chadouming changed the topic of #teamhacksung-support to: TEAMHACKSUNG SUPPORT CHANNEL :: @supported :: @downloads <device> :: @changelog <device> | SmartStay Ex available now ! | NO ETAs | DON'T PING CODY | If you have a problem, fill this first : | If you dont like your device, sell it. -codeworkx | Everyone get
<chadouming> they simply flash new modem and test shit like reception, download/upload speed, disconnection, etc
<chadouming> thing you can do without source
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<Michael_> ok, I understand, I think.... This is not going to be easy without some decent hardware, logic analzyer/scope ...
<chadouming> this aint going to be easy.
<frankdrey> Come on...
<frankdrey> cody gave me 64 bit bbqlinux xD
<chadouming> anyone can has it
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<Michael_> So, modem is pretty proprietary... I wonder why... I mean, isn't that something that everyone on the network doing it? for xample, LG, Motorola, Samsung all have to talk on same network say AT&T, so, wouldn't they all have to follow some standard?
<bbqbot> derp
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<chadouming> oem have modem source
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<chadouming> but the are legally requested to not give us the code
<chadouming> they*
<chadouming> i think with modem source you could easily hack the network
<samosa> Hmm
<Michael_> @chadouming, good angle,,, didn't think of that.
<bbqbot> Michael_: Command does not exist!
<samosa> Wifi network?
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<chadouming> 3G modem
<Michael_> 4g
<chadouming> yeah
<chadouming> hspa
<chadouming> what ever
<chadouming> cellular internet
<chadouming> not wifi
<Michael_> yah
<Michael_> yeah,
<chadouming> unless you have 4G LTE, it's 3g :P
<Michael_> not trying to correct you there... just saying
<samosa> Whats the difference between radio or modem? Or are they essentially same thing?
<Michael_> well, the thing is that whenever I swap / flash a different modem, the IMEI is gone and no network...
<frankdrey> chadouding, do you know where i can download an i686 iso of bbqlinux?:P
<petar> i just pushed CWM_fromsource_08282012.tar with `heimdall flash --recovery CWM_fromsource_08282012.tar' and it worked.. only problem is that CWM does not boot (n8010).. any ideas?
<Michael_> Radio / modem = same thing
<Michael_> in the phone at least
<samosa> I see
<frankdrey>'re supposed to take the image out of the tar
<chadouming> hmm, build it :P
<frankdrey> there's an img file in the tar file
<petar> oh boy
<frankdrey> :P
<frankdrey> take it out and flash it
<petar> i thought its supposed to be in a tar.. :)
<frankdrey> chadouming, LOL :P
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<frankdrey> petar, tar is like zip
<frankdrey> odin takes tar packages
<chadouming> false
<frankdrey> shutup
<frankdrey> :P
<chadouming> tar is not like zip
<frankdrey> it's close enough
<chadouming> zip is compressed
<frankdrey> it's a package thingy
<frankdrey> zip can be uncompressed
<chadouming> tar is like a non compressed package
<frankdrey> lol
<chadouming> so it's tar
<Michael_> it's tie wrap for all the files......
<frankdrey> chadouming, want to build bbqlinux?
<petar> because odin takes tar everyone talks tar.. right.. and heck yes i know tar.. :P
<chadouming> tar.gz or .bz2 archive are like zip
<frankdrey> petar, yep odin takes odin tar packages
<chadouming> frankdrey archlinux
<petar> well lets tar xf that thing then!
<Karbowiak> tar !
<Michael_> does anyone recommend a good hardware discussion channel?
<frankdrey> chadouming, eh....but cody really wants me to use bbqlinux xD
<frankdrey> and i don't have time to set up from scratch
<frankdrey> Michael_, ##hardware
<frankdrey> :P
<chadouming> ask him to build a 32bit build then :P
<Michael_> I am on the web..... not IRC Client... will join now
<Michael_> ...
<frankdrey> but he's asleep or something
<frankdrey> Michael_, type /join ##hardware
<Michael_> oh
<petar> flash count 3!
<petar> no way i can sell that thing again, right? ;)
<bbqbot> derp
<Michael_> how to find this channel's info?
<frankdrey> petar, you can reset flash counter
<frankdrey> but it's not like a buyer will know to look at the flash counter xD
<frankdrey> it's only important if you send in for warranty
<Karbowiak> bbqlinux?
<Karbowiak> built on fedora?
<petar> frankdrey: good to know, thanks!
<Karbowiak> i shall cry on the inside
<frankdrey> Karbowiak, it's arch
* petar sees hat, dances
<Karbowiak> i shall cry on the inside
<chadouming> it's not built on fedora !
<chadouming> i tried fedora often and every time i wanted to kill my self
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<petar> chadouming: try slack
<chadouming> right now we have our download server on arch and i like it
<petar> it never changes
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<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> i like change
<chadouming> i dont like fedora
<chadouming> !=
<chadouming> xSD
<chadouming> xD
<Michael_> quit
<Michael_> how to?
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<chadouming> lol<
<chadouming> dafuq ?
<chadouming> y he no close the page
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<petar> i hate change since i have to deliver massive amount of exercises every week
<petar> i dislike upgrading in general :)
<chadouming> ah
<chadouming> i love new thing
<chadouming> i need to flash something new on my phone everyday
<petar> chadouming, you know arche went systemd?
<petar> arch
<chadouming> don't know what it is really
<chadouming> systemd
<petar> its probably not that important for most users..
<petar> but then again, it could have stayed the way it is
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<petar> if i do a factory reset on CWM, will that format my sdcard?
<bbqbot> derp
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<chadouming> should not
<chadouming> only wipe /data
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<Jug6ernaut> halo 4
<Jug6ernaut> so
<Jug6ernaut> close
<petar> chadouming: thanks!
<petar> its really booting CM10 o_o
<Jug6ernaut> no way :|
<Jug6ernaut> not CM10
<chadouming> yw
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<petar> wow, this is just too good.. blazing fast stock looking android.. thank you guys for the work, this really makes touchwiz look even worse than i thought
<chadouming> LOL
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<frankdrey> i hope Android runs off of a fat32 filesystem
<frankdrey> because i'm gonna go nuts
<chadouming> ofc no
<Jug6ernaut> lol
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<chadouming> ext4 all the waY :D
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<frankdrey> chadouming, why not?
<frankdrey> this rom, half the files were on fat32 anyway
<chadouming> change rom
<frankdrey> heh, im working on a ROM
<frankdrey> and don't have linux :/
<chadouming> WINZIPER !
<chadouming> kill your self
<frankdrey> xD
<frankdrey> nah, nothing is zipped here :P
<petar> frankdrey, you should try it.. after a year you'll never look back. plus: steam is expected to arrive on linux soon.
<frankdrey> I've tried linux...
<frankdrey> I am familiar with linux :P
<chadouming> petar not other big game tho :P
<frankdrey> I just don't have a distro that works with my PC
<frankdrey> my new PC
<frankdrey> my new worse PC :P
<chadouming> haha
<frankdrey> also, I'd dual boot anyway
<petar> what type?
<chadouming> game or pc ?
<frankdrey> I need windows for using toshiba flash tools
<frankdrey> and drivers
<frankdrey> It's a Shuttle XPC Sn41g
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<frankdrey> AMD Athlon XP 1.73ghz
<frankdrey> 2 GB ram
<chadouming> BEAST
<frankdrey> thing is, Ubuntu kernel panics with the PCI controller
<chadouming> even my shit server is better
<chadouming> xD
<frankdrey> yeah ;_;
<chadouming> well, "download" server :P
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* frankdrey punches walls
<frankdrey> I NEED A LINUX PC NOWW
<frankdrey> the fat32 thing didn't work
<frankdrey> it can only load extra files from it
<frankdrey> but it has to boot from system.img
<petar> frankdrey: a recent kernel?
