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<Tony___> hi, i flash cyonagen 10.1 on my samsung galaxy s3 tmobile today and it seems that the google voice service doesnt work at all. also, the cClock widget, i cant get the weather to show up even tho i've already input the location.
<Tony___> does anyone have the same problem? im new to this so please help
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<ebartus> Hi
<ebartus> I have one problem with google apps
<ebartus> I cant install it from ClockwordMod
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<snafooed> samsung galaxy s 2 i9100 is not connecting with any pc through USB sync cable - any ideas on a fix?
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<Ehsan> hi
<Ehsan> I have Screenshot of this ROM.
<Ehsan> This Rom is Final ?
<Ehsan> Don't Have Bug this ROM???
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<Kihokki> Wat
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<Ehsan> Has this ROM bug??
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<Kihokki> Which one?
<Kihokki> Additional question marks are not helping you
<Ehsan> [ROM][GT-P31XX][JB][4.2.2] CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies
<Kihokki> It says nightlie, not stable
<Kihokki> Well stable enough
<Ehsan> ThisThis ROM is safe?
<Ehsan> This ROM is not the problem?
<Kihokki> Not always because it hasn't been marked as stable
<Kihokki> Just make backup before you flash anything via recovery
<Kihokki> FYI if todays nightlie doesn't work then try yesterday's
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<Bahney> Hiya guys, i'm looking at installing CyanogenMod 10.1 official nightlies but i put a custom rom on my GS3 before, can i do an upgrade? my kernel is now 3.0.31 - 566833 se.infra@sep-101 #1 build number jz054k.19300xxelkc will this work ok?
<Bahney> my phone has been restarting a lot latley and crashing, i think i have that sudden death thingi so i hope this might fix it?
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<Agravain> Bahney: just flash the new rom and format data as well as cache+dalvik cache, like you would normally do. You may have to reinstall all your apps manually after the upgrade.
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<Bahney> @agravain thanks for the responce mate, much appriciated :) just gonna get started on it now...wish me luck :)
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<Aqualung> Anyone got a mirror for the latest GApps? The one in isn't working
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<Cyanonewbie> hey where can i download a good kernel for i9100 cm10.1?
<Cyanonewbie> !download i9100
<clibot> Cyanonewbie: Latest build (nightly) for Samsung Galaxy S II: [e98a54]
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<Cyanonewbie> !device i9100
<clibot> Cyanonewbie: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<Cyanonewbie> !supported
<clibot> Cyanonewbie: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
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<CedricD> !device
<CedricD> Is it possible to make Cyanogenmod 10.1 for the Newman N2? Bootloader is unlocked. It's has an Antutu score of 16000 and the same processor as the Galaxy S3. Very interesting phone.
<RossWell98> :O
<RossWell98> CedricD: chinese phone?
<RossWell98> infact it's a S3 like ? ô.o
<CedricD> Yes it's chinese but the quality is good.
<RossWell98> Yes yes :)
<CedricD> About $ 275 :)
<RossWell98> :'(
<CedricD> It's not an S3 clone, it looks a bit lig an LG Optimus Black
<CedricD> but with a larger screen (4,7")
<CedricD> lig = like *
<RossWell98> mh
<RossWell98> I think it neeed to port CM for this phone :/
<CedricD> Running on Android 4.0.3
<CedricD> But it should be nice if it's possible to have Android 4.1 or 4.2 on that device
<RossWell98> yes
<CedricD> Don't know if that's possible with the bootloader unlocked
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<RossWell98> I'm not a dev, i can't help you sorry ^^" , try to ask to a "OP"
<RossWell98> CedricD: why.
<CedricD> and who's OP ? :)
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<RossWell98> CedricD: in the userlist, guys with an "@"
<CedricD> ok thnx!
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<Thestigx> Anybody here?
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<Thestigx> ??
<Bert__> No one is here.
