<charleystran> Can someone help me with a question on a jasper form helper? I am trying to do `<%= text_field(name: "password", options: { type: "password" }) %>` but getting `Error: no overload matches 'Hash(Symbol, Array(Int32 | String) | Array(Int32) | Array(String) | Bool | Float32 | Float64 | Int16 | Int32 | Int64 | Int8 | Slice(UInt8) | String | Symbol | Time | Nil)#[]=' with types Symbol, NamedTuple(type: String)` what
... is the proper way to structure the options in this case?
<Blacksmoke16> what if you just did `type: "password"`
<charleystran> same error
<Blacksmoke16> i mean like `text_field("password", type: "password")`
<charleystran> yea, thats what I tried but get the same no overload error
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:
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