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<azonenberg> Hmmmm
<azonenberg> lain: take a look at this
<azonenberg> this is the xaVNA on my probe going right into the tx sma port
<azonenberg> the probe response itself is reasonably flat but WTF is going on with that S11
<lain> lol wtf
<azonenberg> if real, this might be what borked the HDMI signals when we were testing earlier
<azonenberg> ~600 MHz is half meter wavelength though
<azonenberg> so how could i possibly be getting a reflection of that with a 1-foot-long cable?
<lain> parasitic tank circuit that is resonant at that frequency in the probe design?
<azonenberg> (CCSMA-MM-086-12)
<azonenberg> probe right into that, round 0.075mm machine pins in the tip and ground socket
<azonenberg> shoved right into the tx port on the xavna
<azonenberg> the machine pin is a little too small compared to a sma center conductor but if i apply a little sideways force it makes contact
<azonenberg> the graph was stable so i think i had good contact
<azonenberg> i'm not sure but i want this fixed before i respin the board
<lain> hmm
<azonenberg> Then there's the other big notch at ~1.95 GHz
<azonenberg> Which is about a 15 cm or 6 inch wavelength
<azonenberg> suspiciously close to half the length of my probe coax
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<azonenberg> let me add a second piece of cable in series with this one
<azonenberg> if the notch moves we'll know something
<lain> yay differential testing
<lain> I've got a headache so I'm gonna go lie down, I'll read up when I return
<azonenberg> adding a CCSMA-MM-086-03 in series, so a small hump but no visible frequency shift
<azonenberg> with a cdint rg174tpr 3ft cable
<azonenberg> and using a pico ta061 probe instead
<azonenberg> starting to look like a measurement artifact
<azonenberg> also wow that probe rolls off a lot when you get higher in frequency :p
<azonenberg> ok confirmed
<azonenberg> it's a calibration artifact. maybe the xavna cal standards are a lot less good than i thought
<azonenberg> (i figured they'd be so-so, not a complete trainwreck)
<azonenberg> when i undo the SOLT calibration i get this for my probe :p
<miek> huh. interesting
<lain> wow
<azonenberg> i found a damaged rg316 cable i'm cutting the end off of to make my own sma male short standard
<azonenberg> i already have 50 ohm terminators, open i can simulate with nothing, and through i cwan just hook the cable right up to it
<azonenberg> nist traceable? no
<azonenberg> better than nothing? yes
<azonenberg> lets see what this does
<azonenberg> look at that
<azonenberg> good thing is, i built standards into my characterization board. which are almost certainly a lot better than the pieces of junk that came with the xavna
<azonenberg> but i still dont exactly trust this thing
<azonenberg> With good reason lol
<azonenberg> i honestly think i'm better off not cal'ing it right now
<miek> i made my own kit that i'm pretty happy with, i followed this process:
<azonenberg> well i dont know how good the cal algorithms are
<azonenberg> or the vna front end in general
<azonenberg> etc
<miek> how do the standards look if you measure them without cal'ing?
<azonenberg> good question
<azonenberg> nothing at all plugged in
<miek> oh, odd
<azonenberg> one CCSMA-MM-086-12 on each port, nothing mated to far end
<azonenberg> xavna short standard
<azonenberg> xavna open standard
<azonenberg> xavna load standard
<azonenberg> xavna thru standard
<azonenberg> 3ft rg174 cable
<azonenberg> amphenol 50 ohm terminator
<azonenberg> my improvised short standard
<azonenberg> so basically at the end of this test i have even less confidence in the xavna than i did two hours ago
<azonenberg> and i've learned ~nothing about my probe
<azonenberg> Lo
<azonenberg> Lol
<miek> ouch
<azonenberg> i mean i guess for $299 i can't expect THAT much lol
<miek> yeah, i used to use a minivna which i think cost similar (probably even cheaper construction) - it was good enough to sweep an antenna and see where it was resonant, but i didn't really trust absolute numbers from it
* azonenberg continues to drool over the picovna
<azonenberg> which seems like by far best bang for buck
<azonenberg> if you want more than "toy" performance
<miek> i'm a fan of getting lucky on ebay, but it's not the most robust plan :D
<azonenberg> well the big thing is, i physically cannot fit a big old school vna on my bench
<azonenberg> i dont have the sapce
<azonenberg> space*
<azonenberg> i already have a reflow oven, two large DSOs, two power supplies, two DMMs, two 24" monitors, a keyboard and mouse, a microscope, and soldering station
<azonenberg> how much more can you fit?
