Current layout update. Everything in the signal path up to and including the gain block (plus the secondary gain channel) is done
MCU subsystem at bottom, plenty of free space there
bottom right corner blob is the DAC, final placement uncertain still
middle right is the output stage, not yet placed
then top is power supply
Tentative thought is to shove the mcu subsystem into the bottom left, dac into bottom right, maybe some of the LDOs and voltage references
then remaining power along the top
total board depth will be 75 mm or less, i think we should have no problem fitting in the 25x75 target area i was aiming for. Even 25x50 for the AFE could be doable
leaving plenty of space on the back of a 100mm wide acquisition board for the ADC
The current layout is also bulky because of the strap resistors on the ADL5205, all of those pins will just be tied straight to power/ground once i verify this config is good
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hmmm i think in the next AFE i should move the antialiasing filter after at least the offset stage
the bessel-thomson LC filer has high return loss in the stopband
So incident RF energy >100 MHz on the probe connector will be reflected which i'm not thrilled about
for the characterization board i'll keep it, but since the actual adc+afe board is a new layout anyway i think i'll move it there
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±4] https://git.io/JvQSa
[starshipraider] azonenberg 0cd1f32 - Continued entry-afe-characterization layout
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[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JvQ90
[starshipraider] azonenberg e1266d3 - Finished initial layout of MCU/DAC area
azonenberg: if you want to move the aa filter - why not invest the extra hour redoing the layout of that part and have it in this board?
if there are some problems with the position of the filter, you want to find out about it as soon as possible. saves you another board respin
it would involve a filter redesign too
the current filter is single ended, as is the attenuator
more importantly i want to see if it actually causes problems
for example when you put it behind the offset stage, it'll be differential. could add some asymmetries
ok, so this idea is not "I'll move it in the next rev" but more "if we see some return loss problems, I'll move"
we'll need to design a new filter for the 250/350/500 MHz scopes anyway, and maybe make some other tweaks to the AFE
so i will probably make a new characterization board with a differential filter on that one
after the offset stage
There's going to have to be testing of other stuff anyway at that point, like a proper comparator based trigger with TDC
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JvQ5K
[starshipraider] azonenberg 0c63749 - Added test point to 1V8 rail. Layout for 1V8 and 3V3 rails.
azonenberg: Why not put the filter before the ADC instead of right at the beginning?
Nvm you literally said that one comment above. Should have read the logs first...
Anyways if active probes are properly terminated, the return loss shouldn't be a problem
Nice layout ^^
The unplaced components floating off the side look kinda funny
Hmm couldn't you just put the single ended filter on each wire of the diff pair?
I really like the group delayof the filter. 4.4 ns to 100 MHz...
Maybe we could test the AFE with the input filter bridged over, then we can see to how many MHz we can use the same design.
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azonenberg: As long as you switch P/N twice, it should be fine
Even if you switch once, we can just add a - in software
Huh I simulated that filter and at 100 MHz assuming a probe with 50 ohm output impedance, you get 4.7 dB more voltage at the input node than at low frequencies. But the output from the filter is fine. I think active probe drivers should be internally terminated with 50 ohm to not reflect the reflections.
Hm a differential filter with 2% value mismatch between the lines (one has 2% more on everything) seems to not worsen the step response by much.
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Maybe a signal generator (at least a digital one) could be useful, for example you could use the scope to read out a SPI chip or a CCD sensor.
I mean if we already have a logic analyzer, we could have a logic generator too
that is what the glasgow is for - it can't just be used as la, but to interact with lot's of digital stuff, so it can be spi master, i2c master and so on
Hm reading out CCDs requires digital and analog
there is quite a bit of engineering necessary to make outputting stuff save, like level shifters and so on
you could sync glasgow and a scope, there is a a sync in/out on glasgow for this kind of stuff
Everybody is so psyched about Glasgow lol. It's kind of surreal to me
Hm isnt making outputs save easier than making inputs safe?
Maybe for the future we could design a DAC board in the same form factor as the ADCs. That way you could have 4 channel DAC and 4 channel ADC and use that to characterize parts (hysteresis curves, power loss in transformers. S parameters, etc...)
