Kaik541 changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | IRC stats : http://irc.nebkat.com/ | <codeworkx> KalimAz: i can see my panties | GIEF Teamhacksung Galaxy S3 FTW! http://pledgie.com/campaigns/17290 .:. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1633734
<Jiangyi> AndyB: Wait, so you attempted to install CM9 using the stock recovery?
<AndyB> yup i believe so - got slightly ahead of myself
<Jiangyi> AndyB: Well, obviously that would fail, but it can't cause a total brick....
<DuperMan> ok
<DuperMan> check this out
<DuperMan> I made AWESOME fried Salmon
<Jiangyi> Unless the superbrick bug happened....
<Jiangyi> DuperMan, help me help AndyB. :-P
<DuperMan> and the kitchenware (pan or lid) somehow SUPERBRICKED
<AndyB> haha that be appreciated!
<DuperMan> and can't be pried out of the damn frying pan -_-
* DuperMan blamesnebkat
* Jiangyi asks DuperMan kindly to help.
<DuperMan> yeah Jiangyi?
<DuperMan> *yes even
<DuperMan> I'm mad at fish, sorry
<Jiangyi> AndyB tried to flash CM9 with stock recovery and somehow his Note is now completely bricked.
<Jiangyi> lol I love fish xD
<DuperMan> ME TOO! hmmmmm.... well there's the WELL DOCUMENTED SUPERBRICK
<Jiangyi> P.S. No Odin, nothing on screen when powering up.
<DuperMan> never encountered it myself
<DuperMan> tried a drain/recharge of batt? device is note?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> But can superbrick even happen here? I thought it was only for data wiping.
<DuperMan> well when you flash initially you must wipe
<AndyB> I certainly didnt wipe - fatal?
<Jiangyi> He said his battery was only 20%-ish when he attempted, but he was plugged in. I'm thinking maybe something to do with the battery.
<DuperMan> shouldn't be. you say it shows battery charging for anything, correct?
<DuperMan> first question: have you plugged it out?
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> also, reitirating: WHAT MODEL
<Jiangyi> Note N7000......
<Jiangyi> No other Note has CM9. lol
<DuperMan> k, tired, wasn't sure I read note :)
<DuperMan> also, mad at fish
<DuperMan> ><
<AndyB> yeah defo N7000, is plugged into USB of computer but no charging icon on screen...have also plugged it out too
<AndyB> ...to no joy (shame about the fish!)
<DuperMan> it might be that the battery gave the ghost at a rather crucial moment, I'd leave it with batt out for the night (like I could resist:P) then try a friend's battery/charge in a friend's phone
<DuperMan> does the computer bother beeping happily acknowledging a thing was plugged?
<Jiangyi> Yeah, it's either fully bricked or your battery may have problems.
<DuperMan> ^
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<evil-doer> this is why i havent flashed my n7000 to cm yet. fear of this
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: If you flash with a safe percentage of battery left, you should be fine. xD
<DuperMan> well, flashed mine soon as I could to be on cm9 and not worry (first few days should be most leniant on warranty claims:P)
<Jiangyi> I actually once flashed with 15% left. Not the smartest idea, but I didn't die from that. xD
<DuperMan> also, didn't know how bad that bug was when I flashed :)
<Jiangyi> Samsung China: We don't care if it's rooted! We'll fix it anyways! :D
<evil-doer> is it stable on the note? ive heard the battery isnt too good
<DuperMan> Jiangyi: camel central's the same if it's from a mobile carrier;)
<DuperMan> the official samsung importers are horrible though
<AndyB> +DuperMan I've changed the battery and theres no luck either - same blank screen. Computer doesnt recognise it when plugged in by USB either
* DuperMan hasn't lost a fish, he learned how to vacuum seal steel and glass
* DuperMan turns to smithing fish decorated high end armorr as an occupation
<Jiangyi> AndyB: OK, looks like you're going to have to call it in for service.
<Jiangyi> Good news is, since it's so fully bricked, I doubt they can tell that you tried flashing a custom ROM on it. :-P
<DuperMan> AndyB: sounds as much like a brick as I heard, give it a batt-less night and try a battery charged another way (different device or a charger) then RMA
<AndyB> yup thought so - very true! haha heard how long the process takes? What about this Heimdall app - useful?
