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<hryx> (^_^)_b I love all the debuggin' goin' on
<Tetralux> :p
<cameris> But isn't it not kind of dangerous to implicitly cast arrays to slices (basically pointers), at least for return values?
<hryx> it can be -- the buggo I asked about earlier is (I think) caused because of returning a slice into a stack allocated array -- one whose pointer is no longer valid after returning
<hryx> but returning a slice into a heap-allocated array is fine
<hryx> in fact cameris that's the interface of an allocator in zig
<hryx> it returns e.g. []u8
<Tetralux> A slice is essentially an array that doesn't own it's memory - it points to someone else's.
<Tetralux> If that memory is on the heap, then you can return it.
<Tetralux> If it's on the stack, you can return it... but it will get clobbered by other local variables the next time you call a fn.
<Tetralux> And so you should not do that.
<Tetralux> .. Which is what happens when you do { var x: [4]u8; return x[0..]; }
<cameris> yeah, ofc you can return a slice. But what I find disturbing is that you could return an array inside such a function and it is implicitly cast to a pointer(==slice).
<Tetralux> It isn't.
<Tetralux> It's "casted" by x[0..]
<Tetralux> The slicing syntax is what's casting it.
<Tetralux> Although "casting" is not the right word here.
<Tetralux> But you get my point.
<Tetralux> Unless I'm not understanding what you mean :p
<cameris> ok. But #2749 wants exatly that.
<hryx> I see your point cameris, but to echo Tetralux, the implicit cast only happens because the return type of the function demands it
<hryx> implicit cast from array to slice is very useful. but I do see how this might be a gotcha
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<cameris> and boolToStr does `return "true"` instead of `return "true"[0..]`, but for strin literals that seems fine I guess.
<Tetralux> I don't really understand where this whole "implicit" thing is coming from - because it isn't. The [0..] is explict.
<hryx> cameris: regarding 2749, I probably should have used a different type to demonstrate the issue, which is about peer resolution and not array-to-slice specifically
<Tetralux> And yes.
<mikdusan3> i hope i'm correct here; when creating the expression for array... if it's LITERAL then safe to slice and return. if there is any runtime item in array, it's no longer literal and now stack-based and unsafe to slice/return.
<Tetralux> If the type is [N]T
<Tetralux> Then it's on the stack.
<Tetralux> And you should not return a slice that into to it.
<hryx> Tetralux: `[_]u8{c}` is an array type. so in my example in 2749, it is implicitly being cast to a slice `[]u8{c}`
<hryx> upon being returned
<mikdusan3> i'm looking at llvm-ir and if [N]T is something like [_]u8{ 1,2,3 } is not stack.
<mikdusan3> var a: u8 = 10; [_]u8{ 1, a, a } is stack tmp. so that would be unsafe to slice/return.
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<Tetralux> See - there's a point there that I agree with. Having the _ tells me "infer how many goes here". So if it produces an array that isn't on the stack, I'd consider that a bit of a gotcha.
<Tetralux> Unless there's some reason for that that makes more sense.
<mikdusan3> i wonder if this is something the compiler could check. if stack sliced is returned, emit error.
<Tetralux> I think there are considerations of that.
<Tetralux> I don't know if there's an issue for it, but I seem to recall the idea that it would become a compile error.
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<emekankurumeh[m]> there's an open issue for it
<fengb> Returning a pointer to a stack variable generates an error so the same should apply for slices
<Tetralux> ^
<cameris> well, thx everyone for clearing that up for me.
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<Tetralux> cameris, Welcome o7
<hryx> mikdusan3: pushed your change, thanks so much
<mikdusan3> 👍
<hryx> I'll make it not return a bad pointer too, even though tests are passing for me locally
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<tgschultz> not necessarily. comptime [N]T is totally a thing.
<tgschultz> ack, I was a few lines behind it seems
<Tetralux> hyrx: If you return it and then immediately read it without calling anything else beforehand, it's very possible it'd work.
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<hryx> Tetralux: surely that explains why the tests passed sometimes. but since the behavior is undefined I shouldn't leave it in there
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<Tetralux> Seems reasonable.
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<mikdusan3> is this activated only for non-NDEBUG builds, for performance reasons?
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<fengb> incompatible types: 'u16' and 'i8'
<fengb> Shouldn't I be able to do 'u16' + 'i8'?
