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ourely functional programs can just simulate callcc with closures.
Indeed they can.
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The ocaml grammar says that <> and <..> are valid type expressions. I don't think ocaml really takes them. Are they useful in some context I don't understand?
erm, I'm not aware of those
Well, <x:int,..> is the type that has all objects with at least a method x. So I suppose <..> would be all objects, and <> would be all objects with no methods.
But I can get ocaml to parse "let x (y: <x:int;..>) = 3" but not "let x (y: <..>) = 3" or "let x (y: <>) = 3".
So I think they're just wrong, but it seems weird enough that I'm looking for a sanity check before I throw another bug at them. (This would be my third today...)
well, that one's entirely new to me :)
mee too
I don't use the OO at all, though
which is probably why I never knew
What should (y:<>) be anyway? An object without method seem pretty useless.
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Wouldn't that just be let x _ = 3?
I'm looking at the camlp4 parser and trying to figure out what it's doing
Well, it wouldn't be any more useful than "let x _ = 3", so far as I can tell, but it would be different because 4 is an int and matches _ but it's not an object that would match y:<>.
TimFreeman: try let x (y:< >) = 3
whee: still trying to sort out that bf parser?
Kinners: no, that works :)
attempting to figure out how ocaml's handling this <bloop doop;..> syntax
TimFreeman: <> is structural unequal. That gets converted into a single token. < > would be two tokens.
Hey, whee's right when he msg'd me. let x (y: < >) = 3 works. Thanks.
# value x (y:< .. >) = 3;
value x : < .. > -> int = <fun>
Same problem as with 1 =!int_ref
it's the spacing, then
# let (<..>) = fun x y -> true;;
val ( <..> ) : 'a -> 'b -> bool = <fun>
<..> is an infix operator.
The tokeniser converts it too.
Whats the difference between < x:int > and < x:int;.. >?
If an object has a method x with type int and a method y with type char, it's in the second but not the first.
the type of an object is defined by the methods it has
How does that work? Does it generate a proper virtual tabel and passes that along to the function?
I mean the various methods x could be anywhere inside th objects getting passed, how does it know what to call?
Well, I'm sure it's all compiled using type erasure. The type doesn't influence method dispatch.
Is there something equivalent for records?
I don't think you get subtyping on records.
I have two records both of which have a next field. Would be great to have a function that could follow the next filed of both records.
I think you'd have to promote them to objects to do that.
There is a performance hit. I never measured it, though.
you could get away with polymorphic variants too
yeah, or pass a "next:'a->'a" closure
or with functors.
whee: I don't understand the proposed scheme with polymorphic variants. They let you say it's this or that, but mrvn wants to say the object has a next field *and* something else. Can you give more details?
actually, yeah, how do you do it with variants?
TimFreeman: you can have two polymorphic variants with the same constructor name but different data
you can?
and using match and #typename do a form of subtyping
whee: Ya, keep going, I don't see how that helps you yet.
Um, is this paper saying you can do something clever in ocaml, or saying that you could make some language other than ocaml in which you could do something clever?
Never mind. The answer became clear after reading the first 1.5 pages.
I read the examples but I couldn't find any variants with different constructors with the same name.
mrvn: look at
they happen to use `Var with the same data, but you don't have to
I'm afk for a bit...
type var = [`Var of int];;
let value = function `Var x -> x | _ -> 0;;
type var2 = [ `Var of float ];;
# value (`Var 1.);;
This expression has type [> `Var of float] but is here used with type
[> `Var of int]
Doesn't work with different constructors. The new one just shadows the old one.
you have to handle them separately
like so?:
# let value = function `Var (x:int) -> x | `Var (x:float) -> 0 | _ -> 0;;
This pattern matches values of type [? `Var of float]
but is here used to match values of type [? `Var of int]
what is syntactically wrong here -> ? i am getting a "Parse error: 'and' or 'in' expected (in [expr])" on line 24, characters 0-3
I thought it worked, though :\
pattern: you're missing an in on line 24
that semicolon after exit 0 looks bad
although that's probably not it
# let value = function #var -> 0 | #var2 -> 1;;
This pattern matches values of type [? `Var of float] = [? `Var of float]
but is here used to match values of type [? `Var of int] = [? `Var of int]
whee, i don't think it's the in on line 24, because this works:
let main () = print_string ""
let _ = if !( Sys.interactive ) then () else main ()
and removing the semicolon after exit 0 doesn't help either
you've got a semicolon in reverse_list that shouldn't be there
line 12 has an extra ;
and this is one of the reasons I like the revised syntax ;p
whee, why shouldn't that semicolon be there?
why should it?
pattern_: because then the "let main" isn't a toplevel let anymore
because it ends the statement? or am i still stuck in c-land?
