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<beach> Good morning everyone!
<aaaaaa> beach: good morning indeed
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<Fare> Good evening!
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<shangul> Fare, good morning :P
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<fe[nl]ix> god morgon till alla
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<vegai> huomenta vain
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<phoe> dzień dobry
<treflip> доброе утро
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<Fare> bonjour
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<TMA> dobré ráno
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<beach> Let me say this again: If y'all are bored, I can give you some SICL-related tasks to accomplish.
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<contrapunctus> beach: silence 😆
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<beach> Yeah, interesting.
<contrapunctus> I'd try, but I know neither compilers nor as much CL as I'd like. Instead, I'm trying to design a set of malleable programs, exploring at least CL (+ CLIM) and Smalltalk as solutions.
<beach> Good. CLIM/McCLIM is an essential part of what I want to see in the future.
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<beach> Actually, I do have a task for someone who would be interested in contributing to the SICL project. The FORMAT module is one of the first modules I wrote, and it is not particularly coupled to the rest of SICL, so it could be extracted to a separate repository. There are a few directives missing, so those are additional tasks to work on.
<beach> And the directive interpreter exists, but the directive compiler should be written at some point. The current (huge) file format.lisp should be split up into several smaller files, probably with the code for one directive in each file. And a test suite is needed, probably mostly taken from the ANSI test suite I would imagine.
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<beach> Two systems should be supplied, one for "intrinsic" use, i.e. in a system that does not already have FORMAT, and one for "extrinsic" use, i.e. for testing in a system that has FORMAT that we don't want to clobber. Each system should have an appropriate package definition.
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<beach> It would be possible for a relative newbie to take on this task, in which case, guidance will be provided.
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<jackdaniel> #/j #ecl
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<phoe> ;; debugger invoked on a SB-INT:SIMPLE-READER-ERROR: no dispatch function defined for #\/
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<lisp373> Hey guys, is there a way to undefine a method? I get the "attempt to add the method ... but the method and generic function differ in whether they accept" error
<beach> mop remove-method
<phoe> lisp373: or (fmakunbound #'foo) for the nuclear version
<Inline> welp, is it added when it errors out before ?
<phoe> I usually do the nuclear version because it's faster
<phoe> this nukes the whole generic function.
<beach> lisp373: It is unlikely that the method was added if you get that error.
<Inline> and what about the machine memory thereof ?
<Inline> does it need gc too ?
<phoe> what do you mean, machine memory
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<phoe> GFs are collected just like everything else
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<lisp373> phoe: (fmakunbound 'foo) worked, thanks man
<lisp373> beach: methinks it was though
<beach> I see. Strange.
<beach> What implementation?
<lisp373> sbcl
<beach> Hmm.
<lisp373> it's when i change the argument list that I get this error
<beach> I see. Yes, that I can imagine.
<phoe> oh, right, (defgeneric foo ()) (defmethod foo (&key x)) is going to error on DEFMETHOD
<phoe> and then the method is not added
<beach> Right, but what if the generic function is reinitialized with a different argument list.
<pve> lisp373: the generic function was surely created, but probably not the method
<phoe> that's going to signal an error if methods were already added to it
<phoe> otherwise it'll work
<lisp373> phoe: Ok, yeah, I see
<lisp373> i mean pve:
<lisp373> i mean you guys are all wonderful
<phoe> lisp373: <3
<lisp373> : )
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<_death> it's easy to find and remove a method using the slime inspector
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<puchacz> hi, has anybody tried sly as slime replacement? and is happy with it?
<phoe> yes, I know multiple success stories
<puchacz> I am happy with slime, but as usual - maybe I am missing something I don't even know about
<phoe> I know that mfiano uses it; I'm a slime user myself
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<contrapunctus> New to CL...not a fan of how the number for ABORT* changes in different situations. I'd rather have numbers for common restarts in the beginning 🤔
<contrapunctus> (Oh, and using SLIME)
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<phoe> contrapunctus: multiple ABORT restarts may mean different things, that's why there's multiple
<beach> We need a revised standard.
