Looks good but feels a bit flimsy in spots. Definitely will want to thicken up the walls
I think i can improve the LCD mounting, it looks like there's a spot to put a screw on
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JfH9l
[starshipraider] azonenberg bf81392 - Final schematic for sfp-to-sma test fixture
Degi has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds]
Degi has joined #scopehal
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+2/-0/±3] https://git.io/JfH7X
[starshipraider] azonenberg 337123b - Routed most of sfp-to-sma
[starshipraider] azonenberg 75473ad - Added oshpark probe tip simulation
_whitelogger has joined #scopehal
Still debating whether i'm going to want to make the full metal enclosure or not. I'm probably going to hold off on a decision there until the MEAD boards come in next weekend, and i can see how hot they run
and play with my new EMC probes and see how leaky they are :p
Also just got an email from kickstarter, things have cleared on their end and they're sending me payment from the backers shortly. Once that comes in I'll be doing the PMK order to get all of the tips, grounds, etc
Next probe pcb rev is still a few days out as well, so we'll see how it works
Then the SFP+ test fixture is coming along nicely and will hopefully be done in another hour or two
then i can get back to MAXWELL schematic symbol creation
and start thinking about approximate bank assignments etc
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JfHFP
[starshipraider] azonenberg 9466ecc - Continued layout on sfp-to-sma board. Fully routed, need some plane tweaks and stitching vias.
ready for final signoff review, i think
maybe some tweaks to the power planes
sniff all the high speed busses! :D
azonenberg: what do you think needs to be done to the planes?
monochroma: just rearranging a bit of layer 3 so i had solid ground under the back side diffpairs
done now
Ready for sneef sneef
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://git.io/JfHNL
[starshipraider] azonenberg 1543647 - Final version of sfp-to-sma, ready for layout review
If you wanna have a look at the board before i send it out
Oh neat
Is that for 10G?
Degi: in theory it should be able to do 10G, yes. Although i dont have a scope fast enough to see that
monochroma's scope is 5 GHz bandwidth so just barely too slow
however it's not a brick wall frequency resopnse
5 GHz is suffiicient
Heh yeah
10G is 10.3125 Gbps
If it was brick wall then maybe not
if it can still read 5.15625 GHz without too much attenuation
then we might be able to pull it off
i intend to try
(I mean like my rigol can show 250 MHz just fine, with a few dB damping despite having 70 MHz BW)
she wants to use it for debugging some fpga stuff, i personally plan to use it to develop a 1000base-X protocol decoder
Like thats 3% more
and possibly 10Gbase-R and 64b66b eventually
Yeah. I fully expect it to work
it's out of spec but lecroy gear is usually pretty good about being slightly faster than advertised
they dont cut corners
Inb4 it turns out that there's some 100th order filter or so in there
no i've seen actual cal data off my scopes
they're a few percent above the advertised bw cap on both channels
its a decently steep rolloff after that but 150 MHz past 5 GHz i think will work
For the -3dB?
the cal report includes actual -3 dB bw for each channel
my VNA also can be used as a sinewave signal generator, no modulation support so won't replace a proper vector siggen
but can be used to test freq response of a scope after a fashion
My rigol has rather slow rolloff, dont really remember how much, maybe 18 dB per decade or so
i intend to characterize her scope to find the actual response curve
Degi: anyway if you have a bit of time to do a layout review before i send it out, i wouldnt mind a second set of eyes
Hm yeah ill git clone it
Ahh its a thingie which connects SMA 1 to 2 and splits out the signals on the SMA
Those splitters look neat for paralleling HMCADs
Maybe a tad high BW
for $2 each is it worth going lower end?
Ok thats p cheap
And its a passive. With active elements that makes more sense due to noise.
But yes for ADC paralleling this is a good choice
i actually picked it out originally for FREESAMPLE
the very first thing the signal path hits on FREESAMPLE is one of these, wtih one port going to the trigger circuit and one to the "ADC"
Huh those splitters are quite tight underneath
* monochroma
looks it over rl quick
it passes the oshpark drc
let me know when you two have finished looking at it and i'll run through my layout review checklist
I mean I hope it passes the solder paste "drc" heh
They come in a range of sizes, this is one of the smaller ones
lower power handling capacity but a non-issue for low voltage like this
Like that time we had a diode shorted from solder...
i think when i get a proper stencil printer that holds tension on the stencil i will get much better prints
i've been eyeing one but need to figure out how to free up some bench space to set it up before i order
Tension on the stencil? As in stretchingi t lightly?