<curtisf> what would you expect the result type to be in that case? i16?
<fengb> u16
<tgschultz> fengb: consider the case that u16 = 1 and i8 = -2. The result would overflow. That's fine, but zig requires you to be explicit about how you want that to go down.
<fengb> Subtract if it's negative
<curtisf> why u16? is it because it has more precision? or because that's the left operand type?
<fengb> Both in this case :P
<curtisf> it seems weird that u16 + i16 would be u16 but i16 + u16 would be i16
<curtisf> I really think that this kind of thing should require an explicit cast
<fengb> tgschultz: but overflow can happen already. And I don't have an operator for 2s complement overflow for mixed types
<fengb> Problem is, it's not just a cast
<fengb> if (offset >= 0) src._ + @intCast(u8, offset) else src._ - @intCast(u8, -offset);
<fengb> I have to type this everywhere
<tgschultz> while that behavior may be obvious for your particular use case, I can think of several other behaviors that would be obvious for others, which is why zig requires the explicitness.
<fengb> I kinda want another operator here :P
<tgschultz> anyways, why not just bitcast it to u8?
<tgschultz> my_u16 +%= @bitCast(u8, my_i8)
<fengb> Because I need subtraction and the bigger addr
<tgschultz> adding a bitcasted i8 is the same as what you're doing because that's how two's compliment works.
<tgschultz> well, until you go negative on the result anyway
<curtisf> maybe specifically `+%` could allow unsigned +% signed?
<fengb> u8 negative isn't u16 negative
<fengb> I'd have to extend the i8 negative into u16 negative space
<tgschultz> oh right, there is that. you'd have to sign extend it to i16, forgive me
<curtisf> will bitcast not sign extend for you?
<tgschultz> you can only bitcast to something that has the same byte representation
<fengb> I could intCast to i16 then bitcast to u16
<tgschultz> so you can bitcast i8/u8, i4/u8, i13/u16, but not i8/u16
<fengb> I'll toss this into a function and deal with it later
<fengb> As much as I'm complaining... this is helping find some brutal edge cases that were totally hidden in my C code
<tgschultz> there's a reason zig makes you be explicit
<curtisf> Maybe `@bitCastSignExtend` would be useful? Although I suppose it can be implemented in terms of bit-casting and int-casting so maybe it could just be a library function if it's not already one
<fengb> I didn't know about bitcast though. That's really handy thanks
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<daurnimator> curtisf: the whole point of @bitCast is it has to be the same exact size
<daurnimator> its casting bits
<daurnimator> fengb: I think you're looking for: @bitCast(u16, @intCast(i16, myuint8)) or you can probably write: @bitCast(u16, i16(myuint8))
<curtisf> but sign extending does involve the same bit pattern; I don't think it's unreasonable to tie them together since it really is a single operation since part of the 'interpretation' of a type from bits includes how to fill in "missing" leading bits. I see it a bit unfortunate that you need to write both `u16` and `i16` in that expression when it does
<curtisf> n't actually add anything to clarity or safety (in fact it's a place where a typo / miscommunication becomes possible)
<daurnimator> curtisf: but you can't bitcast e.g. a u8 to a u16. you can't bitcast to something a different size
<curtisf> why not, though? For example, the bit pattern `0b1111` interpreted as an `i8` *is* -128, because this is how twos-complement numbers are interpreted
<curtisf> I think it's reasonable for this to maybe be a concept with a slightly different name, but I think this is a reasonable concept to include in the language or at least in the standard library
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<fengb> It's not quite as nice since underflows and overflows should be treated distinctly
<fengb> But... in my case I don't care so it works :P
<fengb> Casting to unsigned makes all subtraction operations overflows, which isn't always correct
<fengb> Er... not subtraction but rather "add by negative" triggers overflow, but so does actual overflow (0xFFFFFFFF + 1 vs 1 + 0xFFFFFFFF)
<fengb> It's late and my words are failing
<daurnimator> curtisf: 0b1111 is a comptime_int
<daurnimator> curtisf: you can't bitcast a comptime_int
<curtisf> I was referring abstractly to the concept of 4 bits, not a zig literal
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<fubd> trying to build the tetris example this morning on windows, but i'm having trouble with the linker, and getting more info out of its errors...