; in ocaml continues a sequence of statements
The grammar says you can have two or zero semicolons between toplevel let's.
pattern_: no, ; doesn't end a statement, it creates a sequence of statements.
you only use it in begin .. end blocks or do {}
timfreeman, that's weird
# let a = 1;2;3;;
Warning: this expression should have type unit.
Warning: this expression should have type unit.
val a : int = 3
I agree with mrvn I guess. It's expecting an "in" after the let after the semicolon because the semicolon creates a sequence.
1;2;3 is a sequence evaluation to1, then 2, then 3 discarding 1 and 2.
pattern_: just reindent the "let main" line. With the ; it should get indented to the match case.
whichh ; ?
line 12
isn't main a toplevel function, though?
in here the prompt should come up before i input the string, right?
the main is better, line 12 still has ;
yeah, i'll take out hte ; in line 12 (this is a paste of an older version of my prog)
i'm just curious as to why main is part of reverse_list
This expression has type unit but is here used with type string
You reverse_list is buggy also.
yeah, i know
one thing at a time, though :P
i want main to be a toplevel function that calls reverse_list
and the ; after exit is also bogus
yeah, whee pointed that out too... it'll be gone in my next revision
# main ();;
Please enter a string to reverse: bla
Works fine once you fix the bugs.
yeah, i tried it, i know it works now
i just want to understand why you said that main isn't a toplevel function, and how i can make it one
Allway try to test a function before writeing the next.
i did try to do that, but i got nowhere :(
i knew there was a problem with reverse_list, but i couldn't figure out what
now i see the ;s are the culprits
whee: Going back to the polymorphic variant issue, after reading the paper I still don't see how it's a plausible substitute for objects. In fact, they seem very much the opposite of objects. Objects let you extend ...
something to have the old stuff and new stuff, and poly. variants let you have the old stuff or new stuff.
TimFreeman: Polymorphic variants lets you extend a enumeration type.
type player = `X | `O
type field = `X | `O | `Block | `Empty
Now you can write a function that can pretty-print a field and a player.
<x:int; ..> would require some interface or losures without objects I think.
mrvn wanted to have a "next" method that worked on a variety of things, right?
So you want enough information to compute a next whatever, *and* some other useful data in addition. Poly variants say your object can be whatever *or* something else in addition. I don't see how poly variants help you with ...
the next method.
Is anyone still saying they would?
they don't afaik
Okay, I guess I misunderstood the context of the conversation then.
someone suggested they coudl but I don#t see how eigther.
How do you use a signature?
module type X_ABLE =
val x : unit -> int
type x_able = X_ABLE;;
let foo (x:x_able) = x.x ();;
You'll lose when compiling "type x_able = X_ABLE". Functors aren't first class values.
Unbound record field label x
How do I write a function that takes a X_ABLE and calls its x() function?
But X_ABLE is a module type, not a type. There isn't any value with type X_ABLE.
Oh. What's with the word "type" after "sig"?
What did you mean there?
wrong cut&paste
If I delete the "type" after "sig", I can define the module type X_ABLE, but then I still don't know what you meant to do with it.
You'll need a structure, then you can forget information about your structure by casting it to the module type.
I want to call x()
module X1 =
let x () = 1
like that?
Yes, then you can do X1.x ().
But that wouldn#t use the X_ABLE signature.
module X2 =
let x () = 2
The function should call X1.x or X2.x depending on what the argument realy is.
That would be like <x:int>
Modules don't change their value at run time. You need to make a functor to do what you want.
I used to know how to write functors in SML. Lemme think for a bit...
Thought so.
