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<ocdtrekkie> dckc: Good news and bad news
<ocdtrekkie> I can probably make the meeting today. But it's because I feel like death and stayed home.
<dckc> yikes
<dckc> isd, is google hangouts any more convenient for you?
<dckc> I also (re-) discovered jitsi, so we could use:
<TimMc> dckc: I've also used, although never for groups (more than 2 people).
<TimMc> No registration required.
<ocdtrekkie> I see guitars.
<ocdtrekkie> I don't have a microphone plugged in right now though.
<dckc> guitars... that's me! hi.
<ocdtrekkie> Hey hey
<ocdtrekkie> I'm officially on the "let's use Jitsi" train.
<ocdtrekkie> It's open source, you don't have to install anything if you have Firefox (or Chrome if you like evil), etc.
<dckc> trying brave... "Failed to access your camera"
<dckc> searching for that diagnostic brings up "When using Jitsi Meet for conference calls in Rocket Chat ..."
<dckc> interesting!
<ocdtrekkie> My web browser, I had set it to disable new requests for microphone/camera access.
<ocdtrekkie> So it's likely a privacy setting in the way when you see that.
<ocdtrekkie> It'd require raw IP networking access, but it might be possible to package Jitsi in a Sandstorm app.
<dckc> Jitsi does not work on Brave Browser
<crab> what? wasn't the meeting supposed to be an hour later?
<dckc> yes
<dckc> this is preparation
<crab> i connected to the jitsi thing, but i can't see anyone else there.
<TimMc> I'm on that Jitsi link, but I can't unmute.
<TimMc> I see you, crab.
<dckc> I think jitsi has POTS dial-in support...
<TimMc> I'm on the latest Firefox esr (68.3.0) and Jitsi says it isn't "fully supported".
<dckc> "To join by phone instead, tap this: +1.512.402...." from the little (i) button
<dckc> yeah, TimMc, ocdtrekkie reported the same thing about firefox; but it seems to work for him
* dckc considers announcing the jitsi link
<TimMc> I think that was a problem with that computer, actually. Same browser on a different computer works fine.
<crab> i don't think i have enough bandwidth for a video call
<crab> since the video started, my audio went completely wonky and then jitsi started saying "a network problem occurred. reconnecting…" every few seconds.
<crab> and now i'm not even connected any more, i think.
<TimMc> Yeah, I don't see you anymore. :-/
<dckc> where's the log of this channel?
<dckc> easy enough to find with a web search:
<dckc> we can use video sparingly, crab
<TimMc> (Dropping off due to calendar conflict, but I might join a future call.)
<dckc> SandMD? what's that?
<dckc> hmm... "CodiMD/HackMD Sandstorm app integration."
<ocdtrekkie> CodiMD is the newer version of it, I think.
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<ocdtrekkie> I've got it.
<crab> i can't hear anything on the call any more
<isd> dckc: that appears not to be a share link?
<isd> Everyones coming through really choppy again, can't really understand anything.
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<isd> abliss: I worked out what's going on with the tests.