Because otherwise it kinda bends and moves?
so it cant flex and move around
i dont get good gasketing
I mean theres stencils with big metal frames too, at least at JLC
it's a lot better with steel than kapton but there's still room to improve
there is one stencil printer i've found that works with frameless stencils
Huh, Kapton stencils sound weird
much cheaper and more storable
laser cut kapton is the poor man's stencil
Hm yeah
they're ultra cheap and better than using a syringe to put down dots of paste
but vastly inferior to steel
I mean theyre only 7 bucks non-framed at jlc anyway
only recently did steel become affordable to the average hobbyist for one-off boards
And with frame theyre 9.43 $ and its like 1 kg or so oof
oshstencils is a bit more than jlc but its also a us-based shop so quick turn
and yes, that is the big issue. frames are big and heavy
Tbh not sure if jlc or oshpark ships to me faster heh
imagine dozens of them on a shelf somewhere
my lab is tight enough on space already
Yeh like foils are easier to stack
i store my small stencils in a baseball card organizer binder
Is the rx pins on the SFP where the power comes out?
The diff pairs are routed kinda near to cutouts on In2.Cu
And how much current and precision do they need on the 3V3 rail? I guess not so much?
rx pins are outbound from the optic, yes
max current is i think ~300 mA total between tx and rx?
i have a 2A fuse on the input and will be feeding it from a regulated bench supply
So in1 is GND, in2 is 3v3...
Hm yeah
in2 is a mix of 3v3 and ground
its ground anywhere i have RF signals referenced to it
3.3 around the perimeter
Like if you have 1 Ohm cable drop, you'd get like 3.0 V
and idgaf about ref planes for the i2c etc :p
My PSU supports remote sense if it comes to that, but i expect nowhere near 1 ohm of drop
i can also just monitor the actual load and bump up the voltage a bit
this is meant for benchtop use in a controlled lab environment
and it was a quick test fixture, i didnt want to bother throwing regulators on it
The RF splitters with the 100 µm solder mask look kinda tight tbh. But if that works out that'd be great, I guess that means that smaller pitch BGAs would work fine too
azonenberg: not seeing anything jumping out at me, but i'm not quick enough to properly review to get it out tonight
Degi: my min design rule for oshpark soldermask is 50 um
monochroma: yeah i'll probably wait till the morning to make sure
not like they'll run the board overnight anyway
but since it is closed, it all depends on the quality of their firmware - and you can't easily improve/fix it without reversing it all first
1300 MHz input bandwidth
Sadly 200 € per piece
electronic_eel, Yes I just say for 199USD he can sell probably 100x more products
Awwh only 11 ENOB, why even make it 16 bit at taht point
Degi, yes Fake 16bits ADC ;)
Degi, when marketing is too strong ;)
bvernoux: I'm not so sure about that. The julescope grabbed some of the market a year or so ago, so I don't know how many people needing such a product are left
electronic_eel, Yes maybe but I say for a CrowdSupply which is pretty limited audience the best is to sell for price lower
Lets do something like that but with the 32 bit ADC
Dynamic range from 1 nA to 2 A
electronic_eel, but it seems clearly better than Joulscope
also it is just 6V input, which limits the use severly
yes 6V max is pretty limited ...
you can't use it with 12v or 2S lipo
If it will be 40V/2A it will be a different story ;)
to test any HW
even if it was 15V it would have been much more usable
yes especially for 499USD
it is why I say for such niche market it shall not exceed 199USD
to have way more guys buying it anyway we will see
it is made in India ;)
it is first time I see that
ha ok the guy name is Prajay Madhavan
Sadly no fast ADCs with more than 12 ENOB
Degi, yes it is very hard to find that
I kinda wonder what the heck this PCIe slot is doing
as there is fake 16bits ADC with 10bits ENOB ;)
Like just hang some LFSR on the last 6 bits and tadaa 16 bit haha
also some 12bits ADC with 8bits ENOB ;)
electronic_eel, anyway what is great with CrowdSupply is price inlcude VAT
electronic_eel, so there is no surprise when you receive the HW ;)
are you sure about that? do they now send DDP?
honestly i think if we ever wanted to do that, i think we would be better off building a from-scratch mobile client using libscopehal and a completely new UI around it
glscopeclient was intended for a large screen with mouse and keyboard
I can attach my smart TV with VNC or so probably
Degi, Yes SmartSCope ;) for the Price of a full Rigol 1GSPS ;)
Or a long HDMI cable
we could keep all of the protocol decodes etc but i don't think the current UI is practical to port just for ergonomic/UI constraints
You can get a rigol for 139 USD?
