the group that i described as "looks like homework"?
rqou: i'm not done tearing it apart yet
follow the thread :p
azonenberg_work: sounds like you know your silicon manufacturing
we both kinda do
i think azonenberg_work is better at it, but i did study it
rqou: ahh dandy
now i know who to bother with questions
azonenberg_work: seriously we need to just get working diy cvd/rie and a way to actually purchase spin on dopants
then we should be "basically done" :P
rqou: you guys trying to get setup to do small batch stuff?
just for fun, not for production
but we all need to get some "life" sorted out first
like azonenberg_work's friggin house renovation
hehe, i'd love to hear about the progress and such
i've been experimenting with qflow/magic stuff
fortunately, it seems all of "high-vacuum twitter" lives on the west coast :P
and debating on signing up at efabless.com
azonenberg_work: oh btw i actually found out that @profanegeometry and i are basically neighbors. apparently "high-vacuum twitter" is very very geographically close
qu1j0t3: i met her once and spoke with her on the phone about a dozen times
qu1j0t3: i was working at TI when she was working at Valve, and we had some conversations about using the OMAP4 with some of the TI DLP tech for Valve's VR stuff
azonenberg_work: >despite having a KD2 callsign prefix i've never actually transmitted on a ham radio in region 2
I've done it... 4 times I think? My first contact was one of the W1AWs
But inertia and no place for an antenna basically means I don't do it.
cr1901_modern: the point is i dont live in region 2 anymore
and in fact i bought my radio after i moved here :p
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azonenberg_work: If I used Echolink, I could _probably_ find an Echolink node close enough with a cheap Baofeng radio to talk to you
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There are some folks who use echolink to talk to the PSRG repeater near here
mkdir has joined ##openfpga
They have a node somewhere around there
And WW7PSR has a twice daily "9 o'clock net" at 0900 and 2100
what are some good powerful FPGAs to buy?
On days when i go into seattle for work I normally tune into it and say hi if i can get a check-in through from my bike
mkdir: Lol
That's a difficult question without more info... FPGAs range from about $0.50 to $50000.00
lol true
What are you doing with it?
Also, it's probably a question for ##fpga
this channel is specifically about open source software for FPGA development
should i got there then?
Whereas ##fpga is for general technology discussion
I mean you can ask here too but you'll probably get more useful answers there
very helpful
(feel free to hang out here if you're interested in the open software side of things for FPGAs, though)
will do
The lattice ice40 family is i believe the best FPGA supported by open tools but it's tiny as FPGAs go... there is active development on ECP5 support but i dont know if it's quite useable yet
Xilinx 7 series parts are much larger and useable for pretty significant sized designs, but they're a lot further from being useable
a lot of the bitstream has been reversed but there's no actual toolchain for it yet
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how about the altera line?
and how does spartan-6 differ
I mean
spartan 7
Spartan6 is an older line that i dont recommend using ever, xilinx's EOL'd toolchain is the only way to target it
I like to describe it as xilinx's Windows ME
the product so bad that they killed the whole line off and rebooted it
Spartan-7 is a cut down virtex
it's not based on spartan6 at all
(at least, any more than xilinx's parts in general share common lineage)
Altera side, i believe there is basically zilch
rqou did some reverse engineering work for some of their older CPLDs
But i dont think there is anything for a modern altera FPGA whatsoever
for altera, the max ii/iiz/v are reverse engineered for the 240le part
which is supposed to be similar to a cyclone i
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If you want a modern FPGA family capable of nontrivial designs with a well-supported commercial toolchain plus active development toward an open source toolchain
7 series is the way to go
max10/cyc10lp/cyc10gx are in the pipeline eventually (tm)
7 series?
Even though you cant do open toolchain dev on them yet, it's going to happen
you mean xilinx 7 series?
i would not recommend going for 7 series at this point because the people working on it are disgusting
how about artix-7?
is that the same thing?
mkdir: 7 series is artix, kintex, virtex, and spartan7
how does artix differe from spartan?