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<frankdrey> petar, no clue
<frankdrey> the Android?
<frankdrey> or me needing a linux pc?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> i don't care, it needs to mount this ext2 image :P
<chadouming> ext2 ?
<chadouming> y u no ext4 ?
<petar> the ubuntu one
<frankdrey> chadouming, wasn't my decision :P
<frankdrey> petar, 10.04
<chadouming> yeah yeah, like i will believe you :P
<chadouming> but y u no get a live cd of ubuntu ?
<chadouming> boot in live linux, do shit you need, then reboot on windows
<frankdrey> the live cd is what didn't work :P
<EgotisticalElf> ubuntu wubu?
<frankdrey> i'd install it if i could
<frankdrey> ehhhh...
<frankdrey> wubu...
<frankdrey> why would that be any different?
<frankdrey> the kernel panic is the problem
<chadouming> if kernel panic , you must have really shitty hardware
<chadouming> damn, it's linux !
<frankdrey> ^^^^^^^^
<frankdrey> ^^^^^^^^^^
<chadouming> !google damn, it's linux
<frankdrey> ok, im gonna try adb push the files ext2ifs didn't let me copy
<chadouming> @google damn, it's linux
<bbqbot> Damn Small Linux, Download the ISO -
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> @google because fuck you
<bbqbot> Why Because Fuck You Thats Why | WeKnowMemes -
<frankdrey> ah hey, at least i no longer get dalvik errors
<frankdrey> now audio drivers :P
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<frankdrey> efff
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<frankdrey> can someone PLEASE just put what's in the tar file in the zip into an ext img?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> actually
<frankdrey> put the system folder
<frankdrey> so that the root of the image has the contents of the system folder
<frankdrey> please?:P
<frankdrey> basically make a system.ext2 image
<frankdrey> anyone?:(
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<chadouming> mouahahaha
<chadouming> no one want to help you :D
<frankdrey> :(
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<rbarr> guys, I have i9300 and after I flashed cm10 my phone stopped working voice on calls. I tried to revert to stock but no success. Any suggestions?
<frankdrey> rbarr, even stock has no voice?
<rbarr> frankdrey yes :(
<frankdrey> that's a hardware or carrier problem
<frankdrey> or wait...
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<frankdrey> weren't you messing with modems?
<rbarr> maybe
<frankdrey> i thought it worked...
<rbarr> worked, but stopped :D
<rbarr> ICS modem should work on JB ?
* Jug6ernaut never changes modem
<petar> frankdrey: sorry, missed the question. do you still need it?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> petar, yeah i do :/
<frankdrey> rbarr, no clue :P
<petar> frankdrey: i'll try, just a sec
<frankdrey> petar, thanks :D
<frankdrey> i need the system folder in an ext2 image
<petar> frankdrey: put what's in the tar file in the zip into an ext img ---> say again? :)
<frankdrey> so that "bin", "app", "etc", and so forth are in the root of the ext2 img
<rbarr> when I finish a call, my signal drops for a couple seconds
<petar> frankdrey: what about permissions? keep?
<frankdrey> rbarr, try more modems :P
<frankdrey> petar, yeah, keep permission
<frankdrey> *+s
<petar> frankdrey: and ownership?
<petar> everything then
<petar> so root it must be
<petar> s/it/i/
<frankdrey> i just need everything as-is in the tar file
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<petar> frankdrey: size?
<petar> exact or bigger?
<petar> 61mb
<frankdrey> i'd say 300mb
<frankdrey> oh..
<petar> k
<frankdrey> maybe 200
<petar> k
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<Andrey_> *sigh*
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<frankdrey> repeat anything said :P
<frankdrey> PC randomly restarted, as always
<frankdrey> petar, i think 200 or even 100 is fine
<petar> frankdrey: u sure the tar has permission structure?
<petar> cos sudo tar xpzf ... doesnt set anything
<petar> sorry not true
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<logcat> hmm
<frankdrey> hmm
<frankdrey> :D
<logcat> time for a good old clean insta
<logcat> ll
<logcat> eh, guess i should do that more often
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<rbarr> frankdrey I've flashed a lot of modems, no success. Any suggestions?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> rbarr, I don't know anything else
<rbarr> omg
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<Jiangyi> chadouming: Got any tips on verbes reflechis? :-P
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<chadouming> duh ? what is verbe reflechis
<Jiangyi> je me, tu te, il/elle se
<Jiangyi> etc.
<chadouming> oh
<chadouming> verbes d'états
<Jiangyi> I apparently have a quiz on this stuff tomorrow, yet my teacher never handed out a single worksheet regarding it. :-|
<chadouming> xD
<Jiangyi> Silleh teachers.
<Jiangyi> So yeah, any tips?
<chadouming> well, it's basicaly the same as normal verb, but with an added word
<chadouming> nothing special about it
<Jiangyi> Well, I'll probably have to do this for passe compose, imparfait, etc. too. :-P
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<chadouming> still the same thing
<chadouming> added word are part of the "pronom"
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<Jiangyi> Could you give an example of that? :-P
<Jiangyi> Sorry, bad with terms and such. ><
<chadouming> well, for the verb "se souvenir", au présent c'est "je me souviens" au passé composé c'est "je me suis souvenu"
<Jiangyi> Ah OK.
<Jiangyi> Thanks^^
<chadouming> np
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<Jiangyi> drey-angry: Why so angry?
<drey-angry> Because my fucking pc is bootlooping
<drey-angry> Right as I was seeing progress with my tg01 android work
<drey-angry> The damn thing reboots right when I unpack a new kernel from this one dump's boot.img
<drey-angry> And then it boots back up, loads, I can use 10 seconds, and it reboots
<shaaan> need some help guys. i have cloned a forked repo. i made changes to i and tried to push. it gives me a detached head error. so i made a local branch in correspondance with the remote branch.
<shaaan> now it says fatal: remote error:
<shaaan> ou can't push to git://
<shaaan> You*
<shaaan> Use
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<drey-angry> I need to win the lottery.
<drey-angry> 1. Buy a new PC
<drey-angry> 2. Buy a new phone
<drey-angry> No more problems
<Jiangyi> Well, you don't see PC bootloops often. ._.
<drey-angry> Only with windoze
<drey-angry> Ha, and there goes my dumbass bios, underclocking everything because there's no floppy drive >.>
<drey-angry> A reset bypasses it, though xD
<drey-angry> Reboot again
<drey-angry> Fuck this, I give up.
<Jiangyi> At least you have a tab2? :-/
<drey-angry> Yeah:/
<drey-angry> Though I can't call/text on that
<drey-angry> And all of today is me trying to get android on my toshiba to do that
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<Jiangyi> lol cody makes one somewhat positive comment on i9100 thread, and ppl are like making a big deal outta it xD
<drey-angry> XD
<bbqbot> derp
<drey-angry> Oh, what do you say about the galaxy s
<drey-angry> For $100
<Jiangyi> Not-as-bad Exynos
<Jiangyi> Nexus S's cousin :-P
<drey-angry> Eh...iunno...I need to save for that guitar
<drey-angry> is $100 worth it?
<Jiangyi> dunno :S
<Jiangyi> I guess?
<drey-angry> Hmmm
<drey-angry> Is there cm10 for it?
<Jiangyi> yes :-P
<Jiangyi> the original galaxy s has the highest number of CM users lol
<drey-angry> Its the t959v
<drey-angry> Nice :P
<drey-angry> Is it nice?
