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<wowon> anybody know about X360 ?
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<lunra> Anyone know what I've done wrong? I'm attemping to build stage/sunxi-3.0 and I'm getting . I've tried the instructions at and at , and I am using Roman's .config
<lunra> *attempting
<mnemoc> lunra: can you paste the whole thing including what you typed?
<lunra> absolutely, one moment
<lunra> Please note, I'm compiling on an ARM chromebook, so there is no need for the CROSS_COMPILE argument
<mnemoc> try omiting the CROSS_COMPILE= thing entirely
<lunra> nope, same thing :(
<mnemoc> does make oldconfig work?
<lunra> I'll try from a new shell incase my envvars from Roman's tut are making it not work
<lunra> make oldconfig breaks it too
<lunra> should I try a make clean or something?
<lunra> same thing after a make clean
<mnemoc> make sun4i_defconfig ?
<lunra> nope :<
<mnemoc> smells like you are missing some -dev packages
<mnemoc> but don't know
<lunra> I've successfully built sunxi-3.4 before but I'll double check
<lunra> Thanks for trying! :)
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<richo> I'm trying to get linux onto an h6 netbook. I don't get anything when I try various images from the interwebs, so I figured I'd work backwards and copy /dev/block/nanda to my SD card, that should boot into android, right?
<techn_> huihai
<techn_> plaah
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<richo> heya
<lunra> Hmm. I've even tried to set CFLAGS with a -I flag to try to force it to search the include/ directory where linkage.h exists
<mnemoc> don't try those hacks. the problem must be somewhere else
<lunra> Doesn't work, but perhaps I'm doing that wrong. I've tried exporting CFLAGS in bash and I've tried it on the make commandline (make ARCH=arm CFLAGS=...). I've tried editing the main Makefile too
<mnemoc> probably a broken env
<lunra> At this point I see no problem in resorting to hacks, I just want my wifi to work ._.
<mnemoc> those hacks will only distract you, and won't solve anything
<lunra> WHAT. I just ls -l'd it to make sure it was readable... it's a symlink to... source code? That's a thing? How does the computer react?
<mnemoc> first test you can compile something else
<lunra> I've compiled linux-sunxi-3.4
<mnemoc> then test you can compile sunxi-3.4 (which you said you were able before)
<mnemoc> now?
<lunra> I'll try again
<lunra> sunxi-3.4 seems to be building so far, I'll let it run completely though
<mnemoc> uhm
<mnemoc> same working dir?
<richo> Is this a reasonable place to ask some rookie questions about h6 netbooks?
<mnemoc> sure
<richo> so I'm trying to get linux to boot on it
<richo> so far I'm getting nothing, and the ethernet port doesn't appear to work under android
<lunra> oops, didn't see the reply. No, it's in a different directory. I've actually used the .zip files provided on github instead of downloading it via git commands
<richo> so I figured I'd test my assumptions by copying the nand* partitions to the SD card with dd to check that I can boot android from SD
<mnemoc> lunra: use git clone
<lunra> OK
<mnemoc> .zip doesn't support symlinks
<lunra> OHH
<lunra> I'm sorry that I didn't mention this earlier!
<lunra> richo: While this is definitely the place, not many people would know much about the hardware as it seems to be uncommon compared to ie. the MK802 ;). I'm sure somebody will know and be able to help you though :)
<richo> Thanks. I'll keep playing and hang around
<lunra> Does anybody know how big a git clone is? I've only got 3G of disk left
<shineworld> git clone of what ?
<lunra> linux-sunxi
<shineworld> a sec
<richo> you can git clone --depth=n if you don't want the full repo
<richo> it'll be ~the same size as the unpacked zip, maybe smaller
<lunra> doesn't it fetch all of the branches at once?
<shineworld> 35 items, totalling 1.0 GB before to be expanded
<mnemoc> if you already have a working dir with 3.4, switch that one to 3.0
<lunra> The 3.4 was from the zip too, no idea how that worked
<lunra> oops, I thought I already said this, but thanks shineworld :D
<mnemoc> usb drive?
<mnemoc> that will get you spare space
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<lunra> Apparently git doesn't like --depth=0. Seems to succeed until it's done counting, where it dies, citing repo corruption
<lunra> But --depth=1 works
<richo> depth=0 would be a nonexistant clone
<richo> the plumbing should probably bail out though, because that makes no sense
<lunra> yeah, I wasn't sure whether it was a 'search 0 past entries' or 'search 0 entries'
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<libv> wowon: depending on how far you want to go with this...