<bbqbot> derp
<DuperMan> keyword is 'derp', alongside terms such as "just happened" and "woke up an it like this
<DuperMan> '
<DuperMan> it's an app - guess how well it runs on a phone that doesn't boot
<DuperMan> oh, sorry
<DuperMan> mixed with odin mobile
<AndyB> true, true
<DuperMan> wouldv'e been worth a try if warranty wasn't safest route
<Jiangyi> OK, listen to DuperMan, not me. :X
<DuperMan> it sounds like it IS the bug hence you need something lower level than odin/heimdall, ergo almost no way they'll give you trouble replacing it
<AndyB> ok gents (assuming you both are), thanks for the time and help! Appreciated.
<DuperMan> I'm a horrible brute, but not a chick.
<DuperMan> welcome though :P
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<Jiangyi> You're welcome. :-)
<AndyB> yep sounds exactly like that poor chaps
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<DuperMan> well I'm fish-less but not poor
<DuperMan> :P
<DuperMan> just making sure, no download mode right? hold power+home+voldown
<AndyB> ...out of interest, the last comment by dobsy01 in that link just above - whats your thoughts? No download mode.
<Jiangyi> AndyB: Seems like the last guy was able to get back into download mode to do that.
<DuperMan> I think he had a problem with similar symptoms affecting a similar bunch of device innards but not the dreaded bug
<DuperMan> I had that a couple of times on my sgs2 messing with cm7 and the sgs2 ics leaks, not the same thing
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... I was going to say try an USB jig, but then I realized that it probably won't work if it's bricked that hard.
<DuperMan> but can see it happening on a note and creating confusion
<DuperMan> no harm, but if he can have it replaced sooner postponement is pointless
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<AndyB> yeah not confident it would get done quickly - for all the money a JIG is, worth a bash! Does it have to be a JIG for the Note?
<Jiangyi> AndyB: A Jig for a S2 would work for the Note too I believe.
<AndyB> Ok, well, worth a try
<DuperMan> if the jig works at all, this thing is so well documented (read: cried about in the forums) you can't be the first to try a jig
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<AndyB> ....cool, give it a bash - can you use it more than once??
<DuperMan> yeah. a jig's a jig's a jig's.
<Jiangyi> Yeah, a jig is not an one-time device lol
<Entropy512> jig won't work if you're hardbricked
<Entropy512> IMO with TriangleAway there's no point to jig
<DuperMan> Entropy512: that
<Jiangyi> Entropy512 has spoken!
<DuperMan> but with the absolute certainty that is you :)
<AndyB> TriangleAway?
<Entropy512> Resets the flash counter
<Entropy512> it sounds like you got nailed by Superbrick
<Entropy512> man, just 1-2 days too early
<Entropy512> we made recovery/updater-zip changes such that it SHOULD be safe to flash CM9 on dangerous kernels now
<Entropy512> but I haven't fully tested the change yet
<DuperMan> lol yeah, new stuffs commited is all about working around it xD
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<Entropy512> yet another reason to push for our contact to release repair info... unfortunately it sounds like senior management at Sammy is being uncooperative
<Entropy512> they want to be able to claim they're working with the development community
<Entropy512> without actually doing so
<AndyB> ach, thats unfortunate but not the end of the world - have a trusty Nexus S to rely on in the meantime
<DuperMan> Entropy512: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1693704 is this adivsable? chainfire's brickprone device identifier
<bbqbot> derp
<Entropy512> As I understand it our contact cares but their management isn't very cooperative
<Entropy512> DuperMan: kinda pointless on n7000 - they all have the defective chip
<Entropy512> nearly all Exynos devices do
<Entropy512> what matters is kernel/recovery
<DuperMan> Entropy512: fun. never knew how lucky I am with my silly personal use upstreams:)
<DuperMan> (lies. I knew the sgs2 gave hell with a bad pit and was cautious)
<AndyB> gents, gotta go. thanks again for the help - appreciated!
<Jiangyi> Alright, good luck on getting it fixed!
<DuperMan> welcome AndyB, luck with your carrier - BLAMESAMSUNG
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* DuperMan is still hungry, fishless
<DuperMan> might bbiab
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Doesn't the OMAP 9100G also have bad chips?