<Jiangyi> wait, isn't that the tmo variant?
<drey-angry> Yep
<drey-angry> The guy has it on froyo
<bbqbot> derp
<Jiangyi> Found it :-D
<Jiangyi> thing about the original Galaxy S is that there's a hoop of partitioning nonsense to go through :-P
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<drey-angry> Aww
<drey-angry> Eh, not like I have the money anyway
<drey-angry> I mean, I could probably get my dad to help me
<Jiangyi> not too hard from what I've heard
<drey-angry> And he even said he'll buy me the guitar if he likes it
<drey-angry> But that'
<Jiangyi> :-/
<Jiangyi> going to sleep
<Jiangyi> night!
<drey-angry> :/
<drey-angry> Good night
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<drey-angry> !!geo user randomblame
<drey-angry> @geo user randomblame
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for randomblame
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1192493056,1199718695],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
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<drey-angry> @geo user frankdrey
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for frankdrey
<bbqbot> Error resolving hostname for frankdrey
<drey-angry> @geo user drey-angry
<bbqbot> Resolving hostname for drey-angry
<bbqbot> Resolving ip for
<bbqbot> {"range":[1275920096,1279262719],"country":"US","region":"","city":"","ll":[0,0]}
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<drey-angry> Ok, reinstalling this piece of crap
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<frankdrey> Hm should I sell my tab2 and buy a nexus 7?
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<frankdrey> Eh come to think about it
<frankdrey> The nexus 7 is small
<frankdrey> And nexus 10 too expensive
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<pawz> also it's a piece of crap compared to the tab 2
<pawz> why would you even think such a thing ?
<frankdrey> Tab 2 is dual core 1 ghz
<frankdrey> Nexus 7 is quad 1.3
<frankdrey> pawx
<frankdrey> *pawz
<pawz> yes, but the nexus is cheaply made, has a yucky outer coating, has no haptic feedback etc
<pawz> faster cpu, but inferior quality
<frankdrey> The tab 2 is cheaply made, and has no haptic feedback :P
<frankdrey> You want quality material? Asus transformer.
<frankdrey> That thing is made awesomely
<frankdrey> My bro has one
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<pawz> i concur, you are right. i didn't realise my tab 2 didnt have haptic feedback
<pawz> but... asus are shit. samsung are good. the tab 2 is inexpensive because samsung has a special deal to manufacture them in vietnam now
<pawz> i have so many samsung devices sometimes i forget which ones have which features
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<frankdrey> pawz, ok :P ill trust you about the nexus 7
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<KelvinYap> hi guyd
<KelvinYap> Kernel seems to be hogging battery
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<KelvinYap> anyone?
<KelvinYap> GSam Battery Monitor states Kernel is hogging the battery, but im not sure how to pinpoint. i've purchased BetterBatteryStats, so this might help
<KelvinYap> Kernel Wakelock in BBS - PowerManagerService and "delete_wake_locks" are the top 2, followed by "battery-monitor"
<KelvinYap> have a feeling that me clearing the cache partition may have affected something :S
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<shaaan> codeworkx you arround ?
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<iKillCypher> Hello Guys
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* shaaan is away: I'm busy
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<tidus25> Hi everyone
<tidus25> TV doesn't work on CM10 (for my SGS3 for instance) but is there a script anywhere that apply the drivers of stock rom for this device ?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> no
<bealtine> not a chance
<iKillCypher> no
<Espenfjo> No
<iKillCypher> anyone know if samsung has released source yet
<bealtine> no
<iKillCypher> like they promised too be open source
<Espenfjo> They havent
<bealtine> you ask that everyday
<Espenfjo> When that stops saying "Invalid branch: exynos-jb" you can ask again
<tidus25> why this is no possible to copy simply the librarys nedded from stock rom (not for CM10 officialy but for those who want them).? i'm trying to understand how it works
<bealtine> was NO hard to understand?
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<tidus25> is it necessary to develop all drivers for the phone or it is possible to get directly binary libraries to put into a ROM
* shaaan is back (gone 00:18:59)
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<Thracky> but... why? :P
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<shaaan> building cm for an unsupported device. need some help
<shaaan> logcat here :
<Thracky> try #cyanogenmod-dev
<Espenfjo> tidus25: There are several reasons
<shaaan> no reply there..
<Espenfjo> tidus25: 1. Samsung does a lot of modifications to the Android framework which they are not obligated to release
<shaaan> Thracky cody was helping me yesterddayay. i wonder where he is to
<Thracky> living his life probably :P
<shaaan> lol. yeah.
<Espenfjo> tidus25: These modifications talk with various HALs (Abstraction of specific drivers), aka blobs
<Espenfjo> tidus25: The blobs talk to the kernel/device
<Espenfjo> tidus25: Samsung has a long track record of modifying Android to do it _their_ way instead of modifying their own code to adapt to Android
<Espenfjo> tidus25: This way we sit with a ~working kernel only. A shitload of the blobs they ship are simply too incompatible with the Android, stock framework
<Espenfjo> tidus25: One could of course reverse engineer it, guess what samsung has done in their blobs and adapt the framework to it
<Espenfjo> tidus25: But that would simply be too much work for too little gain
<Espenfjo> tidus25: TV out/HDMI may work soon as samsung has started releasing these framework modifications, and as we see there are a lot of HDMI related stuff there
<Espenfjo> tidus25: But there are still essential parts missing, which they hopefully will release during November
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<Espenfjo> tidus25: Without promising anything I am hopefull that TV out will work before the years end if Samsung keep their promise and release working source code
<Espenfjo> Which they by the way to not have a good track record of doing..
<Tiger^> hi guys. I tried yesterday on #teamhacksung, maybe I'm going to have more luck here. ;)
<Tiger^> I'm getting frequent RIL crashes (every 1-4 hours) on my i9100, on the latest CM10 nightlies (20121030+). it's fine on CM9. should I gather some logs (dmesg? timestamped radio logcat?), or is there nothing else that can be done until samsung releases the kernel sources?
<Espenfjo> Tiger^: Nothing can be done at this moment (Unless you know your way around compiling android)
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<Espenfjo> Tiger^: None of us devs get these crashes (I do occasionally, but not enough to do any good with it), so it is a bit hard to debug
<Tiger^> Espenfjo: compiling the whole thing, or just the kernel?
<Tiger^> as far as I understand it, the modem falls off the USB bus and then the userland RIL stuff crashes and (hopefully) restarts, right?
<Espenfjo> Just the kernel
<bbqbot> derp
<Espenfjo> Or.. well.. the bootimage
<Espenfjo> I need someone who can manage on their own and are affected by the bug
<Espenfjo> I have some ideas, but no means to test them. And just throwing out builds are no good
<Tiger^> well, I'm a Linux syseng, no problem with compiling the kernel, and AFAIK building the boot image is pretty straightforward
<tidus25> Espenfjo : thanks for your answers
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<Espenfjo> I am meaning to do some voltage control hacks that i may think have an effect on the RIL issue
<shaaan> codeworkx : available ?
<Espenfjo> shaaan: codeworkx is almost never available upon request ;)
<shaaan> well i have his appointment Espenfjo
<shaaan> XD
<Espenfjo> :D
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<tidus25_> Espenfjo : Is it the same shit for all drivers (for samsung or others devices) and this why CM team have to develop their own drivers or just for specifics things like TV out ?
<Espenfjo> tidus25_: Yes
<Espenfjo> tidus25_: Altough samsung is the worst as they develop their own systems
<Espenfjo> LG, HTC, Sony, etc. etc. are using chipsets produced by a third party, and those third parties often have a better track record of providing sources for similar systems
<Espenfjo> codeaurora for qcom, TI provides for omap etc.