<Thestigx> my god
<Thestigx> Hehe
<Thestigx> Can you help me?
<Espenfjo> Ask your question, and then perhaps someone answers
<Thestigx> I am currently running Cm9, with Siyah kernel, and I dont have clockwork recovery installed. And I want to install cm10.1, and I have no idea what to do :/
<Thestigx> Thanks hehe :D
<clibot> [Link] I9100 Info - CyanogenMod
<Espenfjo> for example
<Thestigx> I am sorry, but I donøt get where you are going with that link
<koegs> Thestigx: if you read the page, you would have found this link:
<Espenfjo> It says there how
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
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<Thestigx> That looks simple, but if I follow this 100 % there is no risk of bricking my device is there?
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<spY|da> hi i just flashed a new cm 10.1 on my i9000 now im stuck in bootloop and the cwm 3 button combo wont work anymore, could some point me in the right direction where i am able to find a cwm as img? downloadmode is working
<wifi> on the I9000/I9100 and all the variant, the recovery img is included in the kernel partition. Flash another kernel and you will have a recovery
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<spY|da> wifi, fastboot flash zimage zImage?
<wifi> flash kernel with odin ?
<wifi> flash chainfire's kernel
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<spY|da> ive tried to install the semaphore kernel in i think i just bricked my phone, got now instead of bootloop oder download mode a "phone -> triangle -> pc" icon
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<codeworkx> spY|da: use odin and flash a stock rom
<spY|da> codeworkx, aber ich habe kein download mode wie soll ich dann mit odin flashen?
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<codeworkx> spY|da: das ist der dl mode
<codeworkx> spY|da: glaub mir, nimm odin und es geht
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<spY|da> codeworkx, ich versuche es, ziehe gerade 2.3.3
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<spY|da> codeworkx, odin erkennt das telefon nicht, habe die phone, csc und pda eingebunden und versucht das machen er prüft nur die md5 summen und sonst passiert leider nichts
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<codeworkx> batterie raus und nochmal versuchen
<spY|da> alles schon gemacht
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<koegs> huch, der codeworkx spricht deutsch, warum mühe ich mich mit englisch rum :D
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<codeworkx> koegs: was sollte man als deutscher sonst sprechen? xD
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<koegs> ich hab noch nie geguckt wo du herkommst... :(
<clibot> [Link] Samsung Galaxy S I9000 bricked (screen shows Phone Exclamation Mark PC) | Lifedigital2010's Blog
<spY|da> ansonsten schaff ich mir nen neues telefon an
<koegs> ist das noch immer ein bekanntes Problem, dass ich auf dem i9300 per WLAN-Tethering keinen funktionieren DNS habe? Muss immer nen eigenen DNS einrichten
<codeworkx> koegs: kann eig gar nicht sein
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<koegs> hm, ok, scheint doch nur ein Ubuntu-spezifisches Problem zu sein, grad nochmal mit dem Nexus7 als Client getestet, das hat keine Probleme
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<RossWell98> misterswag ?
<misterswag> ?
<RossWell98> misterswag: You wear gold bullion on you or you're secretly gay?
<misterswag> i have gold chains ;)
<RossWell98> Swagg
<misterswag> thats how i roll
<RossWell98> blingbling :/
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<a3Dman> lol
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<strpm> can i wipe the cache partition with heimdall?
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<RossWell98> strpm: adb
<RossWell98> Oh no
<RossWell98> just reboot in recovery
<RossWell98> strpm: Why?
<strpm> i can't
<RossWell98> mh
<RossWell98> strpm: Why you want to wipe the cache partition?
<strpm> i have write custom boot-recovery options to /cache/recovery/command and now the device will not boot
<RossWell98> ohh
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<RossWell98> don't reflash a bootloader :P
<RossWell98> OH GOOD
<RossWell98> No
<strpm> eh. i meen zImage
<RossWell98> what is your device?
<RossWell98> strpm: your phone is rooted?
