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<gruebite> i feel like zig and C could be happy siblings. as long as that interfacing is hidden from library consumers
<fengb> Macro less C can possibly be fully translated
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<pixelherodev> not quit
<pixelherodev> quite*
<pixelherodev> like, 90% I think
<gruebite> so is it preferrable to fix the C so translate-c work and have a zig-only library, or to have the user addCSourceFile?
<pixelherodev> Ehh, neither
<pixelherodev> That's not what I meant
<pixelherodev> I meant that we should have a way to have addPackage do that automatically
<gruebite> yeah, i agree :D
<pixelherodev> Maybe a separate function in build.zig that runs when the package is being imported?
<gruebite> that's a thought i had too haha
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<gruebite> build/consume but idk. ideally the same interface should cover both cases
<gruebite> maybe a way to mark in build.zig what's required to be consumed
<gruebite> but in the meantime, is there an expectation from zig users?
<pixelherodev> probably addCSource for now
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: another idea for stage2: maybe we should have all genFuncInst calls resolve to genInstAsm?
<pixelherodev> So e.g. genSetReg resolves to genInstAsm(mov inputs=blah)
<pixelherodev> Could be a partially comptime call
<pixelherodev> (resolve the strings at comptime, so it has no runtime compilation overhead)
<pixelherodev> It'd mean a small performance cost when compiling the stage2 compiler, in exchange for cleaner deduplicated code
<pixelherodev> Then we could also move genInstAsm into std.assembler.ARCH and expose assemblers for all supported targets for arbitrary usage
<frmdstryr> Can I make a single field volatile?
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<leeward> There's some discussion in there, but the short answer is no.
<leeward> Unless the field is a pointer.
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<gruebite> if i wanted to tackle the C ABI compatibility, is there context i should have? i recall there being a discussion on wanting to implement it fully at a specific stage (not in c++)
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<shakesoda> is there literally any use for volatile other than mmio
<shakesoda> like, if you hypothetically just actually named it "mmio" as an attribute pointers can have, would that be accurate
<shakesoda> emphasis on this as a question and not a suggestion
<gruebite> *mmio foo?
<leeward> shakesoda: I don't know of another use for volatile.
<shakesoda> gruebite: yeah
<leeward> It doesn't help with regular memory, since it doesn't affect caches. A cache hit means it won't read from main memory, volatile or not.
<leeward> If you want to prevent timing attacks, for example, you have to use other mechanisms to evict cache lines.
<leeward> The only other thing it could affect is aliased pointers, but we have other mechanisms for that.
<pixelherodev> leeward: shakesoda: I believe other uses are mentioned
<pixelherodev> Somewhere deep in a GH thread
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<andrewrk> shakesoda, yeah, mmio is just about it
<leeward> There could be an ISR that services some piece of hardware and updates a chunk of memory as its mechanism for communicating with the rest of the system. That might need volatile pointers.
<leeward> That case is very similar to mmio though.
<andrewrk> it could be renamed to "sideeffect" and would be a nice change for asm as well
<leeward> It's just emulated.
<andrewrk> `asm sideeffect` / `*sideeffect T`
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<eleanor-nb> May I suggest `impure`? Shorter, and in line with FP terminology. At one time introducing it was part of #5241.
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<gruebite> i think impure would be confusing here. not sure fp constructs map well to hardware semantics.
<leeward> Particularly since it implies that things not using it are pure, which could lead to a lot of overuse.
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<gruebite> yeah
<gruebite> i don't mind volatile, since it's deeply rooted in C terminology and familiar. but still misunderstood? i'm not sure how prominent the belief it's for atomic operations is.
<DarkUranium> There's also the fact that `volatile` means different things in C vs Java, gruebite.
<leeward> I have no data, but I doubt it's more prominent than the belief it's for "stuff I don't need."
<DarkUranium> And the fact that *none* of the compilers are compliant with C semantics. (I don't remember why, but I think it has something to do with C semantics not really being useful)
<leeward> Wha? I've never run into a volatile bug.
<DarkUranium> leeward, I've lost the source, but I've just read comments by the C standards committee yesterday, on that very topic (among others).
<DarkUranium> The basically said that they investigated this, and it turned out that 0 compilers implement `volatile` according to Cstd semantics, and it is something that kernel developers (where the difference between the two is critical) are simply aware that this is one of those "normal deviations" --- and they also said that's okay, because C was designed to be practical, so standard theorycrafting is useless if it doesn't fit a purpose.
<gruebite> java's at a higher level, it won't be touching volatile memory.
<DarkUranium> leeward, to be clear, apparently, all compilers implement the same semantics --- it just doesn't happen to be the semantics that the C standard specifies.
<gruebite> and i think the correctness of the semantics vs it's intended use is a separate topic
<gruebite> its*
<DarkUranium> I don't know how old the comments were though, so maybe C11 or C14 reconciles that.