<codeworkx> shaaan: wassup?
<Espenfjo> So a lot of the qcom modifications are available through codeaurora for example
<shaaan> nice to see you back cody
<peterperfect> code r0x
<Espenfjo> Samsung have had Insignal, but they havent really been doing anything useful
<peterperfect> insignal FTW!
<peterperfect> xD
<shaaan> codeworkx i did what you said. no luck. same error. although another user does not get the mediaserver error by using your suggestion
<shaaan> idk why
<shaaan> so i cloned his repo and tried a build
<shaaan> same error
<tidus25_> so buying the "best" phone of the moment isn't always the best choice as I can see
<Espenfjo> The best phone is the nexus phones ;)
<peterperfect> well that will be the best choice by november 13th
<tidus25_> yes i saw the price for the 8gb one .... i cried :)
<peterperfect> so lets cry together
<peterperfect> im buying it 13th
<tidus25_> :D
<tidus25_> who want a GTI9300? :D
<peterperfect> ahahahh
<peterperfect> in this very room we have an extra high supply of i9300
<peterperfect> not a good place to sell
<peterperfect> everybody want to sell
<Espenfjo> :D
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<peterperfect> Espenfjo want to buy my i9300?
<peterperfect> xD
<Espenfjo> sure
<Espenfjo> Ill give you 40BRL
<peterperfect> :(
<peterperfect> but t
<peterperfect> but
<peterperfect> is the best phone in da planet
<peterperfect> its inspired by nature
<codeworkx> shaaan: using proprietary mediaserver will cause only problems
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<codeworkx> shaaan: use as less proprietary files as possible
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<Fissurez> CODY
<tidus25_> another question .... :) because you are very cute here
<Fissurez> well, more like the vibrator
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<Fissurez> but i didn't want to say my vibrator broked :C
<peterperfect> idiotte connection
<peterperfect> what did i missed?
<Fissurez> as a bonus, it's battery can't hold charge, and the usb port is dodgy
<tidus25_> does th NEXUS S has the same hardware as the SGS1?
<Fissurez> oh, and accellerometer is pooped too
<Fissurez> yes?
<Fissurez> where is Baskey when you need moral support
<shaaan> codeworkx i removed all files that you told. even the ediaserver
<shaaan> still i get the error
<Baskey> Fissurez: HERE
<Fissurez> HOORAY
<shaaan> codeworkx : here is the updated config
<Fissurez> Baskey: i dont think my i9100 has much time left :C
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<Baskey> Fissurez: IT'S NEXUS 4 TIEM
<Fissurez> and want nex 10
<Fissurez> will have to go nokia brick
<Baskey> noooo(o)
<Baskey> btw
<Baskey> I don't like android tablets
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<Espenfjo> ftw
<Fissurez> WANT NEX 10
<Espenfjo> Id like to see an HTC doing that
<Baskey> Fissurez: WANT NEX 4
<tester> hi guys... just a short question... is NFC functioning with [ROM][GT-I9300][4.1.2] CyanogenMod 10 Nightly Builds
<Fissurez> I WANT NEX 4 32GB
<Baskey> DITTO
<Fissurez> 8GB FOR LOSERS
<peterperfect> 16b
<peterperfect> gb
<peterperfect> is enough
<Fissurez> i wonder if cody wants to donate his gnex :D
<Espenfjo> tester: It should be, yes
<tester> thank you espenfjo
<tidus25_> tester: yes it works
<Baskey> upgrade from SGS II to GNex?
<bbqbot> derp
<Baskey> MEH
<Fissurez> Baskey: key is in the word "donate"
<Baskey> I hear ya
<Baskey> still
<Baskey> MEH
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* Fissurez offers to trade cody a GS2 for his Gnex
<Fissurez> i have no vibration, dodgy charging, battery runs out quickly, accelerometer randomly dies
<Fissurez> IS REFURB TOO
<Baskey> hmm
<Baskey> mine is like one year and 4 months
<Fissurez> you don't have a sgs2!
<Baskey> but it was mine
<Baskey> and still exists
<Baskey> and as far as I know
<Baskey> it still works
<Fissurez> LOL
<Fissurez> wat is in cube baskey?
<peterperfect> Espenfjo people gotta admit samsung is awesome but cant deal with software
<Baskey> Fissurez: Y U ASK ME
<Fissurez> u probably know
<shaaan> codeworkx ?
<Baskey> #blamedatagutt
<Baskey> #blamechinesenation
<koud> #blameblameblame
<Baskey> Fissurez: I CAN DONUT U A PHOEN
<datagutt> FISSUREZ
<datagutt> I BRICKED MY SGS2
<Fissurez> O_o
<datagutt> STILL GOT MY 3 THO
<datagutt> I HAD A OLD KERNEL
<datagutt> WIPED
<datagutt> BAM
<datagutt> BRICK
<Baskey> Fissurez: I CAN
<Fissurez> get love in return
<peterperfect> Fissurez want MK-802?
<Fissurez> <-donate good android phone to fissy
<Baskey> Fissurez: :(
<datagutt> PETER I WANT
<Fissurez> i'll have it!
<peterperfect> datagutt i need a dev.. :(
<datagutt> IS FISS A DEV
<Baskey> HE IS
<peterperfect> next in line is plod or cdesai
<Fissurez> WAT
<Fissurez> NO
<Baskey> YAS
<datagutt> [16:40:25] <Fissurez> but i didn't want to say my vibrator broked :C
<Fissurez> YAS
<Baskey> DUNNO
<peterperfect> can you please stop caps?
<bbqbot> derp
<peterperfect> its irritating
<Fissurez> :D
<datagutt> peterperfect; i so agree
<Baskey> lol
<datagutt> caps is idiotte
<datagutt> so idiotte
<Fissurez> :D
<Fissurez> yas
<Fissurez> iz y it's funny
<datagutt> People who use caps are more likely to buy meizu
<datagutt> it is a fact
<Fissurez> lies
<datagutt> the lie is a fact
<Baskey> white lies
<peterperfect> nightlies
<Fissurez> caps lock is cruise control for cool
<Fissurez> meizu is cruise control for foool
<datagutt> daylies
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<Fissurez> datagutt: want latest afternoonlie
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<Baskey> afternoonlies are too mainstream
<Baskey> now I want eveninglies
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<xello3> dusklies
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<frankdrey> So how is the 4.2 merge going to happen?
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<Fissurez> BUT HERE'S MY G+
<frankdrey> XD
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<bbqbot> derp
<datagutt> !youtube worst movie death scene ver
<datagutt> !youtube worst movie death scene ever
<datagutt> FIX IT
<datagutt> @google worst movie death scene ever youtube
<bbqbot> Worst Movie Death Scene Ever? - YouTube -
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<nebkat> datagutt: my bot isnt here you idiot
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<Fissurez> :C
<Fissurez> :'C
<Fissurez> ;_;
<logcat> just beat it . . .
<frankdrey> :P
<logcat> dum duh duh du dum
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<logcat> you came alone
<logcat> bla bla
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<logcat> just beat it
<frankdrey> !youtube Fly on a wall thousand foot krutch
<logcat> oohhh, beat it
<nebkat-cli> frankdrey: Unknown command "youtube"
<frankdrey> !google Fly on a wall thousand foot krutch youtube
<nebkat-cli> frankdrey: Thousand Foot Krutch - Fly On The Wall - YouTube -
<logcat> !google beat it michael jackson youtube
<nebkat-cli> logcat: Michael Jackson - Beat It - YouTube -
nebkat-cli has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Fissurez> frankdrey: meh
<frankdrey> logcat, no
<frankdrey> Fissurez, :P
<Fissurez> !youtube phenomenom thousand foot krutch
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<frankdrey> :D
<logcat> frankdrey: you no laugh of MJ, right ?
