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<slayher> hem, Mms is broken for me on T-Mo. can't send. Seems like receive might be borked too
<slayher> E/SendTransaction( 7306): Cannot establish route for Unknown host
<slayher> E/SendTransaction( 7306): Cannot establish route for Unknown host
<slayher> anyone on a different carrier having success?
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<slayher> well I can receive, it was just a bad image. but sending still seems borked
<slayher> E/SendTransaction( 7306): Server returned an error code: 227
<slayher> E/SendTransaction( 7306): Delivery failed.
<slayher> E/RetryScheduler( 7306): Response status is: 227
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<drupol> People knows where I can order a Sony Xperia V ?
<codeworkx> drupol: amazon?
<drupol> I don't know I don't understand why I can't find it in Belgium
<drupol> Is it blocked ?
<drupol> Is it branded under another name ?
<drupol> codeworkx: What's your point of view about this phone ?
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<iKillCypher> code
<codeworkx> low weight, waterproof
<codeworkx> fast
<iKillCypher> any progress on the JB for merging soon for SGS2 ?
<drupol> Ok, I think I'll buy it soon :-)
<drupol> codeworkx: does it have a notification led on the front ?
<codeworkx> drupol: yes
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: what do you expect?
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: if no one works on it, no progress
<drupol> Excellent...
<iKillCypher> thought you were doing it :S sound recorder is not much of an issue if it works
<codeworkx> and video recording?
<iKillCypher> is the keyboard gitch gone with the jb update since I cant cherry pick and update over here not on my linux
<codeworkx> no
<codeworkx> why should it go?
<iKillCypher> thought samsung mali update would fix it o.o ?!
<codeworkx> i9300. n7100, n7105 and so on got JB weeks ago and have the same problems
<codeworkx> iKillCypher: as long as no one works on it, nothing will change
<codeworkx> and no one is working on it
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<codeworkx> iKillCypher: might sound hard now, but seems everyone left you
<iKillCypher> im not going to work on it >:( waste of my time
<iKillCypher> no documentation
<angelsl> that was fast, iKillCypher
<iKillCypher> angelsl want to work on it ?
<iKillCypher> good luck figuring out :( unless you got a professionally reverser
<angelsl> nah
<angelsl> i'm happy with what i have now
<angelsl> and i can recontract in about 6 months
<iKillCypher> Oct ?
<angelsl> best get a phone i can live with for another 21 months
<codeworkx> i throwed my contract away years ago ;-)
<brinsjt> codeworkx: me two
<angelsl> codeworkx: student plans require contract, sadly
<codeworkx> prepaid with automatic recharge 4tw
<iKillCypher> recontact in about 9 Months !!!!!
<angelsl> and my carrier doesn't offer unlimited SMS separately
<codeworkx> wtf is sms?
<brinsjt> ! month contact heheh ;) no exit fees
<angelsl> i still have friends using nokias
<angelsl> no choice
<codeworkx> lawl
<codeworkx> i'm using a 500gb data plan for 10 eur
<codeworkx> that's all
<brinsjt> what?
<codeworkx> 500mb
<codeworkx> xDS
<brinsjt> is that a tupo
<brinsjt> yeah
<angelsl> LOL
<brinsjt> i was a bit confused for a sec
<codeworkx> i need around 12 eur every months
<brinsjt> Virtual Carriers ftw - with 30 day contracts
<brinsjt> hehe awesome
<angelsl> if i had time i'd honestly try to improve smdk4210 and all its bullshit
<angelsl> no one that will bother doing it has time nowadays though, it seems
<codeworkx> no one wants to do it xD
<codeworkx> even if i had time, i wouldn't touch it
<angelsl> it's the only thing i can touch atm though
<angelsl> so, why the hell not
<brinsjt> to protect your sanity
<angelsl> i probably don't have much to protect
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<pl> codeworkx, sorry if I bug you again. I don't know if you've got the XML parse error log regarding Chronus weather. Just in case, here it is:
<codeworkx> got it
<pl> if needed I can provide more information
<sbrissen> codeworkx: just curious why downgrade mali version?
<codeworkx> gfx glitches on keyboard
<sbrissen> gotcha, ill test now
<sbrissen> on your 7105, do you get mag/orientation sensor readings?
<a3Dman> weird, didn't know that this affected 4412 also...
<codeworkx> sbrissen: compass is fine
<sbrissen> can't get compass working on the cdma's
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: is there another commit to go with the mali downgrade?
<sbrissen> surfaceflinger is crashing now
<codeworkx> did you change blobs?
<sbrissen> no, just notcied them in your comment
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: do you have a /dev/input13 on the 7105? my sensors are complaining its missing
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: dev/input/event13 ?
<sbrissen> er yea
<codeworkx> yep
<sbrissen> hrm
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<codeworkx> sbrissen: think mali r2p4 is memleaking
<sbrissen> doh
<codeworkx> and there it goes
<codeworkx> fucking mali clusterfuck
<codeworkx> fucking haxxynos
<codeworkx> pl: are you running latest cm?
