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Dan_ has joined #wallaroo
<Dan_> Hi all
Dan_ is now known as Guest58093
<Guest58093> I'm trying to send an external TCP source to wallaroo
<Guest58093> and I don't know how to connect to the TCPSource
<Guest58093> when using Giles sender all is fine
<Guest58093> but anything else - I don't know what to do
<Guest58093> Any tips?
<slfritchie> Guest58093: A Wallaroo TCP source will be listening to a TCP socket only, relying on the external source to initiate one or more TCP connections.
<Guest58093> Okay - I'm trying to connect with conventional TCP clients and not having success
<Guest58093> The TCP socket is listening to localhost:7100 for example
<Guest58093> I can connect with Giles sender to localhost:7100
<Guest58093> but I can't use any other conventional tcp packet senders to connect
<Guest58093> I guess the question is - how do I get the external source to initialize the connection?
<slfritchie> The Giles `sender` is writing framed messages: a 4 byte prefix that specifies a message length, followed by the message's data.
<slfritchie> `nc` or `telnet` don't create that 4 byte prefix for you like `sender` does.
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* SeanTAllen the TCPSource is expecting things in a "message" format rather than a pure stream of bytes. So if you wanted to send the text "hello" as a message, you don't send just "hello" but, "hello" with 4 bytes preceeding it. Those 4 bytes indicate how many bytes the message payload is.
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