<azonenberg> getting lucky on an ebay'd picovna i would consider
<azonenberg> but some massive 50 pound monster? not happening
<azonenberg> even if you gave it to me free i'd have nowhere to put it
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<miek> yeah, fair enough - it's kinda silly that my one's still so big. most of the inside is half-empty PC case
<azonenberg> i see a picovna on ebay for $5995 new
<azonenberg> but not sure why i'd do that
<azonenberg> not when i can get it for $4911 from tequipment new :p
<miek> heh
<azonenberg> So unless somebody shows me something better, as soon as i can afford the picovna my plan is to buy it
<azonenberg> i mean technically i can afford it now, but if i buy it then i won't be able to pay the construction guys who are coming to fix my flooding problems in may or june
<azonenberg> and i figure a lab with no vna, but not underwater, is better than a lab full of water that has a vna floating somewhere in it
<miek> yeah, i don't see any IP rating on it :p
<azonenberg> my scopes are IPv6 rated, does that count? :p
<azonenberg> anyway, i'm going to say at the moment that R&D on the current probe pcb is halted
<azonenberg> because it's better than my instruments can measure
<azonenberg> i can't improve it because i can't see the flaws
<azonenberg> sound correct based on the data i've linked?
<azonenberg> i'll be still doing the respin in a week or two with the repositioned ground lead and tip socket, but that should not have any significant change on rf performance as the coplanar waveguide itself isn't changing
<miek> yeah, i'd agree with that
<azonenberg> the probe characterization fixture is at fab now and should ship any day now, the AFE prototype is at fab
<azonenberg> So next step is the hmcad1520 board?
<miek> yup :)
<azonenberg> 3 in stock at digikey, lol
<azonenberg> Hmmmm
<azonenberg> For the characterization board, thoughts on just using the fpga's internal pll?
<azonenberg> actually nvm i dont have enough ios on the connector
<azonenberg> ok so i'm going to provide a clock mux and your choice of a 625 MHz or 1 GHz clock depending on 8 or 12 bit mode
<azonenberg> i don't want to waste time doing a PLL config on this board
<azonenberg> i'll build a separate test platform if i have any doubts as to how it will work
<azonenberg> ok so a few more tidbits from testing: 335 ps risetime and no overshoot for the same test setup through a lecroy zs1500 active probe
<azonenberg> i'm going to see what happens if i put a compensation cap on this probe
<azonenberg> See if i can get a smooth, even, fast rise time without a lot of overshoot
<azonenberg> Let's start with 200 fF
<azonenberg> 200 fF cap slows the rise time down to 185 ps but doesn't eliminate the overshoot
<azonenberg> It's reduced though
<azonenberg> let me try 400. Might be worth having a slightly slower probe with less overshoot, at least for now
<azonenberg> then i can try other techniques to flatten it later
<azonenberg> no go, the cap i dont think is the right approach
<azonenberg> but yeah still getting some high frequency peaking
<azonenberg> dont get me wrong, the probe is looking great from dc to 2 GHz, but i think it's letting higher frequencies through too much
<azonenberg> so looking at resistors only, with my current 200+200+50 i model at 2.4 dB of peaking at 10 GHz vs 50 MHz. With four 100s and a 50, i only get 0.5 dB of peaking
<azonenberg> But i also modeled 0.2 dB of insertion loss per cm of probe PCB. With a 60mm long probe, i should have 1.2 dB of insertion loss from the PCB, and thus only 1.2 dB of peaking
<azonenberg> so i *think* if i'm mathing this right, i will get a near-flat response if the resistors have 1.2 dB of peaking
<azonenberg> 200-100-100-50 seems to be 1.4 dB of peaking which is close to that
<azonenberg> So i'm gonna try reworking this probe with a fourth resistor and see what happens
<azonenberg> pulse gen into scope, no probe
<azonenberg> my probe, 200-200-50 resistors
<azonenberg> my probe, 200-100-100-50 resistors
<azonenberg> so the stock probe has 238 mV overshoot, and the reworked one has 155 mV
<azonenberg> That's a substantial improvement, and shows i'm on the right track
<azonenberg> note that the reworked probe uses wraparound terminal resistors instead of flip chip (still FC series) because that's all i had in stock
<azonenberg> But that only changes the 1.4 dB of peaking to 1.37 so i don't think that's a huge deal
<azonenberg> My conclusion from this is, 1.4 dB is still too much to compensate for losses in the probe
<azonenberg> So i need to flatten it more
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<azonenberg> and this one is 100-100-100-100-50
<Degi> Hm could it be from uneven group delay?