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<frankdrey> !google youtube thousand foot krutch rawkfist
<nebkat-cli> frankdrey: Thousand Foot Krutch - Rawkfist - YouTube -
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<Fissurez> like dat one
<logcat> can't listen in my country
<Fissurez> RACISM!
<logcat> not reallu
<logcat> y*
<logcat> discrimination tho
<logcat> :P
<datagutt> CANADA
<datagutt> SUX
<datagutt> EVEN I CAN SEE IT
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<greetasdf> hi everyone
<greetasdf> anyone there?
<frankdrey> Hi
<greetasdf> oh hi
<greetasdf> can I like shoot ahead and ask you a technical problem?
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<Fissurez> no
<Baskey> yes
<Fissurez> you need to buy me a replacement phone first
<greetasdf> haha
<greetasdf> nice
* Fissurez puts baskey back in his cage
<frankdrey> greetasdf, protip: always ask right away
<Fissurez> YES SON
<greetasdf> so I have a sgsII, cm10 nightly roms, and a lp6 modem
<frankdrey> We don't know if we can help you until we know the problem
<greetasdf> I saw that I missed the guides modem
<greetasdf> lq6
<greetasdf> but I like to use my phone as a phone and not just a linux machine...
<frankdrey> Only guide you should ever use is
<frankdrey> :P
<greetasdf> is there a way to find out your regionals best modem?
<greetasdf> or at least to find out how to troubleshoot yourself?
<frankdrey> !google galaxy s2 modems guide
<nebkat-cli> frankdrey: Modems - Dummies Guide - Android Forums -
<frankdrey> ^ :D
<greetasdf> thats a great linke thanks
<greetasdf> you know I thought it would be easier just to get a stock rom
<greetasdf> and extract the carriers original modem
<greetasdf> wouldn't that be the best modem per se?
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> Iunno
<frankdrey> From my experience samsung never puts anything good into stock :P
<greetasdf> yeah... well they do want to sell working phones :/
<greetasdf> ok so basically just * try them out
<greetasdf> thanks everyone
<Baskey> #blamesamsung
<greetasdf> yeah, I do like their hardware
<greetasdf> an other question: I'd like to enable 2-way recording because of my bad memory
<greetasdf> is there a way to get the right libraries
<greetasdf> so the record apps will work?
<frankdrey> Do you know what specific libraries?
<greetasdf> i read about
<frankdrey> Uh, I would think if you didn't have that, you'd have no audio ;)
<greetasdf> ;) yes, so you realize I'm not a developper
<greetasdf> but I do have root and know myself around a linux terminal
<greetasdf> and I read samsung removed some shit after ICS 4.0.3
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<frankdrey> You beat samsung's devs in skill, then
<greetasdf> so I'm on cm10, it should be possible - theoretically, right?
<frankdrey> Have you tried the apps ?:P
<greetasdf> all of them
<greetasdf> on cm9 I installed some dubious taiwanese libraries
<greetasdf> but I'm not quite sure if that was a good idea :)
<greetasdf> I'll get you the xda post
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<Fissurez> ...
<Fissurez> :O
<greetasdf> dafaq?
<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> makes a ship with your name!
<Fissurez> NB
<frankdrey> greetasdf, looks like those libs need to be patched in some way
<frankdrey> And I think its unlikely that either me or you can do that :P
<greetasdf> meh
<greetasdf> but there are those patched libaries in the post
<greetasdf> some taiwanese guy did it - also it must have worked in previous versions of the library... can't I just copy them?
<frankdrey> They're probably incompatible with cm10
<greetasdf> :(
<greetasdf> what makes you say that?
<frankdrey> libs aren't usually compatible accross android versions
<Fissurez> DAWHA
<Fissurez> lol nebkay
<Fissurez> *nebkat
<frankdrey> Fissurez, having fun?:P
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<bbqbot> derp
<Fissurez> YAS
<Fissurez> lol, yours suxors :D
<nebkat> look at cyanogen
<greetasdf> darn it, so any hints on call recording, cm10, sgsII? I did search all the forums, have read a lot and have seen the n00b video
<Fissurez> waoh, good call nebkat
<greetasdf> I know in cm9 it was a common feature :/
<nebkat> greetasdf: no it wasnt
<greetasdf> it wasn't?
<greetasdf> I was on lightning rom then, but I was pretty sure all other roms had it too
<greetasdf> it's all over the forums for sgsII
<Fissurez> IS DAH BASKEY
<Fissurez> IS BASKEY 2.0
<frankdrey> Ok I have to go get some homework done
<greetasdf> fissurez, do you know makeymakey? maybe if you like constructing, it might be something for you
<frankdrey> Peace people
frankdrey has quit [Quit: Bye]
<mongi> is it better to sell a s2 or wait for samsung?
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<mongi> it appears they wont release the code for s2
<Alok_> hello folks..
<Alok_> whom do i ask for technical help.. ? my sgs2 with cm10 is stuck at boot.
<bealtine> try rebooting to recovery and wipe
<Alok_> do i wipe cache too or just do a data wipe/factory reset?
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<frankdrey> Wait...
<bealtine> just a wipe is enough
<frankdrey> codeworkx, weren't you saying that the build servers are working anyway so it doesn't matter if they do extra empty builds?:P
<frankdrey> And now you're merging p5113 into p5110
<frankdrey> Lol
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<Alok_> a bit more info.. it was stuck at boot, so i booted into recovery and installed an older version of cm10 that was on the sd card.. its still stuck at boot..
<frankdrey> Anyway, bye :P
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<Alok_> still just a data wipe?
<bbqbot> derp
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<datagutt> FISSUREZ
<datagutt> BASKEY
<datagutt> those eyes
<datagutt> so cute
<datagutt> [18:24:13] <greetasdf> darn it, so any hints on call recording, cm10, sgsII? I did search all the forums, have read a lot and have seen the n00b video
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<datagutt> shame he is not here
<datagutt> meizu has working call recording
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<datagutt> DATAGUTT
<Baskey> lol
<bbqbot> derp
<frankdrey> i chose the red pill before knowing what it was :(
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<mongi> when I try to get in irc of #cyanogenmod I get this "Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services"... wich services are thoses?
<frankdrey> /msg nickserv help
<frankdrey> mongi ^
<frankdrey> and /msg nickserv help register
<mongi> frankdrey thanks, will try here
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<frankdrey> mongi, don't leave out the /msg
<frankdrey> or else we'll see your password ;)
<frankdrey> do it in the server window just in case, not the channel
<mongi> got it, thanks again man ;D
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<guineapiet_> now there are 2 of me...
<guineapiet_> did you get my first message before my browser bugged?
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<guineapiet_> w/e... wanted to know what the difference is between regular camera and legacy camera? I see it in the changelog about changing things for legacy camera, but I havent noticed a difference?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Hio> hello
<xplodwild> guineapiet_: it's for older phones.
<guineapiet_> Thanks
<guineapiet_> now I can rest in peace :P. Excellent job on the CM File Explorer by the way, I love it. Dunno who worked on it
<Hio> can some one help me with installing gapps on cm10 for galaxy s2 gt-i900
<guineapiet_> I can :D
<xplodwild> Hio: it's not harder than installing cm10
<guineapiet_> have you downloaded the zip file?
<Hio> after installing the rom in the recovery mode function install zip file from internall memory doesnt work anymore :(
<Hio> yes i have the zip file
<Hio> i tried to sideload
<Hio> but that also gives me error
<guineapiet_> okay wait... so Cm10 is flashed right?