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<phoe> beach: I know you're jaded, but that comment actually brings nothing to the discussion
<contrapunctus> beach: some were actually discussing that in ##lisp the other day
<contrapunctus> I mentioned CL21, so some CL users said that the changes they want can't be made as libraries. So I suggested making a revised community standard.
<beach> phoe: I'll be quiet.
<phoe> that's been suggested countless times now and the main issue is twofold
<phoe> 1) someone needs to actually go and do that, and these people are either gonna be volunteers or someone finds a funding source
<phoe> 2) someone needs to actually go and have implementers adopt it, and these people are either gonna be volunteers or someone finds a funding source
<phoe> issue number 1 is hard
<phoe> and issue number 2 is much much harder
<beach> phoe: You forget that those people have to be competent in language design and compiler design.
<phoe> yes, that's a part of issue 1) being hard.
<phoe> but then again, we're talking about a new one whereas the old one is still heavily unmaintained and there's no good user-facing CL documentation that isn't a book or the good ol' CLHS that is not meant to be user-facing documentation
<phoe> I hope to bring CLUS back from the dead soon and work on fixing this a wee bit
<beach> Great!
<phoe> once we have that, we can create a separate version that is not *the* specification but is actually useful because it contains better examples and bugfixes and what not, and then implement WSCL on top of that
<contrapunctus> WSCL?
<phoe> Well-Specified Common Lisp
<beach> phoe: I agree.
<contrapunctus> lol
<phoe> basically a series of further constraints on ANSI CL
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<beach> contrapunctus: It is not a joke.
<phoe> which leaves a lot of stuff undefined.
<contrapunctus> Oh.
<phoe> and these should be meaningful errors instead
<phoe> and then, only then, when we have a good and nice stable base, we can possibly think of making an unstable branch of Common Lisp that's called Uncommon Lisp or whatever that can then be a place for further language evolution and experimentation
<contrapunctus> I figured the actual hard part would be getting people to agree on the changes.
<phoe> but that's a vision that'll take at least a few years of work to happen
<phoe> oh, yes, herding lispers, too
<phoe> it is a task so impossible that the only viable strategy is to get no one to agree and just do the changes oneself
<phoe> that's why we have UIOP:QUIT, the only reasonably standardized and ubiquitous way of quitting a Lisp image
<beach> contrapunctus: I don't think it will be hard to get them to agree on WSCL, because the changes suggested are already implemented in most implementations.
<puchacz> phoe: as a matter of naming, there was/is an Uncommon Lisp library - a web thing that uses continuations in an interpreted subset of Common Lisp.... so here you go, Common Lisp extended
<puchacz> sorry, it was uncommon web: https://common-lisp.net/project/ucw/
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<contrapunctus> beach: that's great, and I'm sure it meets the needs of at least some users if it was implemented and you were motivated to specify it. But the fact that it's already implemented means it is by definition not something that those people wanted...so there's room for more 🙂
<beach> contrapunctus: But, since you are "new to CL", you don't know that this issue is being discussed roughly once a month or so, typically suggested by people who have absolutely no idea why Common Lisp was created the way it was, no idea what any of their suggested changes would have as consequences to the ability to compile the language, etc.
<phoe> contrapunctus: WSCL is actually already implemented a real lot, like, implementations do common sane things in many of these cases
<contrapunctus> beach: oh, I'm not suggesting any changes myself. It was some folks who were more experienced than me.
<phoe> a big chunk of the work is just codifying the status quo.
<contrapunctus> Oh, they're present here too. I could ping them, if you want.
<beach> contrapunctus: So the essence of my counter argument is that most people use languages on a daily basis that don't even HAVE a standard. So why do they suddenly want every feature to be standardized for Common Lisp. Why not use a library that is widely agreed upon?
<phoe> I don't think it's this necessary
<phoe> I mean, pinging them
<contrapunctus> phoe: okay, I won't.