<gruebite> huh, apparently C# has volatile too. didn't know that
<gruebite> also used differently haha
<DarkUranium> Does C# have the same semantics as Java there, or ...?
<leeward> Are you talking about fencing? Most C compilers will reorder access to non-volatile memory around access to volatile memory, but it's not clear the standard forbids that. At least, it wasn't in C99.
<DarkUranium> leeward, shakesoda: on `volatile` uses, there are.
<DarkUranium> (w.r.t. this:)
<DarkUranium> <shakesoda> is there literally any use for volatile other than mmio
<DarkUranium> <shakesoda> like, if you hypothetically just actually named it "mmio" as an attribute pointers can have, would that be accurate
<DarkUranium> For example, `setjmp` invalidates all non-volatile locals after a longjmp(). So if you want to use `if(setjmp(...)) { do_something(some_local); }`
<DarkUranium> Then e.g. `int some_local = 5;` is UB; you need `volatile int some_local = 5;`
<DarkUranium> s/some local/some_local/
<DarkUranium> WTF, hexchat is deleting underscores?
<shakesoda> i'm seeing them here.
<DarkUranium> Huh, weird.
<shakesoda> the longjmp issue wouldn't apply in zig, right
<DarkUranium> shakesoda, unless you're compiling specifically to C, no.
<DarkUranium> shakesoda, I seem to remember that non-constant globals used in signal handlers (read *or* write) need to be `volatile` too.
<DarkUranium> I'm sure there are other issues. `volatile` in C is basically `uncached`.
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<ikskuh> ifreund: now that Dunstblick is near-100% zig, i lost most of my code documentation :D
<ikskuh> i should switch the doc generator to the zig one
<ifreund> that'd be good, we need more people to learn how the zig docgen works :P
<ikskuh> haha :D
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<ikskuh> first step: add support for that into build.zig
<ikskuh> aaaand it "failed"
<ikskuh> docs are somewhere lost in the zig-cache
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<protheory8-new-m> How do I link my Zig library to C library `` in `build.zig` file?
<protheory8-new-m> * How do I link my Zig library to C library file `` in `build.zig` file?
<ikskuh> b.addDynamicLibrary("name", "path/to/lib.zig", .{ .major = 1, .minor = 0, .revision = 0 });
<ikskuh> will give you a library project
<ikskuh> oh
<ikskuh> other way round :D
<ikskuh> you have to use zigthing.addLibPath("./path/to/lib/folder");
<ikskuh> then zigthing.linkSystemLibrary("yourlib");
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<protheory8-new-m> Thanks!
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<protheory8-new-m> Seems like Zig compiler thinks it's a path in include directory
<protheory8-new-m> Any way to make it do `#include "./c_lib/lib.h"`?
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<protheory8-new-m> Nevermind, `lib.addSystemIncludeDir("./src/c_lib/include");` in `build.zig` works.
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<protheory8-new-m> Now how do I link Zig executable to Zig static library?
<ikskuh> the same way you link dynamic libraries
<ikskuh> there's no difference between a C and a zig static/dynamic library
<ikskuh> but you might want to "link" zig code as a package instead of a library
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<protheory8-new-m> > but you might want to "link" zig code as a package instead of a library
<protheory8-new-m> `LibExeObjStep.addPackage()`?
<ikskuh> yep
<protheory8-new-m> * > but you might want to "link" zig code as a package instead of a library
<protheory8-new-m> `LibExeObjStep.addPackage()`?
<protheory8-new-m> What are the benefits of linking as a package?
<pixelherodev> How would one even link against static Zig? `extern` everything?
<ikskuh> linking as a package gives you Zig ABI
<ikskuh> so comptime, slices, …
<ikskuh> linking as a library means you're bound to C ABI
<ikskuh> no namespaces, no tagged unions, …
<protheory8-new-m> Well, the library only exports one variable, doesn't really matter here.
<ikskuh> even then
<ikskuh> :D
<protheory8-new-m> So `LibExeObjStep.linkSystemLibrary()` also works on static libraries?
<ikskuh> yep
<protheory8-new-m> Doesn't seem to work for me
<ikskuh> if you are in build.zig
<ikskuh> and you build the library there
<ikskuh> you can link that with linkArtifact i think
<protheory8-new-m> Nah, library and executable are two different projects.
<ikskuh> then you also have to add a libraryPath
<ikskuh> addLibraryPath i think
<protheory8-new-m> I guess I don't need to do import?
<ikskuh> you cannot @import a library
<ikskuh> if you have a C header, you need to use @cImport
<protheory8-new-m> I don't have one
<ikskuh> else you need to write your own package/zig file defining the correct extern symbols
<pixelherodev> You'll need to define the library functions
<pixelherodev> Yeah
<protheory8-new-m> How do I get C header though?