Here we go:
module X1 =
let x () = 1
module X2 =
let x () = 2
module type X_ABLE =
val x : unit -> int
module ANY_X(X:X_ABLE) = struct
let z = X.x ();
module Z1 = ANY_X(X1);;
module Z2 = ANY_X(X2);;
But I haven't needed to write a functor in ocaml yet.
Thats not a functor yet is it?
ANY_X is a functor.
A functor is a module that takes module arguments.
IIRC they can take type arguments too.
module Set =
functor (Elt: ORDERED_TYPE) ->
Thats how they do functor in the manual.
That works too. I think this is equivalent to the ANY_X1 I wrote above:\n module ANY_X1 =
functor (X:X_ABLE) -> struct
let z = X.x ();
Oops, s/ANY_X1/ANY_X/.
What do you want to do with this? I have doubts that anyone really needs to use functors in ocaml, since I haven't needed to yuet.
let z = X.x;
module ANY_X(X:X_ABLE) = struct
let z = X.x;
let z_list = [ Z1.z; Z2.z];;
The new ANY_X shadows the old one, but it doesn't change Z1 or Z2. They still see the old one unless you type them in again.
# (fun x -> x ()) z_list;;
- : int list = [1; 2]
ANY_X would be like <x:int> or <x:int;..>
I think you can do everything with modules that you can do with objects.
Sort of. I suppose that's why I wrote functors in SML: no objects.
food calls.
Okay, bye for now then. Think about this while eating: objects exist at run time but not functors.
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i finally figured out my string reversing program
programming by trial and error sucks, though... wish i knew what i was doing
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pattern_: let str_rev s = let length = String.length s in let r = String.create length in for i = 0 to length-1 do r.[length-1-i] <- s.[i]; done; r;;
# str_rev "Hallo, world!";;
- : string = "!dlrow ,ollaH"
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mrvn, cool! i was just going to ask how i could have better written that
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Too bad strings don't have String.init
well, it would be easy to write one, wouldn't it?
in section 2, "OCaml standard library improvement"
I think that Array and String should have nearly the same interface. String basically being a special cahse of an array (char array but in compackt form)
Just use xemacs + tuareg-mode and indent with <tab>
not possible
vim sucks and that indentation even more
but i can set up vim to do the same, once i figure out what the correct style is
well, z2401357 is what feels natural to me, and My455085 is what it looks like once i ran my code through camlp4o pr_o.cmo
ignoring the explode function, which i didn't write
let opens an implicit begin, everything after that should be indented more.
let rec reverse_list =
is that what you mean?
for example. But I tend to write let foo = function \n
yeah, that's how i wrote it too
camlp4o was the one that put function below the =
maybe i could tweak camlp4o's rules to match my own indenting style... but maybe i should just learn its style, if that's what everyone uses
I don't use it
i used camlp4o on the ocaml examples code, which was horribly indented
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but i don't like how camlp4o puts everything so much on one line, like in line 16 of My455085
that same code takes five lines in my style, but i think it's more readable
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i'm using input_char to read input, but it seems like my program is waiting until i hit ENTER to read the input
blame UNIX!
you need to fiddle with terminfo
turn CANONICAL mode off, I think
tc_setattr is a C function
* emu
highly encourages everyone to BLAME UNIX
si :)
so there's no tc_setattr equivalent in the ocaml libraries?
I dunno
might be
ok, i'll look
it seems plausible
will report biab
mind you, you are turning off input buffering
all OS support for that
just so you nkow
i'll turn it back on after i'm done reading my input
if you don't, you'll be fined
ok, i pay for breaking invisible laws with invisible money :)
tcsetattr is in the unix module, wouldn't you know
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what's the difference between stdin and Unix.stdin ?
cool! it worked :)
thanks, emu!
stdin is a channel, Unix.stdin is Filedsecriptor
what is the difference between channels and filedescriptors?
type and functionality
what section of the manual do you think might have more information on channels?
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Index of values -> stdin
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type in_channel
The type of input channel.
val stdin : in_channel
The standard input for the process.
that's all it seems to have
scroll up and down there.
i see, so channels can be used with all of these functions in pervasives
you know, this ocaml stuff is starting to make some sense :)
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hooray, ocaml CVS has some feature I don't understand
- Introduction of a new kind of data types: the virtual data types.