<phoe> I mean, cl21 is one such library
<beach> contrapunctus: Maybe it's not clear, but this issue is being discussed over and over again. All the experienced people here already know all the issues and have their ideas about them.
<contrapunctus> beach: they said these can't be implemented as a library.
<bitmapper> i mean, of course it can
<phoe> and cl21 was abandoned and also contained somewhat terrible code
<beach> contrapunctus: And how would changing the standard magically make it happen?
<beach> I should stop. I am really not interested in participating in this discussion again today.
<scymtym> contrapunctus: the SLIME debugger mode (sldb-mode) has keybindings for certain restarts: q - quit, a - abort, c - continue (press C-h m in the debugger buffer to see all)
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<phoe> the way forward is simple: grab your favorite Common Lisp implementation and hit it with a hammer until it behaves in this new way you'd like it to behave in
<contrapunctus> scymtym: oh, thanks!
<scymtym> sure
<phoe> voila, you've created an implementation of a new Lisp dialect
<phoe> in particular the ANSI CL standard was created because there was a lot to standardize
<phoe> nowadays perhaps it's a similar situation, with threads, networking, GC/weakness, MOP, Gray streams being ubiquitous everywhere and standardized in a de-facto way via portability libraries
<phoe> but then again, portability libraries are *all* libraries by definition
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<_death> many of these are immature or lacking, so we're better off without them being standardized for the moment
<beach> phoe: A long time ago, I had plans to write a Common Lisp reference. Now I think such a thing would be better suited for a web site.
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<beach> phoe: Such a thing would a user-facing document covering the entire language.
<phoe> beach: that's what I want UltraSpec to be in the end
<beach> Oh, OK.
<phoe> one thing is a modernized version of the language specification as-is without any fixes
<phoe> another thing is a user-facing set of documentation describing the whole language with fixes to the text and examples and such
<phoe> the latter depends on the former, obviously
<phoe> but that's one thing that the CL ecosystem currently lacks
<beach> Would you then separate the "specification" part from the "reference" part, or would it be just the reference?
<phoe> I'd keep the two separate, because some people (most importantly, implementers) will ask the question "what does the specifiaction say?" whereas other people (most importantly, programmers) will ask "how does it work?"
<beach> I agree.
<beach> And the reference would obviously refer to the specification for the "truth".
<phoe> yes
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<phoe> someone suggested some system of comments "over" the original specification that can highlight the issues found with the original text
<phoe> e.g. the famous PROG2
<beach> Sure.
<phoe> that's one more idea I'd like to someday implement.
<beach> Such a reference would need an entry for almost each operator, class, type, etc. in the specification, but the language would be much more helpful to a user.
<beach> So one way of starting such a reference would be to solicit contributions in the form of individual entries.
<phoe> yes
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<phoe> once the original specification is wrapped into these new clothes, then contributions will be easy
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<beach> Indeed.
<phoe> the main pain is converting dpANS3 into some lispy format and then presenting this lispy format in some sane way.
<phoe> we'll see
* phoe afk for groceries
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<beach> Yeah, I know. That has been a problem from the beginning.
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<beach> phoe: Take care.
<phoe> perhaps this time we'll succeed
<phoe> AsTeR has a TeX→Lisp parser of some sort
<phoe> I've already mentioned it earlier
<beach> Yeah, I seem to recall that.
<phoe> I'll want to refactor it and then plug dpANS3 into it and see what comesout
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<Lycurgus> the bruise blood i bet
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<phoe> bruise what
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<mfiano> phoe: Did you figure out what you're going to do regarding the depressing situation?
<phoe> mfiano: yes
<phoe> re-reading kmp's words a few times helped
<phoe> the spec is owned by the community, ANSI CL is a derivative work of it, so is CLHS, so is Franz spec
<phoe> so we're free to go
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<mfiano> So that free standard thing was wrong?
<phoe> it wasn't wrong, the copyright status of dpANS3 is highly dubious, because it's impossible to assert with 100% certainity that we get permission from *everyone* who participated in the discussion
<mfiano> It mentioned something along the lines of dPANS never making it to the public domain, and explicit permission from the contributors must be obtained for derivative works.