<protheory8-new-m> I guess I need to write it manually
<fengb> Zig prefers to share via code
<fengb> We don't have a defined ABI so it's basically using C's
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<protheory8-new-m> I got `addPackage()` working, thanks everyone!
<protheory8-new-m> btw, why is `std.heap.page_allocator` so slow?
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<fengb> Because it's wired into mmap directly. It's not intended to be a general purpose allocator
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<alexnask> DarkUranium Hey, ping me anytime if you want to talk about zls or lsp stuff, just saw your message in the logs, I wasnt around in IRC for a bit
<DarkUranium> alexnask, yo!
<DarkUranium> pong :)
<alexnask> hihi
<DarkUranium> Fair warning, I'm not actually familiar with zig otherwise.
<alexnask> No problem :P
<DarkUranium> I basically just wanted to ask if you had any guidelines to creating a language with builtin LSP support (n.b.: when I say "LSP", I mean "C API with same features" --- not talking about actual HTTP+JSON protocol, I'll do that via a wrapper)
<DarkUranium> Bit of background first:
<scientes> DarkUranium, "builtin" is kinda a mis-nomer, the only important thing is to use the same parser
<pixelherodev> Not here
<scientes> and AST
<DarkUranium> scientes, don't you want the same semantic analysis, too?
<pixelherodev> It's for a language with an embedded runtime
<alexnask> I assume they are talking about integrating it into the compiler
<pixelherodev> Yep
<alexnask> Which is also a goal for stage 2 eventually afaict
<DarkUranium> I'm making an embeddable (in the "inside C programs" sense, like Lua; not in the "inside microcontrollers" sense) statically-typed language. A certain someone mentioned this LSP stuff, and I kind of realized that it would be *awesome* if my language had that. It would make it, to my knowledge, the only embeddable language with builtin advanced code editing support.
<pixelherodev> s/only/first
<pixelherodev> ;)
<pixelherodev> Only a matter of time
<DarkUranium> s/first/only* (* terms and conditions may apply)/
<DarkUranium> there :P
<DarkUranium> (think someone embedding my language into some custom editor within their program --- they'd have ready-made hooks for autocomplete and all that fancy stuff)
<protheory8-new-m> I looked up implementation of `std.heap.c_allocator` in master branch, why doesn't `resizeFn` use C `realloc`?
<alexnask> Yeah it would be nice for sure
<alexnask> DarkUranium, for LSP specifically (or an equivalent protocol with the same features) all you need access to is the resolved types and their associated definitions
<fengb> resizeFn guarantees in place
<DarkUranium> alexnask, yeah ... but the problem is, I can't just reparse the entire universe the moment the user hits a character.
<DarkUranium> Also, the file they're editing will have errors, which is something to deal with.
<protheory8-new-m> I'm not sure what does 'expand or shrink memory in place' means to be honest
<alexnask> Right, both valid points. In zls we reparse the whole file on every change (the editor will usually not send a request for every char change but for a few characters that were inserted/deleted within some timefram)
<pixelherodev> protheory8-new-m: realloc can change the address
<leeward> DarkUranium: volatile in C has no interaction with the CPU's cache. It's a compiler directive, not a processor one.
<pixelherodev> Which isn't allowed for std.mem.Allocator
<fengb> in-place means the pointer doesn't change
<leeward> DarkUranium: Also, I had a similar issue with underscores on XChat. Fixed by fiddling with fonts.
<pixelherodev> DarkUranium: Zig's parser is error-tolerant
<pixelherodev> It'll always return a full AST even if there are errors in the source
<alexnask> I thought about doing something more clever but Im using the stdlib parser and its quite a difficult problem in the first place (detecting what statements need reparsing and replacing them)
<DarkUranium> leeward, aye, I meant more in terms of caching at the language level.
<DarkUranium> leeward, in that a compiler could decide not to read the same ptr twise.
<alexnask> The error tolerance is easier, in the zig parser its implemented by skipping ahead to some character depending on the context when the node is not valid
<alexnask> For example `;` in blocks
<fengb> So the Zig parser now keeps trying after the first error?
<alexnask> Yeah Vexu implemented this really quickly right after zls started becoming useful
<alexnask> Since it was stopping at 1 error before although the API was meant for multiple errors from the getgo
<DarkUranium> alexnask, for the reparse issue, what I was thinking was to use memoization.
<leeward> DarkUranium: I guess you could say the C abstract machine gets to cache things that aren't volatile, but that makes my brain hurt this early.
<DarkUranium> alexnask: For example, if I insert a character at position 50 ... all *that* can change is the token at that position, or the immediately preceding token. Everything before that is 100% okay (and so is any parse subtree that's fully contained to the preceding range).
<DarkUranium> alexnask, and the moment I run into a token that has the same position & contents as before (shifted by the insertion amount), I know that & everything after it is unchanged, too. Because the lexer is not context-sensitive.