Virtual types are intended to modelize non free algebraic types that must verified semantic relations that were not enforceable in previously available Caml data types.
I'll attempt to figure it out and put a demo somewhere ;)
Doesn't sound like one would need it very often...
well, I'm sure it's useful
hopefully they wouldn't go adding things like that which aren't
I use a small subset of the language only anyway...
well that's interesting
I can't see any included tests for this
also looks like it's not supported in camlp4 yet :\
I could probably add it if I knew what the syntax was, heh
# type pie = virtual A of int;;
type pie = virtual A of int
# A 3;;
One cannot create values of the virtual type pie
well I can't figure out how they work :p
Probably only usable for deriving frim?
the CHanges file says you heed to use some special purpose functions to create them
but I don't know what to do with that, they'd have to be user specified functions
Hmm, is there anything useful new in CVS? ;)
some Arg module improvments, printf/scanf have more formats
and the usual bug fixing
plus a couple features I don't understand :)
oh well
I just hope they keep extending the type system like this, even if I don't know what some of the extensions are :P
if ocaml had a type system like haskell, it'd completely own
but this current one seems like it'll be useful in places where you would normally use an object and some get/set methods in an OO language
instead of going through all of that to store some data, you can just use a type
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i am going to learn ocaml soon. i have some experience learning languages, but if you can provide me with some brilliant but not obvious pointers, please go ahead!
Don't try to read OCaml code as C code? =)
i know a bit of sml and lisp, so i am not going to die from the shock of a functional language :)
how much is it like sml?
(i know i could just look at a piece of source, but where's the socializing then?)
(and i'm tired a lot)
It's like SML in every significant way, if you don't use OO stuff.
i have to admit the code i write in sml or lisp shouts out loud i still think in a procedural way :(
will practice help with it?
are there some special exercises?
hey, what's the matter with lisp??
don't you respect age?
Dynamic typing
If you haven't seen the difference between ML and Lisp yet, then you don't know either of them at all. :P
well, that might be true :)
I would go through the manual and the oreilly book
i've written a total 1000 lines of code tops in them
okay, i will
lisp i had to start programming in without knowing anything about it... i have unfortunately missed the first class :)
and i was taught sml and prolog by the authors of a prolog interpreter, so they concentrated more on prolog
but now, the time has come, i will learn ocaml! :)
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Well, it sounds like you actually don't know functional programming after all.
So be prepared for a hard time.
:) okay, thanks
why is it that hard?
Don't ask me. It was easy for me to learn.
But university students traditionally find first FP classes among the hardest CS classes.
i kind of enjoyed the freshness of it
also i see why it can be efficient (lazy things or what not)
You've taken a course that concentrates on teaching functional programming?
okay, i learn it and come back tomorrow, okay? :)
it was called 'declarative programming' and talked about sml and prolog
You said it focused on Prolog.
Have you done much with higher order functions?
map and the like?
Have you done _much_? ;D
no :)
OK, then be wary!
we have learned how they work, but i don't have a lot of experience with them, you know
Then you haven't learned functional programming. So don't expect much of a head start with OCaml.
i probably haven't used just one or two of them in actual programming
it's going to be easy...
don't sounds so pessimistic :)
It could be. How old were you when you started programming?
i didn't write longer programs than 10 lines until i was 9
that's bad i guess
but that's why i need to learn ocaml
open up my mind a bit
That's not too bad.
I think you have a good chance of not having a hard time with it =)
Here, cognitive science majors must take a functional programming class.
I don't think they generally have done programming before uni.
They tend to fail badly =D
so... why do they want to learn cognitive science if they are not programmers?
oh, they think it's like thinking?
(i don't know that cognitive science is either:) )
(but i hope i'm studying it)
Oh, that's your major?
it's called 'integrated intelligent systems'
Cog. Sci. is offered by the psychology department here.
it's all about agents, cooperative didstributed systems, logical inference (fuzzy, neural nets), whatever
That sounds more like what I'd call "Artificial Intelligence" in the USA>
yes, yes
what's the difference? :)
Probably none. Someone in the Anglophone world will just understand you more quickly if you say "AI." =)
:) i mean between AI and cog.sci?