<guineapiet_> and the phone boots?
<Hio> yes it work fine
<Hio> i just dont have google apps
<guineapiet_> and you downloaded the correct version of GApps?
<Hio> and recovery mode is now newer version
<guineapiet_> the one they specify?
<Hio> yes
<guineapiet_> And you have copied it to your phone's internal memory?
<bbqbot> derp
<Hio> yes
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<Hio> but int the new version of recovery i cant install zip from internal memory anymore
<guineapiet_> okay... and you boot into recovery by holding down the power button and then selecting reboot, and then recovery?
<guineapiet_> You reboot into recovery
<Hio> sec to boot it in recovery i will tell you the exact message it gives me
<guineapiet_> and select 'Install zip'
<Hio> i go install zip
<Hio> then
<guineapiet_> choose from internal sdcard?
<Hio> choose zip from internal storage
<Hio> then it tells me signature check enabled and nothing
<Hio> it doesnt give me a choice for file anymore
<guineapiet_> shit he's right
<guineapiet_> mine changed too
<guineapiet_> okay what you can do
<guineapiet_> do you have an SDCard in your phone?
<Hio> no i dont have sd card :(
<Hio> is there a way to use adb or copy mannualy?
<Hio> or put other recovery menu ?
<Hio> there is a sideload function
<Hio> but i it also gives me an error
<guineapiet_> xplodwild did the CWM recovery change in the latest build?
<xplodwild> guineapiet_: what device?
<guineapiet_> Galaxy s2
<guineapiet_> i9100
<Hio> it says CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.5
<xplodwild> I don't think it got recently updated
<xplodwild> yeah, that's the version for some weeks now
<guineapiet_> its totally different from when I last used it
<guineapiet_> sorry man ill have to figure this out myself
<Hio> when i flash gapps does it do something special besides just copy files?
<Hio> can i just copy with adb?
<bbqbot> derp
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<guineapiet_> you'll have to ask them about that, I'm not an expert, I merely flash the latest nightly every once in a while
<guineapiet_> and fuck up every once in a while so i figure out things myself
<Hio> do you know how to sideload?
<guineapiet_> do you have a friend with an sd card?
<guineapiet_> nope im not experienced with linux
<Hio> yeah but i cant get it right now
<Hio> would like get my google contacts
<vrooze> hey guys, anyone have any idea how to get around the barclays app detecting root on the i9300 (cm10 nightlies), no matter what I do/hide/disable it still detects root somehow
logcat is now known as chadouming
<vrooze> I've even went as far deleting superuser and doing a full unroot. still detected root :(
<Hio> is it posible to intall gapp with odin maybe?
<Hio> gapps*
<vrooze> hio, its propably easier doing through recovery if you have cwm or similar
<guineapiet_> he tried
<guineapiet_> but recovery has totally changed
<Hio> it has a bug
<Hio> in new version
<vrooze> which recovery you using?
<Hio> doesnt work with internal storage anymore
<Hio> it says CWM-based Recovery v6.0.1.5
<vrooze> oh wow remind me not to update
<Hio> i will try with odin then i guess
<guineapiet_> it came with the latest nightly
<vrooze> hm i think mines newer actually, im trying out cwm touch on the phone and twrp on my tablet, they both seem to allow internal sd
<guineapiet_> I had CWM touch but when i install a nightly again it gets replaced
<Hio> where can i get that version you have?
<vrooze> I wasnt aware the nighties touched the recovery partition
<vrooze> nope, im on 11/06 nightly and my CWM is still touch
<vrooze> @hio I used to get it
<bbqbot> vrooze: Command does not exist!
<guineapiet_> well my CWM updates whenever i update my nightlies...
<guineapiet_> coz i didnt touch my CWM, it upgraded itself...
<vrooze> hmm on cm10?
<guineapiet_> yep
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<vrooze> what device do you have? theres not a for mine yet, could be why
<guineapiet_> i9100
<guineapiet_> Steam for linux has arrived :D
<Hio> i also have i9100
<vrooze> hmm S2 shouldnt have .1.5 according to cwm site Oo
<guineapiet_> wel im using the built in CM updater app to update my nightlies, so I dont really have an issue
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<guineapiet_> but i suggest you get a friend's SD card and install it with that... sorry, dont know of another way to help you. Have a nice day :)
<Hio> so can i put back older recovery?
<Hio> will it break anything?
<vrooze> you should be able to hio
<guineapiet_> nope i dont think it will
<guineapiet_> wont break anything, you can always revert to older
<guineapiet_> how else do they beta test :)
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<EgotisticalElf> SGS2 has CWM builtinto the kernel, you can't really flash it seperately
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<Hio> i gues i should just flash the clockwork recovery i had then reflash cm10 and gapps at the same time
<Hio> i will try that
<vrooze> anyway before I head off. Anyone have any idea how to stop the Barclays app from detecting root despite my best efforts to hide it.
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<bealtine> does disablint root access not work?
<bbqbot> derp
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<Hio> flashing old recovery then reflashing cm10 and gapps solved it for me
<Hio> thank you for helping guys :)
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<GabMus> hello there
<GabMus> any news? about 4.2?
<nebkat-cli> derp
<Thracky> seriously?
<GabMus> what?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> I'm pretty damn sure you'll KNOW when 4.2 is available.
<GabMus> i dont
<GabMus> ok
<GabMus> i didnt read the 'll
<Thracky> also, you could check bbqlog or the appspot cm10 changelog, or cyanogenmod's website, or any number of places :P
<GabMus> i asked for 4.2 news, i didt ask if you were working on 4.2
<GabMus> i meant something like features and stuff
<Thracky> the news is, there is no news :P
<bealtine> its not even released yet
<GabMus> for example yesterday i read that there is a built in antivirus system
<Baskey> that's old
<Thracky> which is not a new revelation,
<Thracky> that was announced along with everything else.
<GabMus> i didnt know
<Baskey> Thracky: I'd say even before "everything else"
<Thracky> true
<Thracky> aw. I didn't get into the steam linux beta yet :|
<Thracky> maybe cause I'm on mint not straight ubuntu
<GabMus> it is quite the same
<GabMus> you can always add the same repos
<Thracky> yes, but maybe valve doesn't see it that way.
<Thracky> I think valve doesn't want people to have to mess with repos :P
<GabMus> how are you supposed to download it?
<GabMus> if you were on ubuntu?
<Thracky> I mean adding repos
<Thracky> probably just download a package :P
<Mardos-Away> thracky whatsup
<Thracky> not much
<sinc> btw, will the 4.2 still be called as CM10 instead of CM11?
<bbqbot> derp
<Thracky> I believe so.
<Thracky> maybe like 10.1 or something but not cm11
<Thracky> cause then the letters don't line up :P
<GabMus> sinc: we talked to codeworkx
<GabMus> he said probably it will still be cm10
<GabMus> aaaaaw. i've just seen some photos on my phone. i love happy summer memories
pier|znc is now known as pier
chadouming is now known as university
university is now known as chadouming
<Thracky> chadouming: so I've decided I really really like Quebec and would much prefer to live there.
peterperfect has quit [Quit: Life without danger is a waste of oxygen]
<chadouming> wut ?
<Thracky> Quebec City was awesome, everyone was super nice and driving is much more sane.
<Thracky> like, people move out of the way on the highway :P
<chadouming> hahaha
<GabMus> dont do it! they are soulless people that will eat yours to survive!
<chadouming> never go to chicoutimi
<Thracky> and motherfucking poutine :P
<chadouming> !kickban GabMus
GabMus was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by nebkat-cli [GabMus]
<Thracky> heh
<Thracky> that guy is annoying.
