<rukkiddo> since my amber project compiles in 25 seconds, I thought I could do much faster than you guys, spent a week, migrated project to raw crystal server no it compiles in 5-8 seconds
<rukkiddo> but when I open a page it is like 15x slower lol
<Blacksmoke16> how you handle routing?
<rukkiddo> I created a class called Req
<rukkiddo> I have my methods like ⏎ Req.get "/" do
<Blacksmoke16> i mean when a request comes in, how does it know what action to call
<rukkiddo> what kind of magic amber is using
<rukkiddo> why it is so much faster
<Blacksmoke16> i guess none of your routes have params
<rukkiddo> they have from Req.ctx
<Blacksmoke16> prob is making use of all your cpu cores
<rukkiddo> but why it is using all cpu cores
<rukkiddo> I thought I wrote something so much smaller than amber
<Blacksmoke16> no, im thinking thats why amber is faster
<rukkiddo> hmm
<rukkiddo> if only there was a tool to convert between ruby and crystal. I could develop in ruby with a faster workflow, then I could compile in crystal to have better performance
<rukkiddo> I am almost sure it was't this slow when I first start with it
<rukkiddo> I mean by time either crystal or amber got slower for compiling
<Blacksmoke16> crystal did
<Blacksmoke16> llvm to be specific
<rukkiddo> and what we gained for sacrificing compilation speed
<rukkiddo> for instance is it now faster when you run etc.
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug: not super familiar with that
<Blacksmoke16> i dont think rolling your own framework is the best idea tho
<rukkiddo> it definetly isn't the best idea, i am happy with the experience though