(and rqou has a bit of a personality mismatch with the devs of that project, as you can see :P)
If an open toolchain NOW is on your requirements list then you'd want to go with a lattice part supported by icestorm and/or nextpnr
I wouldn't call outright malicious behavior a personality mismatch
mkdir: Spartan-7 is the successor to Spartan-6 LX, logic with no gigabit transceivers
Artix-7 is the successor to Spartan-6 LXT, logic plus gigabit transceivers
they just renamed the familes
then they forked off the low end Virtex and renamed them Kintex
But as far as i can tell, a kintex7 is almost the same as a virtex7, just less gates
performance of the individual logic blocks appears almost identical
until you get up to the SLR parts?
Artix and spartan are basically the same performance, just a question of if you need transceivers
in fact our analysis indicates that some artix and spartan SKUs are the same die, just different bond-outs
(this was the case for spartan6 too, you can see a transceiver-shaped cutout in the LUT array for the non-transceiver parts)
hmm azonenberg_work "fun" question: do any virtex SLR slices match up with any other parts in the family?
Kintex is definitely faster than spartan
But kintex to virtex just buys you more luts and faster transceivers
rqou: I believe that there are only a handful of virtex7 SLR dies
and they just mix and match
same with ultrascale parts
i believe the vu9p is three copies of the same SLR die and the vu5p is two
but none of the SLR subcomponents match any other SKUs?
all one die
just a different interposer
i havent crunched all the numbers to confirm but i think i remember somebody saying that they were the same logic die
so spartan 7 is basically a good powerful
but not the same logic die as e.g. a kintex?
since the logic can probably also be ported to virtext?
mkdir: Generic HDL not using any FPGA-specific features ports very easily
very good to know
If you use FPGA specific stuff like PLLs and fancy I/O cells you are usually locked to a vendor and family
how much is virtex 7?
But xilinx parts are designed to allow smooth scaling between the different lines
many kilobucks :P
so its not that hard to port
also is kintex more powerful than spartn7?
I dont know off the top of my head what the entry level v7s cost
Artixes range from about $25 to $300 iirc
Kintex starts at $100ish and runs up to a few thousand
azonenberg_work: heh, altera mentions you can port netlists from cyclone i to max ii :P
Virtex pricing definitely starts in the four digit USD range
as long as you don't use brams
and runs up to the mid five
The largest Virtex has something like 20 MegaBYTES of block RAM lol
except they usually have proprietary programmers and programming algorithms
altera and xilinx are the only worthy starters right? btw long ago i used the spartan 6
rqou: Many of the more modern ones are FTDI based
but it's been a while since i did that
and that's why i'm asking the question im asking
ime ice40 is comparable speed but smaller
and while the MCU based programmers are proprietary, they have a binary blob SDK
oh wait no
that you can use
you said s6
mkdir: lattice ice40 is tiny but well supported for small stuff by open tools
ime ice40 is comparable speed to s3e
ECP5 is competitive size to a small to midrange spartan i think
does altera have anything like spartan 7?
i should probably just stick to xilinx otherwise right?
mkdir: if you want to wait and/or annoy me continuously until i RE it, cyc10lp
you can get the new arduino i guess
iirc pricing is in the tens to low hundreds of USD for parts?
well sorry just trying to find something
max10 is similar and a bit cheaper/smaller
with built-in flash
max v is cute and smol but much more limited
it's one of the most "unofficially upgradable" families I've seen though
ok brb driving
azonenberg_work: also what tools will i need?
software and hardware?
and you don't have to answer this stuff if you're busy
i do appreciate the help though
Vivado is so expensive
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azonenberg_work, you still there?
azozenberg friend
I still want an ecp5 beaglewire
you do fpga dev right?
thought about it once
mkdir: do you do fpga dev?
i am starting to
i did a while back
but not recently
now i'm looking at what I need to buy
should be exciting
a real hootenanny
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that's so funny
is there a free vivado
not a trial
just a free v
there should be a "web edition" that's free but limited in what parts you can use
how much is vivado?
no idea, never actually paid for it
i think several people here have "improved" editions
what do you mean by "improved"
also Digilent says this: Vivado Design Suite voucher not included - Vivado Design Suite Edition is available for free download (Vivado WebPACK).
what do you think? ;)
the webpack version is free
oh what's the difference between webpack and regular?
it doesn't support the fancy expensive parts
hmm i guess i should check if i need that
you probably don't
the parts that aren't supported are all multi-kilobucks :P
rqou: anyone who wants it should just go and patch two functions...
very helpful
i'm about to get my spartan 7
yeah boiii
friend, also Arty S7-50T vs Arty S7-25T ?
