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<SeanTAllen> That's definitely environmental
<SeanTAllen> And definitely xcode gregrcline
<achamber1> Just a general question from people with large amounts of pony, maybe only SeanTAllen - Is there any tendency for things to go a bit like nodejs callback hell?
<achamber1> or is there a way to manage that?
<achamber1> maybe its not really an issue, im at about 600 lines of code only
<achamber1> but if you want to query many data sources before you send your reply
<achamber1> it seems like you need to have a lot of callbacks and a state machine to tell you when all the data is ready
<achamber1> I guess the promise class is designed to help a bit
<achamber1> hmm, I guess promise works for chains, the example in the docs is good.
<achamber1> I guess a similar type could be made for parallel requests
<SeanTAllen> achamber1: that hasn't been my experience but, the type of code you are writing might be quite different than what ive written
<SeanTAllen> achamber1: perhaps if you could share what you are working on at some point or rather just the general algo etc
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<achamber1> SeanTAllen: I'm just writing a google recaptcha handler and web page.
<achamber1> im pretty curious about sendence tbh, I watched your recent talk, really good.
<achamber1> SeanTAllen: how many pony developers are working on wallaroo?
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<Candle> endformationage: Hrm, the release of 0.19.0 changes itertools a bit; that was a little confusing!
<Candle> SeanTAllen: Ok I'll remember that in the future; I used the "shorten" button.
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<SeanTAllen> achamber1: do you mean how many developers we have who write Pony?
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<endformationage> achamber1: Recently added to promises, the join method on a promise, as well as the primitive Promises.join may be of interest in your situation if you've not seen it.
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<hobomatic> when installing binaries on windows, what is supposed to be in the environment for ponyc to find visual studio stuff? I have 2017 community and the windows 10 sdk installed. But ponyc barfs on helloworld saying it can't find visual studio 14.0, and can't link because it can't find vcvars
<SeanTAllen> hobomatic: did you see this in the install instructions?
<hobomatic> yes
<hobomatic> having visual studio and the correct windows 10 SDK alone don't seem to be enough for ponyc to know how to find them
<jemc> hobomatic: I personally know almost nothing about windows, but this is the file that does visual studio detection, so that may help you troubleshoot:
<hobomatic> so i figured it was looking at some environment variables that may not be set, or expecting something in my path that isn't there (i don't think visual studio touches the path at all on its own)
<jemc> it looks like it searches for registry keys
<SeanTAllen> we have successfully exhausted the limits of my knowledge.
<SeanTAllen> Gordon is the best one to ask. He is rarely in IRC, often on the mailing list.
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<kulibali> hi hobomatic
<kulibali> i am Gordon
<hobomatic> hello
<hobomatic> i was just having an issue getting pony to recognize my installation of vs 2017 + windows 10 sdk
<kulibali> what is the error message that ponyc gives you?
<hobomatic> both "Unable to locate Visual Studio 14.0" and "unable to link: no vcvars"
<kulibali> what is the output of "ponyc --version"?
<hobomatic> 0.11.4-e91d517 [release]
<hobomatic> yeah thats probably why
<kulibali> that's very old
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<SeanTAllen> kulibali: asking the important questions! i never thought of that.
<kulibali> just call me pedantic
<hobomatic> yeah i just clicked the link closest to the top
<jemc> geez, those should really be in descending order!
<hobomatic> ok, yeah 0.19 works
<hobomatic> thanks :)
<kulibali> np, glad to help
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<achamber1> SeanTAllen: yeah, i just meant how many developers. endformationage thanks for the tip on join, I need to get much more familiar with the stdlib I think. I went through it all but I guess skim too fast.
<SeanTAllen> achamber1: 8
<achamber1> oh quite a big team, another question, how long does a full rebuild of your pony source take?
<achamber1> last question I promise :P
<achamber1> (The main reason I ask is the more people invested in Pony the safer it is to write code in it.)
<SeanTAllen> how long does it take to compile a pony wallaroo application?
<SeanTAllen> im building word count now, time says... 43 seconds. Sylvan and I noticed the other day that Optimize seems to take a good bit longer than it used to but we haven't had a chance to look into it.
<achamber1> llvm is a bit sluggish, not much that can be done there, but at least the end result is fast.
<SeanTAllen> building same app with debug takes about 12 seconds start to end
<SeanTAllen> debug has no optimize step
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