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<elliptic1> Hello! I'm a new android app/widget maker, and I'm going to learn how to contribute to the CM10 nightlies
<elliptic1> I thought this room would be a lot more active
<elliptic1> Do I have to build on linux?
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<Entropy512> elliptic1: people idle here a LOT
<Entropy512> and it's late night in the US
<Entropy512> and early morning in Europe
<Entropy512> Linux is your best bet, MacOS is doable but derps often
<Entropy512> windows is a total non-starter
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<_slax0r_> Hi, I'm looking at some firmwares from here: if I download a firmware for, I dunno, Italy and Carrier reads: "Unbranded", what does this mean? will this firmware work for me, considering I'm not from Italy?
<_slax0r_> and what about the phones language?
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<_slax0r_> I just flashed a stock rom from over cm10, Odin reads "PASS!" over a green background, but the damn thing is taking forever to boot, is this normal? device: sgs2
<stickyboy> _slax0r_: Try #teamhacksung-support ... more users in there :D
<stickyboy> Here are only hackers!
<stickyboy> We don't flash stock ROMs ;)
<_slax0r_> ah crap, I thought I was in there
<_slax0r_> sorry
<stickyboy> It's cool, bro. We're just not as helpful as the other channel :)
<_slax0r_> yeah I know, I read the topic a few days ago, but totally didn't check which chan I joined today :)
<gokhanmoral> does anybody know how to pull last_kmsg in upload mode? it is really time consuming to go into the recovery to pull it
<Espenfjo> I do not think you can
<codeworkx> _slax0r_: factory reset missed? ;-)
<Espenfjo> upload mode (I guess you are meaning download mode) isnt starting a Linux kernel
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> Altough.. the info is stored somewhere..
<Espenfjo> Should be possible, but not unless you can read the devices memory :)
<gokhanmoral> Espenfjo: I guess the leaked bootloaders enter upload mode (not download) when we have kernel panic and I think it is supposed to be mode to easily pull the log without having some other cluttering messages during the boot.
<codeworkx> jtag haxx
<codeworkx> gokhanmoral: no adb no access
<gokhanmoral> hmm, it is seen as a serial device. there should be a way to pull the messages
<gokhanmoral> I guess the protocol is prorietary, just like the download mode
<gokhanmoral> we need another asgardian to pull it, maybe thor :)
<Espenfjo> :D
<codeworkx> uart?
<codeworkx> maybe it get's spit out
<gokhanmoral> let me make sure by causing a panic :)
<pier> lol
<pier> codeworkx: sold?
<gokhanmoral> uart, but nothing is spit out in upload mode. I'll look at heimdal's source maybe it will give me an idea. thanks anyway.
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<lodder> do I need to have a full battery to flash a new rom?
<Espenfjo> Just enough to ensure that it doesnt turn itself off
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<lodder> Espenfjo: why hasn't this been merged:
<lodder> with the new mali update
<Espenfjo> Good question
<stickyboy> lodder: :D
<pier|bricking> mh
<pier|bricking> Espenfjo:
<pier|bricking> we do need this commit too I guess:
<Espenfjo> Yes
<Espenfjo> 10fps without it
<pier|bricking> ahah
<pier|bricking> yep
<pier|bricking> <-- saw my nick? :D
<pier|bricking> eheh
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<pier> it's like a commodore 64
<pier> with gnome 3 installed
<Espenfjo> What is wrong with 10fps?
<Espenfjo> It is still smooth :P
<pier> nothing
<pier> :D
<pier> lol
<pier> yep
<pier> slowmotion
<pier> ok waiting for mr cody to merge then :D
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<gokhanmoral> I guess I am the only one who remembers punch card days in which we had 10fpD :)
<pier|afk> no
<pier|afk> I'm old too
<gokhanmoral> d as in days
<pier|afk> 40years in 6 days :(
<pier|afk> omg
<pier|afk> ssh
<gokhanmoral> oh, now I don't feel alone :D
<pier|afk> :)
<lodder> so waiting .... hopefully some one will release a new unoffical build, can't wait until the nightly
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<stickyboy> lodder: Which device?
<lodder> i9100,, just installed version 2 of Espenfjo
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<Entropy512> <gokhanmoral> uart, but nothing is spit out in upload mode. I'll look at heimdal's source maybe it will give me an idea. thanks anyway. - I see periodic references to upload mode, but no device I've ever owned does that on panic
<Entropy512> it's weird
<gokhanmoral> I am using boot loader from leaks, not the original one
<gokhanmoral> I think samsung uses that in development stage
<Entropy512> ah, maybe I remember people talking about it back in a leak-heavy era
<gokhanmoral> I guess so. some leaks don't have it but the first one had a boot loader and I don't flash any other boot loader not to flash that one
<gokhanmoral> not to lose that one
<Entropy512> I wish I knew when the Xperia TL was going to get released by AT&T
<Entropy512> would be awesome to go to Big Android BBQ with the only TL running CM10... But I'd need two weeks or so for bringup.