<DarkUranium> As a bonus, if I use an immutable datastructure for this, I can have async tasks (such as a symbol lookup) running on the old version.
<protheory8-new-m> Thanks everyone
<DarkUranium> Semantic analysis is more difficult, but I know for a fact that it's been done before with this approach.
<pixelherodev> np
<alexnask> This does sound viable for sure but in my experience reparsing was not such a big performance hit to necessitate rewriting the parser with this in mind. YMMV of course
<DarkUranium> alexnask, I reckon it depends on the sizes of programs, etc.
<DarkUranium> Note that it's not just reparsing, but also re-semantic-analysising.
<alexnask> Yes, this is true. Ive tested zls with 80k+ loc files and this part is good enough (although I could optimize it further for sure)
<pixelherodev> Hmm, here's a thought
<pixelherodev> Fully lex every time unconditionally, then do a differentiation against the previous lex to speed up the parser
<DarkUranium> pixelherodev, that's sort of what I said. Except you don't need to fully lex!
<alexnask> Right you only need to lex the new text and replace the tokens in the old range that was possibly deleted
<DarkUranium> Remember that lexers are greedy (basically: once a token is emitted, anything that follows the token *cannot* influence the previous results). That's why a change at pos=50 can only affect the token, or the immediately preceding token.
<DarkUranium> alexnask, exactly.
<pixelherodev> True, true
<DarkUranium> And you only need to re-parse parts that had their tokens changed.
<DarkUranium> (for parsing, this is a trivially-modified packrat parser)
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<Nypsie> This case would still parse nearly the full file if you insert an extra line at line 5 for example, right?
<Nypsie> Well, I guess that could invalidate whatever is behind it anyway so that'
<Nypsie> s fine
<DarkUranium> Nypsie, no, like I said, you shift all the later offsets by whatever you inserted.
<DarkUranium> So if you inserted 3 characters, you'd check if (pos == old_pos+3)
<Nypsie> Aaaah I see
<alexnask> Right, this would only cause a new parse of the single newline token (whioch will return 0 nodes) if I understand correctly
<DarkUranium> After all, parsers don't care about source offsets (other than to forward them to error handling)
<Nypsie> (I ment with some actual code, Alex. My bad, should've been more specific)
<DarkUranium> alexnask, I think you could actually special-case this!
<alexnask> Yeah for sure, just saying in general :)
<alexnask> This is very similar to what I had in mind when starting zls but I never went ahead with it
<DarkUranium> alexnask, after all, a newline is an "ignorable token" (my lexers tend to have the concept --- useful for syntax highlighting)
<alexnask> Mostly because of the convenienve of a good, fast already available parser in stdlib
<alexnask> convenience*
<DarkUranium> I did run into this which seems interesting (cc pixelherodev), sec
<Nypsie> DarkUranium: What if those 3 characters you input, invalidate the tokens behind it?
<DarkUranium> ^ supposedly, it handles incremental parsing for you.
<alexnask> If the new tokens fall within an old definition/AST node
<DarkUranium> Nypsie, then those tokens are deleted, and any related parse (sub)trees invalidated.
<alexnask> Then it is invalidated and you reparse from the start of the old definition to the start of the next definition
<DarkUranium> Nypsie, you stop when you hit a token with (pos == token.start_pos+num_inserted)
<DarkUranium> Because if you reach the same exact position, and because lexers are context-free, you know the rest of the result will be 100% the same.
<Nypsie> Aaaaah true
<DarkUranium> Nypsie, basically: an insertion "invalidates" (so to speak) a range of tokens (and thus positions).
<Nypsie> Alright, got it. Thanks both
<DarkUranium> Any subtree that touches those tokens needs reparsing. But the reparsing can take advantage of tree that have *NOT* been invalidated, to skip the parse.
<DarkUranium> (this is the core principle of packrat parsing ^)
<alexnask> I guess there could be some edgecases. Consider: "const a = some_expr; some_fn_call();" -> "const a = some_expr + some_fn_call();"
<alexnask> But im sure you can design an algorithm that takes care of this as well
<DarkUranium> alexnask, I don't think that would break anything.
<DarkUranium> You start parsing from the top.
<DarkUranium> (or bottom, for LR)
<alexnask> Right
<DarkUranium> Basically, in order to facilitate this, you need to change this:
<DarkUranium> parse_statement();
<DarkUranium> into this:
<alexnask> Yeah makes sense, yo ujust have to check that the reparse
<alexnask> if the reparse*
<alexnask> Goes into the next nodes from the previous parse
<DarkUranium> if(memoized[position] is statement) { return memoized[position]; } else { memoized[position] = parse_statement(); }
<DarkUranium> (pseudocode, it's a bit more complex than that because of position shifts due to insertion/deletion, but yeah)
<alexnask> I may actually experiment with reworking zig's parser to do this, it sounds fun :P
<DarkUranium> I reckon bottom-up parsing would be even simpler (because you *start* at invalidated parts, and just merge proper ones at reduce steps), but same general idea.
