andrewvos: If you just need *an* ordering, you can use #sort
rue: I need the order of insertion.
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I think there might be a gem backporting that, but… are you actually using the data structure like a Hash, i.e. random #[] ?
If not, stick them in an Array
Well, the code was a bit crap.
In my opinion.
It's a trie class that needs the ordering.
(Though not sure at this point)
epitron: do you know what <option>? does?
injekt: the html tag?
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epitron: im talking about your issue on slop lol
epitron: oh injekt is the guy who wrote slop btw, so you can raise your in? issue with him
terraUNDverra: i know :)
terraUNDverra: he has already :)
injekt: i'm just plaing with the source at the moment
i'll see if i can fix your bug and my bug
epitron: i dont understand the 3rd sentence in your last comment
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it doesn't matter
i'll just look at the code :)
my bug is fixed by removing the define_method in present?()
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that's not priority though as it's not really a bug
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i can fix *my* bug by removing marshalling :) marshal shmarshal who needs it
andrewvos: A trie that needs ordering? You could maintain the child nodes in an insertion-ordered Array, I think
rue: That's what I'm doing now actually
injekt: hypothetically if someone defined an option called respond_to? would opts.respond_to? (to check for option existence) conflict with the built-in respond_to? method?
rubygems just deprecated Deprecate
1.8.11: "Deprecate was moved to Gem::Deprecate"
terraUNDverra: if there's an option called 'respond_to' it'll check for the existance of that option, yes
felixrabe: That spec's probably not going to have much that'll help. There's something that mentions it on the net, too, possibly in the context of filter-oriented usage. So the long and short of it is that it matches against $_, which is the latest line of input.
felixrabe: And as the warning says, it might not be what you want, so you usually want to be explicit
injekt: but doesnt it use a check via method_missing, so it'll actually end up calling the top-level respond_to? method instead of checking the option? iirc that was the issue epitron had regarding in?, where he both had an option called in? and he had a top-level method he'd monkey-patched into Object called in? as well
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and it ended up calling his top-level in? method, which broke the option checking code: opts.in?
epitron: is that right?
terraUNDverra: well, if an option exists it'll *always* check for the options existance in method_missing, otherwise it'll use super
i'm trying to figure out why guard won't run injekt's tests
"minitest/unit.rb:862:in `block in process_args': invalid option: --use-color (OptionParser::InvalidOption)"
am i using the wrong test library?
epitron: did i summarize the problem correctly or not?
felixrabe: Rubyspec will probably have the behaviour documented somewhere too
terraUNDverra: he knows what the problem is. look at the issues
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epitron: i use minitest
so that should work?
guard is trying to use --use-color
does it know you're using minitest?
watch :minitest or w/e it is
guard 'minitest';
ah yes, i used the wrong one :)
with the guard-minitest gem
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hurr. it's not running them
if I have an array of objects, I should be able to do Marshal.dump(array_of_objects, file) once I've opened it, and it should spit the entire array correct? not just the first element? (or an empty array) Also, if thats true then walking each individual element and dump'ing w+ to the file should make a successive set of ObjectType entries and *not* overwrite the previous correct?
oh, it's expecting test_* files, not *_test files
epitron: does `rake` run them?
rake is fine
epitron: you tell guard what you check for yourself
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it just uses test_* by default
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change it to *_test ;)
(i'm looking at what I get returned and its *always* only one command, never more. and I'm wondering if this is because I'm overwriting each previous command when I dump
deryl: a+
i have to change a bunch of stuff :\
ah - rue thanks
it also expects the test files to all be named l<thing you modified>_test.rb
so it's only running slop_test
epitron: if you have a guardfile, just add them in there, it's one line :S
rue: a lil bit - i just want to know where to go (short of reading ruby core) if i want to know every single detail about a particular ruby feature that interests me or gets in my way
Rubyspec is probably a good place.
rue: thanks for the help
Ok to hell with this. sleep time. Stupid 187.
yes, sleep time :)
terraUNDverra: ok, now we need the game data
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injekt: would you be against splitting up some of these methods into different files?
it's not that big a deal... this file is just kinda huge :)
epitron: yes, I realize it looks ugly, and it's hard to read, for which case I would be willing to add a task or something, but I'd like it to be easily vendorble, that was my point in having it in a single file (it was split separate until 2.0)
maybe that'll change again in 3.0
epitron: but there would only be 2 files anyway, as there's only 3 classes, and one of them is going away for 3.0
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rue: Why do you say the world went crazy in regard to ruby hash key ordering?