O_o mkdir are you a student?
whee, join the "academia" club :P
you too?
how did you know?
cause i'm newb?
your ip address belongs to Dartmouth
yes in the library
anyways, awygle, azonenberg_work, and i are the fancy academics
whitequark is the anti-academic :P
how did you know the ip was Dartmouth?
you guys are profs?
not that fancy
not that fancy either :P
azonenberg_work has the piled higher and deeper :P :P
i have a masters
feel free to call azonenberg_work "Dr. Zoidberg" :P
where you guys at?
i dont even have a bs :p
hence the anti-academic :P :P
whitequark: you work in industry?
* prpplague
has a phd from the school of hard-knocks... summa cum laude
whitequark and clifford are the anti-academics who are just as good at doing "academia things" but don't have the fancy piece of paper
mad respect
rqou: what does your workstation look like?
a giant mess :P
I'm sure it has like 5 - 7 fpgas, but what else?
scope? multimeter and soldering iron? do i need ny of that?
it actually doesn't look like that
because moving sucks
mkdir: yeah
if i got a degree it'd be in bioengineering
but fpgas are ok too
rqou: I resent that lol
resent what?
I only have a bs and I'm fine with that
i never said it wasn't?
rqou: do I need anything aside from a dev board and vivado? just want to so that i can buy it all now
And I extremely don't identify as an academic
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awygle: but you also went to $FANCY_SCHOOL :P
mkdir: i highly recommend getting a chinese saleae logic clone
but yeah, mkdir: do what whitequark said and get a good/better one too
awygle: so basically a cheap scope?
if you use a 24 mhz scope
the fastest signal you could observe is going to be like 4-6 mhz
which is dumb
mkdir: the main difference is you can't diagnose anything analog. So power supplies, crosstalk, EMI.
i routinely run out of bandwidth on my 100 mhz one
do i need a logic analyzer if i get a scope?
yea 200MHz is really good "sweet spot"
mkdir: they're for completely different tasks
500 mhz scope i didn't have to pay for ftw :P
a logic analyzer is for debugging digital buses
mkdir: all depends on how many signals and type you are looking at
For FPGAs you basically only need a logic analyzer (unless you use a garbage bidirectional level shifter)
a scope is for debugging analog stuff
lol awygle
hoom hum
whitequark: self-owns are my specialty
awygle: i needed one when debugging a smia camera
and i may get some breadboard and wires for kicks but not sure if i need it
cuz its like 60 mhz
and i needed to look at the eye
sublvds etc
personally i hate breadboards
but i occasionally use one
very rarely
yeah sublvds is basically analog
i use breadboards all the time
plug like 20 mhz signals into it
i mean they can be helpful for extra space
it breaks hilariously but sometimes works
solderless breadboard, what that?
I use them sometimes. More often lately.
they're not really rated over maybe... 1 mhz
the plug ones
google it
i usually use jumper wires or just direct soldering
When I was doing RF it was obviously just no
awygle: i remember when i made a hv psu
at like 5 A
assembled it on a breadboard
Unless I wanted to add like, a badly tuned slow wave filter or something
breadboards are like randomly sprinkling several pF capacitors all over your circuit
awygle: to its credit it lasted a few hours
* awygle
really wants to do a slow wave design
but it melted very badly eventually
whitequark: lol awesome
how hv?
kk nything else my friends? or am i good? heres the list: spartan 7 dev board, soldering iron + solder, logic analyzer, scope, breadboard + wires, multimeter?