<DarkUranium> haha
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<DarkUranium> alexnask, well, tree-sitter above supposedly handles this!
<alexnask> Cool, Ive seen this linked before but never looked into it
<DarkUranium> Haven't really look into it either.
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<DarkUranium> alexnask, for semantic analysis, it's tricky. One option is to keep a set of "back-pointers", from AST into symbols, and from symbols into all other symbols, and update them when you reparse ... but that can get hairy, fast.
<alexnask> Yeah keeping track of all the dependencies sounds like hell tbh
<DarkUranium> alexnask, this might sound silly, but one option would be to keep a bloom filter that keeps track of which semantic nodes may be affected.
<DarkUranium> (a bloom filter is a *hugely* storage-saving probabilistic datastructure that has false positives "may be in the set", but no false negatives "is not in the set")
<alexnask> Hmm
<DarkUranium> Another option could be to keep a list --- transitively --- of all affected semantic nodes, for each AST node. That's only *somewhat* tracking dependencies, in that I don't attempt to store semantic information other than "depends on".
<DarkUranium> Note that, because I can mark nodes as being "outdated", it doesn't matter which direction the dependencies go in.
<DarkUranium> Could be a pointer from the semantic node *TO* a list of AST nodes.
<DarkUranium> (but that all sounds memory-expensive --- O(nm), really)
<alexnask> Yeah, not sure about the tradeoffs here. Its an interesting problem for sure
<alexnask> Are you aware of any compiler that does incremental semantic analysis? Would be interesting to look at their source code
<DarkUranium> I know TypeScript and Roslyn (C#'s compiler) resolve it somehow.
<DarkUranium> alexnask, ^ those two.
<DarkUranium> The author who inspired me to do this is the one who implemented both.
<DarkUranium> (in an interview)
<DarkUranium> alexnask, incremental semantic analysis is actually not a problem --- you already do it, where you iterate over everything.
<DarkUranium> The only difference is that here, you can start it at any node, instead of starting at root (so it changes some assumptions).
<DarkUranium> Apparently, they do compilation by just doing foreach(everything) resolve();
<DarkUranium> (+ codegen, obviously)
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<frmdstryr> gdb seems to not be able to print optional fields in a struct, is there any way to make that work?
<frmdstryr> Oh, nevermind.. using p *& seems to work
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<ikskuh> zig has now its first functional android app, with 100% zig code
<leeward> \o/
<BaroqueLarouche> w00t!
<ikskuh> oh, and no ndk-build requirement, it only needs Android NDK/SDK for providing libc and some template stuff
<pixelherodev> Could you bundle that info so it doesn't need to be fetched again?
<Nypsie> No annoying gradle files needed either, nice
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<ikskuh> Nypsie: when i say 100% zig, i mean that :D
<Nypsie> Yeah this is wonderful! Great work
<ikskuh> btw, the app is only 250k in size
<ikskuh> with support for x86_64, arm and aarch64
<ikskuh> it shrinks further when you remove support for one or two platforms
<ikskuh> x86_32 has some linking errors :D
<andrewrk> ikskuh, with some work the libc requirement can probably go away. what's the template stuff?
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<ikskuh> sorry, i don't understand the second question completly
<ikskuh> you need to link against C libraries and zig requires to link libc then
<ikskuh> there's a PR that makes linking with android libc easier by using env vars, but afar from that i can't see a way to lift that requirement
<ikskuh> as you are required to allocate some memory with "malloc" anyways
<andrewrk> I haven't looked super closely but it appears android libc would be pretty straightforward for zig to provide (no SDK/NDK requirement)
<andrewrk> I can't imagine it being that much different than musl
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<ikskuh> that would be awesome
<leeward> Is reading past the end of an array using an array pointer UB in Zig?
<ikskuh> i think meme/keegan is working on that
<ikskuh> leeward: i think that's UB on any platform/language :D
<leeward> (also writing)
<leeward> ikskuh: I know it is in C, but Zig is particular about its UB.
<leeward> Specifically, I mean as distinct from safety-checked illegal behavior.
<andrewrk> leeward, reading past the end of an array using an array pointer is safety checked illegal behavior, which means in safe build modes, it's well-defined to panic, and in unsafe build modes, it is UB
<leeward> andrewrk: I think there's a bug then. I just printed arr_ptr[100] after assigning `const arr_ptr: [*]u8 = &array;` where `array` is [18]u8 in debug mode.
<ikskuh> that can't be safety-checked
<andrewrk> arr_ptr is an unknown-length pointer, not an array pointer
<ikskuh> there is no knowledge of length in [*]
<leeward> Ah, nomenclature.