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<mfiano> That KMP post is saying the same thing I gathered: it's unclear what would happen.
<phoe> the thing is that I think I can depend on kmp's intuition on the matter and go full "it's free real estate" on dpANS3
<phoe> it seems it's highly unlikely anyone will care enough to sue.
<phoe> also, it's the only real optionh ere
<phoe> because the other option is literally writing a new specification from scratch that does not depend in *ANY* way on dpANS or ANSI CL
<phoe> which will then be mistrusted, because it's not *the* spec or *the* standard that everyone's been following for decades.
<mfiano> Not saying anyone would get sued, but if it does happen, that could be very damaging to a single user without the funds for a good lawyer.
<jackdaniel> wasn't the last draft published precisely for sake of avoiding the copyright drama?
<phoe> and anyway people will go "but what does The Spec™ say" which will cross-pollinate with the new document anyway, casting more legal shadow on the new spec anyway.
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<jackdaniel> I mean - courts are not blind to the /intention/
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<phoe> jackdaniel: that's the issue, no one can say for sure
<phoe> so I see three options here
<phoe> 1) derive from dpANS3\
<phoe> 2) write a brand new specification
<phoe> 3) proclaim CLUS dead
<phoe> and considering option number three makes me real annoyed
<mfiano> 4) Write a reference for _developers_ that cites the spec where needed
<phoe> that works too, I guess
<jackdaniel> I don't see how dpans is related to clus
<phoe> CLUS was originally an idea of reformatting the specification and integrating errata into it
<mfiano> I believe phoe wants to separate the spec from the reference for CLUS, modernizing the spec with fancy HTML and fixups
<phoe> then the idea was split into--- yes, what mfiano said
<mfiano> reference would be a separate thing, but spec would e a derivative of dpANS
<phoe> the language reference is doable mostly from scratch, sure thing, but the spec is the spec
<jackdaniel> I'd just take dpans3 and assume it is public domain, splitting a hair in four will lead you to nowhere
<jackdaniel> if you are not going to commercialize it, then it may be even in fair use territory
<mfiano> Regardless, I think one of the contributors would have sent a cease and desist letter at some point to the many distributors of the dpANS documents if it was indeed an issue.
<phoe> that's one more optimistic thing, right
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<aeth> imo CL21 failed because it (1) was too radical (and a lot of it looked different just for the sake of being different), (2) was one person's tastes (not really consensus-based afaik), (3) oversold itself ("the true successor"), and (4) probably was inefficient (actually making a new Lisp implementation/dialect would let it be efficient)
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<aeth> Looking at it, I do like the idea of using #/ as a regex reader macro, though
<aeth> But a few reader macros aren't really good enough reasons to bring in something huge and partially nonidiomatic as a dependency like cl21 or rutils.
<pve> (3) sounds like the key point
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<aeth> Don't underestimate the effect of #4 on adoption, either. I think a lot of people using CL in 2020 are using it over alternatives because it is (or at least can be) fast.
<aeth> If you make it into just another scripting language with no concern for performance, it doesn't offer much over scripting languages with huge communities like Ruby or Python.
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<pve> there's one difference though: you could, if necessary, "drop down to standard lisp"
<aeth> but then you risk your users liking standard Common Lisp and leaving your library
<pve> which I imagine would be easier than writing a module in C for python
<pve> depends on your goals I guess, I would see that as a win
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<aeth> I think another thing new "standard libraries" in CL get wrong is that they do things backwards. They do the library and then expect applications to follow, rather than deriving the library based on what their applications actually need.
<aeth> Standards should follow use, ideally quite a few different use cases from different parties.
<pve> you mean first making it, and only afterwards finding a problem it solves?