<Entropy512> yeah, haven't had a chance to look at the kernel to see why it hasn't been a brickfest
<Entropy512> sammy might have "safed" that kernel
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<Entropy512> looks like codeworkx "safed" it a few days ago
<Entropy512> not sure why it wasn't problematic before
<Jiangyi> Yeah, not even the Chinese users running the leak from 2 months ago have had any kind of bricks.
<Jiangyi> I do have the bad eMMC though.
<evil-doer> i have the bad emmc too
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<Entropy512> I wonder if there's something elsewhere in the kernel/recovery that blocks erase
<Jiangyi> LOL Maybe OMAP is special :-P
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<DuperMan> nachos. dip. meh.
<DuperMan> pointless to mention 'f samsung this workaround is such a last resort ffs goddamn sammy'?
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<Jiangyi> Umm.... What happened?
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<boakun> im trying to install a cm9 nightly on a 7" samsung tablet
<boakun> p1
<boakun> but whenever i install the zip from cwm, all it does is reboot me back into cwm every time
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<color> nice
<boakun> cant figure out this damn tablet
<color> i cant figure out my bootloader, and why im scared to bml write to it
<boakun> well like i re stocked this galaxy tablet like i was told
<boakun> and try to install the zip from cwm, which doesnt seem to fail
<boakun> but then it just reboots into cwm infintely
<color> reboots into? or reboots indefinitely?
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<boakun> i mean i click in cwm, reboot system
<boakun> and it just boots into cwm
<color> you cant have more then one mod on a device very easily
<boakun> one mod?
<boakun> wtf you talking about
<boakun> im trying to flash a rom
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<color> im lost then my bad
<boakun> flashing Overcome_Kernel_v4.0.0.tar seems to boot it back into the stock samsung rom
<boakun> via odin
<Jiangyi> boakun: What tablet?
<boakun> p1000
<boakun> the 7" samsung tablet
<boakun> trying to flash this
<bbqbot> derp
<boakun> im pretty confused why it wont flash
<boakun> i think it worked now
<boakun> randommly
<boakun> andy is booting up
<boakun> color, its installed/booted now
<boakun> :D
<color> cool
<Jiangyi> OK then. Congrats. :-)
<boakun> no idea why it wouldnt work before
<boakun> now to install gapps
<boakun> what do you think of the cm9 boot anim
<Jiangyi> I don't really care about it to be honest. :P
<boakun> heh
<boakun> not like you reboot that often anyway
<Jiangyi> Well, I flash everyday, so....
<boakun> haha
<boakun> everyday?
<boakun> that sound sbad for your nand
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<Jiangyi> Dunno
<boakun> what device
<Jiangyi> S2 I9100G
<boakun> what does G mean near the signal bars
<Jiangyi> What?
<boakun> i dont know how else to describe
<boakun> i have a G above my signal bars
<Jiangyi> I have no idea.
<boakun> maybe short for 3g
<boakun> it should be H tho
<Jiangyi> Yeah it should be H.
<boakun> gprs?
<Jiangyi> Nah, wouldn't that be E for EDGE?
<boakun> it cant even load anything
<boakun> maybe i need a diff radio
<boakun> shows H now
<boakun> flashed an att radio
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<Jiangyi> Oh OK.
<boakun> speed tests are pretty sad
<boakun> 1.10 Mbps down / 0.10 Mbps up
<EgotisticalElf> ppl join #cyanogenmod-touchpad and ask questions about samsung devices... that's weirder...
<boakun> lol
<EgotisticalElf> i love it when the window is scrolled WAAAAY up and you reply to a conversation that was like 8 hours old
<boakun> yea
<EgotisticalElf> and i get E, G, 3G and H on my phone
<EgotisticalElf> all with the same modem
<EgotisticalElf> my wife's (non-CM) gets H+
<boakun> gprs is pretty old
<boakun> i have an android lte phone
<boakun> but thers no lte in my area lol
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<EgotisticalElf> so you should have H+
<EgotisticalElf> or H or 3G or E
<boakun> it shows H
<EgotisticalElf> from that speed test, you have HSDPA only (no HSUPA)
<boakun> pretty slow to be honest
<boakun> my phone gets like 7-8 Mbps
<boakun> this tablet cant get over 2
<boakun> even on wifi speed maxed at like 2.40 Mbps
<boakun> seems youtube doesnt work on this rom
<boakun> crashes on start
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<Jiangyi> boakun: Try wiping data.