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andrewvos: probably because ordering hashes in any way is silly
injekt: Although you have to agree that it tends to be convenient.
injekt: But you mean for lookup speed right?
andrewvos: I dont know I've never needed/used the fact that 1.9 orders by insertion
injekt: But why do you say it's silly?
andrewvos: hash tables shouldn't have any order
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A hash table is by definition unordered. An ordered structure therefore isn't a hash :)
injekt: there's places where it is nice. e.g. reading + processing + writing yaml files
IMO they should have kept Hash, and made {}.class == OrderedHash
apeiros_: I agree
rue: a 1.9 hash isn't actually ordered, it's just when you iterate through it they're iterated through in order :P (let's make subtle meaningless distinctions)
oh, there's other places where it is nice. theoretically you could now implement a meaningful: MyModel.order(:col1 => :asc, :col2 => :desc)
terraUNDverra: that's an order
terraUNDverra: A binary tree isn't ordered until you start iterating!
my pants are ordered
rue: well, theoretically i could make an #each on an Array always iterate through the array as if it was sorted (calling #sort first) does that mean the contents of the array are stored sorted? :P
but yeah you're right in the case of hash im just being a dick
Stored sorted is a meaningless distinction
(Except insofar as it affects algorithm complexity)
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say I have a very long string with several newlines that looks like
foo # bla
lalal ble # bla
how would I go about aligning the # character properly from top to bottom? as in, the first example would be padded with ' ' characters
foo # bla
lalal ble # bla
shevy: traverse the lines and work out the shortest distance you need it to be
then pad out all other lines with spaces
drbrain: ping
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isn't there a way to convert a method into a proc ?
meth: did you try to_proc ?
meth: though just the method object is probbly what u want
meth: what ar eyou trying to do
pass a method to something that expects a block
meth: sounds lke u r doing something naughty
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and should be spanked with a mechanical courset
ffi callbacks are procs
meth: i want you pure as power i want your skin slightly musty with petticoats, can i wash the easy bidets from your head?
meth: turn around and present!
would be cool if ffi could give me a pointer to a method or if there was some ability for that
what pointer to which method? :D
or something
for what purpose?
passing a method as a callback to ffi ?
if you try to create a proc it will get gc'd unless you hold onto it
wouldnt it still get gc'd if you have a pointer to it
is holding onto the proc so hard?
the proc is getting gc'd even though my object is still alive
meth: I just use ivars for procs that I need to be there as callbacks
a pointer to a method would be valid as long as the object is alive
yea that's what I'm doing
well an ivar won't get GCd while the object exists, unless the universe is broken somehow
the proc was .. now I'm converting it to an ivar
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well now I"m holding the proc in the ivar
ok cool.
bnagy: talk soon, brb, just getting a few instruments (read: food stuffs) from the supermarket before i cook tonight and engage in the disgusting and unfortunate activity of eating, luckily i do it in secret
sure thing personIdon'tknow
meth: callback :cb, [], :void; attach_function :foo, [:cb], :void; .. class A; def initialize; foo(@i = method(:handle)); end; def handle; p :tick; end; end
you... go do that
works here
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obj.Proc might be cool idea too so that it creates a proc tied to obj without you needing to maintain an ivar
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Hi i need some help with executables in gems. I created a gem with bundler write some code down, added a bin dir with a ruby file which is calling my code. the file in bin/ is executable. after installing the gem locally with rake install the gem will be installed but i can't call the executable
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seems that everybody is sleeping :D
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dstaar1 hmm not everybody
I am not sleeping but I dont know the answer to your question either
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dstaar1, in your PATH? which <your executable> tells you what?
dstaar1, +x ?
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yep it is executable
i can call is with ./myfiel.rb
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ups i mean it not is
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* dr_bob
is not sleeping
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i'm just awake cause of university
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how can i call an Enumerator across threads?
keep getting "FiberError: fiber called across threads"
even when using a Mutex
Hey, guys. How can I do ["starts with", "contains", "ends with"] with %w() ? When I write %w("starts with", "ends with", "contains") it returns ["\"starts", "with\",", "\"ends", "with\",", "\"contains\""]
mytrile, %w[...]
oh er
the feature of %w[] is that it expands array elements delimited by whitespace
use a regular array if you want that kind of control.
mytrile, or use a Regexp if your munging text
erikh: ok, thanks
postmodern: No, it's that simple. I was just wondering
%w[one two three] => ["one", "two", "three"] if that helps any
note that %w[one, two, three] => ["one,", "two,", ...
it's not particularly smart about it, but %w[] is syntactic sugar at best anyhow
if I need whitespace I use an array, honestly the thought never crossed my mind.