<stickyboy> Entropy512: TL is different than T?
<Entropy512> TL has LTE
<Entropy512> and (unfortunately) AT&T branding
<stickyboy> Ah.
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<stickyboy> The T looks awesome. First Xperia device I've been interested in.
<stickyboy> Probably can't get 'em in Kenya, unless I find someone flying in from Europe...
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<Entropy512> The TL is likely the only version I'll be able to get in the USA
<gokhanmoral> xperia T sounds just too open for AT&T... I hope they won't ask for any additional security on it
<lodder> Espenfjo: in the latest build -2 there seems to be an issue with the dialer can't close the call
<Espenfjo> Yeah, I know. Sucks using a non-stable rom? ;)
<Espenfjo> Probably one of the commits to the dialer that went in since yesterday
<lodder> Yea I know the unstable rom is cool, always have a backup ready ;)
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<lodder> Espenfjo: any idea what commit it is?
<pier> I bet cody went to buy the xperia :D
<Espenfjo> pier: He got it a few days ago
<pier> oh
<pier> Uh
<pier> well I'm fine with my gnexus for now and with the i9100 as a flashing toy
<pier> blamesamsung
<stickyboy> Heimdall 1.4RC1. Cool. :D
<stickyboy> Fixes that nasty 1.3.2 error...
<Entropy512> gokhanmoral: that's one worry, that on AT&T the BL won't be unlockable
<Entropy512> if that's the case
<Entropy512> nexus time for me
<pier> Entropy512: join the family -.- :(
<stickyboy> Entropy512: Nexus for me too.
<pier> guys, since you got more knowledge than me on that for sure: what git (local) server do you suggest?
<pier> gitorius?
<stickyboy> Entropy512: But a jellybean'd Tab 7 Plus might FINALLY be usable.
<stickyboy> pier: git doesn't need a "server"...?
<Entropy512> I think he means a web UI
<Entropy512> dunno
<stickyboy> pier: Do you want something for issue tracking, etc?
<Entropy512> stickyboy: yeah... although you guys still have derpy wifi
<Entropy512> fucking samsung
<pier> a git repository + web maybe yes
<stickyboy> Entropy512: Meh. True.
<Entropy512> and their "is dual license GPL/BSD. WE CHOOSE BSD. SUCK IT BITCH!"
<stickyboy> pier: Well, for git repository alone all you need is ssh :D
<pier> stickyboy: yep
<stickyboy> pier: But for web GUI, I use Redmine. It's a nice Ruby on Rails project.
<pier> ugh
<stickyboy> I'm not a programmer really, but I use Redmine with a few hobby git projects.
<pier> kk
<stickyboy> Does LDAP authentication (nice for those of use in corporate environments).
<pier> ehehe tracking a django project on a ror
<pier> thx stickyboy
<pier> I'll try that too
<stickyboy> pier: Hah, yeah. Ironic. :P
<pier> :)
<stickyboy> Maybe google "Redmine django alternative"
<pier> yup
<pier> thx stickyboy :))
<stickyboy> hehe did you find one?
<pier> nah
<pier> I've a ror server
<pier> going to test that here
<pier> :)
<pier> after tall it's a project management tool
<pier> /tall/all
<pier> it's not a production thing ... I'll run that on my testing machines
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<pier|brb> Entropy512, Espenfjo ... libsync isnt needed for 4210 ?
<pier|brb> I saw you removed it from props and Entropy512 removed it from the too
<Entropy512> no, it's only a dependency of I9300 hwc
<Entropy512> which won't work on 4210
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<peterperfect> funny thing this libsync
<peterperfect> even JBQ does not know what it does
<pier|brb> oky
<pier|brb> thx
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<Wout`> Espenfjo: your build works fine for me
<Wout`> can receive calls
<Wout`> nothing wrong with the dailer
<Espenfjo> :(
<Espenfjo> I cant
<Wout`> weird
<Wout`> and battery life is ok too, always had horrible batterylife on cm10
<Wout`> but after killing Google Now,it's ok
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<Espenfjo> :)
<Espenfjo> I had 8h gps wakelock today!
<Espenfjo> ftw!
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<peterperfect> ahahahaa
<peterperfect> Espenfjo seems borked
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<pier> :D
<pier> having this merge was like a wedding
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<pier> but worth it!
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<crosscoder> using online builder to generate cwm recovery for new samsung device, what's the best channel for support?
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<Wout`> Espenfjo: now I understand why your previous build worked fine for me. I flashed a cwm-zip with a modem/ril combo afterwards
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<Espenfjo> :)
<Wout`> is a PowerManagerService wakelock common?
<Espenfjo> Isnt that the userspace/partial wakelock one?
<Wout`> kernel actually
<Wout`> it's not that bad, 45 mins on 6 hours of use
<Wout`> was just wondering what it was
<gokhanmoral_> were you charging your phone?