<aeth> right
<phoe> there's this weird thing that modifying Common Lisp requires one to modify the standard
<aeth> I could be wrong, but most of these "new standard library" libraries tend to just look at cool features from other languages to borrow/steal
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<phoe> seriously, come on, grab CCL and hack at it until it no longer complies
<phoe> but is also useful in some other new creative way
<aeth> phoe: Few things require actually modifying the underlying implementations.
<phoe> aeth: yes
<aeth> Even fewer require changing the standard.
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<aeth> e.g. I used to bring up short-float being too precise to use IEEE half-precision floating point as an example, but someone pointed out that the actual standard says "Recommended Minimum Floating-Point Precision and Exponent Size", so implementations actually can just use hardware short-float if they want and they're just lazy.
<aeth> The standard is mostly future-proof
<pve> I'm super guilty of "borrowing from other languages", but I believe I have realistic expectations regarding adoption
<aeth> pve: what's your library?
<pve> aeth: I haven't put it on github yet, but it's a kind of smalltalk-in-lisp
<aeth> pve: heh
<aeth> Someone's writing an ML in Lisp and I'm writing a Scheme in Lisp
<pve> no way!
<aeth> We should make a language "platform" with interoperability
<phoe> aeth: it's called racket
* phoe ducks
<aeth> stylewarning is writing the ML
<phoe> no, seriously though, ruricolist has been doing something like that
<phoe> I believe that I linked it to you, aeth
<pve> i actually made a working hindley-milner implementation in CL, but never got around to polish it up
<aeth> phoe: yeah, but (1) it's probably not compatible with the choices I had to make to make Scheme work on CL and (2) I'd rather do language integration at the ASDF level with different extensions than do the #lang foo thing.
<pve> but that was a long time ago, then later decided to do smalltalk and it's looking much better
<aeth> phoe: I think I brought up #2 when you linked it to me
<phoe> yes
<pve> aeth: so you have scheme that compiles down to CL code?
<aeth> pve: well, it's not ready yet... but I will have it. https://gitlab.com/mbabich/airship-scheme
<pve> i'm very interested in looking at other people's approaches to this
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<aeth> (1) I use %scheme-boolean:f, which is just a constant that evaluates to '%scheme-boolean:f, as the false value. Since in most CLs, NIL is just a symbol not treated specially, it shouldn't really hurt performance, but it separates nil from #f
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<phoe> (with-lispcafe "scheme properly pays respects with booleans, whereas CL doesn't")
<aeth> (2) I invert case to maintain almost all compatibility in a case-sensitive language. Idiomatic CL is writing lower-case that gets automatically upcased, and idiomatic most-other-languages (that don't use camelCase at least) is just writing lower-case that is preserved as lower-case, so this is the easiest interop
<aeth> (3) I'm going to have (iirc, I left it broken from a partial refactor a while back) a minimal "runtime" that guarantees tail recursion (with a trampoline) and continuations (transforming the Scheme via macro to continuation-passing-style). Any CL entry point will handle this, as well as turning #f into nil
<aeth> (4) On the CL side, I have two macros, define-scheme-procedure and define-scheme-predicate, where the difference is that the latter turns NIL into #f (i.e. %scheme-boolean:f) while the former treats NIL as the empty list.
<aeth> (5) Scheme libraries are going to define both an ASDF system and a package for that ASDF system. Since Scheme is a Lisp-1, imports will rebind in a top-level LET. The only issue I see with this is that the symbols in e.g. lists will be namespaced to where they were defined.
<froggey> I'm curious, why a symbol for false instead of a more anonymous object? like (make-instance 'standard-object)
<phoe> you might want to refer to it from CL side
<aeth> froggey: A symbol for false is exactly how CL implementations operate: a symbol for NIL, which is false (and the empty list) so it will basically behave identically.
<aeth> It'll just test a different thing for EQ when testing for false.
<aeth> Oh, and (5b) I Lisp-1-ified the DEFTYPE because defining a Scheme type also defines a predicate of the same name, and the names all end in ?. This is because portable Scheme is basically "predicately" typed, e.g. the pair? type, tested with the pair? predicate)
<aeth> s/predicate)/predicate/
<phoe> you mean that "pair?" is a type name in scheme?