<pl> codeworkx, yes
<pl> codeworkx, well, 10.1-20130127
<codeworkx> what's your location?
<pl> Padua (Italy)
<pl> Chronus shows just: Padua
<pl> now it reports it last updates the weather Mon 20:37 (that is, yesterday)
<pl> *updated
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<pl> codeworkx, I can try to set it to another location and see what happens...
<humberos> codeworkx: I merged our smdk4412 with mainline 3.0.y:
<humberos> Let me know If you want this in CM tree too.
<humberos> I am testing it on N8013 and no bugs at moment.
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<codeworkx> humberos: uploading via gerrit is a bad idea ;-)
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<humberos> codeworkx: Yeah I know B). But I don't have permissions to upload it using git (by http) or creating another branch for tests (another 4412 devices).
<codeworkx> uploading via git breaks gerrit
<codeworkx> and i'm no friend of kernel patching
<codeworkx> makes it hard to diff against samsung updates
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<humberos> yep. So, just create another branch using my own. And after test we'll just change names.
<humberos> I understood you... btw, if you want samsung updates then is better left it as it is.
<codeworkx> the benefit of patching goes near zero
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<humberos> Ok. No problem.
<codeworkx> humberos: if it fixes a problem, ok. but just to bump the version number and make users crying... no way
<humberos> coderworkx: yeah, I think the same way.
<humberos> codeworkx: btw, do you know if we have a buglist? I am ready to contribute.
<humberos> codeworkx: oh! thanks!
<diego-ch> hi guys, I've built cm10.1 for my phone but is crashing as soon as system loads
<diego-ch> i think is related to the parameter 'ro.telephony.ril_class=samsung" that i have on my device tree
<diego-ch> logcat shows this:
<diego-ch> any ideas?
<diego-ch> E/AndroidRuntime( 3370): Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
<codeworkx> this means there's no such class
<diego-ch> how can I define which value ro.telephony.ril_class should have?
<codeworkx> depends on your baseband
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<diego-ch> the device is a gt-i9070
<codeworkx> diego-ch: SamsungExynos3RIL
<codeworkx> maybe
<diego-ch> hmm okay
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<sbrissen> codeworkx: does the current mali drivers have memory leaks?
<Espenfjo> r3p0 doesnt, r2p4 does
<sbrissen> k ty
<sbrissen> r2p4 fixed the keyboard glitch, do we think that is a driver issue or could it be the mali lib?
<Espenfjo> mali libs for sure
<Espenfjo> Test the n8000s r3p0 blobs
<Espenfjo> they dont glitch
<Espenfjo> my i9100 is dead at the moment, so I cant help
<sbrissen> the e4gt d710 has the keyboard glitch
<sbrissen> the n8000 pulls the mali lib from smdk4412-common which is the same one we are using on the note 2 lte
<Espenfjo> hm,yeah
<Espenfjo> odd, must be some memory alignment stuff
<sbrissen> any idea what the api version of r2p4 is?
<Espenfjo> 10?
<Espenfjo> 14?
<Espenfjo> 10 i think
<sbrissen> r3 is 14 so it must be 10. thanks
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<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: Hey, could you help me with starting development on Exynos devices, especiaklly the GT-I9300? Thank you.
<Espenfjo> starting development?
<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: Yeah, I want to help with development on Exynos devices :)
<Espenfjo> What do you want to develop?
<Espenfjo> Kernel?
<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: Userspace :)
<w00tc0d3> Having C/C++ knowledge, though I'm not an expert...
<Espenfjo> userspace is mainly java
<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: I took a look at libhardwarecomposer, libgralloc, and it's in C(++). Correct me if I'm wrong.
<Espenfjo> ah, yes
<Espenfjo> It will help you getting started building CM for the i9300
<Espenfjo> Once you have everything working, you can start hacking at the hwc, gralloc etc.
<Espenfjo> *away for a while*
<w00tc0d3> Espenfjo: codeworkx: are there documents out (maybe teamhacksung/CM wrote them?) on how Samsung's blobs work? :)
<sbrissen> or dont work :-P
<w00tc0d3> sbrissen: :-P That's why I'm starting developing on Exynos :-P
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<diego-ch> still trying to figure out the proprietary files here
<diego-ch> gt-i9070 uses stericsson novathor u8500
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<w00tc0d3> diego-ch: AFAIK you cna use objdump -x <so file> | grep -i needed
<diego-ch> i was using readelf
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<codeworkx> w00tc0d3: sourcecode = documentation
<codeworkx> in case of blobs... have fun
<w00tc0d3> codeworkx: you don't document stuff you reverse engineered? :(
<w00tc0d3> anyways
<w00tc0d3> I'll take a look
<codeworkx> if then its commited to the repos
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