cuz the transformer heated up from core losses
whitequark: hehe
i think it went to maybe 3-5 kV
just an LLC topology
mkdir: that seems like enough to be getting on with
at least you weren't like the idiots that somehow managed to melt the university's fancy breadboard-with-built-in-sig-gen-and-scope :P
As you specialize your interests you'll see if you need specialized equipment or anything
Power supply is useful, maybe
yeah get a lab PSU
hmm kk ty
power supply
i prefer switches, others swear by linear ones
warning: most of the chinesium ones are not very good
i had a chinese linear psu go into wild oscillation once
and i disassembled it
they can generate massive power spikes switching on/off
I should do a power supply design sometime, I've never done anything very complicated in power electronics
and it actually had a short between line and ground
can you link me awygle
or maybe no
36Vac and ground
something insane
clearly has been designed by an idiot
you get ~2 updates per second across all channels when polling the i/v
don't get usb oscilloscopes
while the front panel LCD is a lot faster
useless pieces of shit
get a scope with a real display and real knobs
lol. but yes, true
meanwhile NI's ipad one seems to actually kinda work
totally overpriced though
* awygle
retreats back into "family in town"
rqou: you can take my knobs from my cold dead hands
welcome to the channel mkdir
whitequark: i want a scope with no display and no knobs
And no usb port :p
though i personally don't subscribe to the idea that you need one set of knobs per channel
azonenberg_work: oh, you mean an NI product :P
at 4 channels that's unwieldy
also, 2channel scopes are useless :p
rqou: I want four SMAs, a QSFP+, and a gray metal 1U case
hmm this power supply is so expensive
i have a tds3054 that i didn't pay for; it's pretty great :P
thanks for linking though awygle
azonenberg_work: i want something i can chunk into my luggate and have it working
mkdir: Define expensive
really shallow sample depth though
azonenberg_work: someday I'll convert you to 0.5U
mkdir: rigol scopes are nice
cheap and they have a loooot of sample depth
like 24M
mkdir: ok wow that actually is a bit pricey
1054z is what I have
ping q3k regarding siglenthax?
you can also buy the cheapest model and unlock the better features in software
they have keygens
anything cheaper mates?
Scope wise
awygle: 1074z
mkdir: I have two of these https://www.tequipment.net/Rohde-&-Schwarz/HMC8042/DC-Power-Supplies-/-Lab-Power-Supplies/ in a 2U rack case
So total of 4 channels
that works as 1104z :p
ok ty
whitequark: well yes lol
that's why I got them
don't listen to azonenberg all his solutions are absurd overkil
If you want a big step up from the chinesium power supplies i highly recommend these
you don't need them at this point
But there are plenty of lower end options
azonenberg_work: this is my purchase list atm: spartan 7 dev board, soldering iron + solder, logic analyzer, scope, breadboard + wires, multimeter, power supply
mkdir: Yeah this is overkill if you're at that level
anything else before i can end my shopping spree?
oh yeah btw mkdir in case you haven't noticed this channel is also a pretty good "unofficial upgrade" channel :P
mkdir: What are you planning on soldering?
That will really determine your shopping list :p
azonenberg_work: he's a newb dartmouth student :P
rqou: try not discussing xilinx or they'll send a dmca takedown again
and fwiw i have not breadboarded a circuit in *years* except for when teaching people
annoying fucks
true lol
whitequark: wait what?
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well i may need to interface with other boards
mkdir: I just spin boards :p
which is why included the soldering iron and breadboard
oshpark is cheap
breadboards have garbage signal quality at any sane speed
true, but you don't spin fpga boards, do you ?
so there's somehow a die shrink of the sk9822 which is itself a die shrink of the original apa102
hashtag china
oh i've actually used this thing. sort of.
it's a really nice chip. it has power, usb, boot i2c, and a 32-bit bus to the FPGA
it was on a dev board
that's it
whitequark: have you considered doing the "abuse rloc to pre-par larger circuits" trick on glasgow?
i never really liked cypress parts since they're pretty expensive and complicated and not particularly open, but i suppose it's still cheaper than the giant switch+uc hack that i had in mind
relative location constraints
rqou: huh? how are they not open
you get the complete datasheet without NDAs or anything
even for FX3
even though they insist on using their framework for some stupid reason
psoc for one isn't open
i thought the framework was closed?