<boakun> ya ill try
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<[OxO]> @supported
<bbqbot> Supported devices: crespo maguro toro p1 p1c galaxys2 galaxysmtd vibrantmtd captivatemtd fascinatemtd galaxysbmtd mesmerizemtd showcasemtd i777
<boakun> tried a wipe
<boakun> hes gone nvm
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<biffhero> ok, here we go. Time to CM9 nightly a Galaxy Note.
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<Kaik541> biffhero: make sure you don't try to flash the international version if you have the AT&T version
<Kaik541> AT&T/rogers version that is
<boakun> didnt a kernel b rick the note a while ago
<biffhero> Awesome, thanks. I think the file is called… n7000
<Kaik541> biffhero: as long as your model number on the device matches the model number on the zip, you *should* be safe
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<biffhero> thanks for the heads up. I guess there's not a CM9 for this I717
<boakun> dont flash the wrong version
<Kaik541> biffhero: it's unreleased, waiting on kernel source
<boakun> typical samsung
<biffhero> yeah, thanks.
<biffhero> has anyone served them with GPL paperwork?
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<Assid> okay so i need to buy a phone, whose main job is to be used for tracking
<Assid> think of it as a black box
<Assid> hence gotta be something cheap.. decent battery life
<Assid> any suggestions on what to get
<EgotisticalElf> dumb phone ?
<Kaik541> biffhero: there's no need, there's been no ICS release for I717
<Assid> tracking = smart phone
<boakun> get a bb
<Assid> needs gps.. thinking of using cerberus
<EgotisticalElf> define decent battery life then
<Assid> a day ?
<bbqbot> derp
<biffhero> [9:31] <Kaik541> biffhero: there's no need, there's been no ICS release for I717 <<< thanks
<biffhero> a full day seems like a lot.
<Assid> well.. 10-17
<boakun> er not really
<boakun> no worse than waiting 6 months for a working beta
<Assid> tracking will be disabled every "trip"
<Assid> 1 trip lasts about 1 hour.. in a day .. maybe 4-6 such trips
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<Assid> preferably would like something i can load cm9 on. so i can flash cerberus
<Assid> their tracking seems more "live" than others
<EgotisticalElf> cm9 or cm7?
<EgotisticalElf> and can you hardware the phone into a power source?
<Assid> wellthere are 2 cars.. one of them isnt capable for a car charger
<EgotisticalElf> something cheap like a CLIQ or CLIQXT can run cm7 and has gps
<boakun> get a g2
<boakun> for like $99
<Assid> let me see whgats available here
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<Assid> htc xplore ?
<Assid> would that work
<Assid> also theres a galaxy pocket S5300
<Assid> i wonder if cerberus works without root
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<lodder> where can I find the wallpaper used in the launcher I removed it from my sd card
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<lodder> nevermind found it on a other disk
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<roniez> ALLES
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<gladiac1337> cool, liblights will be in the next nightly
<xplodwild_work> gladiac1337: erm...
<xplodwild_work> "exynos4x12"
<xplodwild_work> ;)
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<gladiac1337> from what i understand bbqlog shows that change for galaxys2
<xplodwild_work> gladiac1337: because hardware_samsung is shared for all exynos devices
<gladiac1337> ah k, sorry
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: w000t
<Assid> nebkat|beer: !!!!
<Assid> wassup man
<nebkat|beer> sup
<Assid> trying to figure out a good cheap phone i can use as a blackbox for tracking
<Assid> thinking of the galaxy pocket
<Assid> also.. thinking if i should consider going out with this chick
<Assid> although it can complicate my life
romann is now known as romann|afk
<dagb> Assid: why not get a purposebuilt tracking device?
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<Assid> this would be a cheaper option
<dagb> USD56.60 at dx.com
<dagb> free shipping
<Assid> got a link?
<bbqbot> derp
<dagb> no personal experience with the device
<dagb> Love buying stuff at dx, though
<Assid> how would i track it?
<Assid> need to track it from a web interface
<xplodwild_work> ah funny boy :)
<dagb> Assid: These devices often talk via SMS. I don't know this particular device.
<dagb> Assid: some of these devices can be anabled to send position data to a configurable IP:port.