<strpm> yes
<RossWell98> 26 feb?
<RossWell98> just reflash akernel ^^
<strpm> no.. 26.2.
<RossWell98> ??
<RossWell98> my phone
<strpm> 10.1 nightly
<RossWell98> strpm: what is your rom ?
<strpm> mh.. in run cm10
<RossWell98> 10 or 10.1 ?
<strpm> i can only access download mode, but reflash the bootloader has no effect
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<RossWell98> mh
<RossWell98> the last nightly?
<RossWell98> Oh ok
<strpm> galaxys2
<RossWell98> you can flash or you scared? xD
<strpm> but.. can i flash a cache.img? if i have one?
<RossWell98> no
<RossWell98> reflash a kernel
<RossWell98> You want a kernel ?
<RossWell98> You are sure it's a i9100 and not a i9100G or other?
<strpm> mhm.. backup is from yesterday
<strpm> i9100
<strpm> not so scared ;)
<RossWell98> You know dorimanx?
<RossWell98> flash this
<strpm> mhm.. what can i do with this kernel?
<RossWell98> howit?
<clibot> [Link] xda-developers - View Single Post - [Kernel 3.1.Y][06 MAR] Dorimanx 8.3 ICS+JBMALI SGII 8 Platforms...
<strpm> i would rerun cm.. im a little confused
<RossWell98> strpm: you'll rerun cm ^^
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<RossWell98> He can replace the kernel
<RossWell98> and therefore the recover ;)
<RossWell98> and after you re-flash a nightly
<RossWell98> and you're done ! :D
<strpm> ah... okay
<RossWell98> I tried to find the simplest solution ^^
<RossWell98> I guarantee you, Your datas will not be erased :)
<strpm> yey... thank you! :) i will try it later :)
<clibot> [Link] Get out of the way - Fun Pics bei
<spY|da> codeworkx, ich hab mir schnell so nen dongle gelötet, und habe im download modus das original rom wieder per odin draufgehauen, wie komm ich jetzt am schnellsten auf die cm10.1?
<RossWell98> strpm: good luck , if you have a problem mp me ^^"
<RossWell98> pm*
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<Bert__> I9100 warning....
<clibot> [Link] I9100 Info - CyanogenMod
<RossWell98> Bert__: and?
<RossWell98> oh sorry
<RossWell98> TWO warn -_-
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<RossWell98> So , if I backup my /efs (already) and I not want to return to a samsung rom, I ahve no problem ?
<RossWell98> Or if I want to reflash my device i should to use a custom kernel ? ô.o
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<strpm> RossWell98: yey, i booted latest nightly. thank you for help :)
<RossWell98> strpm: np :)
<RossWell98> strpm: But just one things :|
<clibot> [Link] I9100 Info - CyanogenMod
<RossWell98> For the first warning message
<RossWell98> It talk about what stock kernel ?
<RossWell98> the stock CM?
<Espenfjo> stock, not stock cm
<Espenfjo> cm is safe
<RossWell98> AHH u.u"
<RossWell98> Thanks :)
<strpm> uh.. but good to know
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* Jiangyi is tired x_x
<RossWell98> Jiangyi: ?
<Jiangyi> Not enough sleep, just got back from volunteering.
<RossWell98> volunteering here ? :)
<Jiangyi> Eh, at a youth camp :-P
<RossWell98> Seriously ?
<Jiangyi> Yeah.
* Jiangyi go do translations now
<RossWell98> Jiangyi: you love childrens ? xD
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<itunes> Hi there
<itunes> anyone care to help?
<itunes> I have a Samsung Galaxy S2, running CM10.1 nighltly
<itunes> I ran into a problem, I am not able to send or receive text messages
<itunes> i can make and receive calls though
<Jiangyi> SMSC
<a-st> Working fine here :)
<itunes> yeah thats the issue
<itunes> it was working with me too
<itunes> does anyone know of a way
<itunes> to fix this
<a-st> maybe try wiping dalvik/cache
<RossWell98> :<
<itunes> is there a way to restore apn settings?