for fx3
oh i never looked, i won't use it anyway
good luck implementing usb-ethernet lol
what's the problem?
step 0) which protocol would you like
i could implement usb-ethernet even on current glasgow
i actually might
rndis, cdc-ecm, or a clone of the asix chips?
rndis and cdc-ecm
different ones give you support for different subsets of platforms
rqou: not always futile, but certainly takes skill to legally bring their feet to the fire
i mean, i've had this discussion with rob landley regarding busybox gpl enforcement, and he has also given up
basically he found that most vendors, after massive effort, would drop a tarball containing either an unmodified busybox or a busybox with modifications so ugly they weren't even worth cleaning up to be upstreamed
rqou: yea, a lot of the chinese markets are difficult to enforce
rqou: how is ol' rob, i have seen him in a while
he was doing the j-core/SEI thing for a while
He frequents #j-core
then Business(TM) happened
cr1901_modern: ahh yea i would expect that
... Jesus, it didn't even register until now
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rqou: re callsign databases vs gdpr: at least the bundesnetzagentur (the german fcc-counterpart) publishes a complete list of all callsigns<->real names (you can opt out of having your address listed)
apparently Yahoos can't park but Lockheed-ers can't even drive properly
mumptai has joined ##openfpga
whee, i am now using AS1668 (at $WORK)! retro low AS numbers ftw :P
rqou: i used to work for AS91
so... :P
well Berkeley is AS25 so i still win :P
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1668.. AOL TDN?
I think this channel is more fun than the 'real' fpga channel
shapr: we can change this!
gruetzkopf: welcome to working for the company of legacy :P
eh, I'm happy with this channel
i'm a AOL customer :P
lol nice
(still nothing faster than my legacy 2MBit ADSL in my area..)
wait is your ADSL AOL?!
well, technically telefonica by now (and it's bitstream access, where the line is terminated by Deutsche Telekom and ATM-forwarded)
that's neat
lol you seem to have a better idea of how this works than i do, and i work here :P
iirc we've started on AOL dialin in 1998?
(i'm always looking for old telco gear (especially X.25 and ATM these days))
* Miyu
figured someone had to be German to still have 2 MBit ADSL
even remote Polish villages have 1 Gb fiber these days
* qu1j0t3
is 6 Mbit/sec ADSL and I am fine with it :)
gruetzkopf: well, lots of stuff is slated for decomm but i don't know if i can snag any of it (probably not :( )
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gruetzkopf: i probably currently have more bandwidth than actual AOL customers :P
Guess you have never been to Australia...
I've heard horror stories about AUS
We pioneered pay per gigabyte downloaded
Isn't it basically a monopoly down there for Internet?
* qu1j0t3
isn't in Aus, but yes, data is very expensive there generally
let's just say that a while back i discovered that even our corp network sucks in Australia
and IT are a pack of drongos
gruetzkopf: hey, since you seem to be really familiar with telco internals, i have a question for you
do you think you can poke around and figure out whether $WORK still owns a rack of modems in a dusty corner somewhere? :P
or is this also terminated by the phone company?
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gruetzkopf just knows too much about telco :P
also im confused
why does germany have AOL
well, I guess I just always figured thats an american only company
why does $country have Deutsche Telekom?
(the ...T. company)
hey, at least Telekom isn't quite as unpopular as the red checkmark company that are the corporate overlords
yeah, i (indirectly) work for the red checkmark company so something something glass houses
azonenberg_work has joined ##openfpga
Miyu: my parents are getting cable soon for the first time
until then, they had ADSL that was, if memory serves me right
864K down x 192K up
wow :)
yeah but everybody knows that "American exceptionalism" means that we're always the most assbackwards
USA internet is not that great
Sweden had $100 a month 100Mbit fiber to 90% of the country in the early 2000s
I don't think I have ever met a satisfied US internet customer
though some seem to have resigned themselves to $200/month for terrible service with the forced addition of lots of TV channels
and random monthly charges being added by the ISP
Miyu: lol this is what happens when you run it as a business and not a regulated utility :P
i'm getting business cable at the new location, voice + data but no TV
for something like $180ish a month?