<Assid> phone would be simpler.. :P
<dagb> Assid: if you say so. :-)
<dagb> More expensive, in general less suitable for the task. In my opinion, of course.
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: kill it with fire
<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: can you lend me your flamethrower?
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: I used up all the fuel today :(
<Kaik541> have to go buy more
<xplodwild_work> You're in south korea right now, right?
<Kaik541> o.O
<Kaik541> I live in Austin, Texas, USA
<xplodwild_work> near Samsung HQ :D
<Kaik541> ig
<Kaik541> oh*
<Kaik541> let's just send cyanogen
<Kaik541> they'll fly him over there for free
<lodder> I'm looking for a cheap phone that has CM9 for my girlfriend
<xplodwild_work> burn from the inside
<xplodwild_work> lodder: Galaxy S
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: time to cheer you up! http://i.imgur.com/FaIVs.jpg
<xplodwild_work> Kaik541: is that you? :D
<Kaik541> xplodwild_work: yes, I take good myspace pics
<xplodwild_work> Would love to see that IRL
<lodder> xplodwild_work: thanks but can't seem to find a store where I can buy it in belgium
<lodder> it's all the S advance
<xplodwild_work> lodder: buy an used one
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<lodder> not easy to find an used galaxy s
<lodder> when doing a flash of cm9 still flash 2 times?
<bbqbot> derp
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<lodder> strange foursquare doesn't work on my sgs2 with nightly 1206 but it works with 1106 :s
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<xplodwild_work> Fun read
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<dark3n> xplodwild, slightly biased :p
<xplodwild_work> dark3n: read the comments
<xplodwild_work> everyone is flaming the guy xD
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<piezo> xplodwild_work: this guy has no idea oO
<xplodwild_work> "Wow! You are getting closer to Android 2.2! Congratulations!"
<piezo> what exactly should push ios in front of android, i didnt find something on the changelog
<xplodwild_work> That comment sums it up
<piezo> oh sorry i forgot
<piezo> "safari icloud tabs"
<piezo> what the hell is this ^^
<xplodwild_work> piezo: Chrome to Phone basically
<xplodwild_work> sync your tabs between phone and pc
<piezo> have they ever heart about chrome? ;D
<piezo> going to shower, have a great day folks
<xplodwild_work> true :p
<xplodwild_work> cya
<lodder> in what world does the guy live: "it keeps Apple four steps ahead of Android as the leader in the mobile world"
<Assid> google should stop being a biased little bitch.. and open chrome to phone to the world
<Assid> if it has the right to take my money and charge me for stuff.. it should atleast provide me the freebies everyone else gets in the world
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<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: having fun?
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<addi> is bbqbot on 'auto kick DuperMan every few minutes' mode? :p
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<nebkat|beer> addi: I did loads of @timer set 10000 kick DuperMan :D
<cdesai> addi: when nebkat says having gun, it'ld be that :p
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<addi> nebkat|beer, hahaha. :D
<cdesai> mazakiya insan hain
<addi> cdesai, bahut mazakiya :p
<cdesai> troll ka hindi kya hota hain? xD
<bbqbot> derp
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<cdesai> bbqbot understands our language!
<cdesai> <3
<addi> pata nahi, koi word nahi :p
<cdesai> google says घुमाना
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<addi> cdesai, um, google says troll = ghumana :p
<cdesai> what did i say? :p
NeoPhyTe-x360 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
<addi> nothing :p
boog_afk has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> <cdesai> <3
<addi> <addi> pata nahi, koi word nahi :p
<addi> <cdesai> google says घुमाना
<addi> <-- boog_afk has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
<addi> --> NeoPhyTe (~out-of-no@pooladsl-a-29-82.ipcom.comunitel.net) has joined #teamhacksung-support
<addi> <addi> cdesai, um, google says troll = ghumana :p
<addi> <cdesai> what did i say? :p
<cdesai> [16:17:22] <cdesai> google says घुमाना
<cdesai> [16:18:09] --> NeoPhyTe (~out-of-no@pooladsl-a-29-82.ipcom.comunitel.net) has joined #teamhacksung-support
<cdesai> [16:17:51] <-- boog_afk (~boog@cpe-184-59-106-4.cinci.res.rr.com) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
<cdesai> [16:18:49] <addi> cdesai, um, google says troll = ghumana :p
<cdesai> :P
NeoPhyTe is now known as NeoPhyTe-x360
<DuperMan> AHHHHHHHHH! it finally clicked! The Tufir character is BOTH IN DUNE AND MADAGASCAR - BUT IN MADAGASCAR HE'S A LEMUR. mind - blown
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<EvilBelgian> @download galaxys2
<bbqbot> Download at: http://get.cm/?device=galaxys2
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<DuperMan> lol 70000 timer?
