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<FunkyBob> and it works, as in I get a response!
<doublec> great!
<FunkyBob> Transaction rate: 17.07 trans/sec
<doublec> That seems slow
<FunkyBob> Transaction rate: 1434.19 trans/sec
<FunkyBob> Throughput: 589.85 MB/sec
<FunkyBob> used a larger file
<FunkyBob> memory use doesn't grow nearly as much... got 305MB... since I'm now excplicitly disposing the file
<FunkyBob> and this time it used 2 cores
<FunkyBob> anyway... it's certainly a lot slower, but since it's not sending the body immediately, that's no surprise
<FunkyBob> those were with 4 clients
<FunkyBob> with 25 clients:
<FunkyBob> Data transferred: 28403.25 MB
<FunkyBob> so it scales well! :)
<FunkyBob> oops, wrong field
<FunkyBob> Transaction rate: 1161.08 trans/sec
<FunkyBob> Throughput: 477.53 MB/sec
<FunkyBob> but it works! :)
<FunkyBob> what was that magic arg to set worker threads?
<jemc> `--ponythreads`?
<jemc> you can view all the "magic" runtime options in the last section of `ponyc --help`
<FunkyBob> thanks
<FunkyBob> well, it used all cores
<FunkyBob> Transaction rate: 1031.37 trans/sec
<FunkyBob> Throughput: 424.19 MB/sec
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<FunkyBob> (that was a 43k file, btw)
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<fluttershy_> hello, is it possible to convert Array[F64] to Array[String] so that I can use it with join in printing : like this "env.out.print(" ".join(myarray))" ?
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<SeanTAllen> fluttershy_: you can iterate over your first array, converting its elements to String and adding to a new array of strings. There's no auto-type conversion.
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<fluttershy_> SeanTAllen: yes that's what I had to do, but to print debugs I have to write more code, so I think it would be interesting to have auto-type conversion especially for types that already have the required traits like stringable , or maybe that's on purpose for safety reasons.
<lisael> fluttershy_: if your concern is stripping out this debug work on release builds, you can use an ifdef debug ... end block
<SeanTAllen> i'm very much against implicit type conversion. now having something like "map" on Array. that would be a good thing. and there's some movement towards working out everything that would be a Seq and squaring it with the persistent collections api.
<fluttershy_> lisael: actually I just want to print a matrix and I don't want to write loop each time I want to debug values
<fluttershy_> SeanTAllen: Well ... will have to work around that I guess.
<SeanTAllen> fluttershy_: sounds like the problem is using Array. its not really what you want. you want something that has array like qualities, that can hold a type and has the ability to be printed
<SeanTAllen> OR
<SeanTAllen> you want a primitive that can do your debug printing
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<fluttershy_> yes actually a primitive to do just debug printing
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<jemc> fluttershy_: I have a small package that I use for debug printing, and it includes support for printing arrays:
<fluttershy_> jemc: ok thank you, will take a look.
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<wintermoo> are there any plans to hold any more of the virtual user group meetups?
<SeanTAllen> wintermoo: yes. ive been very busy with work so its been hard to organize.
<wintermoo> great :) just got started with pony and starting to become excited about it, so looking forward to it
<SeanTAllen> we still have many sharp edges, whenever you get stuck wintermoo, feel free to reach out here, the mailing list or ping me privately.
<wintermoo> will do!
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<endformationage> Over the last few days I wrestled with the compiler attempting a project. Though incomplete, I finally got a clean compile, and I must say I think I've learned a ton about RCaps, traits, and generics.
<endformationage> And how to read the information the compiler gives you.
<endformationage> Sometimes it is hard to spot ref capabilities that have been changed due to viewpoint adaptation, for instance in union types.
<SeanTAllen> endformationage: if you have stuff to contribute to documentation to help others learn, that would be great. i'm working on materials for the "Learn" section of the website and if you want to write things along the lines of "how to read error messages" etc that augments/improves: that would be
<SeanTAllen> great.
<FunkyBob> I'd certainly appreciate it :)
<cquinn> hi all. I just grabbed master to take advantage of jemc's newly merged "exhaustive match" PR (#1891), and I'm now seeing compiler assertions (on MacOs)
<cquinn> like: src/libponyc/pass/expr.c:320: pass_expr: Assertion `errors_get_count(options->check.errors) > 0` failed.
<cquinn> I've probably built ponyc incorrectly somehow, but I was hoping I might get some ideas here
<cquinn> oh, and it seems that it is specific to my new cli package. Probably something is now an error and ponyc is having trouble with that. Maybe with the match/else's. I'll try to track it down.