<itunes> i have backups
<itunes> but the apn changed in ics and jb
<clibot> [Link] SMSC Updates - CyanogenMod
<itunes> @jiangyi thks, im going to look into that
<RossWell98> itunes: He demand you the pin code ?
<itunes> no
<RossWell98> /efs part :)
<RossWell98> itunes: have you a backup of you efs part ?
<itunes> i have a nandroid
<itunes> and titanium backups
<RossWell98> itunes: Have you a file called "efsbackup.tar.gz" in your Internal SD card ?
<itunes> i was trying to find the apn settings from the titanium, maybe there was one and the apn might have changed with the nightly
<itunes> hmm
<RossWell98> itunes: call to *#06#
<RossWell98> Have you a IMEI ? >.>
<Jiangyi> RossWell98: If he doesn't have an IMEI, he wouldn't be able to make calls....
<itunes> yeah i do have IMEI
<RossWell98> Ok sorry >.>
<itunes> let me see the efsbackup
<RossWell98> itunes: ?
<itunes> RossWell98 i've called *#06#
<itunes> i got an IMEI
<itunes> im able to make and receive calls
<RossWell98> Yes
<RossWell98> sorry :)
<itunes> messages are not sent or received
<itunes> i do have the efsbackup
<RossWell98> guard it carefully
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<itunes> is it needed?
<itunes> im following the steps on SMSC Updates page
<RossWell98> No but the SGS2 and CM10.1-nightly :S
<RossWell98> How the SMSC can come ?
<RossWell98> problem*
<itunes> hmm
<itunes> should i apply my nandroid backup? will it work?
<Jiangyi> itunes: Just follow the SMSC instructions and see if it works.
<itunes> is it dangerous?
<RossWell98> Jiangyi: The SMSC problem is only for US carrier?
<Jiangyi> Not really.
<itunes> i have to find out my carrier's smsc first
<Jiangyi> RossWell98: No, happens at random. Depends on your SIM card too.
<RossWell98> mh
<itunes> can i check it on another smartphone with the same carrirer?
<itunes> carrier*
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<RossWell98> must be horrible this problem :S
<bella> hello
<RossWell98> "I send a SMS" [RECEIVED by ***] :forever alone:
<RossWell98> bella: Hello
<bella> I've just updated to the latest cm10.1 nightly on my i9100 from the last cm9 nightly
<bella> wiped data and tried a bunch of other things
<bella> but my internal & external sd won't mount
<bella> any ideas please?
<RossWell98> :<
<RossWell98> many i9100
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<bella> it's the international version
<RossWell98> bella: Where you can mount ? in the recovery or when you connect to your PC?
<RossWell98> can't*
<bella> i can mount in recovery and to pc but not within cm once booted, though can find the files through rooted file explorer
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<RossWell98> You can boot :)
<bella> yes:)
<RossWell98> so...
<bella> its just it thinks i only have 2gb storage
<itunes> my current SMSC is within double quotes, and with a comma at the end, then 145
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<RossWell98> bella: Try with the CM File Manager
<RossWell98> bella: and disconnect your phone from your PC XD
<itunes> its weird right? i checked another smartphone, it has just the number without double quotes or the comma 145
<bella> RossWell98: i am already disconnected from pc, but can find files in cm file manager
<RossWell98> bella: You have wiped data and cache ?
<bella> yes
<RossWell98> and the cache ?
<RossWell98> and the dalvik cache?
<bella> yes
<RossWell98> mh
<RossWell98> You have important data ?
<bella> pretty important - don't really want to reformat int/ext ads:)
<RossWell98> mhhh
<RossWell98> test your ext SDcard :)
<RossWell98> without your phone
<Jiangyi> bella: Wait wait wait.