<Wout`> no, been off the charger for 6 hrs
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<Wout`> not that bothered though, on previous builds, with Google Now on, I got about 10 hrs of work time, thats it
<Wout`> now I have 67% left after almost 7 hrs
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<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Ok. This shit is buttery now.
<Espenfjo> butteryier.. err..
<Espenfjo> :D
<stickyboy> Congrats. And thanks to Entropy512 for finding that last minute px stuff.
<Espenfjo> Vsync and triple buffering isnt correct yet
<stickyboy> Right. Actually I'll stop using the word buttery. haha.
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<Wout`> it's really good, but a nexus it isnt (yet)
<stickyboy> But anyways, the new drivers are nice.
<Espenfjo> Yes :)
<Espenfjo> I am not sure I can feel any difference between i9100 pre r3p0 and r2p4 tho.
<stickyboy> On Tab 7 Plus I can.
<Espenfjo> Good :)
<stickyboy> The notification drawer is lovely to look at now. Down, up, down, up. ;)
<Espenfjo> hihi
<Espenfjo> Glad we got this merged, even tho. it has caused some issue :)
<Wout`> now on to opensource hwc :P
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Yeah, I'm happy you guys tracked that down.
<stickyboy> You'd think you guys don't have day jobs :P
<Wout`> Espenfjo: are any of the devs buying a samsung device ever again?
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: Entropy512 being a hero :)
<Espenfjo> Wout`: no
<Wout`> thought so
<stickyboy> Shit... that Xperia T is tempting.
<stickyboy> I might sell my Samsung devices and buy that. :P
<Wout`> nah
<Wout`> thick, screen isn't that great
<stickyboy> Yeah, I guess it is a bit thick.
<Wout`> i'll wait for the new nexus
<Wout`> hope it improves the camera and batterylife, then I'd be happy
<stickyboy> But I dunno, if the phablet rumors are true about the new Nexus... dunno if I want a device that big.
<stickyboy> Wout`: I'd like better headphone quality than my current Gnex. :\
<stickyboy> Listening to music is so dull...
<Wout`> my guess is there will be multiple nexi
<Wout`> Nexus 5 (HTC phablet)
<Wout`> Galaxy Nexus Plus (i 9260: Omap 4470, small improvements)
<Wout`> and perhaps a Nexus version of the Optimus G
<stickyboy> So you read ALL THE BLOGS. :P
<Wout`> no :P
<Wout`> well, most
<Wout`> but I make a living writing about tech
<Wout`> and talk to little birdies every now and then ;)
pier|brb is now known as pier
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<stickyboy> Wout`: You have a blog?
<stickyboy> Sorry. Tech site. Not blog.
<stickyboy> :P
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<jakbri> hi all
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<jakbri> I think I know the answer to this, but do the instructions here: on how to enable mass storage device support (as opposed to mtp) still appliy to cm10 on the gti9000?
<jakbri> i mean the i9300
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<Wout`> stickyboy: i work for one
<stickyboy> Wout`: Cool. :D
<stickyboy> So you're here spying on the devs ;)
<Espenfjo> stickyboy: hm. navigation bar customization, is that something you have on your tabs?
<Wout`> nah, just here as a i9100 user
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Yep. And it's a bit wonky. :P
<Espenfjo> hm
<Espenfjo> I do not have that option :/
<stickyboy> Espenfjo: Are you on Phablet?
<Espenfjo> For me it only shows hardware keys where the navigation bar should be
<stickyboy> UI, that is?
<Espenfjo> no, tablet
<Espenfjo> note 10.1
<Espenfjo> n8000
<stickyboy> That's why, I believe.
<Espenfjo> hm
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<stickyboy> Was the customization ported to tablet UI? I saw a comment about that in the gerrit change.
<stickyboy> Back when the navbar stuff went in a few weeks ago.
<p_l> are questions related to internals of official firmware okay? I'm trying to grab the FOTA file downloaded by the official downloaded in GB rom...
<p_l> (and figured people here might actually know)
<Espenfjo> ah
<Espenfjo> yes, you are right
<Espenfjo> My gnex has it :) fantastic
<Espenfjo> but ok.. then I know where to start :)
<Espenfjo> ty
<stickyboy> No problem
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<Entropy512> <Wout`> Espenfjo: are any of the devs buying a samsung device ever again? - Nexus Samsungs OK, and I might be willing to consider a Qcom or OMAP Samsung, but no more non-Nexus Exynos until Samsung stops being douchebags
<Entropy512> <Espenfjo> I am not sure I can feel any difference between i9100 pre r3p0 and r2p4 tho. - that's odd, my experience was MAJOR performance improvements on n7000/i777
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<noahdroid> I just noticed that in the CM10 build I'm running, the 2nd core on my samsung S3 was offline
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<noahdroid> is that a feature? :-)
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<noahdroid> oh neat, it's enable on-demand
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