<andrewrk> an array pointer would be *[100]u8
<leeward> I meant to say [*]T when I said array pointer.
<andrewrk> gotcha
<leeward> Ok, so that's undetectable UB.
<fengb> multi pointer?
<andrewrk> not necessarily. zig has a well-defined memory model
<andrewrk> there's no concept of an end of a [*]T - depending on how you set up the memory, any index could possibly be valid
<andrewrk> but it's certainly possible (and dangerously easy) to invoke unchecked UB with a [*]T
<andrewrk> which is why we encourage use of []T instead
<leeward> Right. I'm just trying to get an accurate handle on the intended state of things.
<andrewrk> I get the impression that your intuition is accurate
<leeward> Are there other instances in Zig where it's easy to invoke unchecked UB? (I'm guessing C pointers)
<andrewrk> status quo, or even after all the plans are implemented?
<leeward> The plan is more important than today's reality.
<leeward> Though I am interested in the state of the language now too.
<leeward> So...both?
<andrewrk> pointers to function-local variables which outlive the function call are unchecked UB in status quo zig. however there's a plan to make that safety-checked
<andrewrk> same situation with structs which require not being moved because e.g. they have pointers to their own fields
<andrewrk> async function frames are examples of structs which require not being moved
<leeward> It's going to detect structs with internal references?
<leeward> That sounds fancy.
<andrewrk> not quite - it will allow the programmer to annotate a struct as "pinned" which will make it a compile error if it would ever get moved
<leeward> Ah, the pinned thing.
<andrewrk> and then one would do this annotation if one wanted to make internal references
<andrewrk> async function frames already need this annotation today
<andrewrk> (it would be implied; I am not talking about modifying syntax for async stuff)
<leeward> I remember reading that ticket. It was related to the implicit-copy thing.
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<cren> is a good example of how to use
<cren> I have a feeling it's out of date because running some functions from it with a recent master branch tarball seems to not work
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<leeward> cren: You might be better off using ikskuh's zig-network
<leeward> If you're running Windows, you'll find the limits of pretty fast.
<cren> I'm running Linux. But I'll take a look at zig-network. ikskuh seems reliable based on the interactions I've had with ikskuh on here
<cren> leeward: thanks, I was just about to ask if that was the one
<cren> is there an accepted way to use third party libraries in zig yet? Do I just stick it in my working directory?
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<ikskuh> just do what you want
<ikskuh> i use git submodules
<ikskuh> because it's easier to work with
<cren> I've never used git submodules before, does it have significant advantages?
<ikskuh> i can check in code in the package again and push that
<ikskuh> and you can pull updates
<leeward> It lets you tie revisions of your code to a revision of your dependency's code.
<cren> Oh that definitely sounds like a good idea
<fengb> If you don't know how to use it yet... maybe it's not a great solution :P
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<leeward> ^not a bad point
<pixelherodev> Eh, I kinda consider that a disadvantage
<pixelherodev> Tying versions, i mean
<cren> oh?
<leeward> Kinda true about most of git though
<fengb> I still get super confused when using submodules
<pixelherodev> Tying *major* versions makes sense to me, but tying the exact patch?
<fengb> Like trying to switch from one remote to another
<cren> leeward: it's worth learning how to push and pull and clone just so you can use other people's work and share your work on github & co.
<leeward> That's...not a disadvantage.
<fengb> It's just yet-another-workflow that doesn't make a whole lot of sense
<pixelherodev> It means you don't get bug fixes
<pixelherodev> And if the dep is making breaking changes without bumping major versions that's a problem too
<leeward> pixelherodev: You absolutely do get bug fixes; you just have to know you're getting them.
<leeward> "breaking changes" includes introducing regressions.
<leeward> cren: Sure, it's worth learning. Git just goes the extra mile to make things harder than they need to be.
<alexnask> Right, I dont see how this is different than just pulling in some specific version, youd still have to update it manually to get the bug fixes
<pixelherodev> Git is much easier than you think
<leeward> It really is not.
<alexnask> by pulling in I mean copying it in
<pixelherodev> The problem is that most people learn it by using it
<pixelherodev> Which is a terrible way to learn
<fengb> git submodules is a whole nother beast
<pixelherodev> ^
<pixelherodev> for sure
<fengb> None of its flows match regular git
<leeward> The problem is that it's a bunch of scripts written by different authors with different sensibilities wrapped around a core.
<pixelherodev> Most parts of git are pretty straightforward when you think about it from the perspective of git
<pixelherodev> I'm not talking about the scripts
<pixelherodev> Git itself
<leeward> Scripts like git-fetch?
<leeward> And git-checkout?
<leeward> I think those are pretty core to Git's usage.