and its going to be 75M down x 15M up or something silly
(it's almost impossible to get halfway decent upstream performance anywhere in the us)
but but states rights and relaxed regulations for businesses are like in the Bible or something right? /s
also guns
Europeans have just never tasted true FREEEEEEEEEDOM /s
wow trollerific
thanks :P
Free-fire Fridays
rqou: despite what the current politicians may have you believe
a right to self-defense and restrictions on predatory monopolies are not in any way mutually exclusive
It's just impossible to find anyone who wants both running for any US political office :p
hey you're a white male, why don't you run for office? :P
just put on a suit or something and you'll fit right in :P :P
rqou: i'd meet the same fate as bernie, i think
Not dirty enough, unwilling to play the game and bribe the right people
so you get nowhere
that's why I don't get into politics
shapr: You just haven't found the right investors!
* azonenberg_work
has zero chance of ever getting into politics until and unless they introduce the "prostitution policy" for political campaigns
Prostitution is a great precedent for restrictions on political activism, as absurd as it may sound
Because it is an example of an act that is legal between consenting adults until money changes hands
* azonenberg_work
wants to see a policy where you can endorse any political candidate you want, but accepting any compensation to do so is a federal felony
For both the payer and the payee
er, huh
+1 insightful
and then how about severing the metaphor by decriminalising sex work
So if a newspaper runs a full-page ad for your campaign, the editor of the paper and your campaign chair go to prison
all of a sudden im not actually sure how youd fund a capmaign though?
qu1j0t3: it doesnt matter, because the legal precedent is set
i.e. it is possible for an act to be legal only if not paid for
Even if that particular act becomes legal to buy, the precedent remains
pie__: thats the point, you don't fund campaigns
azonenberg_work, makes sense i guess
Once you get enough signatures on a petition (collected by unpaid volunteers) you are listed on the ballot
News media can interview you and do a story on your platform
But you can't pay them to get more coverage than the other guy
i think none of the FOSS toolchains are even close to supporting them
and it'd be kind of really awkward with migen too
azonenberg_work, ah.
Possibly add an additional "common carrierr" restriction preventing media from exercising discrimination with who they do stories on.
i.e. if you run a story about a candidate you also have to run stories about the opposition of similar length
sounds good to me
azonenberg_work: counterpoint: this obligates media to run stories about fringe fascists
thus giving them a platform and a recruitment tool
whitequark: assuming said fascist has enough votes on the petition to get on the ballot, they have the same right to run for office as anyone else
And have people laugh in their face about how nasty of a person they are, but hey
whitequark: the nextpnr backend has full support for relative constraints, it even uses them for carry chains
daveshah: whoa
it literally just needs some attribute syntax to be added
ha, that's an interesting way to use C++
I like it
* azonenberg_work
remembers he REALLY needs to get nextpnr ported to greenpak and coolrunner
hopefully before i get annoyed enough to write ShinyKinglerPAR
is kingler in the mega evolution list? :P
idk actually
Kingler is supposed to be a Rust reference
shiny kinglers are green, like greenpak :p
what's a kingler anyway
oh god a pokemon
lol yeah
why "oh god"?
[jtaghal] azonenberg pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/fAWcR
jtaghal/master 0c01995 Andrew Zonenberg: Fixed bug causing infinite recursion in refactored FTDI code. Confirmed that JTAG-HS2 now works in JTAG mode
* azonenberg_work
thinks the last thing we need is more toolchains right now
[jtaghal-cmake] azonenberg pushed 2 new commits to master: https://git.io/fAWcu
jtaghal-cmake/master d8b5d76 Andrew Zonenberg: Updated to latest submodules
jtaghal-cmake/master 9774f42 Andrew Zonenberg: Added protobuf detection and cppcheck target
I pay 35$/mo for 70M down 20M up, I don't agree with azonenberg_work's "equal coverage" rule for the reason whitequark stated, I agree with qu1j0t3 about sex work and am generally ambivalent about azonenberg_work's proposed political system
awygle: i prefer to let fascists be seen and ostracized rather than taking cover in the darkness
can I generally assume 20M will always be Mb and never MB
sorear: I have never seen a network speed, anywhere, measured in bytes per second
awygle: well that covers everything!
maybe irc should be run in digest fashion. you get one post every four hours.