how does one use thread.join, when dealing with a Thread pool that pulls on a Queue
when the Queue becomes empty, it sleeps the pulling threads, causing Thread#join to wait on the thread to wake up
well, that's the point of the queue
that's what thread.join does as well
postmodern: use guard message.. like sending nil. then thread upon receiving nil can stop listening to the queue and finalize
gotta go, cu
I'm full of ham
manveru: later.
by manveru
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Nopik, awesome
Nopik, also what is the best way to do cross thread messages
Nopik, i almost need a sort of signal mechanism
mailboxes like in the actor model? some sort of blocking queue?
cool, thanks
i don't know ruby's abilities in this area good enough, in plain posix in c i would use socketpair or some message queue.. for some purposes shared memory is better (but usually more painful to maintain)
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+there is that whole pub sub model with listening to topic etc… it really depends on what you're doing
Nopik: pipe() would be a good choice, no? ruby has IO.pipe which could work that way.
I'm not particularly good with multiprocessing so I'm just trying to fill knowledge gaps
pipe isn't bad, too, especially if it avoids creating artifacts on the filesystem
https://gist.github.com/1393192 what am I doing wrong? Tells me '"write" was called incorrectly. Call as "thor b12:write".'
some system may want to create some special file for this or something
yeah, it'd be an issue if you forked ofc
oh, I wonder how they do IO.pipe on windows.
with drugs
hm, any specialized channels for thor? #thor is empty.
then go with rake mate ;-)
sirfilip, well, might become a mess...
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you can always use main
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hi all!
how to check property on write, example: mi.property = <invalid value> ? Module mix to class - http://pastebin.com/vfNYvBU8
love the parallel interpretations of that
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Does File.chmod works different than normal chmod? File.chmod(2770, directory) causes d-ws-w--wT and normal unix "chmod 2770 directory" causes drwsrws--- (which is right)
soahccc: maybe try 02770
petercooper: Parallel interpretations of what?
Just how on 1.8 vs 1.9 the comparison is between two totally different things
yet it still works out the same way :)
darix: thanks, but which format is that?
soahccc: does it work as expected?
darix: yeah
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soahccc: octal number
as keyword :)
i think
File.chmod(1528, directory)
would also do
but that would confuse people even more
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petercooper: Hah. Yeah I agree.
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darix: Yeah, let's not use decimal mode flags :P
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rue: hex would be even shorter!
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anybody got a lib that does the neat u+xw form flags of chmod?
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manveru: i dont get the question
Hey all, quick noob question: how to find given gem's documentation (methods, parameters, etc...)? I've downloaded 'json' gem to play with it and would like to know how can I tweak it's behaviour
is there any single place in the net for that?
grafthez: gem install normally builds documentation for it
no. each gem usually has its own website. if ri does not have the info then you can look at its source, or you cam gem list thatgem -dl and get the information from it for its homepage etc
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well the rdoc documentation is usually build
depends on if they set --no-rod --no-ri which a LOT of people do for gems
then you can still use gem server no?:)
grafthez: i like to recommend a gem called 'pry' it's a repl but it can show u documentation/sourcecode for methods
terraUNDverra: then he could just read the source directly?
even with gem server, if you don't build the docs then gemserver isn't goimng to have it
as much as i love pry.... but using pry just for reading source... ;D
thats what gemserver serves, the built docs
darix: yes it's appropriate for that, because you dont have to know the files, you just want to see how a particular method is implemented, u can
darix: and u can read its documentation, and even better you can try it out :)
darix: it's designed partially for exactly this use case
well you can read the documenttion only if it was included or in the source
gem which json
is not really hard
there are lots of gems with no docs for the method(s)
as i've found out the hard way :/
darix: yes, but the source and documentation for gems are often scattred through many different files, and you want the docs/source for a particular method?
deryl: dont get me started on missing readmes, license files/headers, or documentation :p
darix: hehe. yeah, its been... fun.. trying to track things down sometimes
darix: personally i prefer just going: show-method MyClass#my_method it's easy
i spend probably mroe time googling for answers than i do getting them from the gems themselves usually because the gems themselves are lacking
terraUNDverra: again, thats only if the gem includes documentation either in the source or ri
and a great many don't. all that does is show you the ource for it
source even
deryl: then use show-doc
or is that what you're referring to? which using pry JUST to read the moethds is overkill. no different than reading the source by hand
terraUNDverra: again, show-doc ONLY works if there are docs.
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deryl: which is by far the majority of gems. Typically either gems provide NO documentation at all (i.e method documentation or readmes) or they provide both.
deryl: it's extremely rare to come across gems that only provide docs in the form of readmes, but not in the methods too.
terraUNDverra: actually by far its NOT the majority of gems
terraUNDverra: utter horseshit
deryl: bullshit. :)
total and utter horseshit. the single *greatest* complaints against most gems *is* the lack of docs
deryl: yes, and in the case they lack docs they also lack the Readmes or so on which you talk about.