<fubd> lld: error: undefined symbol: glfwSetErrorCallback
<fubd> but when i open the DLL that corresponds to the glfw.lib i'm linking against, i see the glfwSetErrorCallback function
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<fubd> now I've got to this ponint:
<fubd> C:\Users\Kevin\src\tetris>zig build play -Dwindows=true
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<fubd> is windows/msvc supported yet?
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<fubd> C:\Users\Kevin\src\tetris>zig --libc win.libc build play -Dwindows=true
<fubd> C:\Users\Kevin\src\tetris>zig build play --libc win.libc -Dwindows=true
<fubd> It's not clear to me where I should be putting the --libc argument.
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<IntoxicatedHippo> Is there some way I could do this? comptime { asm (@embedFile("foo.s"); }
<IntoxicatedHippo> Nevermind, I've just realised the compiler has a flag to add assembly files
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<scientes> how do i resolve a ZigTypeIdMetaType to a real type?
<scientes> i probably shouldn't be using it at all, but i realized get_vector_type returns a metatype rather than a type
<scientes> oh it looks like i can just pun it to a vector
<scientes> nvm
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<fubd> I'm trying to call a function in a DLL/lib with @cImport on Windows, but the linker isn't prefixing my function name with an underscore. using `dumpbin /exports glfw.lib` shows that the exported functions look like _glfwInit
<fubd> how do I get lld to prefix my function names?
<darithorn> fubd are you trying to use glfw in zig?
<darithorn> inside your @cImport you can just do @cInclude("GLFW/glfw3.h"); and then in your build.zig you link the DLL there
<darithorn> but i may be understanding your issue incorrectly
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<rbscott> Hello, I am stuck trying to figure out how to use the function sqlite3_bind_text from zig, the last argument is a callback and can pass sqlite3.SQLITE_STATIC = 0, and is compile time error. sqlite3.TRANSIENT is -1, and that is also a compile time error. Probably an easy fix, but I am at a loss.
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<fubd> @darithorn i am doing that
<fubd> but the issue is that my glfw is built by a windows linker
<fubd> which prefixes all function names with an underscore
<fubd> but when i cImport the header, zig is expecting to link with the functions without underscores
<samtebbs> andrewrk: When trying to copy what you did with build_options in clashos, I get an `error: FileNotFound`. I'm adding the build_option with `const obj = b.addObject(file, file_path); obj.addBuildOption(u8, "test", 'a');`
<samtebbs> The error: . Am I doing anything wrong?
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<rbscott> For sqlite3.SQLITE_STATIC, `null` works as a substitute, but it looks like constants from cImport don't work.
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<marler8997_> marler
<rbscott> For sqlite3.SQLITE_TRANSIENT converted it to `@intToPtr(extern fn(?*c_void) void, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)` and that seems to work.
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<Tetralux> rbscott: Makes sense.
<Tetralux> Kinda funky that's how SqlLite works, but... /shrug.
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<Sahnvour> is there a generic way to query the active tag of a tagged union ? ie. get the enum value associated, without a switch
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<Tetralux> Does the @typeInfo have it?
<emekankurumeh[m]> std.meta.ActiveTag
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<Sahnvour> emekankurumeh[m]: thanks, I missed it
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<HelloThere54321> I need some help with a generic list, I need a list that can have any type of data
<emekankurumeh[m]> a homogeneous or heterogeneous list?
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<Tetralux> I am also curious about how one might do that.
<curtisf> (assuming you mean heterogenous list) what do you need to do with it? do you operate on it at comptime or at runtime?
<HelloThere54321> both i guess
<HelloThere54321> at runtime
<HelloThere54321> but will know the types and values at comptime
<curtisf> to clarify: you need heterogeneous lists? std.ArrayList does not do what you want?
<curtisf> For heterogeneous lists, I think you could use an array of TypeInfo, and an array of pointers-as-integers. Your `get` function would take a position, and (comptime) the type expected to be at that position, and it would assert that the TypeInfo matches, and then do the pointer cast for you.
<Tetralux> You might also be able to store an array of struct { info: TypeInfo, valuePtr: usize } and do the same thing as above.
