ChanServ changed the topic of #lowempire to: Low Level Empire | This channel was created for Algorithms, Compilers, OS, Hardware, CS theory stuff (low-level) | be patient, polite | don't do off top | Ask your question | Paste your codes/long texts or "echo just testing! | nc 9999" | Logs:
nodee has joined #lowempire
lucid_0x80 has joined #lowempire
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marlin has joined #lowempire
xdxdxdxd has joined #lowempire
<xdxdxdxd> hi guys)))
<marlin> lucid
<marlin> nesences hi guys
<lucid_0x80> salamlar
<lucid_0x80> necesiz bros
<marlin> salamar eiziz genceler
<marlin> ve genck qalmaq isteyn dostlar
<lucid_0x80> eziz Azerbaycan gencliyi
<xdxdxdxd> salamatciligdi))))
<lucid_0x80> ozunu
<lucid_0x80> genc hiss edenler
<xdxdxdxd> havadan xengel iyi gelir)))) :DDD
<marlin> node artiq cixacaq bugun sabah bu gecnlikden
<lucid_0x80> gencliye tohvesi olanlar (yeni men yox)
<marlin> :d aha babat
<xdxdxdxd> poxu ye marlin
<marlin> gedey xingala bir gun
<xdxdxdxd> genclik 40 yasha kimidi
<lucid_0x80> millet etaga
<lucid_0x80> bu tehlukeli gunde riskdiye :-D
<lucid_0x80> cole cixmaq
<marlin> :D :d tesselli veirr fikri vermeyin
<lucid_0x80> etaga
<marlin> heyhe
<marlin> dehset artib
<lucid_0x80> biraz sebr edin virus azalsin
<lucid_0x80> gederik
<marlin> ehtiyat po max
<lucid_0x80> 1000000%
<marlin> qutarmaq
<marlin> bilmir
<lucid_0x80> biraz azalsin hec olmasa
<marlin> gerey havaya neyse
<marlin> vursunlar
<marlin> :D
<lucid_0x80> azalacaq
<marlin> o bir ara
<lucid_0x80> camaat uje eve yigisib
<lucid_0x80> bilirsen niye
<lucid_0x80> coxaldi bele
<lucid_0x80> mitinq olduye
<lucid_0x80> 8-10 noyabr
<lucid_0x80> ona gore
<lucid_0x80> etaga men o mitinqde camaat baxib dedim ki
<lucid_0x80> ele burda dehset yoluxma olacaq
<marlin> yadindizda xeberler cixmisdi ki paltarlariniz colde ip-den aslinlari yigisdirin havaya neyse atiblar
<marlin> :d
<marlin> hee
<marlin> hamsi ordan
<lucid_0x80> haahah hee :-D
<lucid_0x80> yadimdadi
<lucid_0x80> :-D
<lucid_0x80> evde oturmagdan
<lucid_0x80> ureyim partliyire
<lucid_0x80> etaga :-D
<lucid_0x80> adam ne qeder oturar evde
<marlin> ahaha
<marlin> yes
<marlin> eledire
<marlin> dozekde biraz
<marlin> ne edek
<lucid_0x80> mencede
<marlin> cixariq bizde evden isleyirk
<marlin> aritq
<lucid_0x80> ->_<-
<lucid_0x80> menimde mezuniyyetim pox olduda :-D
<lucid_0x80> guya mezuniyyete cixmisdim kishi kishi
<lucid_0x80> onsuzda evdeyemde :-D
<lucid_0x80> bu il ishe getmedik :-D
<marlin> sende duzgun vaxt sece bilmedinde
<marlin> :d
<lucid_0x80> duzgun deyendeki brat
<lucid_0x80> bu il ancaq
<lucid_0x80> karantin olduda :-D
<lucid_0x80> normal is gunu olduki
<lucid_0x80> xdx
<marlin> can e can)))
<lucid_0x80> senin
<lucid_0x80> ibardan
<lucid_0x80> xeberin cixdi?