<Degi> Like the peak gets delayed a little more than lower frequency components?
<azonenberg> possible
<azonenberg> but i'd have to think about it
<azonenberg> right now i'm pretty convinced it's uneven frequency response
<azonenberg> lookign at the s2p's group delay does vary by frequency but it's tiny
<azonenberg> on the order of 500 fs skew from dc to 10 GHz
<azonenberg> anyway i tried adding compensation caps of 100-200-400 fF after the resistor string, to ground, to flatten out the peaking
<azonenberg> 100 had almost no effect, 200 was hard to say but seemed to be a slight change, 400 definitely made it *worse*
<azonenberg> which is odd as it should have a LPF effect
<azonenberg> Degi: do you agree the 100-100-100-100-50 is better than the 200-200-50 combination?
<Degi> Hm it looks more flattened certainly
<Degi> So the group delay is very flat to 10 GHz?
<azonenberg> Yes
<azonenberg> at least modeling just the resistors
<azonenberg> This is a somewhat simplistic sim that's just stacking the vishay s2p's and not modeling the whole probe
<Degi> Maybe there is something up with the SMA termination you probe on or the connection between the probe and the termination?
<azonenberg> using a tetris / zs1500 on the same point i get
<azonenberg> this is a high impedance probe and not a transmission line probe, but it convinces me the peaking is an artifact
<Degi> The tetris semms to have lower bandwidth
<azonenberg> Yes it does
<azonenberg> its a 1.5 GHz probe
<azonenberg> mine is easily >2
<azonenberg> also 100-100-100-75-75 is even flatter (0.3 dB peaking) but i can't test that as i don't have any 75s
<Degi> Hm ideally you'd just use a stack of 75's since they look the best in the datasheet
<azonenberg> six 75s would work but is mechanically unworkable on the current pcb, at least with an enclosure
<azonenberg> i can't get in there to solder that far up :p
<azonenberg> let me sim that though
<Degi> lol
<Degi> Like datasheet says Z/Zo is fine to 10 GHz or something
<azonenberg> Six 75s actually would give 0.23 dB of loss
<azonenberg> at 10 GHz
<azonenberg> let me see if i can get better
<azonenberg> ooh
<azonenberg> 100-75-75-75-75-50 is SUPER flat
<azonenberg> -0.069 dB rolloff @ 10 GHz
<azonenberg> I'm gonna buy some more 100s, 75s, and 50s and prototype this
<azonenberg> my only concern is that it's so long, physically - the attenuator will be 6mm long plus space between the resistors will probably make it more like 10-12mm
<azonenberg> so beyond a few GHz it will no longer be electrically short
<azonenberg> i think we'll be ok but i certainly need to test
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<Degi> Better than 75*6?
