well my hope is that since Colebuorne designed both APIs they will work the same
<headius[m]> but yes compat is a concern until we know that for certain
<enebo[m]1> I just mean is some java ext going to be constructing or calling any of this trying to use DateTime
<enebo[m]1> Although them working the same is another point
<headius[m]> well that is the purpose of this PR
<headius[m]> deprecate any APIs that accept or return Joda types
<headius[m]> and provide java.time equivalents to migrate
<headius[m]> I only did public APIs and did not convert any internals so far
<enebo[m]1> but is DateTime extends ZonedDateTime?
<enebo[m]1> if I new RubyTime from an extension it is more than a deprecation
<headius[m]> DateTime and ZonedDateTime have no common lineage
<headius[m]> DateTime is the joda type and ZonedDateTime is the java.time type
<headius[m]> but they are roughly equivalent according to that post above
<enebo[m]1> headius: you see what I am asking though...this is replacing and not deprecating (which may be fine) so I am just asking about that
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