<chadouming> so i am souless
<bealtine> heh
<Thracky> also I was quite happy the language thing wasn't really an issue.
<Jiangyi> And I thought only Gingers were soulless lol
<chadouming> xD
<chadouming> i iz not ginger, i az a soul
<chadouming> at least i hope
<bealtine> english is just badly spoken french
<chadouming> !timer set 60 unban GabMus
<nebkat-cli> chadouming: Seconds parameter must be a number greater between 1 and 2147483647
<chadouming> !timer help
<nebkat-cli> chadouming: Usage !timer list/set/unset [id] [seconds] [:<command>]
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<chadouming> !timer set 1 60 unban GabMus
<nebkat-cli> chadouming: Timer "1" set for 60s.
<chadouming> good
<bealtine> he's back
<chadouming> Thracky: yeah, lot of people here know how to speak in english
<Thracky> also we were put with a team from the university in sherbrooke for the cyber war and they were all really cool
<Thracky> we wound up 3rd out of 8 teams and we were mostly noobs.
<chadouming> xD
<Thracky> all we did was lock our servers down and hide.
<chadouming> lol
<Thracky> cause none of us knew any offensive type shit.
<chadouming> i think it failed
<chadouming> nebkat
<chadouming> ddos all the way
<chadouming> spread virus to control all compute
<chadouming> r
<chadouming> in uni
<chadouming> then do some ping -t
<chadouming> :D
<Thracky> lol it was a controlled environment
<chadouming> awww
<chadouming> xD
<Thracky> all teams had the same setup
<Thracky> all run on vms
<nebkat> w00t
<nebkat> note2
<chadouming> nebkat, timer is fail
<chadouming> doesnt take argument for the command
<Thracky> it was a pretty damn impressive setup for the game though
<chadouming> !unban GabMus
<nebkat> chadouming: no you are an idiot
<Thracky> each team had like 8 vm's running
<chadouming> nebkat, no
<nebkat> !timer set test 100 :!ban Test
<nebkat-cli> nebkat: Timer "test" set for 100s.
<chadouming> <@chadouming> !timer set 1 60 unban GabMus
<Thracky> various config issues and intentional security flaws to patch
<chadouming> wtf :!ban ?
<nebkat> chadouming: needs : infront of command
<chadouming> why?
<chadouming> remove that
<nebkat> because otherwise it would need haxx
<chadouming> haxx ?
<bbqbot> derp
<nebkat> chadouming: no then I need to manually parse shit
<chadouming> hmm, no
<nebkat> chadouming: : symbolises start of message
<chadouming> you add : in front of every thing
<nebkat> in a message spaces are included
<nebkat> chadouming: how?
<chadouming> ":" + arg
<nebkat> I add it once
<chadouming> or ":" & arg
<chadouming> dont remember how in java
<nebkat> chadouming: no you dont get it
<nebkat> the : character isnt important
<nebkat> what I mean is
<nebkat> I need to have everything after the : parsed normally
<nebkat> i.e. spaces are included
<nebkat> otherwise it would get split into more params
<nebkat> and it would be dirty trying to join them
<nebkat> this way it is easier
<chadouming> y u no parse the first thing then the last part are all in same message
<nebkat> chadouming: I can but it haxxy
<chadouming> change : to ! then
<chadouming> make more sense
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<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> love tat
<nebkat> chadouming: that is irc standard char :
pier is now known as pier|znc
<chadouming> and ! is command prefix
<chadouming> you need something to know where to start to parse
<nebkat> chadouming: ! is dynamic, : is fixed
<nebkat> they are completely different things
<nebkat> oh I see what you mean
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<nebkat> meh i'll think about it
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<xello3> roxor
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<limitless_> hi, having some issues that im afraid an extensive search hasnt fixed
<limitless_> i froze apollo some time ago on my sgs2 running cm10
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<limitless_> and a few updates later i get an unfortunatly apollo has closed twice every time i make or recive a phone call
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<Thracky> dear brain, I am very upset you let me grab the other half of a casserole dish out of the oven with my bare hands.
<Thracky> pretty much burnt my whole fucking hand cause I'm retarded :P
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<Thiagovfar> Jiangyi: howdy
<Jiangyi> Hello.
<Thiagovfar> Hah, you changed your reply
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<Thracky> oh shit. Jiangyi is becoming self aware.
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Fenrir is now known as Guest82454
* Jiangyi rolls eyes
<Jiangyi> :-P
Jiangyi is now known as AndrewTheAndroid
<AndrewTheAndroid> Hello. I am a self-aware Android.
<Thracky> what's 1/0
<Thracky> BOOM! broke you.
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> nope
<chadouming> look
<chadouming> @math 1 / 0
<bbqbot> 1/0 = How much canadians love Justin Bieber (Infinity)
<Thracky> lol
<Thiagovfar> omg
<Thiagovfar> @math 1+1
<bbqbot> 1+1 = 2
<Thiagovfar> just a sanity check
<chadouming> lol
<Guest82454> Is the USB disabled in the current S2 nightly CM10 GT-I9100 build?
<chadouming> so, hmm, we must break AndrewTheAndroid
<chadouming> Guest82454, i doubt you can really disable USB
<Guest82454> I connect a cord to both computer and phone and the phone doesn't react.
<chadouming> AndrewTheAndroid : while(1){sleep 1000;};
<chadouming> sound more hardware than software
<Guest82454> Worked fine on the previous ROM. Eh.
<Guest82454> Oh this is odd, I connected with a different machine and it didn't ask for verification but it still lets me look around in the card and internal storage. Hm.
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<AndrewTheAndroid> chadouming: You do not have the privileges to run such commands.
<chadouming> @kick AndrewTheAndroid
AndrewTheAndroid was kicked from #teamhacksung-support by bbqbot [AndrewTheAndroid]
<chadouming> must kick it before it become dangerous
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<AndrewTheAndroid> :-|
<chadouming> y u no get Borderland 2 ?
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<Thiagovfar> Guest82454: I have this same issue
<Guest82454> Well it isn't just me then.
<Guest82454> That makes me feel a little bit safer.
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<Thiagovfar> My laptop has a swiss-army-knife-style port: USB/eSATA/PowerShare
<Thiagovfar> On that port, my phone works just like it is plugged in a charger
<Thiagovfar> Everywhere else, it works normally
<Guest82454> It's really strange.
<Guest82454> Is there no way to fix the quiet sound?
<Thiagovfar> i9000 doesn't have M-builds. Can we file bugs against it?
<Thiagovfar> i9100*
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<Thiagovfar> Q: You have very little feedback. If I were to make the winning bid, how would I know that you wouldn't just keep the piece of cardboard and try to fob me off with an iPhone 5.
<Thiagovfar> A: This would be a very cruel thing to do. I am far too nice for this to happen, but you will just have to take my word for now.
<chadouming> bealtine, lol ?
<Guest82454> Wow.. what? That's insane.
<chadouming> i am doing one right now !
<Thiagovfar> Be careful, Apple might sue you.
<Thiagovfar> Maybe they even sue me for saying that they're gonna sue somebody else.
<chadouming> i'll make one shaped like a Google Nexus 5 :D
<chadouming> based on speculation
<chadouming> with a flashing LED !
<drandroid> hey guys, I'm having problems with current nightly build (cm-10-20121106-NIGHTLY-i9100 and gapps-jb-20120726-signed). gmail seems to have vanished ("App not installed"). I tried to extract it and install Gmail.apk manually, but this failed. I also tried fixing permissions, but this didn't help either. Any ideas?
