<Blacksmoke16> its also an issue that needs to be resolved in Amber itself imo, amber and granite are too tightly coupled
<Blacksmoke16> but thats prob another discussion
<andrewc910> Yeah you've told me. I wish Jennifer would support annotations but it's not on the roadmap. What business logic of granite is rolled into Amber? It's pretty easy to switch the between orms so on the surface it seems like they're decoupled pretty well?
<Blacksmoke16> main thing that comes to mind is like `User.new user_params.validate!`
<andrewc910> Hmm why is that considered coupled together? You're instantiating an object in your own project? The validate method is from the router. The only granite thing is the initialization logic? Or am I missing something?
<Blacksmoke16> its a bit better now than it wass
<Blacksmoke16> however granite used to handle converting string values to their proper types
<Blacksmoke16> also not a big of just parsing values out of a `Hash(String, String)`
<Blacksmoke16> i would be more in favor of having a specialized initializer that takes `HTTP::Params`
<andrewc910> What about sanitizing params if you just passed in the whole params object?