<xplodwild_work> xD
<xplodwild_work> @bomb DuperMan
<bbqbot> xplodwild_work: You are not allowed to run that command!
<cdesai> lol
<xplodwild> @bomb Duperman
<bbqbot> Duperman, you have been challenged!
<cdesai> epic fail
<bbqbot> Answer (red, blue, green, orange, brown) before time runs out!
<bbqbot> 10
<bbqbot> 9
<bbqbot> 8
<bbqbot> 7
<xplodwild_work> fixd
<bbqbot> 6
<cdesai> blie
<bbqbot> 5
<cdesai> blue
<bbqbot> 4
<bbqbot> 3
<bbqbot> 2
<bbqbot> 1
<bbqbot> 0
<bbqbot> BOOM!
DuperMan was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [You failed to disarm the bomb! Correct wire was blue]
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<xplodwild_work> haha cdesai you were right :p
<cdesai> :D
<DuperMan> @op Kaik541
<bbqbot> DuperMan: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> /random
<cdesai> @eval
<bbqbot> cdesai: You are not allowed to run that command!
<DuperMan> @userlevel cdesai
<bbqbot> DuperMan has userlevel 1
<cdesai> @userlevel
<bbqbot> cdesai has userlevel 1
<DuperMan> heh. no userlevel pinging:(
<nebkat|beer> DuperMan: you need to put hostname :P
<nebkat|beer> @userlevel DuperMan ~Duper@46-116-125-167.bb.netvision.net.il
<bbqbot> DuperMan has userlevel 1
<nebkat|beer> @mods add DuperMan ~Duper@46-116-125-167.bb.netvision.net.il
<bbqbot> User DuperMan got added as mod.
<nebkat|beer> @userlevel DuperMan ~Duper@46-116-125-167.bb.netvision.net.il
<bbqbot> DuperMan has userlevel 3
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<codeworkx> Entropy512: i've a VYLOOM 0x19 on my i9100g
<Entropy512> yeah saw you mentioned that
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: pingg
<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: brother want s3?
<Entropy512> I'm wondering how I9100G users didn't have a brickfest before you safed the kernel a few days ago
<Entropy512> maybe something else in that kernel blocks the erase chain
<Entropy512> I need to head off to work
<DuperMan> @op DuperMan
<DuperMan> heh
<DuperMan> @deop DuperMan
<DuperMan> :)
<Jiangyi> ....... Duperman, I thought Nebkat took that oof of you.
<Jiangyi> off*
<xplodwild_work> @admin remove DuperMan
<bbqbot> xplodwild_work: Command doesnt not exist!
<xplodwild_work> @admins remove DuperMan
<bbqbot> xplodwild_work: You are not allowed to run that command!
<nebkat|beer> @admins remove DuperMan
<bbqbot> User DuperMan got removed as admin.
<DuperMan> @admins add xplodwild_work
<bbqbot> You dont have permission to change this!
<Jiangyi> bbqbot is being rebellious again. :P
<nebkat|beer> @owners add xplodwild_work d4598607@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
<bbqbot> User xplodwild_work got added as owner.
<DuperMan> :)
<DuperMan> lol
<xplodwild_work> nebkat|beer: not sure user (d4598607) stays the same
<nebkat|beer> xplodwild_work: fu
<DuperMan> @userlevel
<bbqbot> DuperMan has userlevel 3
<xplodwild_work> #blamefreenode
<DuperMan> now what were the flying bots called... t50s?
<DuperMan> :P
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: OK, so the hardware of the 9108 is very similar from the info I pulled out of users, but we can't get Odin to flash anything.
* Jiangyi 's crazy idea failed.
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<xplodwild_work> Jiangyi: heimdall ftw
<Jiangyi> xplodwild_work: Was trying to get a G bootloader onto a phone with similar hardware. Is it a good idea to attempt Heimdall?
