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<Toothpick> hi, where can I find the latest THS build for Galaxy i9000 ?
<cdesai> @downloads galaxysmtd
<cdesai> derp no bot here
<cdesai> Toothpick:
<Toothpick> ty !
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<squadzone> Hola
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<Toothpick> cdesai: are those builds for THS or cyanogenmod?
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<cdesai> Toothpick: THS doens't actually do builds
<cdesai> use em, they're based on the sources by THS
<Toothpick> well it says on AOKP tutorial "Flash latest THS build (just to clean up from other devices build.prop issues)"
<cdesai> flashing CM should be the same, do it.
<Toothpick> and btw, should i use NIGHTLY or stable?
<cdesai> Toothpick: no stable build yet for ics
<cdesai> stable = 7.x = gingerbread
<Toothpick> haha ok
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<alfrix> please review this thanks
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<Kaik541> codeworkx: I've determined that USB jig is magic
<codeworkx> Kaik541: why?
<Kaik541> codeworkx: while back cyanogen couldn't get his galaxy note to respond to USB so I told him to power it off and put the jig in, he was convinced something went terribly wrong with the device
<Kaik541> eventually he put the jig in and the galaxy note started working like normal
<Kaik541> therefore, jig is magic
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<codeworkx> lol
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