ddfreyne changed the topic of #nanoc to: 3.6.4 (may 29th) | web http://nanoc.ws/ | repo http://bit.ly/XE6e3G | issues http://bit.ly/VfXaSV | forum http://ho.io/n-discuss | irclog http://irclog.whitequark.org/nanoc
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<jachymko> yay 4.0!
<ddfreyne> bobthecow: ping
<bobthecow> gnip.
<ddfreyne> bobthecow: Should nanoc-core, nanoc-cli, nanoc and nanoc-powerpack all have the same version numbers?
<ddfreyne> Seems to make sense, but it makes releasing a new version a bit harder
<bobthecow> yes, i think they should.
<bobthecow> script it :)
<bobthecow> at least nanoc, nanoc core and nanoc-cli should.
<bobthecow> powerpack i could take or leave.
<ddfreyne> Yeah, powerpack is the one I was wondering about.
<ddfreyne> also, I think nanoc should have this in the gemspec:
<ddfreyne> s.add_runtime_dependency('nanoc-core', ">= #{Nanoc::VERSION}", '< 5.0.0')
<ddfreyne> same for nanoc-cli
<ddfreyne> Do you agree?
<ddfreyne> (and maybe automate the 5.0.0)
<bobthecow> that part will change so far from now that it's not worth wasting cycles on :)
<ddfreyne> haha
<ddfreyne> http://github.com/nanoc/nanoc It is so... empty here!
<bobthecow> you can put docs there to make it feel less empty.
<bobthecow> :)
<ddfreyne> I documented the missing code in the README
<bobthecow> i mean, you could have a folder called /docs/ which contains part/some/most/all of the site documentation.
<bobthecow> submodule it for nanoc.ws
<bobthecow> if you're worried about it feeling empty.
<ddfreyne> But then a nanoc-doc repository would be more appropriate, I think
<ddfreyne> Hmm, this sucks:
<ddfreyne> I need nanoc-core for the gem to be built (due to the require statement)
<ddfreyne> But the dependency on nanoc-core is only declared afterwards.
<ddfreyne> It seems to me that this is not possible with Rubygems
<bobthecow> honestly, manually bumping one value in each gemfile isn't the end of the world.
<bobthecow> and it makes for an artifact that you can commit to the repo to let people know something changed.
<ddfreyne> Yeah, makes sense
<bobthecow> actually, at that point it might make sense to have a VERSION for each gem.
<bobthecow> then you could do s.version = Nanoc::VERSION and s.add_dependency('nanoc-core', "= #{Nanoc::VERSION}"
<bobthecow> hmm.
<bobthecow> rails solves it by having both gems in the same repo.
<ddfreyne> Yeah, meh
<bobthecow> so activerecord requires ../../RAILS_VERSION
<ddfreyne> Also, Nanoc::VERSION is declared by nanoc-core already :<
<bobthecow> you know, it might not be problematic to have nanoc, nanoc-cli and nanoc-core in the same repo.
<bobthecow> that would guarantee that things are updated at the same time, would give you a relative place to require a version file, and would mean you could tag in one go.
<bobthecow> but have three different folders, with three different gemspecs.
<ddfreyne> Hmm, that is a possibility. I'm not sure I like it that much though
<ddfreyne> A alternative I was thinking about was a nanoc-version submodule
<ddfreyne> With one file, VERSION, containing the version number
<ddfreyne> It feels wrong to move away from the one-gem-per-repo or one-project-per-repo idea
<jachymko> i know next to nothing about ruby and its conventions, but i'd find it reasonable to either have the three gems in one repo and version them together
<jachymko> or have them in separate repos and version them independently
<jachymko> which is obviously more work
<jachymko> and the question is whether it has any advantages
<ddfreyne> I'm favouring the idea of having a version submodule at the moment.
<bobthecow> ddfreyne: i don't like that.
<jachymko> that seems a bit over-engineered to me. another moving part and the core projects are still tightly coupled--altough in three repos, so it'll be more pain to release a version
<bobthecow> because you'll still have to bump and commit the submodule.