I'd get more done at work that way
now i just need an adult to enforce this on me
heh. soneone told me theyre rolling out 10 terabit internet
* awygle
returns to driving 120 miles for a concert he's lukewarm on
i didnt believe it
"equal coverage" rule?
I should just read scrollback
actually i might be off by a few zeros there
azonenberg_work: business cable? watch the cancellation terms
man i dont remember, it was some absurd thing though
might have been 10 gigabit
ah whatever
balrog: what cancellation terms?
[X-Scale] has joined ##openfpga
azonenberg_work: I know that comcast has a 50 or 60% buyout policy
when i terminated my account on bainbridge they sent ME a check for $49.99
if you cancel, you have to pay that percentage of your remaining months to terminate
which was the pro-rated fraction of the month i had prepaid without using
some business internet providers have a 100% buyout policy
which means if you cancel, you're still paying everything you would have paid until the end of the contract
(comcast forces 2 year contracts)
It might have been a contract to start but it was month to month by the time i moved out
comcast also renews your contract for you
And i plan to stay in this house for 20+ years
And there are no other ISPs anywhere nearby
its comcast or dsl
So i'm stuck with them no matter how much i hate them
azonenberg_work | And have people laugh in their face about how nasty of a person they are, but hey // Have you looked around lately? It doesn't work that way in practice.
If a fiber provider starts up in the area, worst case i can wait a little while to switch
azonenberg_work: deplatforming is, so far, the only thing we know that works
qu1j0t3: i know of several news articles in which people were caught in news coverage of white supremacist rallies etc
and were fired over it etc
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your president and most of his staff are open white supremacists, dude. whatever Equal Time thing was done, failed.
Have not done any formal statistical analysis to see how common this is
* azonenberg_work
watches dominos line up
azonenberg_work: yeah, thanks to at-will employment in most states :)
as for ads, I have no problem with politicians buying full page ads in newspapers as long as they're paying market rates
now if a newspaper doesn't want to do business with them.... that can be a sticking point for some people.
the problem is that most people can't make a clear distinction between "ostracism" and "censorship", myself included
sorear: I do see widespread confusion about that but also no need to stop deplatforming
(endorsements of politicians from editorial boards are generally considered okay because editorials are opinion pieces and those boards are supposed to have some sort of independence from the newspapers' management)
balrog: you're missing the point, the goal was to prevent well-funded campaigns from having an advantage over folks without corporate backing
"Paying market rates" implies being able to afford the market rate
probably campaign contribution limits, but those got struck down by the supreme court
deeper pockets should not translate to an increased chance of winning the election
(I think that's what most other countries do)
i'm not proposing limits, i'm proposing to eliminate campaigning :p
good luck completely rooting it out
i mean honestly i would like to see congress chosen at random a la jury selection
serve for a term of "vote on one bill" then leave :p
But i dont see elimination of politics as a career being a popular issue for any career politician to approve...
azonenberg_work: couldn't possibly be worse.
