whitequark changed the topic of #solvespace to: SolveSpace--parametric 2d/3d CAD · latest version 2.3 · http://solvespace.com · code at https://github.com/solvespace/solvespace · logs at https://irclog.whitequark.org/solvespace
<_whitenotifier-f> [solvespace] maz3max commented on pull request #473: Nurbs - https://git.io/JerdF
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<aaea11> hello
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<whitequark> hi
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<sklv> whitequark: not related to your channel but i tried your rust vnc implementation recently on qemu and it didn't work, i didn't note the exact error message. would you be interested in an issue on github with the details or have you not used it in ages and would rather forget abou it?
<whitequark> feel free to file, maybe it's easy to fix
<swivel> is there a rust port of solvespace in the future? :)
<whitequark> no
<whitequark> that would be a great way to kill the project
<whitequark> and trust me, i can't stand c++ more than everyone else in this channel combined
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<max61> Hi!
<max61> Is this project alive?
<swivel> yes
<max61> Great!
<max61> Do you think there will be a fix for the broken NURBS boolean operations soon?
<swivel> It sounds like the developers are a bit busy these days, not sure. Maybe one can chime in, I'm just a user.
<max61> Hm, I recently tried it out and it worked quite well - until I tried to use a lathe operation with an arc. I wonder if I could help solving the underlying issue.
<swivel> if you idle here long enough someome may help, otherwise you could create an issue on the github...
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<max61> There are already open issues with similar problems.
<swivel> one of the devs has a patreon, may be able to incentivize expediting things that way https://www.patreon.com/whitequark
<whitequark> no
<whitequark> do not expect that
<whitequark> for one, there will never be "a fix for NURBS booleans"
<whitequark> they aren't completely reliable even in solidworks
<whitequark> but in general, improving the geometric kernel isn't something I can do. I'm a systems programmer. I work on portability, UI, backwards compatibility, testing... not graphics or geometry
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<swivel> whitequark: good to know, is there anyone else on the team with patreons who focus on those things?
<whitequark> no
<whitequark> there's no "team", really, just people who occasionally use their free time to improve things
<swivel> well there's a set of people who have commit rights :)
<whitequark> anyone who shows they can contribute robust, useful code gets commit rights
<whitequark> unfortunately, c++ as used in solvespace tends to be hard to write reliably, which is a quite high bar for contributors