<pixelherodev> For sure
<pixelherodev> but if you understand how git *works* - wait dammit I said I would stop getting involved in pointless discussions
<pixelherodev> I'm going to get back to finishing the how to backend guide now :P
<leeward> Also, the author of git submodules doesn't know that "recurse" isn't a word, but that's just me being a grumpy English speaker.
<cren> leeward: wait, recurse isn't a word?
<pixelherodev> False
<pixelherodev> Recurse is a word.
<pixelherodev> `Mid 17th century (in an earlier sense). From classical Latin recursāre to keep running back, return again and again`
<pixelherodev> Multiple dictionaries disagree and dammit I'm doing it again
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<leeward> Recur is what they mean.
<fengb> Gentoo is dumb. Discuss
<leeward> fengb: There's nothing more to say.
<THFKA4> but muh use flagz
<cren> leeward: according to you want to use recurse for the compsci sense of the word
<fengb> lol
<cren> but since we're discussing English, if you can say it, it's a word. No-one makes the rules
<cren> fengb: I tried to install gentoo once because I'd heard that you can install most of the packages as binaries rather than compiling
<leeward> cren: wiktionary isn't exactly an authoritative source, and I'm going to stay grumpy and prescriptivist on this one.
<alexnask> Nothing wrong with neologisms
<leeward> alexnask: That's the opposite of what I'm saying. We will fight now.
<alexnask> : D
<leeward> Unfortunately, I need you to keep making zls better so...I guess I lose?
<cren> re. gentoo: it's a lie. Sure, you *can* install binary packages. But the gentoo project doesn't *provide* any binary packages. So if you want a gentoo install you do in fact have to sit there for hours while everything compiles
<leeward> fengb: What have you done?
<cren> I gave up there. Anyway that was my experience
<fengb> I was trolling phd. :(
<leeward> cren: I had a friend in college who got an amd64 machine when they were brand new, so he tried putting gentoo on it. 2 days later, Firefox finished compiling.
<alexnask> Wait, escalator was a brand name?
<leeward> fengb: I know, and he managed to avoid the bait!
<THFKA4> that friend's name? Albert Einstein
<leeward> I think it was Eh! Steve. (
<alexnask> wat
<leeward> alexnask: also zipper
<alexnask> Yeah I knew about zipper but escalator just sounds like a regular word for some reason :P
<leeward> Oh, and heroin
<alexnask> lol
<leeward> And the last one was pure gold.
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<gruebite> any thoughts on this pattern? without polymorphism haha
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<THFKA4> lol are you building a class by hand
<gruebite> haha, yep
<leeward> gruebite: What part are you asking about?
<gruebite> is there a better way to do this (user provides custom function callbacks + type)
<gruebite> a trait/interface would be ideal
<leeward> For one thing, I'd skip making `update` optional, but as to the broader question, if you're looking for runtime dispatch you might want to take a look at
<alexnask> wew, I didnt even have to link it myself
<gruebite> sweet
<leeward> ^_^
<leeward> Or if you want to do it the manual way:
<alexnask> (it also supports optional virtual fns btw :D)
<alexnask> fieldParentPtr smh
<shakesoda> sounds cryptic
<alexnask> This is the stdlib way though
<gruebite> i suppose i should have looked at the stdlib for examples
<alexnask> I would argue interface.zig is better but I dont have any data to support it so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<leeward> Better on what axes?
<gruebite> @OpaqueType isn't documented
<leeward> Isn't it?
<alexnask> Its deprecated, @Type(.Opaque) is the new way
<gruebite> ahhhh
<leeward> Oh wow, I have to update some stuff.
<alexnask> leeward, Well for startes it completely decouples the interface and implementation, the stdlib pattern requires you to embed the vtable in your implementation type
<leeward> Yep, that sounds better.
<alexnask> It also lets you specify a storage policy for the implementation object and I will add a storage policy for the vtable as well one of these days
<gruebite> i'm assuming these solutions don't remove the need for zig to facilitate this in some standard way?
<alexnask> (atm I always store a const pointer to the vtable, I will add inline vtable storage as well for small vtables)
<gruebite> i recall reading an issue regarding traits
<leeward> gruebite: It's been argued that they do.
<leeward> Zig: We have that feature in userland.
<alexnask> I personally prefer a userland solution (ideally in std), its actually more flexible that e.g. traits in Rust
<alexnask> interface.zig with the NonOwning policy is pretty much equivalent to dyn traits
<gruebite> yeah, i think i prefer interface.zig or something similar in stdlib
<leeward> It's a tradeoff. The language is much (MUCH) simpler for not having traits, but there's extra friction associated with using a library.
<alexnask> gruebite, I wrote it for stdlib but it didnt make it in yet
<leeward> Same with hash maps.
<fengb> I do wish we had function arg generic type checking
<alexnask> Since its not decided if we will have a language feature, keep the current stdlib pattern or add a utility like it in stdlib
<leeward> I think Zig's philosophy will tend to push it toward userland solutions to problems like this.
