promach3: try a slower speed maybe? its not detecting any xilinx devices in the chain, maybe there are SI issues
vup: now I have `Info : 111 5 core.c:1142 jtag_examine_chain_display(): JTAG tap: xc6s.tap tap/device found: 0x44002093 (mfg: 0x049 (Xilinx), part: 0x4002, ver: 0x4)`
however, I still could not load the bitstream onto the FPGA using `sudo /usr/bin/openocd -d -f ./digilent-hs1.cfg -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/cpld/xilinx-xc6s.cfg -c "transport select jtag" -c "adapter speed 1000 init; xc6s_program xc6s.tap; pld load 0 ./ddr3_memory_controller_par.bit ; exit"` Why ?
well you did not give any error message or anything, so no clue?
promach3: other than leaving out the duplicate `transport select jtag`, I see nothing wrong, are you sure it did not actually load the bitstream?
vup: D2 is connected to `FPGA_DONE` signal
that `FPGA_DONE` pin is not user pin though
I could not allocate signal to use that pin though
Yes but is D2 on or off? Or rather does it change after programming?
vup: **D2 stays ON all the time** , be it before or after programming
let me state it again : I do not have control over `FPGA_DONE` pin , hence D2
* let me state it again : I do not have direct control over `FPGA_DONE` pin , hence D2
Yes but FPGA_DONE is low when the fpga is not configured and high when it is
vup: it seems that the manufacturer had burned a startup bitstream into the SPI flash
but it seems that the newly loaded bitstream from xc3sprog did not overwrite the startup bitstream
at least from my visual observation of the LED blinking activities
let me check manufacturer documents again, I could not overwrite the startup bitstream
promach3: yes, you are programming over jtag, the bitstream loaded from the SPI flash, if you want to overwrite that, you need to overwrite the SPI flash content
vup: why need to overwrite SPI flash content ? I just want to load and run a bitstream
there is no need to mess with SSPI flash for now
* there is no need to mess with SPI flash for now
* vup: why need to overwrite SPI flash content ? I just want to load and run a bitstream using JTAG
sure, I thought you wanted to do that. Is there an example bitstream from the manufacturer? Try loading that with openocd or xc3sprog
I have a feeling that the startup bitstream from the SPI flash takes higher priority that the JTAG
it does not
depends on how you do it
if program over JTAG and then power cycle of course the fpga load the bitstream from the SPI flash again
vup: What is the purpose of `PROG_B` ?
but if power up the board and then program the fpga over JTAG it will have the bitstream loaded you programmed over JTAG (until you powercycle)
to be exact, `PROGRAM_B_2`
because when I pull `PROGRAM_B_2` to ground, the D2 signal is low for few seconds
promach3: ug380
which means `PROGRAM_B_2` plays a role in bitstream loading
its a Active-lLow asynchronous full-chip reset
vup: now, I am still stucked at getting bitstream programmed through JTAG
well is there a bitstream provided by the manufacturer you could test xc3sprog with?
<vup "well is there a bitstream provid"> yes
let me try the manufacturer bitstream
vup: I have two manufacturer bitstream, but both did not do anything, it seems
I mean the JTAG-programmed bitstream do not perform the function
vup: let me get back on debugging on this tomorrow. it is a bit late here
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