I hate the current fashion for flat keyboards
I need some haptic grip
My favourite keyboard to use is my Model M, but I don't have one with USB, and few PCs have PS/2 these days, so I'm using a Cherry G80-3000 with MX Blue, which was the closest I could get to my Model M
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Hi beneroth
Nistur, PS/2 to USB adapters are a thing :)
or were xD
I know
Hi Regenaxer :)
I've tried a few, but they didn't work with my Model M for some reason
Nistur, I miss the old corded keyboard from logitech (from 10+ years ago, apparently they don't produce it anymore). I recently got some new lenovo keyboards, I love them.
oh, didn't know that PS/2 is so involved. :(
Regenaxer, best way to deal with a big list of boolean flags? idx, right?
I would even consider a bittable (as number), but I guess they aren't that much faster than idx (when >64bit), and this flag-list needs changes from time to time
use case: an involved permission system
Yes, idx should be good
There is a table with 'mark'
could be abused ;)
yeah, but than mark cannot be used otherwise anymore, right?
ah per process
yes, but it is used implicitly only in dbgc
I see
good idea, but not the right thing for my use case, I believe
and the keys are external symbols, so not so good
yeah mark is kinda a flag on the external symbol metadata/proxy
but uses a linear bit table internally
the other way would be to have no memory structure, just using normal db indexing, as obviously I like to store the permissions in the db somehow
the booleans are permissions?
So you want to store the big idx in the db?
I want to build a "capability" system, not mere user/group permission lists
idx is to be generated from stored objects on load
I work still with a forking server, so it is not so optimal, but I want to switch to a non-forking server eventually
How about the volatile property?
or another one
the thing is, my permissions are not limited to DB stuff.
store the flags directly
ah, ok
we first wanted to make it that way, but I had the insight that this is too restricted
DB permissions is of course the main part, but functionality has also to be guarded by permissions
so idx is the most direct way
as ever just take care of non-sequential inserts
so when the user session is constructed (loading user data from the database, blabla), then this idx gets constructed to
permissions, well "capability" will be an object. one object represents one or multiple (!) permissions
I see
I guess the idx should be on the finest granularity to make checking stupid/easy, so a tree of all single permissions of the current session
yes, just space
so a bit table with 'native' would be smaller
aye, maybe some optimizations could be made later
if the indexes are numeric
and not too sparse
yes, no prelim optim :)
the problem with bittable is changes, requiring a complete recalc
well maybe not a complete recalc, but an involved one
on the other side, most actions will be reads, not changes
The ultimate simple is 'memq'
if not too many
so idx for the start, simple & stupid, maybe optimize it later into an pil64 library (like ht), maybe add some intelligence to group multiple single permissions together instead of having to outline them in detail
yeah I expect the permissions to explode into many
meta-permissions like crud on a single entity
It can't be stored in the class defs?
down to "you only have write permission on this single property of this entity, and read permissions on this 5 other properties"
ok, not in class then
well the storage/configuration of the permissions will be an entity
but separated from what they are about
the main point of a "capability" system (in opposition to group/role based ones) is that an user can forward his own permissions, or also only parts of it, to others
In the end you have '&' on bit vectors?
ideally the implementation of a capability system is that you actually only get the resources to do actions you are allowed to
then just a bignum
but that doesn't fit picolisp app style, I think. I don't want to produce proxy-objects
yes, basically
as bit vector ;)
bittable, that I meant with that :)
so you think a bignum is much better than an idx? should be..
So it seems just using plain (big)nums will do
Depends how the indexes are calculated
how much do bignums get slower when they are made of many blocks?
What kind of blocks?
no memory
yeah I sound pretty premature here
I think speed is good
sounds to me like 1) storing configuration in its own entities/objects (as normal). these are edited by administrators etc. to change permissions 2) generate a bignum from it, can be stored in DB (as a cache)
or replace 2) with an idx, which is not stored/cached in the db
the idx might be shorter for many users
T, uses only the *set* cases
as I understand bittables, the bignum would need to be the same size for all users, so the size/bits = maximal number of permissions currently possible in the system
while an idx for one users could be much smaller, only containing the few permissions this user has
if common flags are low bits, the sizes may be smaller
but a bit hard to determine this, globally, when permissions are added/removed, grouped into more common ones or sliced into finer granularity
therefore I thought I would go with idx first
yes, it is most general
simple and general, KISS
it's a bit bad that with a forking architecture, this idx would be re-constructed on every request. but once I would keep them in memory over multiple requests, they probably would not be such a big difference in practice
or lets store the idx
how to store an idx best? as a +List ?
maybe (balance) after re-creating the idx from the +List ?
Just +Any
How about keeping the idx in the parent?
how to update then?
without restart
by sending messages with 'boss'
hm right
pre-calculated stored idx would be nicer
more flexible even with higher numbers of users
of course, that would be HIGH numbers
current use case is your sizes, a few hundred users at max
but I would like to have it flexible enough to grow into thousands
not as premature optimization, but for re-usability
yes, better
so I use (idx 'Var) to export the tree into a list, which I store as +Any. and when loaded from DB, I loop over the list, insert into idx, and (balance) it before querying ?
ah now
I can put the list into (balance) to build idx without having to iterate
You can store the idx directly
ok, yes, balance
If the keys are not absolutely sequential, it is not needed I think
how can I store it directly, without fetching the list using (idx). just (put> 'Obj 'prop Var) ?
the list returned from (idx) is sorted
not put>
(idx (prop ...) ... (touch Obj)
I see
will try out
brilliant, so I can store for every user a kind of "session template" to construct the session from
thanks Regenaxer <3
Always fun :)
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