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<rifkik> Hello Everyone
<pixelherodev> hi
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<tgschultz> ntgg, you can just for loop over slices: for(my_slice)|item, index| { ... }
<pixelherodev> Is the repo on abandoned?
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<daurnimator> mq32: right. but if that function has side effects....
<mq32> daurnimator: can comptime functions have side effects?
<mq32> ah well
<mq32> probably could modify a comptime var
<daurnimator> yep
<daurnimator> or e.g. @export someting
<mq32> this is a bit creepy
<mq32> :D
<mq32> hm. i'm trying to hack together some basic markdown renderer
<mq32> i looked at the spec for common mark because i thought that would be reasonable
<mq32> it is not. :D
<mq32> daurnimator, do you think it's sane to assume that programmers write valid markdown? :D
<daurnimator> mq32: this sort of thing I usually use a peg engine....
<mq32> i don't think PEG can express markdown
<mq32> **a* is "*<emph>a</emph>
<mq32> whereas
<mq32> **a** is "<strong>a</strong>
<mq32> and
<mq32> *a** is "<emph>a</emph>*
<daurnimator> mq32: lunamark is peg based IIRC.
<mq32> huh crazy
<mq32> ah. lpeg can do backcaptures
<mq32> didn't know that
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<mq32> my hacky parser also works now
<mq32> support for links, images and internal refs is still missing, but the "rest" of my planned feature set works
<pixelherodev> Weird Zig bug with my kernel: if try/catch are used in kmain, backtracing fails
<pixelherodev> Weirdest part is, this happens even with a catch that literally never triggers
<pixelherodev> Fortunately, once i realized the cause, it's really easy to work around :P
<mq32> if you "try" in your entry function, it will probably fail because of an invalid return type
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<pixelherodev> Correction: if I do, for instance, `_ = serial.setup() catch null;` backtracing fails
<pixelherodev> If I change the return type of serial.setup to bool and have it catch memory allocation errors internally, suddenly backtracing works again
<pixelherodev> It's very easy to demonstrate the causal link
<pixelherodev> Oh yeah - on that note, my kernel now supports serial using a stream opened with `std.fs.File.openWrite("/dev/ttyS0")` :D
<pixelherodev> But yeah, even just writing a shell function that does `catch return` and calling that works
<pixelherodev> As long as I don't have `catch` in kmain, it's fine
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<pixelherodev> These stack traces are amazing though
<pixelherodev> Deliberately set a slice too small to read just to see the stack trace :P
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, nice. no color though?
<andrewrk> you can also use @panic("blah")
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<nrdmn> speaking of that topic... std currently expects stderr to be a file, i.e. something that has a file descriptor and implements a file interface. in UEFI, file handles and character devices have different interfaces. a write operation on a file is a completely different operation than a write on stdout or stderr.
<nrdmn> should we just have a wrapper structure around file descriptors for uefi that contains a flag whether it's a regular file or something else, which then decides internally which interface to call?
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<andrewrk> on posix std.os.fd_t is i32, on windows std.os.fd_t is Is there a sensible value that fd_t could be for UEFI?
<nrdmn> andrewrk: simply a pointer to the struct representing the file or character device would come clostest to a "file descriptor"
<nrdmn> but a write() would have to do different things to write to a file or to a character device
<nrdmn> so we'd have to put type information on that pointer
<andrewrk> so it could be a tagged union
<nrdmn> that could work
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<riba> what does "pointer type child x cannot cast into pointer type child y" mean
<riba> i re-declared a struct i need to pass to C code because annoyingly some things were not const there and i just wanna pass static strings
<riba> otherwise i just copied the generated definition so it should fit
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<andrewrk> riba, that is telling you why the types don't match
<andrewrk> more notes might follow
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<riba> andrewrk: thanks, but it seems i simply was not paying attention. i cast the wrong variable and imagined the output to be different from before
<riba> too tired for this rn, i think :D
<pixelherodev> andrewrk, only color there is foreground/background color; I'm not doing anything fancy just yet
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<andrewrk> someone added a zig benchmark here and put mmap calls in the hot path 🤦
<pixelherodev> That's...