<marlin> ala
<marlin> olnlar
<lucid_0x80> aha
<marlin> in men app yoxlamgina
<marlin> usaga hele hecne demeyibler
<marlin> yeqin basdari cixmayib
<marlin> ne yaziib deye :D
<lucid_0x80> boyuk
<lucid_0x80> lider hell edecek
<lucid_0x80> yegin
<marlin> usagi cagirmayiblar
<lucid_0x80> amma boyuk lider orda deil axi
<marlin> o nese x bir adamdir he?
marlin is now known as macrus
<lucid_0x80> hee
<macrus> ping hello guys
<lucid_0x80> yoxdu
<lucid_0x80> o
<lucid_0x80> boyul lider
<lucid_0x80> boyuk*
<macrus> aha
<lucid_0x80> elebildim
<lucid_0x80> ordadi
<lucid_0x80> ibarda
<lucid_0x80> sonra yadima dusduki yox
<lucid_0x80> orda deil
<xdxdxdxd> lucid Ibardan bidefe yigib soruwdularki sen java ucun atmisan taski yoxsa python :)))))xaxaxaxaxaxa
<lucid_0x80> ona gore cetinlik cekir
<lucid_0x80> ibar
<lucid_0x80> xd denen assembler ucun yazmisam
<macrus> hmm
<macrus> aydidnirdir
<macrus> :d :D
<xdxdxdxd> mende dedim pythondu-dedi he cox javajilar deyir hem javada hemde pythonda yazib atir ona gore soruwdug xaxaxaxa
<lucid_0x80> ala
<xdxdxdxd> xaxaxaxaxaxa
<lucid_0x80> mezelenirsiz
<macrus> xiyar topuglari
<lucid_0x80> denen
<xdxdxdxd> gijdillagdilarda))) isdedim deyem vaxtin olanda cv-me bax xiyar
<lucid_0x80> 48 saata hem java hem python
<lucid_0x80> yazan
<lucid_0x80> adama
<lucid_0x80> men 50k maashla ise goturerem
<macrus> :d
<macrus> :d :d
<xdxdxdxd> xaxaxax :DDDD
<macrus> debil dielrde
<lucid_0x80> mumkun deil onu 48 saata
<lucid_0x80> hem java yazmaq
<lucid_0x80> hem python
<macrus> ibneler
<xdxdxdxd> amcigdilarda)))))
<lucid_0x80> java
<lucid_0x80> yoxbir
<lucid_0x80> denen javanin bu sohbetden xeberi olsa ozu ozunu siler internetden
<macrus> ahahahhaah
<macrus> lucid etaga senin bu zarafatlarin olmayda cox babat soxursanda
<xdxdxdxd> xaxaxaxa
<macrus> :D
<macrus> axaxa
<macrus> urehsen e sen)))
<lucid_0x80> opuremmmmm
<lucid_0x80> AYEEEE
<lucid_0x80> jizn voram
<lucid_0x80> ogrulara salam kayfa davam
<macrus> :d :d
<macrus> axaxa))))
<lucid_0x80> kimi ibneliyek
<lucid_0x80> kimnen mezelene
<lucid_0x80> k
<xdxdxdxd> qaqash qrupun title-in deyish AYE qoy
<macrus> ))))))
<lucid_0x80> mence
<lucid_0x80> shushanin adini
<lucid_0x80> deyishib
<lucid_0x80> AYE etmek lazimdir
<lucid_0x80> aye programming language
<macrus> ;D :D nese gelir
<macrus> axaxaxa)))
<lucid_0x80> only ogrular terefinden istifade
<lucid_0x80> edilir
<lucid_0x80> zonda bir birilerine secret melumatlar gondermke ucun
<xdxdxdxd> besdide :DDD
<macrus> :D ;D :D
<xdxdxdxd> publicdi e mellim ))))
<macrus> ahahah
<lucid_0x80> onsuz
<lucid_0x80> tanimirlar
<lucid_0x80> kim kimdi :-D
<lucid_0x80> sox getsin :-D
<macrus> axaxax temasize etaga ))))
lucid_0x80 is now known as babayarisi
<macrus> opurem seher sehr bele maraqli gune basaldiq
<macrus> ))
<babayarisi> isteirem
<babayarisi> birdene
<babayarisi> qrup acim
<babayarisi> facebookda
xdxdxdxd is now known as nodee
macrus is now known as patrikc
<babayarisi> shusha group
<babayarisi> orda da yazim ki
<babayarisi> Shusha group leader
<patrikc> aha
<nodee> xaxaxaxaxax
<patrikc> :d
<patrikc> aaxaxaxax
<patrikc> )))
<nodee> bidenede telegram qrupu
<babayarisi> konfranslarda da cixislar edim
<nodee> menide admin qoyda ne olar ne olar ne olaaaar
<patrikc> leader of shusha
<babayarisi> shusha dilinin lideriyem
<babayarisi> ahahaha :-D
<nodee> admin qoyassan meni???