<bobthecow> you might as well be bumping a file.
<jachymko> yep
<bobthecow> i'm really leaning toward the rails-style multiple projects in one repo.
<bobthecow> just for nanoc/core/cli
<bobthecow> because those are the three that are tightly coupled.
<ddfreyne> nanoc/nanoc-core at least. Not entirely sure about cli
<bobthecow> that way the version is stored in a single file, bumped all at the same time, and committed and tagged all at the same time.
<bobthecow> i think cli too, for now.
<bobthecow> i don't see there being a really viable non-cli interface until 5.x.
<bobthecow> but maybe that's just the realist (pessimist?) in me ;)
<ddfreyne> One of the goals of nanoc 4.x is to make it easier to write other interfaces
<ddfreyne> So a nanoc-web should be possible :)
<bobthecow> right.
<bobthecow> which means it'll be right in time for 5.x
<ddfreyne> haha
<jachymko> so if the goal is to remove the tight coupling, why not version them independent of each other?
<bobthecow> jachymko: because what number should come out when you say `nanoc --version`?
<ddfreyne> jachymko: I'm inclined to version nanoc-cli independently, yes
<jachymko> nanoc: 4.0
<jachymko> nanoc-cli: 4.5
<bobthecow> ugh.
<bobthecow> really?
<ddfreyne> nanoc --version could print something like "nanoc 4.0.0 (nanoc-cli 1.0.1)"
<ddfreyne> god, versioning is hard
<bobthecow> rails has 8 gems in their main repo, all versioned in lockstep.
<ddfreyne> bobthecow: One drawback is that this is hard to use with bundler's :git => stuff
<bobthecow> nope nope.
<bobthecow> wait. maybe.
<bobthecow> doesn't it offer a way to specify what the gemfile is?
<ddfreyne> No
<ddfreyne> You can specificy a :ref, :branch or :tag
<bobthecow> git 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git' do gem 'railties' gem 'action_pack' gem 'active_model' end
<bobthecow> they already thought of that ;)
<ddfreyne> Ahh
<ddfreyne> I need to think about this some more.
<ddfreyne> I would very much like to avoid the submodule solution because I do not like submodules :(
<jachymko> submodules aren't that bad, but a submodule only to share a version number, that's just wrong :)
<jachymko> it really depends if you want to position nanoc-core more as a library. if it's a library and nanoc-cli or a future nanoc-web are apps built on top of that library, then there should be separate repositories and separate versions. nanoc-cli 1.0 can support nanoc 4.0.0-4.999.999
<jachymko> if you want to release one "nanoc" as a product, with nanoc-cli, -core and -web as mere subprojects, then it would make sense to just have a single repository with more gems inside, versioned in lockstep
<jachymko> and you dont need to worry yourself about compatibility, because nanoc-cli and nanoc-werb 4.3.1 will only support nanoc-core 4.3.1
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<jachymko> you'd still need to maintain stable api for the -powerpack etc. projects
<jachymko> so perhaps the library approach makes more sense. but it is more pain in the short run
<VitamineD> I get conflicts when pulling nanoc-core ? I don't think I made local changes, were there dubious thing done to git ?
<VitamineD> I'm at e86b3dc
<VitamineD> yeah, looks like the repo was recreated from scratch
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<guardian> o/
<ddfreyne> VitamineD: Yes, the history was cut
<ddfreyne> VitamineD: What changes did you have locally?
<VitamineD> none, I just had the old history up to "Remove cri as runtime dependency"
<ddfreyne> ok
<bobthecow> VitamineD: when something like that comes up, and you don't have any local changes, just `git reset --hard origin/branchname`
<VitamineD> hmm true
<VitamineD> that moves the master pointer, right ?
<bobthecow> yeah. it changes your local master pointer to be whatever origin/branchname's pointer is.
<bobthecow> then the --hard part does a git checkout
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