Degi: making outputs safe is much harder than inputs
Because of short circuits etc?
with an input you can just use a voltage divider and a comparator
with outputs you can't put a strong resistor in series, otherwise the signal going out would be attenuated too strong
for example lvc cmos can usually drive >20mA
I mean if somebody ties an output to some high voltage, I guess that's kinda their problem? But I think there are a bunch of ICs that are short circuit resistant
Well you could use ESD protection diodes and fuses probably
if somebody ties an output to some high voltage, your neat scope is toast
I mean you can isolate the level shifter from the FPGA
you want your testgear to be at least somewhat resilent
also there are a lot of protocols which change the signal direction based on protocol, like qspi, swd,...
Hm isolated level shifters and a TVS diode on the power rail...
if you get your protocol decoding wrong, you create a short. the circuit should survive this
I thought of stuff like reading out a CCD (because we have analog channels) tbh
Yes but from like 5 V or what your logic rail is or GND...
don't get me wrong, it is of course possible to do. but it is not that easy either. I would declare it being out of scope for a scope
better create some good interface, like external trigger in/out, to hook in other instruments designed exactly for that
Hm okay
Would a DAC card make sense?
a dac card would have to be followed by some analog output stage (with filters, offset, output protection)
then it would be a proper arb gen
that would make sense to have
We could probably just reverse what we currently have? I think our OP amp is even short circuit resistant
but I don't know if it needs to be directly within the scope. if the arb is a separate instrument which can be accessed from within the same software, and then be synced with trigger in/out, osc ref in/out, I think that would be enough
somewhat fast arb gens are usually dds, so they need a strong filter on the output. also they usually provide much more power (like +- 5V into 50 ohms)
so I'd say the analog section is completely different
but I might be wrong at that
Well we do have a filter and an OP amp capable of 80 mA which is like +- 4 V
Like half the price of the HMCAD if you consider it per channel
yes, they are affordable. I have one of them
they are quite nice, but they also have some quirks. like when you change the waveform parameters on the go by turning the knob, you sometimes get glitches
I meant the DAC price not the siglent thing... lets check that
I ack that this isn't an easy problem to fix, but it can get really annoying in practice
Hm I guess changing voltage requires changing relais? That probably glitches
not always, I think there are like 2 voltage ranges. the relay is only needed when changing between these ranges
Hm is it the digital input data that glitches? That could probably be fixed tbh
it is more like changing pwm duty or frequency
Hm weird
yes, it is the digital data. they generate one waveform, then the new one with the new parameters. you have to calc the correct position to change over
I mean if you do PWM it shouldn't be too hard to do it glitch free?
yeah, but pwm is not all this thing can do. you have tons of arb waveforms and can modulate them on top of each other and so on
and at a certain point it gets complicated to calc the correct change from one waveform to the other
Like a sinewave with a triangle wave frequency sweep. That could be somewhat complicated to make the frequency changes continuous when the direction switches.
I'm certain it could be fixed, but I understand why they didn't fix it for all cases
I kinda wonder what siglent uses to get 20 Vp-p at 500 MHz
it is not 20vpp at 500mhz. it is 1.28Vpp above 350mhz and into HiZ, that is 0.64Vpp into 50R
Oh hm
would be more of a power amp than a arb gen otherwise...
Well the OP amp I linked there could probably do 17.5 Vp-p into 50 ohm at nearly 200 MHz, above that it drops down
Oh oops more like 10 V lol.
often the linearity, intermodulation and speed drop down when go somwhere near the limits, so you won't do that for a test instrument where you want a quality signal
Hm I think it should be able to do 10 Vp-p at 350 MHz, not sure how linear it would be but that is within output current and slew rate specs...
the question is if you just want some signal at this power or a high quality, clean signal you can rely on. when it is just the first, why not just stick a power amp after a low-power arb gen?
Hm yeah you could probably do that
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electronic_eel: i do plan to build a signal generator at some point. But that's a later project
as far as bidirectional ios, that's the problem i had with starshipraider
Making a 1.2-5V LVCMOS I/O cell tolerant to +/- 12V in fault conditions is extremely difficult
starshipraider basically is targeting the same goal as glasgow but with ethernet, no partial reconfig, all of the protocols in fpga all the time with a runtime adjustable crossbar
it's been on hold while i focus on analog stuff lately
well we can build prototypes of both designs and compare them :)
yes, that would be fun
when I have worked on my circuit a bit more, it would also be nice if you could do some si testing on it, you got better equipment than I for this sort of thing
Btw, the other problem with starshipraider's io is getting high enough io speeds at wide range
my design requires two different io drives depending on the vccio level with muxing between them
because the level shifter that's fast enough at 1.2V isn't 5V vcc tolerant
and the 5V one is too slow below about 2.5
yes, that will be an issue at these kind of speeds
That io board is going to probably be a six layer, extremely dense design
but I think 5v cmos is not common on real high speed stuff
my oshpark prototype is full of uDFNs and WLCSPs and the vias are bigger than the ics
and fast 5V isnt really necessary
but fast LVCMOS18, and true 5V output for talking to old TTL stuff, is
when you have that, the 5V gets fast kinda automatically
again the challenge comes from making this a kitchen sink io cell instead of specializing it
do you have switchable pullups/pulldowns like glasgow too?