<bbqbot> derp
<chadouming> drandroid, install it from market
<drandroid> already tried this, couldn't find gmail in the market :/
<chadouming> duh
<chadouming> you write gmail in the search box
<chadouming> it's first result
<drandroid> not there
<drandroid> i'll try clearing market cache
<Thiagovfar> There is a newer version of gapps, if you feel like flashing
<drandroid> strange, If I access gmail is marked as installed
<bealtine> gmail isnt in gapps
<bealtine> uninstall it
<Thiagovfar> Didn't you, by chance, hide the gmail icon from your launcher?
<Thiagovfar> Many launchers alow you to hide apps.
<drandroid> I'll check
<chadouming> many ?
<chadouming> only launcher i have found to do so is nova
<Thiagovfar> ADW, Go Launcher, Nemus
<chadouming> go launcher . . .
<chadouming> dont know nemus
<chadouming> never found taht option in ADW
<chadouming> where is it
<Thiagovfar> You'll have to wait for me to install it.
<chadouming> lol
<chadouming> hmm
<chadouming> nemus camera
<chadouming> Android 4.0(ICS) or higher devices are NOT SUPPORTED
<chadouming> a bit contradictory
<Thiagovfar> I bought ADW long ago, to use instead of TouchWiz
<chadouming> i bought it long ago too
<chadouming> but only for fun xD
<Thiagovfar> I spent a lot of time on sammy's ROM. CM wasn't supported at the time (Galaxy S B)
<drandroid> I definetly played around with app visibility in nova, could be the cause. It now seems to have messed up the gmail installation, since i flashed gapps after hiding gmail :/
<Thiagovfar> drandroid: switch back to trebuchet for a moment
<Thiagovfar> look for gmail there
<chadouming> got it
<chadouming> :D
AndrewTheAndroid is now known as Jiangyi
<Thiagovfar> If you can find it, clear data for nova
<chadouming> drandroid, it's impossible that because icon was hidden it fucked gmail installation
<Thiagovfar> If you can't, do as said before, un-install, then re-install
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<drandroid> Hehe I solved it by clicking on the "installed" button on there I somehow had the option to install again and gmail was installed remotely :)
<drandroid> Thanks guys.
<Thiagovfar> chadouming: I withdraw my statement about ADW having an option to hide apps.
<chadouming> i found how to do so :P
<Thiagovfar> chadouming: I withdraw my withdrawaw
<chadouming> ahah
<Thiagovfar> Found it too
<Thiagovfar> Now, let's get rid of it.
<chadouming> lol
<Thiagovfar> Wow, that app must have some godly protection
<Thiagovfar> CM rebooted at the moment I was going to uninstall it
<chadouming> xD
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<Thiagovfar> Ha, removed it
<chadouming> haha
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<Jiangyi> wth?
[SkG] has quit [Quit: Saliendo]
<chadouming> this is kinda awesome
<chadouming> tho ugly
<chadouming> oh fuck
<chadouming> 400$
<chadouming> nvm
<chadouming> feel like it has the Beats(c) market strategy but a lot more tech xD
abuze has joined #teamhacksung-support
<abuze> hello anyone
<abuze> i have a littel question
<chadouming> ask the question, dont ask to ask
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<abuze> ok i'm using latest
<abuze> monthly snapshot of cm10
<abuze> and it has a bug
<abuze> when i select wifi > advanced settings> region code
<abuze> i select Turkey but every time i go back it automatically selects europe and i can't even select any other country
<abuze> why this happens
<abuze> :(
<abuze> i'm using a i9100g
<abuze> this issue is effecting wi fi download speed :(
<chadouming> jiangyi, lol
<chadouming> i have no problem here abuze, but i'm not on I9100G
<chadouming> could you get a logcat please ?
<Entropy512> abuze: hmm, that's odd... I wonder if the Brazil patch broke something
<abuze> not only on M2 but also on latest nightlies this problem is happening
<Jiangyi> Seems to be OK on my 9100G.
<Jiangyi> abuze: Tell me step by step of what you did to trigger this.
<abuze> ok
<abuze> system settings > wi - fi > advanced >
<abuze> wi - fi region code > Turkey
<Entropy512> just did that
<Entropy512> worked fine...
<abuze> exit > when i go back to this menu i see europe is selected automatically
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Just tested it, after exiting and going back in, it shows whichever one was selected previously.
<Jiangyi> Imma go get a logcat. :-P
<abuze> i'm using a i9100G
logcat has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
<Entropy512> Jiangyi: yup, same here
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<Entropy512> even if I turn off wifi and turn it back on
<abuze> logcat coming one minute
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<Entropy512> Europe is persistent, Turkey is persistent, USA is persistent
<Entropy512> (this is on N7000)
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<abuze> could it be a device specific problem for i9100g
<Jiangyi> Entropy512:
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<chadouming> hmm, not sure if it's good that my home computer disconnected and reconnected while i'm at work
<Harkonnen> Entropy512: was that a political or a technical statement?
<Entropy512> Harkonnen: technical regarding abuze's issue
<Jiangyi> USA and Europe seems to be fine.
<Entropy512> Jiangyi: when you say "selected previously" you mean "choose turkey, exit, go back, and Turkey is selected"?
<Entropy512> or "choose turkey, exit, go back, whatever you last selected is there"?
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Sorry, the latter.
<Jiangyi> so basically "choose turkey, exit, go back, and it shows Canada, Taiwan again"
<Entropy512> OK, I misinterpreted what you said before as it was working fine
<Jiangyi> Yeah, sorry bout that :-P
<Entropy512> abuze: could you do the following:
<Entropy512> adb logcat -c; adb logcat -v time > logfile.txt and then reproduce the problem?
<bbqbot> derp
<Entropy512> timestamps help, clearing log before reproducing helps in this particular case. :)
<abuze> i'm using terminalemul
<abuze> is this code valid for it
<Entropy512> hmm
<Entropy512> you'll have to do logcat -c
<Entropy512> then switch and reproduce
<Entropy512> then do logcat -v time -d > logfile.txt
<Entropy512> -d dumps instead of keeping on going
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Would you like me to grab logs too?
<Entropy512> yeah
<abuze> ok
<Entropy512> and may need a dmesg too
<Jiangyi> k, one sec.
<Entropy512> I/WifiService( 311): WifiService trying to set country code to TR with persist set to true
<Entropy512> D/ConnectivityService( 311): NetTransition Wakelock for WifiStateMachine released by timeout
<Entropy512> then nothing else
<Entropy512> lemme look on my own device
<Jiangyi> Entropy512:
<abuze> here it is
<abuze> i dunno why :?
<Jiangyi> Entropy512: Saw this part in dmesg:
<Entropy512> my guess is the driver source or the firmware does not support TR operation
<Jiangyi> afaik, I9100G uses the same wifi chip as the I9100.
<abuze> i think it's a software based problem because on first nightlies of cm10 i have no such problem
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<Jiangyi> abuze: What nightly was that?
<abuze> i don't exactly remember :( but in the first or second week after cm10 release
<Entropy512> hmm lemme try something
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<Entropy512> hmm brazil didn't bomb
<Entropy512> so it's not kernel source
<Entropy512> or at least not the bcmdhd driver itself
<Jiangyi> abuze: Well, the feature wasn't there, so..... :-P
<abuze> two weeks ago on a nighly korea or some other countries was working but on later nightlies only europe (just like default:)
<abuze> jiangyi maybe :D
<abuze> it's just a joke for sure i remember i selected turkey and it remains as i selected on previous nightlies
<abuze> what can we do ? do we have a solution ?
<bealtine> just set europe
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<bealtine> only the US uses different channels afaik
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<abuze> but europe provides very slow download speed on google play