<Degi> Ah yes 0.069 dB
<Degi> Wait negative dB of loss? What did you do
<azonenberg> no that was S21
<azonenberg> not loss
<azonenberg> Lol
<azonenberg> Six 75s were 0.23 dB
<azonenberg> if you swap one pair for 100/50 instead of 75/75 you get 0.07
<azonenberg> going the other way, three 100s and two 75s gives +0.3 peaking
<azonenberg> so i think four 75s, 100, 50 is the flattest possible with these particular parts
<Degi> Hm have you tried searching for other resistors with S parameters available yet? Something with less C
<Degi> Also you could try to design it transmission line like
<Degi> Between the resistors have a trace of matched impedance, that way it shouldnt be too bad that it isnt electrically short
<Degi> If you use 6 layer PCB with buried vias, you could have the ground plane like a stair below it, that way the line width shouldnt vary too much
<azonenberg> No
<azonenberg> I'm using 2 layer (ish, actually a 4L stackup with signal on 1, ground on 2, and 3/4 unused - just for mechanical reasons) grounded coplanar waveguide
<azonenberg> the CPW is designed so a 50 ohm trace is 0.5mm wide
<azonenberg> Which makes it a perfect match to an 0402 footprint
<azonenberg> But you will still get reflections off the impedance mismatch of the resistor itself
<Degi> Hm I meant 500 ohm trace on the input, then 400, 315, 250, 175, 100, 50 ohms between the resistors and SMA
<azonenberg> you mean 500 ohm impedance?
<azonenberg> that would be ridiculously thin i think
<azonenberg> And you'd then have to match to the resistor
<azonenberg> no, the way i have it here with constant width makes sense
<Degi> I mean the input impedance is 500 and the output 50 ohms, right?
<azonenberg> Correct
<azonenberg> Ideally, a transmission line probe is an ideal 450 ohm resistor of zero physical size with perfectly ohmic characteristics and flat frequency response
<azonenberg> with 50 ohm traces on all sides
<azonenberg> I think i'm going to be OK with the attenuator being ~1cm long
<azonenberg> i might have some distortions out in the 8-10 GHz range but honestly if this turns into a 5 GHz probe i'll be over the moon happy
<azonenberg> the main thing i want to avoid is, if i'm probing a very wideband signal like a fast edge, i don't want massive gain of the upper harmonics like i have now
<Degi> This is what I mean assuming ideal resistors
<Degi> (I used 200 and 50 ohms now since I didnt want the circuit to get too long, just enouggh)
<azonenberg> you're looking at group delay there?
<azonenberg> or what
<Degi> Dotted line is group delay and continuous line is S12
<azonenberg> ah
<azonenberg> and well, i don't care about performance out to 100 GHz :p
<azonenberg> basically my goal is to make it so length of each line between resistors is << the wavelength
<Degi> I mean it got its first dink at 1 GHz but thats for 100 ps long lines
<azonenberg> such that i can model them as being zero delay
<Degi> Well a mm is 3 ps so itll be much better
<azonenberg> Yeah 100ps long lines would be huge
<Degi> I mean theyd still be an impedance disontinuity
<azonenberg> 100 ps is 1/10 wavelength at 1 GHz
<azonenberg> so that makes sense you'd start seeing effects
<azonenberg> The *entire attenuator* will be 1/10 wave long at about 2.5-3 GHz
<azonenberg> the individual segments won't be 1/10 wave long until about 20 GHz
<Degi> See 3rd image for 6 ps
<Degi> I think the whole length counts with resistors
<Degi> The simulation pic I sent is -3 dB at 11 GHz
<Degi> And 90 degree phase at 11.7 GHz
<azonenberg> Yeah. So out to ~5 GHz, which is what i am really targeting for the moment, we should be fine
<Degi> Hm yes
<Degi> I wonder if a SMA where the end was hacked off can be used as a capacitive probe
<azonenberg> I want to build a nearfield EM probe at some point
<azonenberg> But now is not the time
<azonenberg> i can't be building every piece of test equipment under the moon all at once
<Degi> Okay
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<bvernoux> hello
<bvernoux> finally I have found a not too expensive LCR which is good enough to measure LCR and more ;)
<bvernoux> PEAK LCR45 for about 140Euros including VAT at Farnell
<Degi> Does it have three or four wire sensing?
<adamgreig> Peak do nice stuff, sort of an early version of that popular test-anything eBay special but nicer
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