* deryl
rolls his eyes
ok, i'm off to do some work. later all &
deryl: you're an idiot as usual
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terraUNDverra: you're talking out your ass. so, I'll leave you to wallow in your imagined inteiigence, while the rest of us get on with living in the *real* world.
deryl: name a gem that only has extensive docs in readmes yet NOT docs on methods themselves?
in my experience it's either all or nothing
so YOUR experience is the LAW
deryl: just give an example of a gem
good to know. go about your business. don't waste my time anymore with your stupidity
deryl: no examples? i can name plenty of gems that provide neither
deryl: but nearly no examples where there's a tonne of docs in the readmes and none in the methods themselves
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I guess ruby_parser doesn't count
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deryl: yeah that has basically no docs except an example in the readme. And the API is tiny, anyway
so fucking what? you asked for one I gave you one.
and it exactly does not do what I said it does not do and that you said it does by virtue of 'that vast majority'. Lets also go into URI::Generic#parser and a shitload of others
again you're blowing smoke out your fucking ass, don't like you got caught out, so you want to start being a dickless wonder. I too can be a dickhead. So, if you want to have an attitude and call me an idiot and be a dick yourself. expect me to come back at you full bore.
deryl: no, because your point would only be valid if the Readme contained extensive documentation that wasn't on the methods. In the case of ruby_parser there's basically no documentation in teh readme except a tiny example. And ruby_parser woudl not be a good example for this argument anyway since the API is tiny, there's hardly anything to document
do go be an asshole to someone else
terraUNDverra: stfu. i proved my point. end of story
./ignore terraUNDverra ALL
damn it
* deryl
rails at the keyboard gods for putting the . next to / so his fat fingers constantly hit it
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judofyr: you have much knowledge of all that dfp / lfp jazz?
terraUNDverra: not much
a bit
I thnk
it's magic stuff
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judofyr: can you explain the diff b/w lfp and dfp to me?
i have a rough understanding but not enough to fix my segfaults
wait holdon ill show u what i know so far
terraUNDverra: lfp are only variables defined at the top level
terraUNDverra: why dfp (dynamic variables) are those defined within blocks
judofyr: probably good to look into what 'metaprogramming ruby' covers too, so you can be sure to offer new content
though im sure he doesnt go as deep, though iirc he does discuss some of the c implementation
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judofyr: i think people would also be interested in a detailed discussion of the garbage collector
terraUNDverra: that's certainly something I haven't read much about
I mean, I know it's a stop-the-world mark-and-lazy-sweep GC
but not much more
terraUNDverra: hard to find time to write about all this stuff though. I have another article I must finish before the Understanding Objects
i would suggest source diving but it's pretty pointless sometimes in complicated undocumented code
judofyr: what's the other article
and I'm working on a documentation framework too
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terraUNDverra: "The irony of modularity"; about how many people in the Ruby community finds Java patterns useful again, and that we must be careful to not end up as Java :)
judofyr: the thing i find a little confusing about the dfp/cfp jazz, is that the block variables exist as dynamic variables (dfp) of the caller, yet the block itself is pushed as a new stack frame
so there's some kind of weird tangling up between successive stack frames
yeah, there's definitely some magic stuff going on there
but could be im thinking about it the wrong way or just need to sleep, but i find that kind of hard to grok at the moment
judofyr: what happened in 1267 ?
thebastl: dunno :)
it's just a number
bastl will be confused
that's my job around here
judofyr: so there's no story behind you choosing that for your icon?
robbrit joined #ruby-lang
terraUNDverra: sure, but it won't be interesting if everyone knows it, right? :)
wmoxam joined #ruby-lang
judofyr: you like to keep secrets
dont u
terraUNDverra: of course
arooni-mobile joined #ruby-lang
judofyr: is this a dark secret
lsegal joined #ruby-lang
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terraUNDverra: the darkest of them all
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RomD joined #ruby-lang
judofyr: good evening mysterious gentleman
terraUNDverra left #ruby-lang
judofyr: What's happening with the blog?
oh that's banisterfiend?
not sure
heh, explains a lot
kitallis joined #ruby-lang
wussup judofry
andrewvos: the article?
I'll need to rethink it a bit (a lot)
injekt: yes, that would explainalot
plusk joined #ruby-lang
savage- joined #ruby-lang
judofyr: what is Holmbox? :)
oddmunds: open-source Dropbox-ish tag-based file system
cool :)
based on SIllyDB :)
judofyr: Yeah
plusk__ joined #ruby-lang
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How can I stop the view from (automatically) being rendered?