<libv> wowon: adding cabling for uart is advanced stuff, but not impossible if you want to open up the device, identify the testpoints, and solder on a cable
<libv> this gets you a serial console which will be able to help you out when you are in trouble (as there is no such thing as vga textmode and a bootprompt over that, all you get is serial)
<libv> wowon: but... if all goes well, you do not need that
<libv> wowon: you can retrieve the necessary info from android, and then work through the useful part of FirstSteps
<libv> i almost bought a x360 myself 6 months ago, it simply did not end up being useful enough for the lima driver project to warrant doing so
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<lunra> yay, the git clone'd tree seems to compile! Thanks mnemoc! And sorry for making the problem hard to diagnose ;)
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* [7] heard some rumours that something is moving lately wrt. NAND boot
<[7]> or rather NAND MTD-level access, getting rid of that allwinner FTL
<[7]> is that already somewhat usable?
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<richo> I got linux to boot on this netbook! OSX was screwing up the images
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<jabjoe1> I've got a13b base tablet that I'd like to run gnu/linux on. I've got it booting using the current "a13_mid_hwpack" but when I build my own hwpack from "./configure a13_mid" it doesn't boot. Any ideas?
<jabjoe1> I can get it booting the "testing 3.4" version "a13_mid_hwpack" by I have to turn it on with the micro sdcard in, eject it, the screen powers up, reinsert it, and it boots into Debian.
<jabjoe1> The same doesn't work on my image though.
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<libv> jabjoe1: you can always try things the hard way
<libv> jabjoe1: hi btw
<jabjoe1> libv: Didn't see you there. Hi. :-)
<jabjoe1> Isn't the hard way just the easy way manually?
<libv> yes, but it allows you to poke at the fex directly, and have some control over the kernel config
<jabjoe1> libv: I think that is what I need I think, but isn't the a13_mid_hwpack released just the hwpack build via the easy automatically every n weeks or what ever?
<focus_it> hi guys, any idea how I might go about setting up a cross compile environment on my x86 Ubuntu desktop so that it creates exe files for A10? Ideally I'd like it to be eclipse - but failing that command line is just as OK for now
<libv> jabjoe1: supposedly
<jabjoe1> libv: Yer, I'm thinking it isn't. The kernel seams like an Android one, not the gnu/linux one it is said to be.
<jabjoe1> But the 3.4 one I can get to boot by taking the card out and putting back in again, that is a proper linux one.
<jabjoe1> I'm guessing some off waitforroot thing.
<libv> strange
<jabjoe1> odd waitforroot.
<libv> why did you buy this cheap pos btw?
<focus_it> jabjoe1: thanks - lot to take in
<jabjoe1> libv: didn't, birthday present.
<jabjoe1> libv: I don't spent my own money on these things. It all goes on kids and house! ;-)
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<jabjoe1> libv: Plus if I kill, no big loss.
<libv> in that case, nice!
<jabjoe1> libv: Got a leather case for it with a usb keyboard. It's like a mini-laptop, almost. Or will be if I can replace damn Android.
<libv> jabjoe1: should be managable
<libv> jabjoe1: it can even have a halfdecent X running with mali gles2
<jabjoe1> libv: Yer, but the wifi isn't working. I think it's down to the script/flex file. Also 3.0 kernel is older than on my old phone.
<jabjoe1> No wlan0 appear at all, but the right module is loaded.
<libv> are you sure it is an a13b?
<jabjoe1> that is what /proc/cpuinfo says
<libv> jabjoe1: boot it up in android, and grab the fex from there
<jabjoe1> libv: Got a handy link for that?
<libv> digging
<libv> jabjoe1: no need to use a terminal btw, just set up adb
<libv> the meminfo stuff is needed for u-boot
<libv> the script.bin can turn into a .fex with sunxi-tools
<jabjoe1> libv: Thanks very much. I'll get digesting.
<libv> jabjoe1: if this really is a 13b, we'd rather like some more pictures, including some of the board
<jabjoe1> libv: I'll get back to you on that.
<jabjoe1> libv: For now I think it's bed time and try this tomorrow. Or I'll be in trouble with the wife. ;-)
<libv> jabjoe1: and if you have a 3.3v serial adapter (uart), it might pay to solder on a jumper wire on three yet to be defined points
<jabjoe1> cheers. :-)
<libv> serial is really useful when dealing with uboot
<libv> ask bjdooks to do the soldering work if it is hard to reach
<jabjoe1> he is the man for this stuff. Anyway, bed! Must be pretty late for you to. Got a direction to hunt. :-)
<jabjoe1> cheers dude.
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