<bbqbot> derp
<xplodwild_work> Jiangyi: you're not limited by odin atleast
<xplodwild_work> flash boot.img and that'sit
<chadouming> use the evil side :D
<chadouming> >:D
<Jiangyi> xplodwild_work: OK. Let me find a guinea pig again. :-P Thanks!
AnAkIn` has quit [Quit: Visit http://esl.eu/eu/tf2]
<Jiangyi> chadouming: No. ._.
<chadouming> you should
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<chadouming> @userlevel
<bbqbot> chadouming has userlevel 5
AnAkIn is now known as AnAkIn`
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: no bootloader, no kernel sources
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Yeah I know. End of the line. :-(
<codeworkx> and i dont want to spend much time on a phone with 100 users
<codeworkx> doesn'T make any sense
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Forget I've even mentioned it.
<codeworkx> :-D
<codeworkx> tell them to not buy shit next time
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: They'll all have to switch carriers then. :-P
<codeworkx> +1
<codeworkx> my carries doesn't tell me which phones i have to use
<codeworkx> he doesn't even tell me how long i have to be on him
<EgotisticalElf> Jiangyi, i'm sure a large enough cash donation to code perhaps could solve your issue
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: No, I mean signal incompatibilities and crappy 2G speeds.
<codeworkx> :-D
<Jiangyi> EgotisticalElf: It's not my issue, I was just asking for other people. =\
<EgotisticalElf> s/your/their
<codeworkx> EgotisticalElf: this can't be paid ;-)
<codeworkx> EgotisticalElf: it would cost millions of dollars to create a cdma carrier in germany
<codeworkx> :-D
<EgotisticalElf> ROFL
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: That phone has 2G GSM. :P
<codeworkx> stupid cdma shit
<EgotisticalElf> CM9 release that supports EDGE and wifi
<codeworkx> +1 for killing cdma on this world
<codeworkx> if they want to do cdma, do it on moon or mars
<codeworkx> but not here
<EgotisticalElf> ya, vzw and sprint aren't about to give up their networks though...
<EgotisticalElf> at least they are getting more phones that are CDMA + GSM capable
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Seems to not technically be CDMA. :-P
<codeworkx> Jiangyi: yes, it's the ultra fuct variant of cdma
<Jiangyi> lol
<codeworkx> die die die
<Jiangyi> So WCDMA is the non-screwed up variant?
<codeworkx> ok... *cdma* = shit
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Our phones all run on WCDMA..... lol
<codeworkx> it's part of umts
<Jiangyi> Yeah, that was why I was gonna say that the naming conventions are screwed up :S
<codeworkx> isn't everything screwed up in this world?
<Jiangyi> ...... Fair enough.
<EgotisticalElf> pentalobe, blued batteries soldered on ram <-- very screweed up
<EgotisticalElf> s/blued/glued
<Jiangyi> ........
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<Jiangyi> Hmm... I just noticed something. All my photos taken after flashing CM9 are noticably smaller in file size. Interesting........ :-P
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<cdesai> nebkat|beer: derp
<cdesai> #blamesamsung: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited
<cdesai> +i us
<cdesai> chadouming: ^
<cdesai> nebkat|beer: derp
<cdesai> you need cs mostly, or make bbqbot do that
<nebkat|beer> cdesai: try join?
<cdesai> #blamesamsung: Cannot join channel (+i) - you must be invited
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<cdesai> chadouming: reconnect
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<codeworkx> Jiangyi|food:
<codeworkx> Hello CM9 users I just double checked the TV out feature and I can confirm the full functionality of it. Happy tv-out using!!!!!!!
<codeworkx> Sent from my CM9-I9100G using XDA
<codeworkx> w00t
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<nebkat|beer> codeworkx: how. . .
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<codeworkx> nebkat|beer: just works
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<addi> eek nebkat|beer, considering committing suicide after reading that
<addi> idiotte people
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<DuperMan> ooh. bbq faster than services
<DuperMan> :D
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<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Saw that yesterday. It was good news. :-)
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<Jiangyi> Still can't find a MHL cable at a decent price here though. :-P
<evil-doer> here? order one online
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Shipping to Canada's more expensive than the cable itself. :-P
<evil-doer> no its not. order it from hong kong. free shipping
<Jiangyi> Hmm.... I'm seeing a bunch of $9-10 shipping ones from Hong Kong right now.