<aeth> phoe: Portable Scheme doesn't really have a type system like CL's, it just provides a bunch of predicates to test for if something is of that type or not. So I could have called it something like pair or scheme-cons (or even just cl:cons, it's the same thing) and put it in the same type namespace as CL's, but I decided to call it pair?
<phoe> I see
<aeth> That is, it generates (deftype pair? () 'cons) and I could even just do (defun pair? (obj) (typep obj 'pair?) but I made a special case for when a predicate already exists (i.e. CONSP) just in case that's a faster path in the CL compiler (and if the type winds up being a SATISFIES type, things might go exactly backwards).
<phoe> ;; (defun pair? (obj) (typep obj '(satisfies consp)))
<aeth> Yes, but that won't be as efficient.
<phoe> I was kidding
<aeth> And the Scheme itself will generate something (for now, not final) like (defun r7rs::pair? (continuation obj) (funcall continuation (pair? obj)))
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<aeth> phoe: There are basically three ways the types could work. One is a DEFTYPE with a generated TYPEP predicate, another is an efficient DEFTYPE with a built-in predicate (like CONSP) that should be identical, and the third way is a predicate that's efficient with a SATISFIES in the DEFTYPE.
<aeth> The Scheme type could be any one of the three.
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<aeth> I'm actually pretty happy of some workarounds I found to avoid SATISFY types where you think they'd be necessary. e.g. even though it looks like zero? is just an ordinary predicate and not a type one, I actually define an efficient type for it, at least afaik. (define-scheme-type* (zero?) zerop `(or (real 0 0) (complex (real 0 0))))
<aeth> That is, zero? is the predicate ZEROP and the corresponding efficient type is the real from 0 to 0 inclusively or the complex with both parts from 0 to 0 inclusively.
<phoe> numeric types are very nice in CL
<aeth> s/happy of/happy with/
<phoe> ...wait a second
<phoe> (complex (real 0 0)) is impossible
<phoe> this decays into the integer 0
<phoe> clhs complex
<aeth> oh? weird
<phoe> "The imaginary part can be a float zero, but can never be a rational zero, for such a number is always represented by Common Lisp as a rational rather than a complex."
<phoe> therefore the complex part is unnecessary
<aeth> phoe: (complex 0.0 0.0)
<aeth> but, yeah, it could just be (complex (float 0 0))
<phoe> oh wait! I misread
<phoe> yes, correct, that's a valid complex
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<aeth> So should I use `(or (real 0 0) (complex (float 0 0))) instead?
<phoe> I think so, yes
<phoe> since (complex (rational 0 0)) === (complex (eql 0)) which has no elements
<phoe> no, wait a second...
<pve> aeth: that all sounds fascinating, you appear to be much more rigorous than me :)
<phoe> === (complex (rational 0 0))
<phoe> I don't know if the two are equivalent
<phoe> okay, TYPE= tells me that they are
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<aeth> pve: I have an advantage in that I'm translating a small specified language into a similar large specified language.
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<aeth> I don't have to design and implement at the same time, I just have to implement, and it's mostly about solving the mismatches.
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<pve> aeth: I'm not tackling the smalltalk standard lib anytime soon.. currently I'm at "smalltalk syntax with CL machinery", so I basically wrapped many (most?) of the standard CL functions
<pve> but I'm pretty happy with it
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<pve> aeth: I'm going to upload the code to github soonish, but if you're interested, here are a couple of pictures I like to show people that hopefully give an idea of the current state:
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<pve> Just finished writing the indendation code for the emacs mode, which was much harder than I expected. I'm not ashamed to admit I spent waay to much time fiddling with it.
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<aeth> pve: So how do you get the interactive, image-based Smalltalk development environment that Smalltalk is famous for?
<pve> no idea
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<aeth> pve: I haven't done ASDF integration yet but I've probably lost a few days every now and then trying
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<pve> yeah that part wasn't fun
<aeth> it looks like you do everything in a [ ... ] reader macro, though, while I am trying for a slightly different technique, essentially trying to make the .scm files indistinguishable from ordinary Scheme files.
