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<njs> out of curiosity: how much of a slowdown do you think we would see on CPython if we used PyPy's cffi-based ssl module instead of the current stdlib version?
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<bbot2> Started: [mattip: force build, stdlib-2.7.16]
<mattip> we should update the vendored cryptography, we have v1.7.2 from 2017-01-27, latest release is 2.6.1 from 2019-02-07
<bbot2> Failure: [mattip: force build, stdlib-2.7.16]
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<LarstiQ> njs: is there anyone who understands it well enough in theory to predict that?
<njs> LarstiQ: I don't know, but probably anyone who's worked on would at least have a more-informed guess than I do :-)
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<mattip> njs: it might be easier to benchmark and make the case for sqlite3
<njs> mattip: dealing with old versions of ssl is about 100x more painful than dealing with old versions of sqlite3 though
<njs> maybe 1000x
<mattip> right, but there are two issues: is a cffi-based c-extension inherintly slower, and
<mattip> is a cryptography-based (cffi) _ssl slower
<njs> it's really just an idle thought at this point, but with the rumblings about possibly splitting parts of the stdlib out into independently versioned packages, moving the ssl module to pypi does have some attractions
<njs> but then you'd want the version on pypi to work beyond cpython
<mattip> as long as it is a ensuressl type of move
<njs> yeah, it would be that if anything
<mattip> the issue of "what is going to ship" needs to be hashed out in some meeting with the debian/redhat packager maintainers, anaconda, pypa,
<mattip> with some representatives from big companies (Brumberg, Boeing, ...)
<mattip> would be good to get them all in one room and reach some working big-picture axioms
<mattip> I think your mail on discourse (which I cannot find in the web ui at lays it out well, but not sure it is reaching the right people
<njs> I mentioned it on python-dev too
<njs> and that thread is just one piece of the larger conversation
<njs> but also I'm not really sure what business it is of anaconda or bloomberg whether it's possible to upgrade IDLE within a single python version or not?
<njs> (IDLE and distutils will probably be the actual first test cases for generalizing ensurepip)
<mattip> using PyPI is not unversally accepted as a good thing
<mattip> but maybe we can sell the ensurepip approach in a way that makes corporate happy
<mattip> and does not complicate the life of distro maintainers like debian, anaconda
<mattip> design it from the ground up to support non-pip use cases
<njs> (also, debian already breaks up the stdlib into separately installable pieces)
<mattip> right, but then when someone does `pip install` it breaks, so now we are making that also break the stdlib packages
<mattip> but I'm sure you have discussed this to death with others, so I will stop
<njs> hmm, that's a good point
<mattip> one last thought - I wonder if there is a way to convince distros and conda-forge to upstream their package-fix recipes
<mattip> so pypi packages become much more like conda-forge and distro-specific ones
<mattip> then maybe `pip install` becomes less destructive
<njs> the main reason 'pip install' is destructive is that now you have two inconsistent sources of truth about what's installed
<njs> pip's package database, and conda/apt/yum's package database
<njs> and unfortunately there's no quick fix for that :-/
<mattip> doesn't have to be quick, just agreed-upon-going-forward, but in order to do that all the right people have to be in the conversation
<mattip> seems like PyCon packaging summit was a good start
<njs> I've had a bunch of conversations with the conda folks about this, and I think it's fixable in their case, but so far it hasn't seemed to stick
<njs> for apt/yum I don't think there is any solution, except maybe pip should refuse to work in that case unless you write, like --please-destroy-my-distro-package-manager
<mattip> everyone is so involved in putting out the fires, it is hard to think big
<mattip> without re$ource$ it is hard to imagine things changing for the better
<mattip> and it is hard to create win-win scenarios
<njs> well, maybe Peter's B-corp will solve it :-)
<njs> there are a lot of win-win scenarios in packaging in general, it's just super hard to get everyone on the same page
<mattip> :)
<mattip> it can be 99% win-win, but the 1% who loses is going to make lots of noise
<mattip> much easier to torpedo new things that to change legacy code
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<mattip> but we are off topic for #pypy
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<kenaan> mattip default a6c18dc8a3c6 /: set owner attribute, fix test for more modern OpenSSL
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<kenaan> mattip default 6658d2817ce4 /lib_pypy/_cffi_ssl/_cffi_src/openssl/ handle old OpenSSL without SSL_OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT
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<mattip> test_ssl.test_options is silly, it tests the default flags for an ssl context, but the flags are very platform / os dependent
<mattip> I am disabling it
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<kenaan> mattip default 937db12c1a36 /lib-python/2.7/test/ disable flaky test
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<ajlawrence> mattip_: I would like to merge the winmultiprocessing branch some point today. There is still some bug in the where error codes from one test bleed into the next. I have looked at it a few times now and have no idea what is going on there. Is it still OK for me to merge the branch with those failures?
<ajlawrence> I will raise an issue to capture the problem and then move onto something else before I go mad.
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<kenaan> andrewjlawrence winmultiprocessing 010688999eca /: Add app level sharelocal test.
<kenaan> andrewjlawrence winmultiprocessing 5833cf4a4240 /: Merge py3.6 branch
<bbot2> Started: [Andy Lawrence: force build, winmultiprocessing]
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<mattip_> ajlawrence: if the situation is currently that merging the branch does not make multiprocessing worse, and the tests won't hang the buildslave,
<mattip_> then I am fine merging it.
<ajlawrence> mattip_: It doesn't make the situation worse. Most of the tests now pass but there is a bug that I could not fix.
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<mattip_> so we should merge it
<mattip_> do you want me to?
<ajlawrence> I merged the py3.6 branch into winmultiprocessing and am currently double checking the tests on the build machine. I will merge it if they look ok.
<ajlawrence> Do you know why so many tests fail with "ImportError: No module named '_testcapi'"?
<mattip_> not really. Are they failing on default as well? maybe the wrong python is being used to build the c-extension module
<ajlawrence> It is looking for python36.lib in the wrong place. I fixed it on the winmutliprocessing branch.
<mattip_> lib -> libs in 440feb6ea372, did that fix it now?
<mattip_> should that get backported to default?
<ajlawrence> Default seems ok.
<mattip_> weird
<ajlawrence> It seemed a bit wierd to me as well. I would have thought someone would have noticed a small bug like that and got a bit paranoid about breaking something.
<mattip_> the next lines should "fix" it by falling back to another location for the library
<mattip_> "# For a local translation or nightly build"
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<mattip_> ajlawrence: there are so many failing tests, it gets lost in the noise
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