<Jiangyi> Holy crap.
<Jiangyi> Whoever buys that is an idiot. O_O
boog is now known as boog_afk
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Oh my gosh how did that not come up in my searches!? Thanks a lot!
<Jiangyi> Wait, it's used. That'd explains things lol
<evil-doer> i originally had the one from monoprice and it would flicker with my galaxy note, i got that official one and it works better
<evil-doer> oh is it
<Jiangyi> evil-doer: Thanks. :-)
<Jiangyi> One gripe I have against the MHL cables is the fact that it needs external power, which is a bit annoying. :-P
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* chadouming is away: dinner
<vegaman> and my tv doesn't have a usb port :(
<Jiangyi> Yeah, mine neither. Have to plug it into an adapter if I get one. :P
dark3n is now known as dark3n|off
<vegaman> I think most of my friends TVs have usb ports though
<vegaman> and playing videos at friends places would be the main point for me
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<vegaman> btw are there logs of these channels available somewhere?
<Jiangyi> My guess would be no, but if there is, that'd be awesome.
<EvilBelgian> I've got logs of whatever I've been online for, for that past month or so
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<EvilBelgian> Not that I'm anywhere near inclined to look at them
<vegaman> heh, I'll just ask the dev working on my device for some background instead
<vegaman> once my exams are done anyway ><
<EvilBelgian> OOoh :D
<EvilBelgian> the new nightly has the updated mascot
<EvilBelgian> wee
<vegaman> haha, in the boot animation?
<bbqbot> derp
<EvilBelgian> yeah
<EvilBelgian> He looks all hardcore and stuff
<vegaman> I still kinda prefer the old one...
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<Jiangyi> General concensus among the Chinese users seem to be that the new mascot looks evil. lol
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* chadouming is back (gone 00:48:38)
<EgotisticalElf> my first reaction was "aliens meets iron man"
<evil-doer> looks more like a teletubby
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<Jiangyi> IRC died again. :-(
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<Jiangyi> Duperman: You there?
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<BlithA> Hi, was just wondering if anyone would know: is it likely to be caught modding your phone (Galaxy Note) if it's superbricked and wont even turn on with Odin?
<BlithA> ...get caught by Samsung Warranty
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<fnaranjo> hi guys, one question, when i upgrade the Cyanogen9 in my samusng s2 i gonna loose the apps, messages etc? i come from cm9... its for change the nightly
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> if you go CM9 -> CM9 you wont loose anything
<Jiangyi> BlithA: I think it's unlikely that you'll get caught, but you should ask around. :-P
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<chadouming> well, if you bring back to your carrier, saying it stopped working, they probably wont even check that
<chadouming> they will look for physical damage then wipe and restore at factory state
<chadouming> if they can't restore it, they will change it
<BlithA> ok nice one - not getting anything out of it - cheers folks!
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<peterperfect> hello world
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<RoBz> is it just me or is this always broken?? http://cm-nightlies.appspot.com/?device=galaxys2
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<Jiangyi> RoBz: Use BBQlog.
<Jiangyi> @changelog galaxys2
<Jiangyi> ^^
<RoBz> uhhh awesome! thanks a bunch
<RoBz> this looks epic
<Jiangyi> No prob. :-)
sbrissen is now known as sbrissen_goone
xtp has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
<nebkat> RoBz: its ours :D
<nebkat> bbqteam :D
<RoBz> good work, its lovely
Diwad has quit [Quit: Linkinus - http://linkinus.com]
<Jiangyi> nebkat: How did you guys go from teamhacksung to bbqteam? lol
<nebkat> Jiangyi: we are not the same?
<nebkat> it is two groups ;)
<Jiangyi> It is? :O
<nebkat> :O hmk
<Jiangyi> Well, don't I look like an idiot right now. lol
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<Jiangyi> aiya D-:
erol is now known as erolmutlu
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<erolmutlu> ;)
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<Jiangyi> nebkat T_T
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<RamiEnd> :)
<RamiEnd> Hello all
<RamiEnd> i have downloaded CM9 for GT-I9100
<RamiEnd> from this link
<RamiEnd> but i got a problem in time !!! it freezes!!
<RamiEnd> anyone got this before ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> RamiEnd: Time freezes? I think I've got that once. Wiping data fixed it for me though.
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