<andrewrk> if zig is below C in any benchmark, it's a bug in the code somewhere
<andrewrk> I'm not kidding
<pixelherodev> On a different note, thanks for reminding me about `catch unreachable`
<pixelherodev> A lot more useful in a kernel where a lot of operations can *technically* error except not raelly
<andrewrk> yeah. use it with caution, but it definitely has places where it is the correct thing to do
<pixelherodev> Yeah - for instance, my overridden I/O stuffs. `std.fs.File.openWrite/openRead` are guaranteed to succeed on my target, so instead of using an optional type an unwrapping whenever I want to print, I can just do `var ttyS0 = std.fs.File.openWrite("/dev/ttyS0") catch unreachable`
<andrewrk> that checks out
<fengb> It’s like they’re intentionally making zig much harder -_-
<pixelherodev> Though I'm starting to think that while this is cool, it might not be worth having to manually update my standard library periodically
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<pixelherodev> Well, Zig *is* a complete paradigm shift, it takes some getting used to
<pixelherodev> I spent a few days trying to program it as if it was C also
<fengb> I suppose HeapAllocator kinda sounds correct heh
<andrewrk> ugh. this person who did the benchmarks repo is a V community member. so of course they wrote a shitty zig benchmark and then ranked zig lower than v in the results
<andrewrk> when the fixed benchmark is actually faster than their reference C code...
<andrewrk> it's hard not to feel a little bit hostile when someone is being actively deceitful about performance
<jaredmm> Trying to replicate WNDCLASSA wndClass = { 0 }; in Zig turns into something like...std.mem.set(u8, ([]u8)(&wndClass)[0..1], 0), right?
<andrewrk> jaredmm, that should work, if the type checker lets you do it
<pixelherodev> Wow, yeah, did not know that
<pixelherodev> It's not just faster than the reference implementation, it's faster than the *optimized SSSE version*
<pixelherodev> ... and unlike V, it doesn't need *2GB of RAM that's insane*
<fengb> Wow
<pixelherodev> This is honestly incredibly impressive. How *does* Zig beat the SSSE version? Does the encoder use SIMD instructions or something?
<andrewrk> pixelherodev, zig is great at cross compiling right? so when you're not cross compiling, zig knows OK, this is the native target for sure, if they were cross compiling, they would have told me
<andrewrk> so it does the equivalent of -mcpu=native for the native targets
<pixelherodev> ...
* pixelherodev is stunned
<andrewrk> it does this if you use zig as a C compiler as well
<pixelherodev> That - that should probably be in the docs, right?
<pixelherodev> Now the real question is how does it compare to the C example under -mcpu=native
<pixelherodev> I wouldn't be surprised if it's still faster, but it's probably closer
<pixelherodev> ah well, not important. At least, not to me. Performance is a really nice bonus, but it's probably, like, #3 or 4 on my list of favorite parts of Zig :)
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<andrewrk> pixelherodev, it's mentioned here:
<andrewrk> the adjusted zig example code is faster, because they use malloc() in the hot path in the c example...
<andrewrk> the person is complaining that zig is hard to use, citing issues with allocating memory, but then goes and puts malloc() in the hot path of a base64 benchmark. it's almost like the language is providing friction for doing it wrong
<andrewrk> I should ignore this, the real benchmark game to care about is
<andrewrk> tiehuis has some work towards this:
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<pixelherodev> Huh, so it is :)
<emekankurumeh[m]> for that "benchmark" couldn't we just get zig to do that at comptime, with a static buffer?
<pixelherodev> Probably, but I think that would violate the point
<pixelherodev> The point isn't "embed statically calculated base64 encoding", it's do it at runtime and see how quickly you can
<andrewrk> technically the benchmark does not actually utilize the results of the computation, if llvm were smart enough it would delete all the loops
<emekankurumeh[m]> but their example is more or less asking how fast the allocator is :/
<andrewrk> it should be called test-allocation then instead of test-base64
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<andrewrk> does windows have the equivalent of AT_FDCWD? for use with NtQueryDirectoryFile
* pixelherodev knows nothing about Windows beyond "it nightmare stay away"
<pixelherodev> sorry
<emekankurumeh[m]> wouldn't you just get a handle for the cwd and just call it with that>
<andrewrk> emekankurumeh[m], yes but AT_FDCWD for example is an integer so it can be initialized at comptime, whereas getting the handle for cwd (which function is that, btw?) would have to be done at runtime, protected by a lock, or before main()
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<emekankurumeh[m]> though you might be able to find the nt functions it calls and search from there
<andrewrk> yeah that's the best I found too