Well, there is AI that doesn't care about how much systems act like real humans, which is probably what you're studying.
Cog. Sci. cares about understanding how people think.
Why "why"? Why does physics mean what it does? =) These are just the meanings of the words in common usage.
well there can be two reasons. we want to replicate the process in AI, and we want to manipulate human minds too
also it is interesting to get to understand something so outstandingly brilliant as a human mind
like mine :)
do you think your mind could fully understand it's own workings?
is it possible for an AI to be so sophisticated to understand its source code?
(i guess the word 'understand' means nothing unfortunately)
Not if it meets the conditions in Goedel's first Incompleteness Theorem.
Which I personally don't think the human mind does, but some do. =)
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i was taught Goedel's theorem, but i would need to read the complete proof of it to _understand_ it -- which is a bit too lengthy and speckled with german words
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Yes, I took a whole class that led up to it. =)
it was just mentioned to me in a class entitled 'artificial intelligence' :)
You should take mathematical logic classes. They're easy if you know functional programming ;D
oh, i took a class that was called 'mathematical logic' :)
it was a joke
the only new notion introduced were quantors
still many have found it hard to pass, i have no idea why
i find it attractive to learn all kinds of higher mathematics, but i'm not so smart as to do it without any effort, and i think there are areas where my efforts are more rewarding...
maybe once i get old and all my short term goals are accomplished, i will go to a maths university :)
oh, what would be a good first program to write in ocaml?
it can't be a game, can it? :)
if you want
there's lablgtk and labltk or lablgl which you could use, depending on what kind of game
i've seen there is an sdl wrapper for ocaml?
yes, there is
well, lets make it a 3d mmorpg :)
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what is the operator to prepend to a list ?
erm, I meant combine 2 lists in the most efficient manner, order being unimportant
I dunno.
functions using labels _have_ to be called using labels ?
* Riastradh
knows not.
what good are you ;)
you need to use the label, yes
that's no good
I think
now I think you don't if the function is entirely applied
yeah, you don't if you do a full application
Expecting function has type ?bpp:int -> w:int -> h:int -> Sdlvideo.surface
This argument cannot be applied without label
that si with full application :/
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wonder why the error doesnt mention the flag list argument
optional arguments need the label
now I can't remember the rules
if you have a function taking all labeled arguments, and an optional, you need to use labels
?bpp:int means optional ?
well, that makes sense
whee, any idea how to append or prepend on list to another ?
you can use @ to combine lists
slowish, though
that's ok, it is for SDL flags, no other solution
ocamlsdl doesn't let you or masks
requires a list of flags
O(n) isnt too bad
for small lists, it's good
one last thing, how do you suply to optional argumentin a function,"?bpp=0" ?
ahh, thanks
classes can take optional arguments too ? gives me a syntax error
yeah, they can
neat, 7 lines to open an OpenGL context and wait for window to be closed
* whee
can do it in 0
of course, not ocaml :)
I have a new lossy compression technique that can compress all information to 0 bits!
ocaml would be so cool if it supported type classes :)
and ditched it's current OO stuff :)
I'm hoping the type system is eventually just like haskell's
with both OO and that, there's no way it could get better :P
well, maybe continuations ;)
they added some "virtual data type" today in CVS, but I don't know how to use them
basically types where construction is done with functions, so you can enforce invariants
all I can figure out how to do is declare a type as virtual
haven't figured out the construction part yet :\
"enforce" variants ?
well, say you had a constructor A of int and wanted to enforce that the int was always in the range 0-100
what are the chances of ocaml ever having type classish stuff ?
instead of doing checks in all functions handling this type, you just make sure that it's never constructed with a value outside of that range
that's useful
and there's no way to work around it, since you can only construct inside a function which will check the value
but I haven't figured out the syntax for it yet; no tests test this in the tree :\
I doubt ocaml will get type classes
with the OO and all
but, with the current OO stuff you can't have a Number class without a level of indirection
any class using the generic number class would have to contain a float or inttype
so you'd have to dereference it
too slow
unless ocaml has some way to have a int type accept #add 2 or something