Well 179 $
Degi, A friend have bought a portable scope like that for 99USD too I said Him for 200USD you have a full Rigol 1GSPS 2Chan with Screen ...
Idk the UI seems fine even for touch. Maybe redesign the menus
200 USD for a rigol with 1 GSPS?
Degi: i rely on right clicks and things like that, and i have fairly small ui elements
Degi, yes there is special offer on the old ;)
and scroll wheel, etc
i do actually want to have PC touchscreen capability
Scroll weel can be replaced with pinching
been eyeing a 24" 1080p touch monitor on amazon to experiment with that
Thatd work just fine for time base and voltage
BUT i want to avoid making it less useful for mouse/keyboard with big chunky UI elements
Since that is the primary use case
Can we change the UI bigly with the css files?
adding touch friendly alternatives under the hood like gestures is possible
The CSS only themes the GTK chrome
Degi, the DS1052E was 199USD few months ago
menus, toolbars, dialogs, etc
Degi, on a special offer
what it will not change is the custom rendered elements like the channel info boxes, the trigger arrow
Degi, DS1102Z is 299USD ;)
I kinda wanna build a good AWG sometime...
Degi: that's on my list
But theres some kinda inverse correlation between bandwidth and amplitude
Like I cant just have 100 Vpp at 1 GHz
i'd love to collaborate at some point but i wanted to get at least one scopehal instrment out first
Hm yes
Degi, hehe 100V @1GHZ ;)
Currently I have to do with other things too
Degi, it is not common such high voltage at such freq
and i was looking at 50 ohm output for the AWG, not high impedance / high voltage
Yes 50 ohm
Still 100 V 1 GHz :P
how many kW is that?
yes 50Ohms AWG is perfect
especially reaching >6GHz ;)
as they are crazy epensive
My scope can only output like 2.5 V into 50
especially with nice filters
not a bad freq generator like we see on Ebay for 50USD ;)
with tons of harmonics everywhere
Huh, smartscope can only export to .csv and .mat and is pretty pricy for what it does
I mean AWG not freq gen
Degi, ha you want just AWG
see i would be fine with 10-20 dBm output power
maybe even a bit less, 18 dBm = 5V p-p
which is the max for most 50 ohm test equipment
5Vpp is kiinda low tbh
Id want to be able to drive TTL at least
5Vpp is ttl if you have a dc offset on it, no?
Yes if it can do that
The rigol cant somehow
i was targeting dc coupled output with a reasonable offset range
say max of 5V p-p and +/- 5V offset or something
Hmm ok...
we could then make an external PA/offset stage if we needed more
If/when i build an AWG, i was planning on using the AD9154
8 lane JESD204B interface, 16 bit, 2.4 Gsps
azonenberg, My Agilent E4432B have an AWG option but it is defective anyway I doubt it will be useful as the software to load waveform is horrible & obsolete
scopehal actually has APIs for function generators (not arbitrary yet) and in theory supports the wavesurfer 3000's integrated function gen
(although that may have bitrotted as i no longer own a ws3k and can't test)
Degi, 10GHz 30USD USB SCope ;)
Its 600 usd
Degi, Even 10GSPS is hard at that price ;)
Its a sampling scope
yes so it is not an Oscilloscope ;)
it was advertized as Oscilloscope ;)
bvernoux: thoughts on the ad9154 for an awg?
Its a sampling oscilloscope...
ha yes I see on 2nd line => USB Sampling Oscilloscope
we'd get four channels of 16 bit dac out of it at 2.4 Gsps so nyquist bandwidth over 1 GHz
azonenberg, yes it is a nice DAC
The ADRF6720 are external and not part of it right?
It's only $120 on digikey too
Degi: yes
it doesnt do any QAM internally
however it could easily be turned into a dual qam signal source with external components
This siggen would need to be kintex7 based and probably have a 1G ethernet interface
streaming of raw waveform data wouldnt be possible without a much beefier FPGA and if i use 8x GTX for the JESD204 I won't have any left for 10G ethernet
Supports input data rates up to 1 GSPS
unless i move to something bigger than the 7k160t which is the largest kintex supported by free vivado
Yeah what does that mean
i wonder if that means it does interpolation internally and you can't give it data faster than that
but the dac runs faster? let me look
even so a 1 Gsps AWG would be pretty nice
Uhm yeah look at page 4
I suspect it is what is used in Rigol AWG
the spec seems to match well
you think rigol's awg is using jesd204?