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<curtisf> locality would be better for storing them separately, no? but yea a list of pairs instead of a pair of lists would also work
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<curtisf> (especially if you want to turn of type-verification in release builds)
<HelloThere54321> but the types of each tuple will be different and so cant declare a variable with a type as you dont know the type yet
<Tetralux> You'd store std.ArrayList(Any), where const Any = struct { info: TypeInfo, valuePtr: *void };
<Tetralux> The struct is the same type regardless of what type is stored within.
<HelloThere54321> are, so u can have a void pointer
<Tetralux> I would hope so.
<emekankurumeh[m]> no you would have to have something like a *@OpaqueType
<Tetralux> That's kind of weird that you cannot say *void...
<Tetralux> But no matter
<Tetralux> Just store it as a usize instead then.
<Tetralux> And put a comment that it's a pointer, unless valuePtr is clear enough.
<HelloThere54321> coolio, i'll try the *@OpaqueType
<HelloThere54321> then will have to case
<HelloThere54321> or take the address and store in usize :)
<Akuli> i think someone has zig "void pointer" code on github
<Akuli> last time i asked the suggestion was to make a big union(enum) :D
<curtisf> well... if you actually can list out all of the possible cases that's probably going to be more understandable
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<curtisf> Oh, can you not use method syntax with comptime args? Do comptime args have to appear first? That's kind of inconvenient
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<HelloThere54321> cant seen to find the github thing, could u find a link
<hryx> I don't understand the why the Windows CI is failing for this. Can anyone see the problem?
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<Sahnvour> hryx: these are static asserts failing at lines 1304 and 1330 of zig_clang.cpp
<hryx> ah!
<Sahnvour> as for why they fail, I don't know
<hryx> curious, how did you find that? The CI output is pretty big and I can't navigate it well
<Sahnvour> opened the BuildWindows tab, clicked on the red error line to get full output
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<Sahnvour> and at the end of log you can see `D:\a\1\s\src\zig_clang.cpp(1304): error C2338: [D:\a\1\s\build\zig_cpp.vcxproj]`
<hryx> got it, thanks
<hryx> yeah, I wonder why these asserts are failing, and only on windows
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<Sahnvour> that's easy to get different sizes for a struct on different platforms
<hryx> I think I see what's up. this is that type I had to get the size of experimentally:
<Sahnvour> yeah that looks fishy :p
<hryx> andrew and I had a conversation on IRC that led to that approach. I guess it will have to be different sizes on different platforms
<mikdusan3> i think you have only the first field of that struct
<hryx> there was some reason why I couldn't just define all the struct fields in there. I don't quite remember. Maybe I'm wrong and it's possible?
<hryx> my knokwledge of C++ is pretty wimpy
<hryx> mikdusan3: can you explain? The definition has one ValueKind enum and then an array to pad the rest of the struct
<mikdusan3> i must be looking at wrong SourceLocation. where is clang::SourceLocation ?
<hryx> This is for ZigClangAPValue, not ZigClangSourceLocation
<hryx> just a couple lines above
<mikdusan3> just shoot me.
<hryx> I refuse!
<Sahnvour> hryx: sizeof(clang::APValue) is 56 in debug mode on windows, fwiw
<hryx> thanks Sahnvour. do you see any alternative to just hardcoding those two sizes based on platform?
<hryx> here's the doc for clang::APValue
<hryx> I think putting all the fields in would require defining a lot more clang types in zig
<Sahnvour> I never looked closely to this zig_clang thing, but what it's doing is absically defining opaque typedefs over clang types ?
<hryx> OpaqueTypes are being created whenever we only need pointers
<hryx> but in this case, the struct size needs to be known
<Sahnvour> yes, I mean replicating clang types on zig side to have binary compatibility
<hryx> ah, yep exactly
<Sahnvour> ok
<Sahnvour> #ifdefing the struct definition would be the simplest I think
<hryx> sounds good. hopefully there aren't any other differences based on release mode etc.
<hryx> thanks for finding the size
<hryx> could this difference be because the Kind enum is different sizes on different platforms?