<leeward> fengb: You mean something more specific than "type"?
<gruebite> i like userland solutions, but common ones should be in the standard library
<THFKA4> i could've sworn the ~zig way~ had something about clear control flow
<alexnask> Yeah this is my feeling as well especially if the solution is really flexible
<leeward> THFKA4: "Communicate intent precisely."?
<THFKA4> not sure, can't find it now. i remember the C++ operator overloading used as a counterexample
<THFKA4> where you don't know what A+B will call, and with Zig you would
<leeward> I think something like interfaces.zig will end up in the standard library eventually. As it stands, I find it confusing but I haven't tried to use it in earnest yet. And the @fieldParentPtr method is also confusing (which is why I wrote that thing)
<alexnask> I will rework it a bit to take an options struct with reasonable defaults and a bit better async handling (it works atm but I dont use @frameSize for some reason)
<leeward> THFKA4: Yep, that's definitely a thing. I'm not sure how it relates to interfaces though. "No hidden control flow" isn't violated by runtime dispatch.
<alexnask> I guess it could be argued it hides the indirections but that would be true of a language feature as well
<gruebite> @fieldParentPtr reminds me of embedded data structures in C
<THFKA4> well, you don't know what will call until runtime, right
<gruebite> like tree.h/queue.h
<THFKA4> obviously a useful feature, but makes reading the code harder
<alexnask> THFKA4, I agree but this is explicitly what its made for, it should be discouraged unless runtime dispatch is actually needed for sure though
<leeward> That's one of the reasons why I don't think it will turn into a language feature.
<alexnask> (I would argue it hides less than a language feature like C++ virtual methods or Rust dynamic traits does as well)
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<THFKA4> yeah makes sense, it's always a balance
<gruebite> Rust is getting to the level of C++'s "what code will this statement execute?"
<alexnask> Hopefully one day I can remove the ugly ass switch over argument count
<alexnask> I just need @Type(.Fn) at this point I think
<gruebite> oof
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<fengb> 5 argument limit? :(
<alexnask> I just chose the minimum for mem.Allocator tbh
<alexnask> With @Type(.Fn) + the Tuple hack I can get around this, maybe I should implement it, havent done any stage1 stuff in a while
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<gruebite> hmm, i also like @fieldParentPtr, but for different reasons
<pixelherodev> andrewrk: how do we want to handle per-architecture tests?
<pixelherodev> test/stage2/$arch.zig?
<pixelherodev> test/stages/archs/$arch.zig, keeping backend-specific tests distinct from e.g. behavior tests?
<pixelherodev> Finishing up the "How to backend" post :)
<andrewrk> for now put them directly into the other files such as compare_output.zig. if we get a ton of them we can split the file up
<pixelherodev> gotcha
<andrewrk> arch isn't the only thing you could organize them by, for example we could organize by language feature instead
<andrewrk> cool, looking forward to reading that post
<pixelherodev> :)
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<leeward> also looking forward to reading about backends
<pixelherodev> The pressure is on, got it :D
<pixelherodev> Semi-related, anyone know how to get Zig highlighting in Jekyll?
<alexnask> Rouge seems to support zig
<Nypsie> {% highlight zig %}?
<Nypsie> Not sure if it even supports Zig though
<alexnask> (rouge is the default Jekyll highlighter apparently)
<fengb> I cringe at the word rouge
<fengb> Because people cannot spell rogue at all
<Nypsie> I just read it as the French word for "red"
<pixelherodev> Huh, it does?
<alexnask> Idk how up to date it is
<Nypsie> Still supports var instead of anytype :(
<pixelherodev> It looks pretty good though
<pixelherodev> Not perfect, but sufficient
<pixelherodev> Just need to update jekyll
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<pixelherodev> Woot! highlighting is working! :)
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<pixelherodev> Preview:
<pixelherodev> :)
<ifreund> nice!
<pixelherodev> Ugh, I wish GH had an option to receive a daily mail containing all conversations or something, instead of giving one email apiece
<leeward> shiny
<leeward> There's no digest mode?
<leeward> That's...unusual.
<pixelherodev> If there is, I haven't found it
<pixelherodev> There's one for detected vulns, but not normal notifs
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<Ristovski> s-ol: Any progress on your zig-imgui?
<DarkUranium> alexnask, oh, wb
<DarkUranium> alexnask, wanted to link this to you, this is the video that was the source of my inspiration:
<DarkUranium> cc pixelherodev ^
<DarkUranium> Off to sleep now, so good night :)
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<gruebite> cool video
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<shakesoda> what's this about a zig imgui
<shakesoda> the regular one works mostly fine w/cimgui
<shakesoda> needs some hacking for c abi issues (struct passing that needs to be changed to pointers)
<Ristovski> shakesoda: seems like that is exactly what was doing
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<shakesoda> so it would seem
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