<Jiangyi> bella: So your files are there in CM file manager, but they don't show up on your PC?
<RossWell98> Jiangyi: he can't see in CM file manager
<bella> i can see in cm file manager
<RossWell98> ah
<RossWell98> can find >.>
<RossWell98> Mh
<bella> and can see on pc
<RossWell98> -_-
<bella> but won't mount as storage within cm
<RossWell98> but
<Jiangyi> Now you lost me.
<Jiangyi> ._.
<bella> sorry!
<Jiangyi> of course it's mounted, how else can file manager see it.
<RossWell98> I don't understand u.u
<bella> right but when go into settings>storage, not showing up
<RossWell98> AHHHH
<RossWell98> Ok
<Jiangyi> :/
<RossWell98> bella: Maybe a bug ^^
<bella> so other apps can't do anything with it
<RossWell98> patientoutch
<RossWell98> Ok
<RossWell98> I try to reproduce the bug, you did everything right?
<RossWell98> You use the stock CM kernel?
<bella> yes
<RossWell98> have you tried to reboot your phone ? xD
<RossWell98> in dev options, you've activated "protect SD card" ?
<bella> sorry where do i find dev options - i am a noob if you haven't worked it out already:)
<RossWell98> bella: you're not a noob, it's normal if you can't find Dev options ;)
<RossWell98> hidden :)
<RossWell98> What nightly have you flashed?
<bella> the latest - todays
<RossWell98> have you tried a other nightly ? :')
<RossWell98> (sorry )
<bella> no
<bella> which would you recommend?
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<seqizz> !supported
<clibot> seqizz: Supported OEMs: Sony,Motorola,Other,ASUS,Google,HTC,Samsung,LG
<seqizz> !supported Samsung
<clibot> seqizz: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<RossWell98> Bah
<RossWell98> bella:
<itunes> @jiangyi can you help me out with the SMSC issue?
<RossWell98> You have a i9100?
<seqizz> Hi guys, I'm suffering again from /efs brick if I upgrade current nightly on galaxy SII , any good advice or information?
<RossWell98> :S
<bella> righty ho - will try that one
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<RossWell98> bella: DON'T WIPE if you flash a new nightly :)
<bella> any other suggestions?
<bella> ok
<RossWell98> bella: if you are in cm-10.1, not needed to wipe
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<bella> ok
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<RossWell98> seqizz ? You have a efs backup ?
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<RossWell98> -_-
<RossWell98> why?!
<Jiangyi> !bomb
<clibot> Jiangyi: You do not have permission to run "bomb"
<RossWell98> AHAH
<Jiangyi> Aw.
<RossWell98> Jiangyi: What the bomb do ?
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<Jiangyi> Don't ask~
<RossWell98> Why?
<itunes> can someone help me out with the SMSC issue?
<Jiangyi> itunes: Didn't work?
<itunes> everytime i apply update, when i make a further refresh, its different than the one i had put
<Jiangyi> o_O You sure you converted it right/
<itunes> it hads a comma and a 3 digit number like 145 and 129
<Jiangyi> ?
<itunes> my SMSC number is +351911616161
<itunes> i ve tried all 3 formats
<itunes> without and with double quotes
<itunes> and the converted one
<Jiangyi> Strange.
<Jiangyi> PDU one should work.
<itunes> can u help me convert to that one? that one gave "could not send sms" to every sms i tried
<itunes> although before, no error was shown
<itunes> maybe i converted wrong
<itunes> following this example, Sprint: +17044100000 = 07917140140000F0
<itunes> when i try to convert sprint's SMSC i dont get that number
<itunes> only up until the F0, the F0 is missing and i dont know where it came from
<Jiangyi> itunes: Your SMSC number is off. It has 12 digits rather than 11 like the others.
<itunes> thats weird.. +351 is the portuguese indicative
<itunes> 91 is the vodafone indicative
<itunes> and the rest is a normal phone number
<itunes> Verizon: +316540951000 = 0791135604590100
<itunes> this one has 12
<Jiangyi> Hm. That's odd.
