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<travis-ci> dipinhora/ponyc#517 (cbs - a61eeb1 : dipinhora): The build was fixed.
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<mwm-pony> Wow, what a gauntlet to connect to FreeNode!
<mwm-pony> I am interested in writing a pony implementation of blake2. Does this seem like something which should be in the stdlib given its usage in package signatures? Or should I not concern myself with that for now?
<mwm-pony> I have already done and Elixir implementation, so I don't think it's outside of my capabilities.
<vaninwagen> It would make a great fit for the crypto package in stdlib
<mwm-pony> Cool. Is there a good place to read about how to contribute in the least intrusive way?
<mwm-pony> Just any sort of conventions which will make it less likely I waste anyone's time
<vaninwagen> I would suggest to make it work as a separate package outside stdlib first, and then issue an RFC for inclusion in stdlib
<vaninwagen> There is the style guide for code style:
<vaninwagen> And there is this project to as a suggestion on how to set up a pony package:
<mwm-pony> Excellent, thanks.
<vaninwagen> I would love to see a small benchmark on your blake2 implementation using ponybench:
<vaninwagen> I can also help with that
<mwm-pony> I'll undoubtedly be a while getting it all together properly.
<mwm-pony> I'm happy to do the benchmarking and such once I get it together. And hopefully learn how to make it better!
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<_andre> is there a public roadmap for pony?
<vaninwagen> Not at this moment, but i would welcome if there was one
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<SeanTAllen> _andre: that would be hard given that pony is a volunteer project and we don't have a structure like say Mozilla and Rust where we can say "and now we are going to have these people that we are paying work on X"
<SeanTAllen> if there are particular areas you are interested in, I can tell you if I have heard of anyone working on that area.
<SeanTAllen> I can also tell you what I think is important, what Sylvan thinks is important based on conversations with him.
<_andre> SeanTAllen: i meant it in an "informational" way, so that users know what's being worked on
<_andre> i find that sort of thing interesting, but i understand people could start demanding things from the developer team
<_andre> personally, the only thing i miss so far is the exhaustiveness verification in matches, and the "newtype" feature would be nice to have
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<SeanTAllen> i'd love to see both of those as well
<SeanTAllen> neither is something i'd be good at implementing at this time
<SeanTAllen> i know the runtime really well
<SeanTAllen> i'm rather poor in the compiler department at this point in time
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<travis-ci> ponylang/pony-stable#341 (master - 1ccfd30 : Benjamin Pellittieri): The build was broken.
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<travis-ci> ponylang/ponyc#5488 (master - 5fc1b04 : marsuk): The build was broken.
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<vaninwagen> It seems llvm 3.9 just became unavailable for trusty: Removing ponyc-build-deps:amd64 because I can't find llvm-3.9:amd64
<vaninwagen> seems to confirm this
<vaninwagen> Fixing our issues with llvm > 3.9 just became a little more pressing
<SeanTAllen> Ummm
<SeanTAllen> why do we need it for trusty?
<SeanTAllen> what's using it?
<SeanTAllen> Also sadly it doesn't appear to be available in our hosted llvm dependencies which is bad:
<SeanTAllen> in the future, we need to make sure anything we are using like that has a backup in the llvm dependencies
<vaninwagen> I cannot check today but gonna have a look tomorrow
<SeanTAllen> at least know we know and can add more stuff using git-lfs to that llvm dependencies repo.
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<haarts> Silly question; I want to print to stdout from one of my classes. Do I need to pass the Main actor's `env`?
<aturley> haarts you could pass the `out` object from `env`.
<aturley> or you could use `Debug`.
<haarts> yeah, it is actually regular operation I want. So passing the `out` object is the best solution?
<aturley> haarts that's probably better than passing the whole env.
<haarts> thanks for the help!
<aturley> you're welcome
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