qu1j0t3: thats my thought, i'm sure it will have problems but they will have a hard time being worse than what we have now :p
balrog: not getting too into the depth of the discussion on one side or the other, but more pointing out a legal interpretation of some free speech isssues
balrog: a business that operates as a public forum, can not make decisions or censor free speech on their platform. this gives them protection from lawsuits based on the content
i'd like some mechanism for people who make policy decisions to actually have experience with policy
sorear: yes that would be nice
balrog: if however, the platform restricts content, and make direct decisions over what is presented and available, then they no longer have the legal protection from being sued for the content
on the flip side, the more time you have in a position of influence the more time you have to get bribed etc
balrog: until now, companies like facebook and goolge have argued that they are public forums when they have been sued
balrog: if however, someone can show that they are actively making publication choices, then the door is opened to a wide range of lawsuits
prpplague: i was proposing a more extreme level of equality where a publication must either not do a story on any candidate
or publish equal length interviews with everyone on the ballot
i.e. banning them from exercising any editorial control whatsoever
azonenberg_work: yea, i was responding to balrog posting the xkcd link
in the same way that e.g. the fire department can't provide preferential treatment to one person over another
in this context a media outlet would be considered a public utility which must provide equal service to everyone
cyrozap: yeah dmitry puts all his work under a nonfree source-available license it seems
There were some people here in ##openfpga who were interested inkjet printing circuits. I can't quite remember who. I think they were qu1j0t3 and genii... anyway, I gave a quick talk on paper & pencil computers at SVFIG https://twitter.com/lowfatcomputing/status/1032825348201754630
oh wow haha
it would be cool if you could build a computer with a literal stack of papers
holy shit you can make diodes just by doing that?
that actually works?
diode resistor logis iis a thing...
there are claims that wwii pows made diodes and radios out of rusty razors
diodes? O_o
At the talk on Saturday Sam Falvo suggested a membrane keyboard from two graphite keyboard contact patterns with hole punched paper in-between (forming membranes). But right now I'm working on an electrostatic-motor mechanical display.
pointfree: btw did you see my EL display experiment?
pointfree: you have more detail / results on that? :)
pointfree: like, you can do transistors, but how reliable?
rqou: I've been following it and I'm tempted to try it myself. Do you know of any pcb fabs that will do it? What's the lifespan of these EL displays?
i mean, those pcbs are just from OSHPark
or did you mean "will apply the EL material?"
no idea about lifespan yet
afaik you can indeed get custom shaped EL panels
idk about segmented or with the "really unusual" outcome i have in mind
balrog: I haven't yet replicated Scott's paper and pencil transistors: https://hackaday.io/project/21622-graphite-circuitry-experiments The macroscale geometric diodes work when you have a tiny gap between the anode funnel and cathode block. I get negative reverse bias voltage and positive forward bias voltage on my multimeter. Neither reverse nor forward bias crosses zero.
rqou: Yeah. If I wanted to sell a board could I have a fab apply it for me?
analog radio frequency stuff looks awesome
idk about WYSIWYG thoug :D maybe :D xD
qu1j0t3: ooh nifty
Is there anything to tweak in nextpnr to optimize timing for ice40 ? I'm playing with a very small toy design (that doesn't really do anything useful, just test logic basically). icecube reach ~70 MHz arachnepnr does ~40 MHz and nextpnr does ~23 MHz.
no, it can't
"closest" i can find in the ticketing system is beijing
(which is not close at all, i know)
qu1j0t3, k
gruetzkopf: yeah, figured that would be the case
Has anyone run migen simulations using Verilator?
I saw that LiteX was using verilator but wasn't sure whether it's easy to do something similar for a simple migen module, with a migen test.
<troll>how come europeans can get so many entities to put their databases together but americans can't even build a healthcare website that works</troll>
well there's only two organisations involved in thsi
the "western" UIC (union internationale de chemins fer) and the "eastern" OSShD
but how did they manage to put together these two organizations?
(there's huge overlap these days)
"hey, we have international traffic, let's agree on minimum standards" was known to people in 1921-1922
apparently not by the US :P
American exceptionalism strikes again :P
didn't you hear, it's all about "America First" nowadays :P
we've got two oceans preventing much in the way of linkage and a bs federal law against even importing trains
wait we do?
caltrain was hoping to buy either siemens desiro ML or stadler FLIRT 3
i didn't know about that
that's on hold since the currend POTUS is in service
gruetzkopf: do you know if the new BART Antioch extension is a European-made train?
it's standard gauge and has "very European-looking" door open buttons
(which leads to a project in my area being finished quicker than planned, because siemens suddently has more capacity to build desiro High capacity)
those look very european
siemens has a factory in california because of the rule
front shape, schafenberg coupler
yeah apparently NIH-ing everything didn't work out so well for BART :P
those look like stadler GTW if i had to guess
kind of the diesel brothers/ancestors to the FLIRT line