<Jiangyi> I guess the instructions are kinda iffy then.
<Jiangyi> 0791539111161616 <- That's what I got from your number.
<itunes> ill try
<itunes> i just did a fix permissions + wipe dalvik cache + wipe cache partition, it prolly wont work but oh well..
<itunes> will a nandroid backup work?
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<itunes> cause im kind of tired of this :S a few weeks ago was the sim card lock, after installing a nightly i got phone locked and had to find a way to unlock the smartphone again
<itunes> then the booloop nightly, then i got a brick out of my sgs2 because my smartphone completely crashed playing real racing 3 and when i restarted it wouldnt pass the samsung galaxy logo
<itunes> and now this
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<eco_> !supported Samsung
<clibot> eco_: Supported Samsung devices: captivatemtd,cooper,d2att,d2cri,d2mtr,d2spr,d2tmo,d2usc,d2vzw,epicmtd,fascinatemtd,galaxys2,galaxys2att,galaxysbmtd,galaxysmtd,hercules,i605,i777,i9100,i9100g,i9300,l900,mesmerizemtd,n7000,n7100,n8000,n8013,p1,p1c,p1l,p1n,p3,p3100,p3110,p3113,p4,p4tmo,p4vzw,p4wifi,p5,p5100,p5110,p5113,p5wifi,quincyatt,quincytmo,s5670,showcasemtd,skyrocket,t0lte,t769,tass,toro,toroplus,vibrantmtd
<Thiagovfar> Damn, so many devices.
<Thiagovfar> You guys rock
<eco_> !device
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<ravel> yo. I have trouble installing CM onto my i9100.
<ravel> my microusb doesn't really work so I have to use whatever I have on the phone, which is mobile odin, ROM manager etc.
<ravel> I tried CM 10 nightly but I got assert failed + list of script testing platforms, like if my phone isn't supported or something.
<Thiagovfar> Bad idea, bro
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<Thiagovfar> Get a working usb cable and adb
<ravel> it's not about the cable but a loose connector.
<Thiagovfar> which phone do you have?
<ravel> Galaxy S II
<Thiagovfar> i9100 or a variant?
<ravel> vanilla, northern europe version
<Thiagovfar> loose connector on the phone or pc?
<ravel> on the phone
<ravel> (I can recharge, though, but I have trouble with data transfer)
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<Thiagovfar> I suggest you get that fixed first
<ravel> well, is there a reason why CWM might not be able to flash a CM 10 nightly?
<Thiagovfar> You'll be in a dire situation, if something fails catastrofically
<Thiagovfar> Did you flash the recommended CWM version?
<ravel> the newest
<ravel> (for this phone)
<Thiagovfar> !device i9100
<clibot> Thiagovfar: Information for Samsung Galaxy S II:
<clibot> [Link] Install CM for i9100 - CyanogenMod
<Thiagovfar> Here, there's a recovery
<ravel> so I should not install it with ROM Manager?
<ravel> because as I said, I have to go with what I have on the phone...
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<Thiagovfar> ravel: Flashing without usb is very unusual
<ravel> I have done that several times
<Thiagovfar> If you can flash the kernel linked into that page, do so
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<ravel> CWM-based Recovery
<ravel> I have a nightly CM zip on sdcard, I wonder if I should just try to flash it (which has failed before each time)
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<ravel> oh! this time I didn't get any errors.
<ravel> worked just as it was supposed to.
<ravel> let's see if cm works as it is supposed to...
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<ravel> interesting. now the cyanogenmod ring is just rotating endlessly.
<ravel> oops, it works anyway
<Thiagovfar> ravel: Congrats
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<DuperMan> far cry 3 mp == bioshock 2 mp
<DuperMan> proof: I rock at it
<DuperMan> ><
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