<babayarisi> mutleq
<babayarisi> sende olacagsan qrup lider
<patrikc> mende bot olaramda
<patrikc> olar qaqa?
<babayarisi> ahahh
<nodee> cox sagol )))
<babayarisi> ptrick
<nodee> xaxaxaxaxa
<patrikc> nese attack zad olsa
<babayarisi> captcha gonderersen
<babayarisi> hamiya
<patrikc> qovum onalri
<babayarisi> :-D
<patrikc> :D
<patrikc> :
<babayarisi> under attack moda
<babayarisi> sen baxarsan
<nodee> xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxxa
<nodee> :DDDDD
<patrikc> ahahah
<nodee> :DDD
<patrikc> ahahha yuz faiz
<patrikc> :d :D ;D
<babayarisi> nese olkede
<babayarisi> pis veziyyet olan kimi
<babayarisi> ishe dusha
<babayarisi> qrupumuza
<babayarisi> hucum olanda
<patrikc> onda
<patrikc> icaze verin men gedib bir neferden tedris alim gelim icanizle
<patrikc> :d
<patrikc> :D guclu biliye sahib olum bu movzuda
<patrikc> :D
<nodee> :DDDDD
<babayarisi> ooo
<babayarisi> mutleq
<babayarisi> nodejsde oyren
<nodee> isdirsen odenish eliyey outsource elesin ))):DD
<patrikc> beli raziyam
<babayarisi> ahahahaha
<babayarisi> bizede
<babayarisi> oyretsin
<babayarisi> outsource
<babayarisi> :-D
<patrikc> he pis olmazdi :D
<nodee> vse bu mesele hell oldu ))
<patrikc> ela resili problema
<patrikc> :d
<babayarisi> aglim olsaydi vaxtinda
<babayarisi> az osduragcilar olan saheye giriserdim
<babayarisi> it-de coxdur :-D
<nodee> bizde ele sahe yoxdu qaqash ) Allahin mollalarida osduraga basir
<babayarisi> ahahahah
<babayarisi> :-D :-d
<babayarisi> bu it sahesindeki qeder
<babayarisi> cox osduragci
<babayarisi> inanmiram
<babayarisi> basqa
<babayarisi> sahelerde olsun
<babayarisi> :-D
nodee has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
nodee has joined #lowempire
<nodee> :DDDDD
<nodee> oda duzdu))\
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xdxdxdxd is now known as nodee
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nodee has joined #lowempire
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<babayarisi> usaglar
<babayarisi> burdasiz?
nodee has joined #lowempire
<patrikc> he susukun
<patrikc> burdayiq
<babayarisi> bu hackathon nese partlayis olcaq
nodee has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
nodee has joined #lowempire
<nodee> bu bayraktardan gelib?
<babayarisi> oranin ceosudur
nodee has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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<nodee> lucid
<nodee> burdasan?
<nodee> buna baxarsan, Rust-da yaziblar -> A prototype quantum scripting language, complete with a simple bytecode-based interpreter
<babayarisi> aha
<babayarisi> baxiram indi
<nodee> okaay
nodee has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<babayarisi> baxdim
<babayarisi> brat
<babayarisi> prosto nese menasiz
<babayarisi> seye oxsayir :-D
<babayarisi> bu arada
<babayarisi> shusha ucun
<babayarisi> uje kod generasiyasini yaziram :-d
<babayarisi> gelen hefteye
<babayarisi> hello world isleyecek Inshallah :-D
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<patrikc> insallah mellim
<patrikc> insalalh sebirisizlikle gozleyirikk
<patrikc> :)
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