So Ukranian is a dialect of Russian, or a whole different language?
it is just another slavic language
it has a lot of common with Russian
but with another slavic ones too
(Bielorussian, Slovak, Polska, Czezh and so on)
Cool. I don't even know little bits of any slavic languages.
they are quite complex for english speaking people
(as I heard from 'em)
may be you've heard 'perestroika' :-)
about 1985-89 :)
Oh yeah, I've heard that word. :)
it means something like 'rebuilding'
Wasn't that Gorbachev's favorite word?
Did it work?
also 'demokratija' and 'glasnost'
after Gorbachev USSR was broken
and here we're :)
Ukraine tends to be a democratic country
So do people seem to be enjoying democracy, or do they miss the old way?
well, current situation is much better than USSR's communism
not ideally good, absolutely not
there a lot of problems to build a new country with another model
but at least we're trying to make our country better
old people want to leave in an old way
(people with age more than 60 years usually)
the rest mostly want to not to live an old way
So is it improving, you think?
i think yes
at least hope that it is improving
* Yurik
got a last portion of cognac and is out for 5 minutes to smoke a bit
* Yurik
is back
I am so sick of C.
C sucks
I'm working on this template parser for HTML files that runs Perl subroutines for various keywords...it's so messy.
Perl sucks, too.
Perl sucks *A LOT*
Heh, I wrote the parser originally in Perl. It was so slow I laughed at it.
OCaml really kicks ass
OCaml does really kick some serious ass.
* Yurik
thinks. Friday. Drinkday.
Hahah. Not at work it isn't. :)
my work day is finished already
Do you get to write Ocaml for a living?
not yet
Me neither. At least, not when my boss is looking. :)
i only got Erlang for one commercial project for server
OCaml is for my open source project
Hopefully, it will be invested some time
I showed him some Ocaml code yesterday...I reimplemented part of our thousand-line search engine in 80 lines of Ocaml. He was pretty happy about that.
Our search engine right now consists of a bunch of Perl code which constructs the ugliest SQL query in the known universe.
Which isn't very fast.
i dislike RDBMS for most of tasks
Oracle hates it. :)
* Yurik
is out for a bit
* Yurik
is back
Miwong has joined #ocaml
Miwong: hi
Ok...what about random numbers in Ocaml?
skylan has joined #ocaml
Is there an easy way to generate an .mli file, or does one have to do it by hand?
by hand
ocamlopt -i can do part of the work for you, too.
I just discovered that. :)
Ok, so the stream stuff, like [< '1; '2 >], needs camlp4, right?
gene9 has joined #ocaml
gene9 has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]