So let me add this project to the roadmap
since i think we all agree it's going to happen, we can figure out details later
fun things is the output can go to a Mixer for higher freq ;)
to do also RF stuff haha
And then into a TWT
bvernoux: that would be a separate standalone system IMO
I'd make the AWG differential output too
ha yes great
so you have four differential outputs and can terminate _N if you dont need them
then you can just run SMA-SMA cables into a separate I/Q mixer and upconverter if you want an RF signal source
i personally would be more interested in using it for baseband stuff
yes will be very nice
me too ;)
simulating lower speed signals like 100mbit ethernet with various signal distortions etc
but a good AWG is very nice to test electronic stuff too
And TWT amplifiers
I figure if i have a sine source to 6 GHz and a full arbitrary to 500 MHz i'll be in pretty good shape
I still plan to build a compact YIG FIlter )
Didnt bvernoux find that one good 11 GHz mixeer or so
But I need more details on how to do the driver
For the magnet?
as I'm pretty sure a good one from 2GHz to 18GHz can be put in a 20cmx20cm*10cm box ;)
I think its mostly a constant current source
yes to drive the YIG with heater ...
yes there is heater
Well two constant current sources
What do you think of FLEMING as the signal generator?
Heater is probably fine with a class D modulatedo ne
as the YIG shall be stable ;)
after the inventor of the vacuum tube
Heh nice
main issue is power consumption
Maybe use a peltier
I have not found something better than YIG for ultra sharp filter
with such tunable band
from 2GHz to 18Ghz or more
Maybe cooling helps
Degi: btw i think MAXWELL and FLEMING will have a *lot* in common architecturally
Is maxwell fleming^-1
no maxwell is the LA
Ah yes
If you want a better filter, get a superconducting cylinder where one end is height adjustable
But both will be an xc7k160t with all gtx used for high speed io, all HP banks used for a ddr3 sodimm, in the same 1U rack case, with the same stm32 based control system
speaking of which, we will have a lot of OSERDES unused on FLEMING
so i am considering throwing a "free" digital signal generator into the mix
Hmh yeah
a bunch of MMCX or SMA outputs with 1.25 Gbps LVDS and maybe some lower speed LVCMOS
Maybe something cheaper
ribbon cable socket or so idk
we could add some lower speed connectors too
actually we could do 1.5 Gbps
Or a pcie slot hahaha
because FLEMING will need a -3 speed fpga
Anyway for those which are interested I will open my KC908 when I receive it ;)
i think
there is lot of interesting things inside for RF stuff ;)
Wear gloves
need to fine tune that later on during the design
but it's on the roadmap now, will push later on
also assuming we use a 4GB SODIMM
that's 1GB per channel or 512M points per channel of AWG :D
Why not more heh
because i think when you go bigger you need to be dual rank
which hurts Fmax for the 7 series controller
it's faster in point to point mode
anyway so given the dram read latency and refreshes
i am probably going to want to do a prefetch of some sort
with a block ram fifo to cover latency bursts. We'll figure that out later
I also plan to build a DDS based sine, ramp, etc generator in there as well
yes DDS is a must have too
for fast signal generator
and of course have trigger input for syncing the sweep to other systems, trigger output for syncing DDS/repeating AWG pattern to an external scope
10 MHz refclk in
all the usual high end accessory ports
yes definitely 10MHz refclk ;)
for all instruments
Yes. no matter how low end
it's stupid not to
anyway i'm not fully out of bed and dressed for the day (yes it's 14:00 here, but it's the weekend during quarantine :P)
So i think i'm gonna hop in the shower and find some breakfast :p
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 2 commits to master [+11/-0/±1] https://git.io/JfQ3p
[starshipraider] azonenberg 288238d - Updated README/design notes with signal generator concept ideas
[starshipraider] azonenberg 76f216f - Initial skeleton of MAXWELL main board
bye see you
bvernoux has quit [Quit: Leaving]
Woow I found a datasheet so old it advertises 500 kbps and 2.456 Mbps as high speed
[starshipraider] azonenberg pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±2] https://git.io/JfQZf
[starshipraider] azonenberg d6be583 - Final version of sfp-to-sma after signoff review