<aeth> (and it has to have a custom reader, since there are minor points of syntactic incompatibility)
<pve> the [ ... ] is only in lisp files, when you mix code
<aeth> ah
<pve> otherwise they're code blocks
<pve> (lambdas)
<pve> I tried to make the asdf integration optional though, so an app/script is loadable without having to make an asd file
<aeth> For me, ASDF integration is pretty mandatory afaik because that's the logical way to handle Scheme libraries, beyond just using packages.
<pve> dependencies are still loaded using asdf, of course
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<pve> aeth: when you say "asdf integration" do you mean being able to do (asdf:load-system "my-scheme-lib")?
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<aeth> pve: maybe, but more importantly, actually handling the Scheme libraries as ASDF systems, e.g. https://gitlab.com/mbabich/airship-scheme/-/blob/master/scheme/base.sld
<aeth> Notice how R7RS's define-library seems to cover both DEFPACKAGE and DEFSYSTEM in scope... In this case, (scheme base) could represent an underlying package scheme/base (or airship-scheme/scheme/base) and an underlying system airship-scheme/scheme/base
<aeth> And as a placeholder for now I have it import from the not-yet-written (airship r7rs)
<pve> ah, I didn't know define-library worked like that
<aeth> I could probably extend it to add declarations for description/version/author/maintainer/license/homepage/bug-tracker/source-control and make it map to DEFSYSTEM more clearly
<aeth> It can also have (include "foo.scm") in the definition, which basically maps to :components
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<pve> aeth: I have no idea if this will help, but here's what I had to do:
<aeth> pve: thanks
<aeth> I'll look into it
<pve> thats all the asdf specific code i had to write
<pve> although your situation seems a bit different
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<pve> i mean that with that code, the custom asdf components can be used in asd-files (in the second imgur picture, top right)
<aeth> right, afaik, I would just have to parse (include "foo.scm") as defining a Scheme source file component, with the main complication being something like (include "bar/foo.scm") and other than that, everything cleanly maps either to DEFSYSTEM or DEFPACKAGE
<aeth> The hard part might be getting Quicklisp to detect them as systems without (1) being a top-level .ASD file and (2) being a .ASD file at all, but package-inferred-system exists as a thing that creates an ASDF "sub"system for each file and it works fine, so there's probably a way to do it from the top level .ASD file
<pve> I could be wrong, but "bar/foo.lisp" might work in asdf
<pve> like out of the box
<aeth> I've always seen it as defining a new thing... "module" or something? For each subdirectory.
<aeth> it definitely does something fancy when package-inferred-system is being used, though, since it's all... inferred from names that match the paths
<pve> no I meant (:file "bar/foo")
<pve> or does (include "bar/foo.scm") mean something else?
<aeth> yeah, sorry for being unclear, I mean, I've never seen (:file "bar/foo") I've always seen it as defining something for "bar" and then putting "foo" under it
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<pve> yeah, usually the :module component is used when you have a subdirectory containing some code
<pve> but did you know that asdf automagically looks for the definition of teh system foo/bar in foo.asd?
<pve> so it considers foo/bar a subsystem of foo
<phoe> wait a second - in ASDF, (:file "foo/bar/baz/quux") means quux.lisp in a directory subtree foo/bar/baz/
<pve> phoe: yeah, unless I remembered wrong
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<pve> right
<pve> aeth: but I imagine package-inferred should also work for you
<aeth> pve: well, not quite, since that's one-system-and-package-per-file, while Scheme's library system is closer to "normal" CL, where you have a separate file listing all of the files to include
<pve> oh.. okay
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<phoe> good night
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<Fare> If sharks^WIP lawyers smell enough money to go after a new CL standard, we've already won.
<Fare> At best they'll get us to rename the project and do a clean room rewrite. But they only would do that if there's a big enough community for the thing to matter.
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