<hryx> I don't know how enums behave under the hood
<Sahnvour> bare enums default to int's size
<Sahnvour> note that 56 is the full size of the class, you'd still have to subtract `Kind` from this
<hryx> gotcha
<Sahnvour> I think `DataType Data;` might be the member changing size
<Sahnvour> it's a typedef over AlignedCharArrayUnion which inherits fdrom AlignedCharrArray
<Sahnvour> which has a different implementation on windows, regarding alignment and such
<hryx> ahh right, now I remember. there's that super weird template-based union which determines the size
<hryx> what you said
<Sahnvour> but it's too late for the rabbit hole so I will stop there :P
<hryx> thanks again, this should get things passing
<Sahnvour> no problem
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<emekankurumeh[m]> setting the target in build.zig seems to brake my entire build
<tgschultz> tetralux, Tuple form of comptime pseudo struct may interest you:
<emekankurumeh[m]> zig's lazy analysis is kinda making me mad right now
<emekankurumeh[m]> i spent way too long trying to figure out why some symbols weren't being exported until i realized it was because i didn't have `comptime { _ = already_imported_module; }` in my files
<Tetralux> Things that are exported should probably always be there?
<Tetralux> Also tgschultz, that's interesting. Kinda hard to follow, but interesting that you can do that.
<emekankurumeh[m]> nope, because the file imported wasn't used anywhere so zig didn't compile it
<Tetralux> But `already_imported_module` though?
<Tetralux> Oh oh
<tgschultz> Yeah, sorry, the blog entry was meant to try and explain the base concept, but I admit it isn't my best documentation.
<Tetralux> It wasn't compiling it because without the comptime block using it
<Tetralux> It just goes "Meh - don't need this!"
<Tetralux> Whereas with it, it's forced to look at it, and therefore includes it?
<emekankurumeh[m]> which is strange because i wasn't getting any errors despite the linker file needing those symbols
<Tetralux> tgschultz, I gotta be honest, I find the code to actually make that work pretty unreadable and hard to understand xD
<Tetralux> emekankurumeh[m], That... is quite odd.
<tgschultz> Well the base version is pretty simple, but the version I distribute does some code reuse, so yeah. The basic idea is that you have a struct type S, right? That contains a member representing the type you want to store, T, as well as some other struct P. Then you create another struct S' where P is S, then do it again, and again... then there are some accessor functions to allow accessing the desired embedded value by some
<tgschultz> identity. In Tuple, it's an int.
<Tetralux> I see.
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<Tetralux> I feel like varargs would be useful here...
<tgschultz> you'd think that wouldn't you? unfortunately not, due to not being usable in comptime functions
<tgschultz> that'll be remedied when varargs are replaced
<Tetralux> Something like "const T = MakeStruct(U, V, W, X, Y, Z).init(1, f64(2.0), f32(3.0), u64(47));
<Tetralux> And not only that
<Tetralux> But have it easier to write such an implementation without having to resort to things like PsudeoStruct and .Add and Self.Add and things.
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<Tetralux> I'd have to read it like 5 times to figure out how it actually did what it's doing xD
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<tgschultz> actually you could just do `const T = Tuple(u8(1), f65(2.0), f32(3.0), u64(47));` if varargs worked right at comptime
<tgschultz> there's a variation of that already in Psudo
<Sahnvour> I look forward to when we won't have to go to such lengths to create types :) but it's impressive nonetheless tgschultz
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<scientes> how do i test if something is undefined?
<Sahnvour> scientes: you can't really, unless you have a reserved value to represent a particular undefined state
<scientes> cause i need it to write a test
<scientes> oh actually i can
<scientes> because it is just a bool
<scientes> and undef with be != true, and != false
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<scientes> and undef and NAN is the only thing that does not equal itsself
<tgschultz> is this a comptime undef? as in the undefined type?
<scientes> (only if you never hit llvm)
<scientes> yeah bin_op doesn't take undefs currently
<scientes> ran accross that while fixing something else
<scientes> like > = !=
<scientes> hmm, in godbolt is seems to work
<scientes> guess i will have to look at it some more
<scientes> yeah its generating code for a comptime variable
<Tetralux> scientes: In C, `false` is 1, but any value that is not zero is considered true.
<Tetralux> I don't know if that's true in zig or not.
<Tetralux> If so, I'd suggest that to check for undefined, cast to int and check it's != 0 and != 1.
<scientes> you can just do undefined == undefined
<scientes> ahh there is the error
<scientes> oh undefined == undefined return undefined....
<scientes> what am i thinking
<scientes> i already coded it that way, but i wasn't thinking
<scientes> its a poison value
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