at full fpga speed?
Yeah analog muxes between the resistor and signal path
ok, kitchen sink ;)
The PCB is going to be crazy. i had something like four analog muxes and two wlcsp level shifters per channel
times eight channels
and probably HDI filled via in pad
i've only prototyped 2 channels on oshpark and need to respin that with some bug fixes
but the full board will be "iphone motherboard" level packing of 0201s and WLCSPs
but 8 ch will get tight fast
with a QSH-030 to the mainboard on one side and a QTH-030 on the other side for connecting to the probe card connector (fanout to sma, mmcx, or whatever io du jour you want)
16ch of this seems more usable
no you misunderstand :)
the oshpark prototype host board only has one io bank on it
the full starshipraider will be 6 layers, with 10G instead of 1g ethernet
ah, how many banks do you have planned for the final board?
a sodimm of ddr3 instead of hyperram as storage
and four 8-bit banks
each with their own vccio and input threshold
ah, ok that's more like it
oh thats another thing, inputs are comparator based with dac driven thresholds
vccio tracks a dac reference
and there's an ADC on each bank for monitoring an external vccio, you can choose to use or ignore it
so you can say "drive outputs at lvcmos33 with 1.0v threshold"
or "drive outputs at ext vcc with 0.5*vcc threshold"
like i said kitchen sink :)
hehe, don't you think that you went a bit overboard with that design ;)
it's meant for, among other things, solving the problem i have as a hardware pentester of going onsite with a client and not having the dongle i need
so i want ALL the dongles
LA, jtag, uart, gpio, or arbitrary custom protocol at whatever voltage the hardware i've never seen before uses
voltage, or voltages
the idea is to throw a starshipraider, power brick, and a bunch of probes in a pelican case and know i'm set no matter what the hardware looks like
I'd add a scope and at least basic soldering equipment
well that's where this scope comes in :p it's a lot more portable for field use
and i have yet to come up with a field soldering kit but lain has a decent one i might borrow some ideas from
i have had to solder 0.5mm tqfp with a non temp controlled iron, a helping-hands magnifier, and unidentifiable flux i bought in the back room of a store on apliu street in hong kong
not an experience i'd like to repeat
I have seen some people rage about these litte chinese usb powered soldering irons
she's got one of those
its apparently halfway decent
another argument for putting USB-PD on the scope! :D
you need a laptop to run the UI anyway
but yes this scope will be far more packable than a big tall scope with an lcd on it
especially if you take the rack ears off
"why isn't this working!?! ...wait this isn't my active probe... this is my soldering iron!"
passive probe, active probe, melty probe...
melty probe
sma attached soldering iron
just crank the DDS up all the way
tune it to 13.56 MHz
and slap a metcal tip on the end of the coax
ok, now I know why Degi wanted a high power function gen
i mean think about it
the dut has to be off when you're soldering
why keep the awg on? :p
* azonenberg
goes off to get breakfast before he gets any other terrible ideas
it's 2pm azonenberg
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awygle: yes, and i was working until 4am on the afe test board
i've left the house twice in the past month, can you blame me for having a totally whacko sleep schedule? :p
yes because neither have i :p
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come on, it is sunday. can't blame anyone for sleeping in on sunday
electronic_eel: in grad school after i finished taking classes and was largely doing research, i had no real reason to be anywhere - or even awake - at a specific time
so my body gradually shifted onto its natural schedule
20 hours awake, 8 asleep, six days a week
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if this quarantine/lockdown keeps up much longer i expect to end up on that
I'm usually working better in the evening/late evening than in the morning. but with growing age this begins to not work out so well and I get headaches if staying up too long